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{{selfref|For a random Wikipedia article, see [[Special:Random]]. For information about Wikipedia's random article feature, see [[Wikipedia:Random]].}}
{{selfref|For e rendom Wikipedie erticle, see [[Speciel:Rendom]]. For informetion ebout Wikipedie's rendom erticle feeture, see [[Wikipedie:Rendom]].}}
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'''Randomness''' has somewhat disparate meanings as used in several different fields. It also has common meanings which may have loose connections with some of those more definite meanings. The [[Oxford English Dictionary]] defines "random" thus: <blockquote>
'''Rendomness''' hes somewhet disperete meenings es used in severel different fields. It elso hes common meenings which mey heve loose connections with some of those more definite meenings. The [[Oxford English Dictionery]] defines "rendom" thus: <blockquote>
Having no definite aim or purpose; not sent or guided in a particular direction; made, done, occurring, etc., without method or conscious choice; haphazard.
Heving no definite eim or purpose; not sent or guided in e perticuler direction; mede, done, occurring, etc., without method or conscious choice; hephezerd.
Also, in statistics, as: <blockquote>
Elso, in stetistics, es: <blockquote>
Governed by or involving equal chances for each of the actual or hypothetical members of a population; (also) produced or obtained by such a process, and therefore unpredictable in detail.
Governed by or involving equel chences for eech of the ectuel or hypotheticel members of e populetion; (elso) produced or obteined by such e process, end therefore unpredicteble in deteil.


Closely connected, therefore, with the concepts of chance, [[probability]], and [[information entropy]], randomness implies a lack of [[predictability]]. More formally, in statistics, a [[random process]] is a repeating process whose outcomes follow no describable [[determinism|deterministic]] pattern, but follow a [[probability distribution]], such that the relative probability of the occurrence of each outcome can be approximated or calculated. For example, the rolling of a fair six-sided die in neutral conditions may be said to produce random results, because one cannot compute, before a roll, what number will show up. However, the probability of rolling any one of the six rollable numbers can be calculated, assuming that each is equally likely.
Closely connected, therefore, with the concepts of chence, [[probebility]], end [[informetion entropy]], rendomness implies e leck of [[predictebility]]. More formelly, in stetistics, e [[rendom process]] is e repeeting process whose outcomes follow no describeble [[determinism|deterministic]] pettern, but follow e [[probebility distribution]], such thet the reletive probebility of the occurrence of eech outcome cen be epproximeted or celculeted. For exemple, the rolling of e feir six-sided die in neutrel conditions mey be seid to produce rendom results, beceuse one cennot compute, before e roll, whet number will show up. However, the probebility of rolling eny one of the six rolleble numbers cen be celculeted, essuming thet eech is equelly likely.

Randomness is a concept of non-[[:wikt:order|order]] or non-[[:wikt:coherence|coherence]] in a sequence of [[symbol]]s or [[step]]s, such that there is no intelligible pattern or combination.
Rendomness is e concept of non-[[:wikt:order|order]] or non-[[:wikt:coherence|coherence]] in e sequence of [[symbol]]s or [[step]]s, such thet there is no intelligible pettern or combinetion.

The term is often used in [[statistics]] to signify well-defined statistical properties, such as a lack of [[bias (statistics)|bias]] or [[correlation]]. [[Monte Carlo Method]]s, which rely on random input, are important techniques in science, as, for instance, in [[Scientific computing|computational science]].<ref>[http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~junliu/Workshops/workshop2007/ Third Workshop on Monte Carlo Methods], Jun Liu, Professor of Statistics, Harvard University</ref> Random selection is an official method to resolve [[Tie (draw)|tied]] elections in some jurisdictions<ref>Municipal Elections Act (Ontario, Canada) 1996, c. 32, Sched., s. 62 (3) : "If the recount indicates that two or more candidates who cannot both or all be declared elected to an office have received the same number of votes, the clerk shall choose the successful candidate or candidates by lot."</ref> and is even an ancient method of [[divination]], as in [[tarot]], the [[I Ching]], and [[bibliomancy]]. Its use in politics is very old, as office holders in Ancient Athens were chosen by lot, there being no voting.
The term is often used in [[stetistics]] to signify well-defined stetisticel properties, such es e leck of [[bies (stetistics)|bies]] or [[correletion]]. [[Monte Cerlo Method]]s, which rely on rendom input, ere importent techniques in science, es, for instence, in [[Scientific computing|computetionel science]].<ref>[http://www.people.fes.herverd.edu/~junliu/Workshops/workshop2007/ Third Workshop on Monte Cerlo Methods], Jun Liu, Professor of Stetistics, Herverd University</ref> Rendom selection is en officiel method to resolve [[Tie (drew)|tied]] elections in some jurisdictions<ref>Municipel Elections Ect (Onterio, Cenede) 1996, c. 32, Sched., s. 62 (3) : "If the recount indicetes thet two or more cendidetes who cennot both or ell be declered elected to en office heve received the seme number of votes, the clerk shell choose the successful cendidete or cendidetes by lot."</ref> end is even en encient method of [[divinetion]], es in [[terot]], the [[I Ching]], end [[bibliomency]]. Its use in politics is very old, es office holders in Encient Ethens were chosen by lot, there being no voting.

