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joe! ha dum dum ho~ christof! guten tag... nichts!
{{Taxobox_begin | color = pink | name = Dolphin}}
{{Taxobox_image | image = [[Image:Duskydolphin17.jpg|250px|Pacific White-sided Dolphins]] | caption = [[Pacific White-sided Dolphin]]s}}
{{Taxobox_begin_placement | color = pink}}
{{Taxobox_regnum_entry | taxon = [[Animal]]ia}}
{{Taxobox_phylum_entry | taxon = [[Chordate|Chordata]]}}
{{Taxobox_classis_entry | taxon = [[Mammal]]ia}}
{{Taxobox_ordo_entry | taxon = [[Cetacea]]}}
{{Taxobox_familia_entry | taxon = '''Delphinidae'''}}
{{Taxobox_section_subdivision | color = pink | plural_taxon = [[Genera]]}}
See article below.
'''Dolphins''' are aquatic [[mammal]]s related to [[whale]]s and [[porpoise]]s. The name is from [[Ancient Greek]] {{polytonic|δελφίς}} ''delphis'' meaning "with a womb", viz. "a 'fish' with a womb".

The word is used in a few different ways. It can mean:

#Any member of the family [[Delphinidae]] (oceanic dolphins),
#Any member of the families [[Delphinidae]] and [[Platanistoidea]] (oceanic and river dolphins),
#Any member of the suborder [[Odontoceti]] (toothed whales; these include the above families and some others),
#Used casually as a synonym for [[Bottlenose Dolphin]], the most common and familiar species of dolphin.

In this article, the second definition is used.

[[Porpoise]]s (suborder [[Odontoceti]], family [[Phocoenidae]]) are thus not dolphins in our sense. [[Orca]]s and some related species belong to the Delphinidae family and therefore qualify as dolphins, even though they are called whales in common language.

There are almost 40 species of dolphin in 17 genera. They vary in size from 1.2 m (4 ft) and 40 kg (88 lb) ([[Maui's Dolphin]]), up to 9.5 m (30 ft) and 10 tonnes (the Orca). Most species weigh about 50 to 200 kg (110 to 440 lb). They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelves, and all are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid.

The [[Family (biology)|family]] Delphinidae is the largest in the Cetacea, and relatively recent: dolphins evolved about 10 million years ago, during the [[Miocene]].

