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*[[Vladimir Lenin]]
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Revision as of 11:28, 13 June 2008


The Com in Comcast.

Comcast is the gayest cable and internet service ever they drop your cable right when your favorite shows on, drop your internets right when your 9000 gigs of porn is about to finish downloading, sleep on your couches, laugh at you behind your backs, steal your money, use communist propaganda, are in league with Bin Laden, and want to take over the world. They also hate kittens. When you try to talk to them they pretty much tell you to do a barrel roll and hang up. If your lucky enough to have a guy come out and actually fix your problem its back in a couple days. They have HD, but never the ones you want. Comcast hates you, your family, and all your relatives. Comcast also voted for Bill Clinton, caused the delay for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, did 9/11, is the cause of global warming, caused the hole in the ozone, beat you up when you were in elementary school, shit in your toilet and clogged it up then you got blamed (remember that?), steals candy from babies then kicks them, says you are a n00b at Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4, steals the deer after you shoot it when you go hunting (remember that too?), throws Wii remotes at your TV and blames it on your little brother, gets on your computer when your not looking and deletes all your files and porn then tells your girlfriend shes a whore on MSN/AIM all while you think they are fixing your stuff, they breed mosquitoes and set them loose in your house before they leave, they put signs on your back when your not looking, they erase your game data, ring your door bell and run away, pollute the environment, club seals, masturbate in public, cause a power outage right when your about to beat Halo 3 on Legendary or when your 9000 gigs of porn is almost done, they steal your girlfriend, use AWPS, "accidentally" spill coffee on your brand new shirt/pants/keyboard, put a voice modifier in your headset so you sound like a 9 year old on Xbox Live/Playstation 2/3 Online Games, they hide your shoes, change the time of your clock, put grease on your Wii remote, sleep with your sister, pee in your sink, leave rotten eggs in your car, they think David Hayter is a wimp, they put holes in your socks, mix your whites with your colors, Comcast tells you your cool then says "just kidding you suck LOL", they kick over lemonade stands, promote child pornography, when they see someone who is hurt and needs help on the street they tell them "LOL why dun Y0U call Teh waaaaaaaaambuLAncE LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL" and walk away, they drive drunk, always sit in front of you at the movies, they hate black people, spam grenades, fire off automatic weapons in the alley at 3:00am, tell unfunny jokes, call their customers mean names (I'm not lying about that one...not that I'm lying about any of these), they give you the crap candy on Halloween, they send their customers emails about discounts and a link to the page and it's a rickroll video, they once tried to launch a nuclear missile at one of DirecTV's satellites but it blew up in the atmosphere...creating the hole in the ozone, they are the reason you don't understand whats going on in the Metal Gear Solid games, Comcast killed Steve Irwin, they are the cause of teenage suicide, they created all the atrocities of the internet and the supreme fail associated with them, Comcast tried to tape the trap door shut that Saddam Hussein fell through when he was hanged so it wouldn't open, they have keyloggers and spyware in all your computers, they messed up the PS3's backwards compatibility, they drop yogurt from tall buildings, they go into banks with black spray painted water pistols and yell "Every body GET DOWN!" then say "lol just kidding rofl" and run away, they give you parachutes that don't open, they leave the faucet on, and they slept with your mom too.

See also