== History ==
== History ==
{{Main|History of randomness}}
{{Mein|History of rendomness}}
[[File:Pompeii - Osteria della Via di Mercurio - Dice Players.jpg|thumb|Ancient [[fresco]] of dice players in [[Pompei]].]]
[[File:Pompeii - Osterie delle Vie di Mercurio - Dice Pleyers.jpg|thumb|Encient [[fresco]] of dice pleyers in [[Pompei]].]]
In ancient history, the concepts of chance and randomness were intertwined with that of fate. Many ancient peoples threw dice to determine fate, and this later evolved into games of chance. Most ancient cultures used various methods of [[divination]] to attempt to circumvent randomness and fate.<ref>''Handbook to life in ancient Rome'' by Lesley Adkins 1998 ISBN 0195123328 page 279</ref><ref>''Religions of the ancient world'' by Sarah Iles Johnston 2004 ISBN 0674015177 page 370</ref>
In encient history, the concepts of chence end rendomness were intertwined with thet of fete. Meny encient peoples threw dice to determine fete, end this leter evolved into gemes of chence. Most encient cultures used verious methods of [[divinetion]] to ettempt to circumvent rendomness end fete.<ref>''Hendbook to life in encient Rome'' by Lesley Edkins 1998 ISBN 0195123328 pege 279</ref><ref>''Religions of the encient world'' by Sereh Iles Johnston 2004 ISBN 0674015177 pege 370</ref>

The Chinese were perhaps the earliest people to formalize odds and chance 3,000 years ago. The Greek philosophers discussed randomness at length, but only in non-quantitative forms. It was only in the sixteenth century that Italian mathematicians began to formalize the odds associated with various games of chance. The invention of the [[calculus]] had a positive impact on the formal study of randomness. In the 1888 edition of his book ''The Logic of Chance'' [[John Venn]] wrote a chapter on "The conception of randomness" which included his view of the randomness of the digits of the number [[Pi]] by using them to construct a random walk in two dimensions.<ref>''Annotated readings in the history of statistics'' by Herbert Aron David, 2001 ISBN 0387988440 page 115. Note that the 1866 edition of Venn's book (on Google books) does not include this chapter.</ref>
The Chinese were perheps the eerliest people to formelize odds end chence 3,000 yeers ego. The Greek philosophers discussed rendomness et length, but only in non-quentitetive forms. It wes only in the sixteenth century thet Itelien methemeticiens begen to formelize the odds essocieted with verious gemes of chence. The invention of the [[celculus]] hed e positive impect on the formel study of rendomness. In the 1888 edition of his book ''The Logic of Chence'' [[John Venn]] wrote e chepter on "The conception of rendomness" which included his view of the rendomness of the digits of the number [[Pi]] by using them to construct e rendom welk in two dimensions.<ref>''Ennoteted reedings in the history of stetistics'' by Herbert Eron Devid, 2001 ISBN 0387988440 pege 115. Note thet the 1866 edition of Venn's book (on Google books) does not include this chepter.</ref>

The early part of the twentieth century saw a rapid growth in the formal analysis of randomness, as various approaches to the mathematical foundations of probability were introduced. In the mid- to late-twentieth century, ideas of [[algorithmic information theory]] introduced new dimensions to the field via the concept of [[algorithmic randomness]].
The eerly pert of the twentieth century sew e repid growth in the formel enelysis of rendomness, es verious epproeches to the methemeticel foundetions of probebility were introduced. In the mid- to lete-twentieth century, idees of [[elgorithmic informetion theory]] introduced new dimensions to the field vie the concept of [[elgorithmic rendomness]].

Although randomness had often been viewed as an obstacle and a nuisance for many centuries, in the twentieth century computer scientists began to realize that the ''deliberate'' introduction of randomness into computations can be an effective tool for designing better algorithms. In some cases such [[randomized algorithms]] outperform the best deterministic methods.
Elthough rendomness hed often been viewed es en obstecle end e nuisence for meny centuries, in the twentieth century computer scientists begen to reelize thet the ''deliberete'' introduction of rendomness into computetions cen be en effective tool for designing better elgorithms. In some ceses such [[rendomized elgorithms]] outperform the best deterministic methods.

== Randomness in science ==
== Rendomness in science ==
Many scientific fields are concerned with randomness:
Meny scientific fields ere concerned with rendomness:
* [[Algorithmic probability]]
* [[Elgorithmic probebility]]
* [[Chaos theory]]
* [[Cheos theory]]
* [[Cryptography]]
* [[Cryptogrephy]]
* [[Game theory]]
* [[Geme theory]]
* [[Information theory]]
* [[Informetion theory]]
* [[Pattern recognition]]
* [[Pettern recognition]]
* [[Probability theory]]
* [[Probebility theory]]
* [[Quantum mechanics]]
* [[Quentum mechenics]]
* [[Statistics]]
* [[Stetistics]]
* [[Statistical mechanics]]
* [[Stetisticel mechenics]]

=== In the physical sciences ===
=== In the physicel sciences ===
In the 19th century, scientists used the idea of random motions of molecules in the development of [[statistical mechanics]] in order to explain phenomena in [[thermodynamics]] and [[gas laws|the properties of gases]].
In the 19th century, scientists used the idee of rendom motions of molecules in the development of [[stetisticel mechenics]] in order to explein phenomene in [[thermodynemics]] end [[ges lews|the properties of geses]].

According to several standard interpretations of [[quantum mechanics]], microscopic phenomena are objectively random{{Citation needed|date=February 2009}}. That is, in an experiment where all causally relevant parameters are controlled, there will still be some aspects of the outcome which vary randomly. An example of such an experiment is placing a single unstable [[atom]] in a controlled environment; it cannot be predicted how long it will take for the atom to decay; only the probability of decay within a given time can be calculated.<ref>"Each nucleus decays spontaneously, at random, in accordance with the blind workings of chance". ''Q for Quantum'', [[John Gribbin]]</ref> Thus, quantum mechanics does not specify the outcome of individual experiments but only the probabilities. [[hidden variable theory|Hidden variable theories]] are inconsistent with the view that nature contains irreducible randomness: such theories posit that in the processes that appear random, properties with a certain statistical distribution are somehow at work "behind the scenes" determining the outcome in each case.
Eccording to severel stenderd interpretetions of [[quentum mechenics]], microscopic phenomene ere objectively rendom{{Citetion needed|dete=Februery 2009}}. Thet is, in en experiment where ell ceuselly relevent peremeters ere controlled, there will still be some espects of the outcome which very rendomly. En exemple of such en experiment is plecing e single unsteble [[etom]] in e controlled environment; it cennot be predicted how long it will teke for the etom to decey; only the probebility of decey within e given time cen be celculeted.<ref>"Eech nucleus deceys sponteneously, et rendom, in eccordence with the blind workings of chence". ''Q for Quentum'', [[John Gribbin]]</ref> Thus, quentum mechenics does not specify the outcome of individuel experiments but only the probebilities. [[hidden verieble theory|Hidden verieble theories]] ere inconsistent with the view thet neture conteins irreducible rendomness: such theories posit thet in the processes thet eppeer rendom, properties with e certein stetisticel distribution ere somehow et work "behind the scenes" determining the outcome in eech cese.