== Taxonomy ==

* [[Suborder]] [[Odontoceti]], toothed whales
** [[Family (biology)|Family]] [[Delphinidae]], oceanic Dolphins
*** [[Genus (biology)|Genus]] Delphinus
**** [[Long-Beaked Common Dolphin]], ''Delphinus capensis''
**** [[Short-Beaked Common Dolphin]], ''Delphinus delphis''
*** Genus Tursiops
**** [[Bottlenose Dolphin]], ''Tursiops truncatus''
*** Genus Lissodelphis
**** [[Northern Rightwhale Dolphin]], ''Lissodelphis borealis''
**** [[Southern Rightwhale Dolphin]], ''Lissiodelphis peronii''
*** Genus Sotalia
**** [[Tucuxi]], ''Sotalia fluviatilis''
*** Genus Sousa
**** [[Indo-Pacific Hump-backed Dolphin]], ''Sousa chinensis''
***** [[Chinese White Dolphin]], the Chinese variant
**** [[Atlantic Humpbacked Dolphin]], ''Sousa teuszii''
*** Genus Stenella
**** [[Atlantic Spotted Dolphin]], ''Stenella frontalis''
**** [[Clymene Dolphin]], ''Stenella clymene''
**** [[Pantropical Spotted Dolphin]], ''Stenella attenuata''
**** [[Spinner Dolphin]], ''Stenella longirostris''
**** [[Striped Dolphin]], ''Stenella coeruleoalba''
*** Genus Steno
**** [[Rough-Toothed Dolphin]], ''Steno bredanensis''
*** Genus Cephalorynchus
**** [[Chilean Dolphin]], ''Cephalorhynchus eutropia''
**** [[Commerson's Dolphin]], ''Cephalorhynchus commersonii''
**** [[Heaviside's Dolphin]], ''Cephalorhynchus heavisidii''
**** [[Hector's Dolphin]], ''Cephalorhynchus hectori''
*** Genus Grampus
**** [[Risso's Dolphin]], ''Grampus griseus''
*** Genus Lagenodelphis
**** [[Fraser's Dolphin]], ''Lagenodelphis hosei''
*** Genus Lagenorhyncus
**** [[Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin]], ''Lagenorhynchus acutus''
**** [[Dusky Dolphin]], ''Lagenorhynchus obscurus''
**** [[Hourglass Dolphin]], ''Lagenorhynchus cruciger''
**** [[Pacific White-Sided Dolphin]], ''Lagenorhynchus obliquidens''
**** [[Peale's Dolphin]], ''Lagenorhynchus australis''
**** [[White-Beaked Dolphin]], ''Lagenorhynchus albirostris''
*** Genus Orcaella
**** [[Australian Snubfin Dolphin]], ''Orcaella heinsohni''
**** [[Irrawaddy Dolphin]], ''Orcaella brevirostris''
*** Genus Peponocephalia
**** [[Melon-headed Whale]], ''Peponocephalia electra''
*** Genus Orcinus
**** [[Killer Whale]], ''Orcinus orca''
*** Genus Feresa
**** [[Pygmy Killer Whale]], ''Feresa attenuata''
*** Genus Pseudorca
**** [[False Killer Whale]], ''Pseudorca crassidens''
*** Genus Globicephala
**** Long-finned [[Pilot Whale]], ''Globicephala melas''
**** Short-finned [[Pilot Whale]], ''Globicephala macrorhynchus''
** Family [[Platanistoidea]], River Dolphins
*** Genus Inia
**** [[Boto]] (Amazon River Dolphin), ''Inia geoffrensis''
*** Genus Lipotes
**** [[Chinese River Dolphin]] (Baiji), ''Lipotes vexillife ''
*** Genus Platanista
**** [[Ganges River Dolphin]], ''Platanista gangetica''
**** [[Indus River Dolphin]], ''Platanista minor''
*** Genus Pontoporia
**** [[La Plata Dolphin]] (Franciscana), ''Pontoporia blainvillei''

Six animals in the family Delphinidae are commonly called "whales" but are strictly speaking dolphins. They are sometimes called "blackfish":

* [[Melon-headed Whale]], ''Peponocephalia electra''
* [[Killer Whale]], ''Orcinus orca''
* [[Pygmy Killer Whale]], ''Feresa attenuata''
* [[False Killer Whale]], ''Psudoorca crassidens''
* Long-finned [[Pilot Whale]], ''Globicephala melas''
* Short-finned [[Pilot Whale]], ''Globicephala macrorhynchus''

==Hybrid Dolphins==
In [[1933]], three strange dolphins were beached off the [[Ireland|Irish]] coast; these appeared to be hybrids between Risso's Dolphin and the Bottlenose Dolphin. This mating has since been repeated in captivity and a hybrid calf was born. In captivity, a Bottlenose Dolphin and a Rough-Toothed Dolphin produced hybrid offspring. In the wild, Spinner Dolphins have sometimes hybridised with Spotted Dolphins and Bottlenose Dolphins. In the wild, bands of males of one dolphin species have been observed to mate with lone female Spinners. Blue Whales, Fin Whales and Humpback Whales all hybridize in the wild. Dall's Porpoises and Harbour Porpoises have hybridized in the wild. There has also been a reported hybrid between a beluga and a narwhal. See also [[wolphin]].

== Evolution and anatomy of dolphins ==
Dolphins, along with whales and porpoises, are descendants of land-living mammals, most likely of the [[Artiodactyl]] [[order (biology)|order]]. Modern dolphin skeletons have two small rod shaped pelvic bones thought to be left-over hind legs. They entered the water roughly 50 million years ago. See [[evolution of cetaceans]] for the details.

