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''[[The Economist]]'' was founded in September 1843 by [[James Wilson (UK politician)|James Wilson]] with help from the Anti-Corn Law League; his son-in-law [[Walter Bagehot]] later became the editor of this newspaper.ha aha ha that is betweeen 1750-1900
''[[The Economist]]'' was founded in September 1843 by [[James Wilson (UK politician)|James Wilson]] with help from the Anti-Corn Law League; his son-in-law [[Walter Bagehot]] later became the editor of this newspaper.


Revision as of 17:53, 19 April 2008

The Corn Laws were import tariffs designed to support domestic British corn[1] prices against competition from less expensive foreign-grain imports between 1815 and 1846. The tariffs were introduced by the Importation Act 1815 (55 Geo. 3 c. 26) and repealed by the Importation Act 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 22). These laws are often viewed as examples of British mercantilism,[2] and their abolishment marked a significant step towards free trade. The Corn Laws enhanced the profits and political power associated with land ownership.


In 1813, a House of Commons Committee recommended excluding foreign-grown corn until domestically grown corn reached 80 shillings per quarter-hundredweight. The political economist Thomas Malthus believed this to be a fair price, and that it would be dangerous for Britain to rely on imported corn - lower prices would reduce labourers' wages, and manufacturers would lose out due to the fall in purchasing power of landlords and farmers.[3] However David Ricardo believed in free trade so Britain could use its capital and population to her comparative advantage.[4] With the advent of peace in 1814, corn prices dropped, and the Tory government of Lord Liverpool passed the 1815 Corn Law. This led to serious rioting in London [5] and the Peterloo Massacre in Manchester.

This forestalled a growing tide of radicalism which was repressed by such measures as the Six Acts.

In 1820 the Merchants' Petition, written by Thomas Tooke, was presented to the Commons demanding free trade and an end to protective tariffs. Lord Liverpool claimed to be in favour of free trade but argued that complicated restrictions made it difficult to repeal protectionist laws. He added, though, that he believed Britain's economic dominance grew in spite of, not because of, the protectionist system.[6] In 1821 the President of the Board of Trade, William Huskisson, drew up a Commons Committee report which called for a return to the "practically free" trade of the pre-1815 years.[7] The Importation Act 1822 decreed that corn could be imported when domestically harvested corn reached 80 shillings but imported corn was prohibited when the price fell to 70 shillings per quarter. After the passing of this Act until 1828 the corn price never rose to 80 shillings. In 1827 the landlords rejected Huskisson's proposals for a sliding scale and in the next year Huskisson and the new Prime Minister, the Duke of Wellington, devised a new sliding scale for the Importation of Corn Act 1828 whereby when domestic corn was 52 shillings per quarter or less, the duty would be 34 shillings, 8 pence and when the price rose to 73 shillings the duty declined to 1 shilling.[8]

The Whig governments in power for most of the years 1830-41 decided not to repeal the Corn Laws. In 1841 Sir Robert Peel became Conservative Prime Minister and Richard Cobden, a leading free trader, was elected for the first time. Peel had studied the works of Adam Smith, David Hume and Ricardo and proclaimed in 1839: "I have read all that has been written by the gravest authorities on political economy on the subject of rent, wages, taxes, tithes".[9] In 1842 he modified the sliding scale by reducing the top duty to 20 shillings when the price fell to 51 shillings or less.[8]

The landlords claimed that manufacturers like Cobden wanted cheap food so they could drive down wages and thus maximise their profits, a view shared by the socialist Chartist movement. Karl Marx [10] said: "The campaign for the abolition of the Corn Laws had begun and the workers' help was needed. The advocates of repeal therefore promised, not only a Big Loaf (which was to be doubled in size) but also the passing of the Ten Hours Bille" (i.e. to reduce working hours).

The Anti-Corn Law League, founded in 1838, was peacefully agitating for repeal. Cobden and the rest of the Anti-Corn Law League believed in the view that cheap food meant higher wages and Cobden praised a speech by a working man who said:

When provisions are high, the people have so much to pay for them that they have little or nothing left to buy clothes with; and when they have little to buy clothes with, there are few clothes sold; and when there are few clothes sold, there are too many to sell, they are very cheap; and when they are very cheap, there cannot be much paid for making them: and that, consequently, the manufacturing working man's wages are reduced, the mills are shut up, business is ruined, and general distress is spread through the country. But when, as now, the working man has the said 25s. left in his pocket, he buys more clothing with it (ay, and other articles of comfort too), and that increases the demand for them, and the greater the demand...makes them rise in price, and the rising price enables the working man to get higher wages and the masters better profits. This, therefore, is the way I prove that high provisions make lower wages, and cheap provisions make higher wages.[11]

In February 1844, the Duke of Richmond, founded the Central Agricultural Protection Society (CAPS, commonly known as the "Anti-League") to campaign in favour of the Corn Laws.