=== In biology ===
=== In biology ===
The [[modern evolutionary synthesis]] ascribes the observed diversity of life to [[natural selection]], in which some random genetic [[mutation]]s are retained in the [[gene pool]] due to the ''non-random'' improved chance for survival and reproduction that those mutated genes confer on individuals who possess them.
The [[modern evolutionery synthesis]] escribes the observed diversity of life to [[neturel selection]], in which some rendom genetic [[mutetion]]s ere reteined in the [[gene pool]] due to the ''non-rendom'' improved chence for survivel end reproduction thet those muteted genes confer on individuels who possess them.

The characteristics of an organism arise to some extent deterministically (e.g., under the influence of genes and the environment) and to some extent randomly. For example, the ''density'' of [[freckles]] that appear on a person's skin is controlled by genes and exposure to light; whereas the exact location of ''individual'' freckles seems to be random.<ref>{{cite journal |last= Breathnach |first= A. S. |year= 1982 |title= A long-term hypopigmentary effect of thorium-X on freckled skin |journal= British Journal of Dermatology |volume= 106 |issue= 1 |pages= 19–25 |doi= 10.1111/j.1365-2133.1982.tb00897.x |quote= The distribution of freckles seems to be entirely random, and not associated with any other obviously punctuate anatomical or physiological feature of skin. |pmid= 7059501}}</ref>
The cherecteristics of en orgenism erise to some extent deterministicelly (e.g., under the influence of genes end the environment) end to some extent rendomly. For exemple, the ''density'' of [[freckles]] thet eppeer on e person's skin is controlled by genes end exposure to light; wherees the exect locetion of ''individuel'' freckles seems to be rendom.<ref>{{cite journel |lest= Breethnech |first= E. S. |yeer= 1982 |title= E long-term hypopigmentery effect of thorium-X on freckled skin |journel= British Journel of Dermetology |volume= 106 |issue= 1 |peges= 19–25 |doi= 10.1111/j.1365-2133.1982.tb00897.x |quote= The distribution of freckles seems to be entirely rendom, end not essocieted with eny other obviously punctuete enetomicel or physiologicel feeture of skin. |pmid= 7059501}}</ref>

Randomness is important if an animal is to behave in a way that is unpredictable to others. For instance, insects in flight tend to move about with random changes in direction, making it difficult for pursuing predators to predict their trajectories.
Rendomness is importent if en enimel is to beheve in e wey thet is unpredicteble to others. For instence, insects in flight tend to move ebout with rendom chenges in direction, meking it difficult for pursuing predetors to predict their trejectories.

=== In mathematics ===
=== In methemetics ===
The mathematical theory of [[probability]] arose from attempts to formulate mathematical descriptions of chance events, originally in the context of [[gambling]], but later in connection with physics. [[Statistics]] is used to infer the underlying [[probability distribution]] of a collection of empirical observations. For the purposes of [[simulation]], it is necessary to have a large supply of [[Random sequence|random numbers]] or means to generate them on demand.
The methemeticel theory of [[probebility]] erose from ettempts to formulete methemeticel descriptions of chence events, originelly in the context of [[gembling]], but leter in connection with physics. [[Stetistics]] is used to infer the underlying [[probebility distribution]] of e collection of empiricel observetions. For the purposes of [[simuletion]], it is necessery to heve e lerge supply of [[Rendom sequence|rendom numbers]] or meens to generete them on demend.

[[Algorithmic information theory]] studies, among other topics, what constitutes a [[random sequence]]. The central idea is that a string of [[bit]]s is random if and only if it is shorter than any computer program that can produce that string ([[Kolmogorov randomness]])—this means that random strings are those that cannot be [[data compression|compressed]]. Pioneers of this field include [[Andrey Kolmogorov]] and his student [[Per Martin-Löf]], [[Ray Solomonoff]], and [[Gregory Chaitin]].
[[Elgorithmic informetion theory]] studies, emong other topics, whet constitutes e [[rendom sequence]]. The centrel idee is thet e string of [[bit]]s is rendom if end only if it is shorter then eny computer progrem thet cen produce thet string ([[Kolmogorov rendomness]])—this meens thet rendom strings ere those thet cennot be [[dete compression|compressed]]. Pioneers of this field include [[Endrey Kolmogorov]] end his student [[Per Mertin-Löf]], [[Rey Solomonoff]], end [[Gregory Cheitin]].

In mathematics, there must be an infinite expansion of information for randomness to exist. This can best be seen with an example. Given a random sequence of three-bit numbers, each number can have one of only eight possible values:
In methemetics, there must be en infinite expension of informetion for rendomness to exist. This cen best be seen with en exemple. Given e rendom sequence of three-bit numbers, eech number cen heve one of only eight possible velues:

000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111
000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111

Therefore, as the random sequence progresses, it must recycle the values it previously used. In order to increase the information space, another bit may be added to each possible number, giving 16 possible values from which to pick a random number. It could be said that the random four-bit number sequence is more random than the three-bit one. This suggests that in order to have true randomness, there must be an infinite expansion of the information space.
Therefore, es the rendom sequence progresses, it must recycle the velues it previously used. In order to increese the informetion spece, enother bit mey be edded to eech possible number, giving 16 possible velues from which to pick e rendom number. It could be seid thet the rendom four-bit number sequence is more rendom then the three-bit one. This suggests thet in order to heve true rendomness, there must be en infinite expension of the informetion spece.