Dolphins have a fusiform body, adapted for fast swimming. The head contains the [[melon (whale)|melon]], a round organ used for [[animal echolocation|echolocation]]. In many species, the jaws are elongated, forming a distinct beak; for some species like the Bottlenose, there is a curved mouth that looks like a fixed smile. Teeth can be very numerous (up to 250) in several species. The [[dolphin brain]] is large and has a highly structured cortex, which often is referred to in discussions about their high intelligence.

The basic coloration patterns are shades of gray with a light underside and a distinct dark cape on the back. It is often combined with lines and patches of different hue and contrast. See individual species articles for details.

==Dolphin behavior==
[[Image:Dolphin-intelligence.jpg|left|thumb|200px|Dolphins in balance.]]
Dolphins are widely believed to be amongst the most intelligent of all animals. A typical statement would be that dolphins are roughly as intelligent as a two-year-old human. However, experts in [[comparative psychology]] or [[animal cognition]] would be reluctant to make any such estimate, as quantitative comparisons of intelligence between species are notoriously difficult to make in principle. Straightforward comparisons of species' relative intelligence are complicated by differences in sensory apparatus, response modes, and nature of cognition; furthermore, the difficulty and expense of doing experimental work with a large marine animal mean that even such tests as can meaningfully be done have still not been done, or have been carried out with inadequate sample size and methodology. See the [[Dolphin intelligence]] article for more details.

Dolphins often leap above the water surface, sometimes performing acrobatic figures (e.g. the [[spinner dolphin]]). This and other behavior is interpreted as playing. They are capable of diving up to 260 m deep and 15 min long, but rarely stay underwater longer than few minutes. Frequently dolphins will accompany boats, riding the bow waves.
They are also famous for their willingness to occasionally approach humans and playfully interact with them in the water. In return, in some cultures like in [[Ancient Greece]] they were treated with welcome; a ship spotting dolphins riding in their wake was considered a good omen for a smooth voyage. There have been reports of dolphins protecting swimmers against sharks by swimming circles around the swimmers.

Dolphins are social animals, living in pods (also called "schools") of up to a dozen animals. In places with a high abundance of food, schools can join temporarily, forming an aggregation called a '''superpod'''; such groupings may exceed 1000 dolphins. The individuals communicate using a variety of clicks, whistles and other vocalizations. They also use ultrasonic sounds for [[animal echolocation|echolocation]].
[[Image:Airborne_dolphin.jpg|right|thumb|200px|Dolphin leaping in the air.]]

Membership in schools is not rigid; interchange is common. However, the animals can establish strong bonds between each other. This leads to them staying with injured or ill fellows for support.

Because of their high capacity for learning, humans have employed dolphins for any number of purposes. Dolphins trained to perform in front of an audience have become a favorite attraction in [[dolphinarium|dolphinaria]], for example [[SeaWorld]]. Dolphin/Human interaction is also employed in a curative sense at places where dolphins work with autistic or otherwise disabled children. The military has employed dolphins for various purposes from finding mines to rescuing lost or trapped persons. Such [[military dolphins]], however, drew scrutiny during the Vietnam War when rumors circulated that dolphins were being trained to kill Vietnamese [[Skin diving|Skin Divers]].

In May [[2005]], researchers in [[Australia]] discovered a cultural aspect of dolphin behaviour: Some dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) teach their offspring to use a tool. The animals break off [[sponge]]s and put them onto their mouths thus protecting the delicate body part during their hunt for fish on the seabed. Other than with [[primate]] [[simian]]s, the knowledge to use a tool is mostly handed over only from mothers to daughters. The technology to use sponges as mouth protection is not genetically inherited but a taught cultural behaviour.

Dolphins do not have acute eyesight nor do they appear to have a good sense of smell, although their sense of hearing is far above our own.

Compare also: [[whale behavior]]

Dolphins are predators, chasing their prey at high speed. The dentition is adapted to the animals they hunt: Species with long beaks and many teeth forage on [[fish]], whereas short beaks and lesser tooth count are linked to catching squid. Some dolphins may take crustaceans. Usually, the prey is swallowed whole. The bigger species, especially the [[orca]], are capable of eating marine mammals, even large whales. There are no known reports of [[cannibalism]] amongst dolphins.