During 1844, the agitation subsided as there were fruitful harvests. The situation changed in late 1845 with poor harvests and the potato blight in Ireland; Britain faced scarcity and Ireland starvation.[12] Peel argued in Cabinet that tariffs on grain should be rescinded by Order-in-Council until Parliament assembled to repeal the Corn Laws. His colleagues resisted this. Soon later the Whig leader Lord John Russell declared in favour of repeal. On 4 December 1845 there appeared in The Times an announcement that the government had decided to recall Parliament in January 1846 to repeal the Corn Laws. Lord Stanley resigned from the Cabinet in protest. The next day Peel resigned as Prime Minister because he did not believe he could carry out his policy and so the Queen sent for Russell to form a government. Russell offered Cobden the post of Vice-President of the Board of Trade but he refused, preferring to remain an advocate of free trade outside the government.[13] By 20 December Russell was unable to form a ministry and so Peel remained Prime Minister.

After Parliament was recalled the CAPS started a campaign of resistance. In the counties the CAPS was practically supplanting the local Conservative associations and in many areas the independent free holding farmers were resisting the most fiercely.[14]


On January 27, 1846, Peel gave a three-hour speech saying that the Corn Laws would be abolished on 1 February, 1849 after three years of gradual reductions of the tariff, leaving only a 1 shilling duty per quarter.[15] Benjamin Disraeli and Lord George Bentinck, both Conservatives, emerged as the most forceful opponents of repeal in Parliamentary debates, arguing that repeal would socially and politically weaken the traditional landowners and therefore destroy the "territorial constitution" of Britain by empowering commercial interests.[16]

On the third reading of Peel's Bill of Repeal (Importation Act 1846) on 15 May, MPs voted 327 votes to 229 (a majority of 98) to repeal the Corn Laws. On 25 June the Duke of Wellington persuaded the House of Lords to pass it. On that same night Peel's Irish Coercion Bill was defeated in the Commons by 292 to 219 by "a combination of Whigs, Radicals, and Tory protectionists".[17] On 29 June Peel resigned as Prime Minister and in his resignation speech he attributed the success of repeal to Cobden:

In reference to our proposing these measures, I have no wish to rob any person of the credit which is justly due to him for them. But I may say that neither the gentlemen sitting on the benches opposite, nor myself, nor the gentlemen sitting round me—I say that neither of us are the parties who are strictly entitled to the merit. There has been a combination of parties, and that combination of parties together with the influence of the Government, has led to the ultimate success of the measures. But, Sir, there is a name which ought to be associated with the success of these measures: it is not the name of the noble Lord, the member for London, neither is it my name. Sir, the name which ought to be, and which will be associated with the success of these measures is the name of a man who, acting, I believe, from pure and disinterested motives, has advocated their cause with untiring energy, and by appeals to reason, expressed by an eloquence, the more to be admired because it was unaffected and unadorned—the name which ought to be and will be associated with the success of these measures is the name of Richard Cobden. Without scruple, Sir, I attribute the success of these measures to him.[18]

As a result the Conservative Party split and the Whigs under Russell formed a government. Those Conservatives who were loyal to Peel were known as the Peelites and included the Earl of Aberdeen and William Gladstone. In 1859 the Peelites merged with the Whigs and the Radicals to form the Liberal Party. Disraeli became overall Conservative leader in 1868, although when Prime Minister he did not attempt to reintroduce protectionism.