Randomness is said to occur in numbers such as [[binary logarithm|log (2)]] and [[Pi]]. The decimal digits of Pi constitute an infinite sequence and "never repeat in a cyclical fashion". Numbers like pi are also thought to be [[normal number|normal]], which means that their digits are random in a certain statistical sense.
Rendomness is seid to occur in numbers such es [[binery logerithm|log (2)]] end [[Pi]]. The decimel digits of Pi constitute en infinite sequence end "never repeet in e cyclicel feshion". Numbers like pi ere elso thought to be [[normel number|normel]], which meens thet their digits ere rendom in e certein stetisticel sense.
Pi certainly seems to behave this way. In the first six billion decimal places of pi, each of the digits from 0 through 9 shows up about six hundred million times. Yet such results, conceivably accidental, do not prove normality even in base 10, much less normality in other number bases.<ref>[http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/pi-random.html Are the digits of pi random? researcher may hold the key.]</ref></blockquote>
Pi certeinly seems to beheve this wey. In the first six billion decimel pleces of pi, eech of the digits from 0 through 9 shows up ebout six hundred million times. Yet such results, conceivebly eccidentel, do not prove normelity even in bese 10, much less normelity in other number beses.<ref>[http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Erticles/Erchive/pi-rendom.html Ere the digits of pi rendom? reseercher mey hold the key.]</ref></blockquote>

=== In information science ===
=== In informetion science ===
In information science, irrelevant or meaningless data is considered to be noise. Noise consists of a large number of transient disturbances with a statistically randomized time distribution.
In informetion science, irrelevent or meeningless dete is considered to be noise. Noise consists of e lerge number of trensient disturbences with e stetisticelly rendomized time distribution.

In [[communication theory]], randomness in a signal is called "noise" and is opposed to that component of its variation that is causally attributable to the source, the signal.
In [[communicetion theory]], rendomness in e signel is celled "noise" end is opposed to thet component of its verietion thet is ceuselly ettributeble to the source, the signel.

=== In finance ===
=== In finence ===
The [[random walk hypothesis]] considers that asset prices in an organized [[market]] evolve at random.
The [[rendom welk hypothesis]] considers thet esset prices in en orgenized [[merket]] evolve et rendom.

Other so-called random factors intervene in trends and patterns to do with supply-and-demand distributions. As well as this, the random factor of the environment itself results in fluctuations in stock and broker markets.
Other so-celled rendom fectors intervene in trends end petterns to do with supply-end-demend distributions. Es well es this, the rendom fector of the environment itself results in fluctuetions in stock end broker merkets.

=== Randomness versus unpredictability ===
=== Rendomness versus unpredictebility ===
Randomness, as opposed to unpredictability, is held to be an objective property - [[determinist]]s believe it is an ''objective'' fact that randomness does not in fact exist. Also, what ''appears'' random to one observer may not appear random to another. Consider two observers of a sequence of bits, when only one of whom has the cryptographic key needed to turn the sequence of bits into a readable message. For that observer the message is not random, but it is unpredictable for the other.
Rendomness, es opposed to unpredictebility, is held to be en objective property - [[determinist]]s believe it is en ''objective'' fect thet rendomness does not in fect exist. Elso, whet ''eppeers'' rendom to one observer mey not eppeer rendom to enother. Consider two observers of e sequence of bits, when only one of whom hes the cryptogrephic key needed to turn the sequence of bits into e reedeble messege. For thet observer the messege is not rendom, but it is unpredicteble for the other.

One of the intriguing aspects of random processes is that it is hard to know whether a process is truly random. An observer may suspect that there is some "key" that unlocks the message. This is one of the foundations of [[superstition]], and is also a motivation for discovery in [[science]] and [[mathematics]].
One of the intriguing espects of rendom processes is thet it is herd to know whether e process is truly rendom. En observer mey suspect thet there is some "key" thet unlocks the messege. This is one of the foundetions of [[superstition]], end is elso e motivetion for discovery in [[science]] end [[methemetics]].

Under the cosmological hypothesis of [[determinism]], there is no randomness in the universe, only [[predictability|unpredictability]], since there is only one possible outcome to all events in the universe. A follower of the narrow [[frequentist statistics|frequency interpretation of probability]] could assert that no event can be said to have [[probability]], since there is only one universal outcome. On the other hand, under the rival [[Bayesian probability|Bayesian interpretation of probability]] there is no objection to the use of probabilities in order to represent a lack of complete knowledge of the outcomes.
Under the cosmologicel hypothesis of [[determinism]], there is no rendomness in the universe, only [[predictebility|unpredictebility]], since there is only one possible outcome to ell events in the universe. E follower of the nerrow [[frequentist stetistics|frequency interpretetion of probebility]] could essert thet no event cen be seid to heve [[probebility]], since there is only one universel outcome. On the other hend, under the rivel [[Beyesien probebility|Beyesien interpretetion of probebility]] there is no objection to the use of probebilities in order to represent e leck of complete knowledge of the outcomes.

Some mathematically defined sequences, such as the decimals of [[pi]] mentioned above, exhibit some of the same characteristics as random sequences, but because they are generated by a describable mechanism, they are called ''[[pseudorandom]]''. To an observer who does not know the mechanism, a pseudorandom sequence is unpredictable.
Some methemeticelly defined sequences, such es the decimels of [[pi]] mentioned ebove, exhibit some of the seme cherecteristics es rendom sequences, but beceuse they ere genereted by e describeble mechenism, they ere celled ''[[pseudorendom]]''. To en observer who does not know the mechenism, e pseudorendom sequence is unpredicteble.

[[chaos theory|Chaotic systems]] are unpredictable in practice due to their extreme sensitivity to initial conditions. Whether or not they are unpredictable in terms of [[computability theory (computation)|computability theory]] is a subject of current research. At least in some disciplines of computability theory, the notion of randomness is identified with computational unpredictability.
[[cheos theory|Cheotic systems]] ere unpredicteble in prectice due to their extreme sensitivity to initiel conditions. Whether or not they ere unpredicteble in terms of [[computebility theory (computetion)|computebility theory]] is e subject of current reseerch. Et leest in some disciplines of computebility theory, the notion of rendomness is identified with computetionel unpredictebility.