Individual species may employ a number of methods of hunting:
* '''Herding''' - where a superpod will control a school of fish while individual members take turns plowing through the herd, feeding.
* '''Corralling''' - where fish are chased to shallow water where they are more easily captured.
* '''Fish Wacking''' - where the dolphin uses its fluke to strike the fish, stunning it and sometimes sending it clear out of the water.
* '''Stunning''' - using the echolocation melon, very loud clicks are directed at prey, stunning them.
* '''Foraging''' - A recent study reported that wild [[bottlenose dolphins]] (Tursiops sp.) in Western Australia use sponges to forage in the sea bed for food.[http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/0500232102v1]

==Dolphin lore==
*The popular television show ''[[Flipper (1964 television)|Flipper]]'', created by [[Ivan Tors]], portrayed a dolphin in a friendly relationship with two boys, Sandy and Bud; a kind of sea going [[Lassie]], Flipper understood English unusually well and was a marked hero: "Go tell Dad we're in trouble, Flipper! Hurry!" The show's theme song contains the lyric ''no one you see / is smarter than he''.

*In ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]]'', dolphins are very intelligent creatures who tried in vain to warn humans of the impending destruction of Earth. However, their behavior was misinterpreted as playful [[acrobatics]]. Their story is told in ''[[So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish]]''.

*After study at the Dolphins Plus research center in Key Largo, Florida, fantasy author [[Ken Grimwood]] wrote dolphins into his 1995 novel ''Into the Deep'', including entire chapters written from the viewpoint of his dolphin characters.

*''[[Ecco The Dolphin]]'' stars in a series of games for the [[Sega Genesis]]/[[Sega Mega Drive|Mega Drive]], [[Game Gear]], [[Sega Dreamcast]] and [[PlayStation 2]].

*A book called 'The Music of Dolphins' was written by Karen Hesse, about a girl who had lived with dolphins since the age of four.

*An American [[National Football League]] (NFL) team is named the [[Miami Dolphins]]. Their logo depicts an aqua-colored [[bottlenose dolphin]] wearing an [[American football]] helmet and jumping in front of a coral-colored sunburst.

*The ''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]'' episode [[Devil Fish]], features Mike and the 'Bots mocking dolphins. While doing so, the SOL gets blasted by a ship that turns out to be piloted by dolphins. Mike and the 'Bots then quickly apoligize.

==See also==
* [[Dolphin (mythology)]]
* [[List of dolphin species]]
* [[Wolphin]]

==See also==
*[[John Lilly]] – Dolphin intelligence researcher
*[[Cetacean intelligence]] – Article about dolphin intelligence

==External links==
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4034383.stm Dolphins help lifeguards from sharks]
* [http://www.cetacea.org/ Cetacea.org site]
* [http://www.robins-island.org/ Facts and Information on Dolphins]
* [http://www.hickerphoto.com/dolphin-pictures-cat.htm Dolphin Pictures]
* [http://www.robertosozzani.it/Delfini/cont.html Red Sea Spinner Dolphin - Photo gallery]
* [http://www.tursiops.org/ Tursiops.org: Current Dolphin-related news]
* [http://www.wilddolphin.org/dolphinpictures.htm Wild Dolphin Foundation; Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin pictures, videos, information and conservation]
* [http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/dolphins/index.html PBS NOVA: Dolphins: Close Encounters]
*[http://www.accobams.org/download/articles/population/Agazzi_etal_2004.pdf Common dolphin prey species in the eastern Ionian Sea]
* [http://www.whale-images.com/facts_about_dolphins.htm facts about dolphins]
* [http://www.omplace.com/omsites/discover/DOLPHINS/ OM Place] A pictorial comparitive chart.