Effects of repeal

The price of corn in the two decades after 1850 averaged 52 shillings.[19] Due to the development of faster transportation through rail and steamboat and the modernisation of agricultural machinery, the prairie farms of North America were able to export vast quantities of cheap corn. Every corn-growing country decided to increase tariffs in reaction to this, except Britain and Belgium.[20] In 1877 the price of English-grown corn averaged 56 shillings, 9 pence a quarter and for the rest of the nineteenth century it never reached within 10 shillings of that figure. In 1878 the price fell to 46 shillings, 5 pence. By 1885 corn-growing land declined by a million acres (4,000 km²) (28½%) and in 1886 the corn price fell to 31 shillings a quarter. Britain's dependence on imported grain in the 1830s was 2%; in the 1860s it was 24%; in the 1880s it was 45%, for corn it was 65%.[21] The 1881 census showed a decline of 92,250 in agricultural labourers since 1871, with a 53,496 increase of urban labourers. Many of these were previously farm workers who migrated to the cities to find employment,[22] despite agricultural labourers' wages being the highest in Europe.[22]


The Economist was founded in September 1843 by James Wilson with help from the Anti-Corn Law League; his son-in-law Walter Bagehot later became the editor of this newspaper.


  1. ^ In Britain, unlike in North America, the term "corn" means "grain" (the kernel), and implies the primary grain crop of a country, which in England was wheat, not maize.
  2. ^ and According to David Cody, they:

    ... were designed to protect English landholders by encouraging the export and limiting the import of corn when prices fell below a fixed point. They were eventually abolished in the face of militant agitation by the Anti-Corn Law League, formed in Manchester in 1839, which maintained that the laws, which amounted to a subsidy, increased industrial costs. After a lengthy campaign, opponents of the law finally got their way in 1846—a significant triumph which was indicative of the new political power of the English middle class.

  3. ^ Woodward, p. 61
  4. ^ Woodward, p. 61
  5. ^ Hirst, p. 15
  6. ^ Hirst, p. 16
  7. ^ Schonhardt-Bailey, p. 9
  8. ^ a b Schonhardt-Bailey, p. 10
  9. ^ Semmel, p. 143
  10. ^ Marx, Chapter VIII, p. 6
  11. ^ Bright and Thorold Rogers, p. 129
  12. ^ Hirst, p. 33
  13. ^ Morley, p. 344
  14. ^ Coleman, p. 134
  15. ^ Hirst, p. 35
  16. ^ Coleman, p. 135–136
  17. ^ Schonhardt-Bailey, p. 239
  18. ^ Morley, p. 388
  19. ^ Woodward, p. 124
  20. ^ Ensor, p. 115–116
  21. ^ Ensor, p. 116
  22. ^ a b Ensor, p. 117


  • Blake, R. [1968](1998) Disraeli, Rev. ed., London : Prion, ISBN 1-85375-275-4
  • Bright J. and Thorold Rogers, J.E. (eds.) [1870](1908) Speeches on Questions of Public Policy by Richard Cobden, M.P., Vol. 1, London : T. Fisher Unwin, republished as Cobden, R. (1995), London : Routledge/Thoemmes, ISBN 0-415-12742-4
  • Cody, D. (1987) Corn Laws, The Victorian Web : literature, history and culture in the age of Victoria, webpage accessed 16 September 2007
  • Coleman, B. (1996) "1841-1846", in: Seldon, A. (ed.), How Tory Governments Fall. The Tory Party in Power since 1783, London : Fontana, ISBN 0-00-686366-3
  • Ensor, R.C.K. (1936) England, 1870-1914, The Oxford history of England 14, Oxford : Clarendon Press, ISBN 0-19-821705-6
  • Hirst, F. W. (1925) From Adam Smith to Philip Snowden. A history of free trade in Great Britain, London : T. Fisher Unwin, 88 p.
  • Marx, K. (1970) Capital: a critique of political economy; Vol. 3: the process of capitalist production as a whole, Engels, F. (Ed.), London : Lawrence & Wishart, ISBN 0-85315-028-1
  • Morley, J. (1905) The Life of Richard Cobden, 12th ed., London : T. Fisher Unwin, 985 p., republished by London : Routledge/Thoemmes (1995), ISBN 0-415-12742-4
  • Schonhardt-Bailey, C. (2006) From the Corn Laws to Free Trade: interests, ideas, and institutions in historical perspective, Cambridge, Mass.; London : The MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-19543-7
  • Semmel, B. (2004) The Rise of Free Trade Imperialism: classical political economy the empire of free trade and imperialism, 1750-1850, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-54815-2
  • Woodward, E.L., Sir (1962) The Age of Reform, 1815-1870, The Oxford history of England 13, 2nd Ed., Oxford : Clarendon Press, ISBN 0-19-821711-0