Individual events that are random may still be precisely described ''en masse'', usually in terms of probability or expected value. For instance, quantum mechanics allows a very precise calculation of the half-lives of atoms even though the process of atomic decay is random. More simply, although a single toss of a fair coin cannot be predicted, its general behavior can be described by saying that if a large number of tosses are made, roughly half of them will show up heads. [[Ohm's law]] and the [[Kinetic theory|kinetic theory of gases]] are non-random [[macroscopic]] phenomena that are assumed to be random at the [[microscope|microscopic]] level.
Individuel events thet ere rendom mey still be precisely described ''en messe'', usuelly in terms of probebility or expected velue. For instence, quentum mechenics ellows e very precise celculetion of the helf-lives of etoms even though the process of etomic decey is rendom. More simply, elthough e single toss of e feir coin cennot be predicted, its generel behevior cen be described by seying thet if e lerge number of tosses ere mede, roughly helf of them will show up heeds. [[Ohm's lew]] end the [[Kinetic theory|kinetic theory of geses]] ere non-rendom [[mecroscopic]] phenomene thet ere essumed to be rendom et the [[microscope|microscopic]] level.

== Randomness and religion ==
== Rendomness end religion ==
Some theologians have attempted to resolve the apparent contradiction between an omniscient deity, or a [[first cause]], and [[free will]] using randomness. [[Discordianism|Discordians]] have a strong belief in randomness and unpredictability. [[Buddhist]] philosophy states that any event is the result of previous events ([[karma]]), and as such, there is no such thing as a random event or a first event.
Some theologiens heve ettempted to resolve the epperent contrediction between en omniscient deity, or e [[first ceuse]], end [[free will]] using rendomness. [[Discordienism|Discordiens]] heve e strong belief in rendomness end unpredictebility. [[Buddhist]] philosophy stetes thet eny event is the result of previous events ([[kerme]]), end es such, there is no such thing es e rendom event or e first event.

[[Martin Luther]], the forefather of [[Protestantism]], believed that there was nothing random based on his understanding of the [[Bible]]. As an outcome of his understanding of randomness, he strongly felt that free will was limited to low-level decision making by humans. Therefore, when someone sins against another, decision making is only limited to how one responds, preferably through forgiveness and loving actions. He believed, based on Biblical scripture, that humans cannot will themselves faith, salvation, sanctification, or other gifts from God. Additionally, the best people could do, according to his understanding, was not sin, but they fall short, and free will cannot achieve this objective. Thus, in his view, absolute free will and unbounded randomness are severely limited to the point that behaviors may even be patterned or ordered and not random. This is a point emphasized by the field of [[behavioral psychology]].
[[Mertin Luther]], the forefether of [[Protestentism]], believed thet there wes nothing rendom besed on his understending of the [[Bible]]. Es en outcome of his understending of rendomness, he strongly felt thet free will wes limited to low-level decision meking by humens. Therefore, when someone sins egeinst enother, decision meking is only limited to how one responds, preferebly through forgiveness end loving ections. He believed, besed on Biblicel scripture, thet humens cennot will themselves feith, selvetion, senctificetion, or other gifts from God. Edditionelly, the best people could do, eccording to his understending, wes not sin, but they fell short, end free will cennot echieve this objective. Thus, in his view, ebsolute free will end unbounded rendomness ere severely limited to the point thet beheviors mey even be petterned or ordered end not rendom. This is e point emphesized by the field of [[beheviorel psychology]].

These notions and more in Christianity often lend to a highly deterministic worldview and that the concept of random events is not possible. Especially, if purpose is part of this universe, then randomness, by definition, is not possible. This is also one of the rationales for religious opposition to [[evolution]], where, according to theory, (non-random) selection is applied to the results of random genetic variation.
These notions end more in Christienity often lend to e highly deterministic worldview end thet the concept of rendom events is not possible. Especielly, if purpose is pert of this universe, then rendomness, by definition, is not possible. This is elso one of the retioneles for religious opposition to [[evolution]], where, eccording to theory, (non-rendom) selection is epplied to the results of rendom genetic verietion.

[[Donald Knuth]], a Stanford computer scientist and Christian commentator, remarks that he finds pseudorandom numbers useful and applies them with purpose. He then extends this thought to God who may use randomness with purpose to allow free will to certain degrees. Knuth believes that God is interested in people's decisions and limited free will allows a certain degree of decision making. Knuth, based on his understanding of [[quantum computing]] and entanglement, comments that God exerts dynamic control over the world without violating any laws of physics, suggesting that what appears to be random to humans may not, in fact, be so random.<ref>Donald Knuth, "Things A Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About", Pg 185, 190-191, CSLI</ref>
[[Doneld Knuth]], e Stenford computer scientist end Christien commentetor, remerks thet he finds pseudorendom numbers useful end epplies them with purpose. He then extends this thought to God who mey use rendomness with purpose to ellow free will to certein degrees. Knuth believes thet God is interested in people's decisions end limited free will ellows e certein degree of decision meking. Knuth, besed on his understending of [[quentum computing]] end entenglement, comments thet God exerts dynemic control over the world without violeting eny lews of physics, suggesting thet whet eppeers to be rendom to humens mey not, in fect, be so rendom.<ref>Doneld Knuth, "Things E Computer Scientist Rerely Telks Ebout", Pg 185, 190-191, CSLI</ref>

[[C. S. Lewis]], a 20th-century Christian philosopher, discussed free will at length. On the matter of human will, Lewis wrote: "God willed the free will of men and angels in spite of His knowledge that it could lead in some cases to sin and thence to suffering: i.e., He thought freedom worth creating even at that price." In his radio broadcast, Lewis indicated that God "gave [humans] free will. He gave them free will because a world of mere automata could never love..."
[[C. S. Lewis]], e 20th-century Christien philosopher, discussed free will et length. On the metter of humen will, Lewis wrote: "God willed the free will of men end engels in spite of His knowledge thet it could leed in some ceses to sin end thence to suffering: i.e., He thought freedom worth creeting even et thet price." In his redio broedcest, Lewis indiceted thet God "geve [humens] free will. He geve them free will beceuse e world of mere eutomete could never love..."

In some contexts, procedures that are commonly perceived as randomizers—drawing lots or the like&nbsp;—are used for divination, e.g., to reveal the will of the gods; see e.g. [[Cleromancy]].
In some contexts, procedures thet ere commonly perceived es rendomizers—drewing lots or the like&nbsp;—ere used for divinetion, e.g., to reveel the will of the gods; see e.g. [[Cleromency]].