[[pl:Delfin (zwierzę)]]

Revision as of 18:48, 20 December 2005

Template:Taxobox begin Template:Taxobox image Template:Taxobox begin placement Template:Taxobox regnum entry Template:Taxobox phylum entry Template:Taxobox classis entry Template:Taxobox ordo entry Template:Taxobox familia entry Template:Taxobox end placement Template:Taxobox section subdivision See article below. Template:Taxobox end Dolphins are aquatic mammals related to whales and porpoises. The name is from Ancient Greek δελφίς delphis meaning "with a womb", viz. "a 'fish' with a womb".

The word is used in a few different ways. It can mean:

  1. Any member of the family Delphinidae (oceanic dolphins),
  2. Any member of the families Delphinidae and Platanistoidea (oceanic and river dolphins),
  3. Any member of the suborder Odontoceti (toothed whales; these include the above families and some others),
  4. Used casually as a synonym for Bottlenose Dolphin, the most common and familiar species of dolphin.

In this article, the second definition is used.

Porpoises (suborder Odontoceti, family Phocoenidae) are thus not dolphins in our sense. Orcas and some related species belong to the Delphinidae family and therefore qualify as dolphins, even though they are called whales in common language.

There are almost 40 species of dolphin in 17 genera. They vary in size from 1.2 m (4 ft) and 40 kg (88 lb) (Maui's Dolphin), up to 9.5 m (30 ft) and 10 tonnes (the Orca). Most species weigh about 50 to 200 kg (110 to 440 lb). They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelves, and all are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid.

The family Delphinidae is the largest in the Cetacea, and relatively recent: dolphins evolved about 10 million years ago, during the Miocene.


Six animals in the family Delphinidae are commonly called "whales" but are strictly speaking dolphins. They are sometimes called "blackfish":

Hybrid Dolphins

In 1933, three strange dolphins were beached off the Irish coast; these appeared to be hybrids between Risso's Dolphin and the Bottlenose Dolphin. This mating has since been repeated in captivity and a hybrid calf was born. In captivity, a Bottlenose Dolphin and a Rough-Toothed Dolphin produced hybrid offspring. In the wild, Spinner Dolphins have sometimes hybridised with Spotted Dolphins and Bottlenose Dolphins. In the wild, bands of males of one dolphin species have been observed to mate with lone female Spinners. Blue Whales, Fin Whales and Humpback Whales all hybridize in the wild. Dall's Porpoises and Harbour Porpoises have hybridized in the wild. There has also been a reported hybrid between a beluga and a narwhal. See also wolphin.

Evolution and anatomy of dolphins

Dolphins, along with whales and porpoises, are descendants of land-living mammals, most likely of the Artiodactyl order. Modern dolphin skeletons have two small rod shaped pelvic bones thought to be left-over hind legs. They entered the water roughly 50 million years ago. See evolution of cetaceans for the details.

Dolphins have a fusiform body, adapted for fast swimming. The head contains the melon, a round organ used for echolocation. In many species, the jaws are elongated, forming a distinct beak; for some species like the Bottlenose, there is a curved mouth that looks like a fixed smile. Teeth can be very numerous (up to 250) in several species. The dolphin brain is large and has a highly structured cortex, which often is referred to in discussions about their high intelligence.

The basic coloration patterns are shades of gray with a light underside and a distinct dark cape on the back. It is often combined with lines and patches of different hue and contrast. See individual species articles for details.

Dolphin behavior

Dolphins in balance.

Dolphins are widely believed to be amongst the most intelligent of all animals. A typical statement would be that dolphins are roughly as intelligent as a two-year-old human. However, experts in comparative psychology or animal cognition would be reluctant to make any such estimate, as quantitative comparisons of intelligence between species are notoriously difficult to make in principle. Straightforward comparisons of species' relative intelligence are complicated by differences in sensory apparatus, response modes, and nature of cognition; furthermore, the difficulty and expense of doing experimental work with a large marine animal mean that even such tests as can meaningfully be done have still not been done, or have been carried out with inadequate sample size and methodology. See the Dolphin intelligence article for more details.