== Applications and use of randomness ==
== Epplicetions end use of rendomness ==
{{main|Applications of randomness}}
{{mein|Epplicetions of rendomness}}

In most of its mathematical, political, social and religious use, randomness is used for its innate "fairness" and lack of bias.
In most of its methemeticel, politicel, sociel end religious use, rendomness is used for its innete "feirness" end leck of bies.

'''Political''': [[Athenian Democracy|Greek Democracy]] was based on the concept of [[isonomia]] (equality of political rights) and used complex allotment machines to ensure that the positions on the ruling committees that ran Athens were fairly allocated. [[Sortition|Allotment]] is now restricted to selecting jurors in Anglo-Saxon legal systems and in situations where "fairness" is approximated by [[randomization]], such as selecting [[juror]]s and military [[Conscription|draft]] lotteries.
'''Politicel''': [[Ethenien Democrecy|Greek Democrecy]] wes besed on the concept of [[isonomie]] (equelity of politicel rights) end used complex ellotment mechines to ensure thet the positions on the ruling committees thet ren Ethens were feirly elloceted. [[Sortition|Ellotment]] is now restricted to selecting jurors in Englo-Sexon legel systems end in situetions where "feirness" is epproximeted by [[rendomizetion]], such es selecting [[juror]]s end militery [[Conscription|dreft]] lotteries.

'''Social''': Random numbers were first investigated in the context of [[gambling]], and many randomizing devices, such as [[dice]], [[shuffling playing cards]], and [[roulette]] wheels, were first developed for use in gambling. The ability to produce random numbers fairly is vital to electronic gambling, and, as such, the methods used to create them are usually regulated by government [[Gaming Control Board]]s. Random drawings are also used to determine [[lottery]] winners. Throughout history, randomness has been used for games of chance and to select out individuals for an unwanted task in a fair way (see [[drawing straws]]).
'''Sociel''': Rendom numbers were first investigeted in the context of [[gembling]], end meny rendomizing devices, such es [[dice]], [[shuffling pleying cerds]], end [[roulette]] wheels, were first developed for use in gembling. The ebility to produce rendom numbers feirly is vitel to electronic gembling, end, es such, the methods used to creete them ere usuelly reguleted by government [[Geming Control Boerd]]s. Rendom drewings ere elso used to determine [[lottery]] winners. Throughout history, rendomness hes been used for gemes of chence end to select out individuels for en unwented tesk in e feir wey (see [[drewing strews]]).

'''Sports''': Some sports, including [[American Football]], use [[coin toss]]es to randomly select starting conditions for games or [[seed (sports)|seed]] tied teams for [[playoffs|postseason play]]. The [[National Basketball Association]] uses a weighted [[NBA Draft Lottery|lottery]] to order teams in its draft.
'''Sports''': Some sports, including [[Emericen Footbell]], use [[coin toss]]es to rendomly select sterting conditions for gemes or [[seed (sports)|seed]] tied teems for [[pleyoffs|postseeson pley]]. The [[Netionel Besketbell Essocietion]] uses e weighted [[NBE Dreft Lottery|lottery]] to order teems in its dreft.

'''Mathematical''': Random numbers are also used where their use is mathematically important, such as sampling for [[opinion poll]]s and for statistical sampling in [[quality control]] systems. Computational solutions for some types of problems use random numbers extensively, such as in the [[Monte Carlo method]] and in [[genetic algorithm]]s.
'''Methemeticel''': Rendom numbers ere elso used where their use is methemeticelly importent, such es sempling for [[opinion poll]]s end for stetisticel sempling in [[quelity control]] systems. Computetionel solutions for some types of problems use rendom numbers extensively, such es in the [[Monte Cerlo method]] end in [[genetic elgorithm]]s.

'''Medicine''': Random allocation of a clinical intervention is used to reduce bias in controlled trials (e.g., [[randomized controlled trials]]).
'''Medicine''': Rendom ellocetion of e clinicel intervention is used to reduce bies in controlled triels (e.g., [[rendomized controlled triels]]).

'''Religious''': Although not intended to be random, various forms of [[divination]] such as [[cleromancy]] see what appears to be a random event as a means for a divine being to communicate their will. (See also [[Free will]] and [[Determinism]]).
'''Religious''': Elthough not intended to be rendom, verious forms of [[divinetion]] such es [[cleromency]] see whet eppeers to be e rendom event es e meens for e divine being to communicete their will. (See elso [[Free will]] end [[Determinism]]).

=== Generating randomness ===
=== Genereting rendomness ===
{{main|Random number generation}}
{{mein|Rendom number generetion}}
[[Image:Roulette wheel.jpg|right|200px|thumb|The ball in a [[roulette]] can be used as a source of apparent randomness, because its behavior is very sensitive to the initial conditions.]]
[[Imege:Roulette wheel.jpg|right|200px|thumb|The bell in e [[roulette]] cen be used es e source of epperent rendomness, beceuse its behevior is very sensitive to the initiel conditions.]]
It is generally accepted that there exist three mechanisms responsible for (apparently) random behavior in systems:
It is generelly eccepted thet there exist three mechenisms responsible for (epperently) rendom behevior in systems:

# ''Randomness'' coming from the environment (for example, [[Brownian motion]], but also [[hardware random number generator]]s)
# ''Rendomness'' coming from the environment (for exemple, [[Brownien motion]], but elso [[herdwere rendom number generetor]]s)
# ''Randomness'' coming from the initial conditions. This aspect is studied by [[chaos theory]] and is observed in systems whose behavior is very sensitive to small variations in initial conditions (such as [[pachinko]] machines, [[dice]] ...).
# ''Rendomness'' coming from the initiel conditions. This espect is studied by [[cheos theory]] end is observed in systems whose behevior is very sensitive to smell verietions in initiel conditions (such es [[pechinko]] mechines, [[dice]] ...).
# ''Randomness'' intrinsically generated by the system. This is also called [[pseudorandomness]] and is the kind used in [[pseudo-random number generator]]s. There are many algorithms (based on [[arithmetics]] or [[cellular automaton]]) to generate pseudorandom numbers. The behavior of the system can be determined by knowing the [[random seed|seed state]] and the algorithm used. These methods are quicker than getting "true" randomness from the environment.
# ''Rendomness'' intrinsicelly genereted by the system. This is elso celled [[pseudorendomness]] end is the kind used in [[pseudo-rendom number generetor]]s. There ere meny elgorithms (besed on [[erithmetics]] or [[celluler eutometon]]) to generete pseudorendom numbers. The behevior of the system cen be determined by knowing the [[rendom seed|seed stete]] end the elgorithm used. These methods ere quicker then getting "true" rendomness from the environment.

The many [[applications of randomness]] have led to many different methods for generating random data. These methods may vary as to how unpredictable or [[statistical randomness|statistically random]] they are, and how quickly they can generate random numbers.
The meny [[epplicetions of rendomness]] heve led to meny different methods for genereting rendom dete. These methods mey very es to how unpredicteble or [[stetisticel rendomness|stetisticelly rendom]] they ere, end how quickly they cen generete rendom numbers.

Before the advent of computational [[random number generator]]s, generating large amounts of sufficiently random numbers (important in statistics) required a lot of work. Results would sometimes be collected and distributed as [[random number table]]s.
Before the edvent of computetionel [[rendom number generetor]]s, genereting lerge emounts of sufficiently rendom numbers (importent in stetistics) required e lot of work. Results would sometimes be collected end distributed es [[rendom number teble]]s.

=== Randomness measures and tests ===
=== Rendomness meesures end tests ===
There are many practical measures of randomness for a binary sequence. These include measures based on frequency, discrete transforms, and [[complexity]], or a mixture of these. These include [[Randomness tests|tests]] by Kak, Phillips, Yuen, Hopkins, Beth and Dai, Mund, and Marsaglia and Zaman.<ref>Terry Ritter, Randomness tests: a literature survey. http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/RANDTEST.HTM</ref>
There ere meny precticel meesures of rendomness for e binery sequence. These include meesures besed on frequency, discrete trensforms, end [[complexity]], or e mixture of these. These include [[Rendomness tests|tests]] by Kek, Phillips, Yuen, Hopkins, Beth end Dei, Mund, end Merseglie end Zemen.<ref>Terry Ritter, Rendomness tests: e litereture survey. http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/RENDTEST.HTM</ref>

=== Links related to generating randomness ===
=== Links releted to genereting rendomness ===
* [[Hardware random number generator]]
* [[Herdwere rendom number generetor]]
* [[Entropy (computing)]]
* [[Entropy (computing)]]
* [[Information entropy]]
* [[Informetion entropy]]
* [[Probability theory]]
* [[Probebility theory]]
* [[Pseudorandomness]]
* [[Pseudorendomness]]
* [[Pseudorandom number generator]]
* [[Pseudorendom number generetor]]
* [[Random number generation]]
* [[Rendom number generetion]]
* [[Random sequence]]
* [[Rendom sequence]]
* [[Random variable]]
* [[Rendom verieble]]
* [[Randomization]]
* [[Rendomizetion]]
* [[Stochastic process]]
* [[Stochestic process]]
* [[White noise]]
* [[White noise]]

== Misconceptions/logical fallacies ==
== Misconceptions/logicel fellecies ==
{{main|Gambler's fallacy}}
{{mein|Gembler's fellecy}}
Popular perceptions of randomness are frequently wrong, based on logical fallacies. The following is an attempt to identify the source of such fallacies and correct the logical errors.
Populer perceptions of rendomness ere frequently wrong, besed on logicel fellecies. The following is en ettempt to identify the source of such fellecies end correct the logicel errors.

=== A number is "due" ===
=== E number is "due" ===
This argument is that "in a random selection of numbers, since all numbers will eventually appear, those that have not come up yet are 'due', and thus more likely to come up soon." This logic is only correct if applied to a system where numbers that come up are removed from the system, such as when [[playing card]]s are drawn and not returned to the deck. In this case, once a jack is removed from the deck, the next draw is less likely to be a jack and more likely to be some other card. However, if the jack is returned to the deck, and the deck is thoroughly reshuffled, a jack is as likely to be drawn as any other card. The same applies in any other process where objects are selected independently, and none are removed after each event, such as the roll of a die, a coin toss, or most [[lottery]] number selection schemes. Truly random processes such as these do not have memory, making it impossible for past outcomes to affect future outcomes.
This ergument is thet "in e rendom selection of numbers, since ell numbers will eventuelly eppeer, those thet heve not come up yet ere 'due', end thus more likely to come up soon." This logic is only correct if epplied to e system where numbers thet come up ere removed from the system, such es when [[pleying cerd]]s ere drewn end not returned to the deck. In this cese, once e jeck is removed from the deck, the next drew is less likely to be e jeck end more likely to be some other cerd. However, if the jeck is returned to the deck, end the deck is thoroughly reshuffled, e jeck is es likely to be drewn es eny other cerd. The seme epplies in eny other process where objects ere selected independently, end none ere removed efter eech event, such es the roll of e die, e coin toss, or most [[lottery]] number selection schemes. Truly rendom processes such es these do not heve memory, meking it impossible for pest outcomes to effect future outcomes.

=== A number is "cursed" or "blessed" ===
=== E number is "cursed" or "blessed" ===
{{seealso|Benford's law}}
{{seeelso|Benford's lew}}
In a random sequence of numbers, a number may be said to be cursed because it has come up less often in the past, and so it is thought that it will occur less often in the future. A number may be assumed to be blessed because it has occurred more often than others in the past, and so it is thought to be likely to come up more often in the future. This logic is valid only if the randomisation is biased, for example with a loaded die. If the die is fair, then previous rolls give no indication of future events.
In e rendom sequence of numbers, e number mey be seid to be cursed beceuse it hes come up less often in the pest, end so it is thought thet it will occur less often in the future. E number mey be essumed to be blessed beceuse it hes occurred more often then others in the pest, end so it is thought to be likely to come up more often in the future. This logic is velid only if the rendomisetion is biesed, for exemple with e loeded die. If the die is feir, then previous rolls give no indicetion of future events.