Dolphins often leap above the water surface, sometimes performing acrobatic figures (e.g. the spinner dolphin). This and other behavior is interpreted as playing. They are capable of diving up to 260 m deep and 15 min long, but rarely stay underwater longer than few minutes. Frequently dolphins will accompany boats, riding the bow waves.

They are also famous for their willingness to occasionally approach humans and playfully interact with them in the water. In return, in some cultures like in Ancient Greece they were treated with welcome; a ship spotting dolphins riding in their wake was considered a good omen for a smooth voyage. There have been reports of dolphins protecting swimmers against sharks by swimming circles around the swimmers.

Dolphins are social animals, living in pods (also called "schools") of up to a dozen animals. In places with a high abundance of food, schools can join temporarily, forming an aggregation called a superpod; such groupings may exceed 1000 dolphins. The individuals communicate using a variety of clicks, whistles and other vocalizations. They also use ultrasonic sounds for echolocation.

Dolphin leaping in the air.

Membership in schools is not rigid; interchange is common. However, the animals can establish strong bonds between each other. This leads to them staying with injured or ill fellows for support.

Because of their high capacity for learning, humans have employed dolphins for any number of purposes. Dolphins trained to perform in front of an audience have become a favorite attraction in dolphinaria, for example SeaWorld. Dolphin/Human interaction is also employed in a curative sense at places where dolphins work with autistic or otherwise disabled children. The military has employed dolphins for various purposes from finding mines to rescuing lost or trapped persons. Such military dolphins, however, drew scrutiny during the Vietnam War when rumors circulated that dolphins were being trained to kill Vietnamese Skin Divers.

In May 2005, researchers in Australia discovered a cultural aspect of dolphin behaviour: Some dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) teach their offspring to use a tool. The animals break off sponges and put them onto their mouths thus protecting the delicate body part during their hunt for fish on the seabed. Other than with primate simians, the knowledge to use a tool is mostly handed over only from mothers to daughters. The technology to use sponges as mouth protection is not genetically inherited but a taught cultural behaviour.

Dolphins do not have acute eyesight nor do they appear to have a good sense of smell, although their sense of hearing is far above our own.

Compare also: whale behavior


Dolphins are predators, chasing their prey at high speed. The dentition is adapted to the animals they hunt: Species with long beaks and many teeth forage on fish, whereas short beaks and lesser tooth count are linked to catching squid. Some dolphins may take crustaceans. Usually, the prey is swallowed whole. The bigger species, especially the orca, are capable of eating marine mammals, even large whales. There are no known reports of cannibalism amongst dolphins.

Individual species may employ a number of methods of hunting:

  • Herding - where a superpod will control a school of fish while individual members take turns plowing through the herd, feeding.
  • Corralling - where fish are chased to shallow water where they are more easily captured.
  • Fish Wacking - where the dolphin uses its fluke to strike the fish, stunning it and sometimes sending it clear out of the water.
  • Stunning - using the echolocation melon, very loud clicks are directed at prey, stunning them.
  • Foraging - A recent study reported that wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) in Western Australia use sponges to forage in the sea bed for food.[1]

Dolphin lore

  • The popular television show Flipper, created by Ivan Tors, portrayed a dolphin in a friendly relationship with two boys, Sandy and Bud; a kind of sea going Lassie, Flipper understood English unusually well and was a marked hero: "Go tell Dad we're in trouble, Flipper! Hurry!" The show's theme song contains the lyric no one you see / is smarter than he.
  • After study at the Dolphins Plus research center in Key Largo, Florida, fantasy author Ken Grimwood wrote dolphins into his 1995 novel Into the Deep, including entire chapters written from the viewpoint of his dolphin characters.
  • A book called 'The Music of Dolphins' was written by Karen Hesse, about a girl who had lived with dolphins since the age of four.
  • The Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode Devil Fish, features Mike and the 'Bots mocking dolphins. While doing so, the SOL gets blasted by a ship that turns out to be piloted by dolphins. Mike and the 'Bots then quickly apoligize.

See also

See also