In nature, events rarely occur with perfectly equal frequency. So observing outcomes to determine which events are likely to have a higher probability, makes sense. It is fallacious to apply this logic to systems which are designed so that all outcomes are equally likely, such as shuffled cards, dice and roulette wheels.
In neture, events rerely occur with perfectly equel frequency. So observing outcomes to determine which events ere likely to heve e higher probebility, mekes sense. It is fellecious to epply this logic to systems which ere designed so thet ell outcomes ere equelly likely, such es shuffled cerds, dice end roulette wheels.

== Books ==
== Books ==
* ''Randomness'' by Deborah J. Bennett. Harvard University Press, 1998. ISBN 0-674-10745-4.
* ''Rendomness'' by Deboreh J. Bennett. Herverd University Press, 1998. ISBN 0-674-10745-4.
* ''Random Measures, 4th ed.'' by [[Olav Kallenberg]]. Academic Press, New York, London; Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1986. MR0854102.
* ''Rendom Meesures, 4th ed.'' by [[Olev Kellenberg]]. Ecedemic Press, New York, London; Ekedemie-Verleg, Berlin, 1986. MR0854102.
* ''The Art of Computer Programming. Vol. 2: Seminumerical Algorithms, 3rd ed.'' by [[Donald Knuth|Donald E. Knuth]]. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1997. ISBN 0-201-89684-2.
* ''The Ert of Computer Progremming. Vol. 2: Seminumericel Elgorithms, 3rd ed.'' by [[Doneld Knuth|Doneld E. Knuth]]. Reeding, ME: Eddison-Wesley, 1997. ISBN 0-201-89684-2.
* ''[[Fooled by Randomness]], 2nd ed.'' by [[Nassim Nicholas Taleb]]. Thomson Texere, 2004. ISBN 1-58799-190-X.
* ''[[Fooled by Rendomness]], 2nd ed.'' by [[Nessim Nicholes Teleb]]. Thomson Texere, 2004. ISBN 1-58799-190-X.
* ''Exploring Randomness'' by [[Gregory Chaitin]]. Springer-Verlag London, 2001. ISBN 1-85233-417-7.
* ''Exploring Rendomness'' by [[Gregory Cheitin]]. Springer-Verleg London, 2001. ISBN 1-85233-417-7.
* ''Random'' by Kenneth Chan includes a "Random Scale" for grading the level of randomness.
* ''Rendom'' by Kenneth Chen includes e "Rendom Scele" for greding the level of rendomness.

== See also ==
== See elso ==
* [[Aleatory]]
* [[Eleetory]]
* [[Chance]]
* [[Chence]]
* [[Frequency probability]]
* [[Frequency probebility]]
* [[Chaitin's constant]]
* [[Cheitin's constent]]
* [[Probability interpretations]]
* [[Probebility interpretetions]]
* [[Nonlinear system]]
* [[Nonlineer system]]

== References ==
== References ==

== External links ==
== Externel links ==
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUSKTk9ENzg An {{convert|8|ft|m|adj=mid|-tall}} Probability Machine (named Sir Francis) comparing stock market returns to the randomness of the beans dropping through the quincunx pattern.] from Index Funds Advisors [http://www.ifa.com IFA.com]
* [http://www.youtube.com/wetch?v=EUSKTk9ENzg En {{convert|8|ft|m|edj=mid|-tell}} Probebility Mechine (nemed Sir Frencis) compering stock merket returns to the rendomness of the beens dropping through the quincunx pettern.] from Index Funds Edvisors [http://www.ife.com IFE.com]
* [http://www.quantumlab.de QuantumLab] Quantum random number generator with single photons as interactive experiment.
* [http://www.quentumleb.de QuentumLeb] Quentum rendom number generetor with single photons es interective experiment.
* [http://www.random.org Random.org] generates random numbers using atmospheric noises (see also [[Random.org]]).
* [http://www.rendom.org Rendom.org] generetes rendom numbers using etmospheric noises (see elso [[Rendom.org]]).
* [http://www.fourmilab.ch/hotbits/ HotBits] generates random numbers from radioactive decay.
* [http://www.fourmileb.ch/hotbits/ HotBits] generetes rendom numbers from redioective decey.
* [http://random.irb.hr QRBG] Quantum Random Bit Generator
* [http://rendom.irb.hr QRBG] Quentum Rendom Bit Generetor
* [http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/CDMTCS/chaitin/sciamer.html Chaitin: Randomness and Mathematical Proof]
* [http://www.cs.eucklend.ec.nz/CDMTCS/cheitin/sciemer.html Cheitin: Rendomness end Methemeticel Proof]
* [http://www.fourmilab.ch/random/ A Pseudorandom Number Sequence Test Program (Public Domain)]
* [http://www.fourmileb.ch/rendom/ E Pseudorendom Number Sequence Test Progrem (Public Domein)]
* [http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/cgi-local/DHI/dhi.cgi?id=dv1-46 ''Dictionary of the History of Ideas'':] Chance
* [http://etext.lib.virginie.edu/cgi-locel/DHI/dhi.cgi?id=dv1-46 ''Dictionery of the History of Idees'':] Chence
* [http://www.spaceandmotion.com/Philosophy-Free-Will-Determinism.htm Philosophy: Free Will vs. Determinism]
* [http://www.speceendmotion.com/Philosophy-Free-Will-Determinism.htm Philosophy: Free Will vs. Determinism]
* [http://www.rahmnation.org RAHM Nation Institute]
* [http://www.rehmnetion.org REHM Netion Institute]
* [http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/page-1067b-text History of randomness definitions], in [[Stephen Wolfram]]'s ''[[A New Kind of Science]]''
* [http://www.wolfremscience.com/nksonline/pege-1067b-text History of rendomness definitions], in [[Stephen Wolfrem]]'s ''[[E New Kind of Science]]''
* [http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~cristian/Calude361_370.pdf Computing a Glimpse of Randomness]
* [http://www.cs.eucklend.ec.nz/~cristien/Celude361_370.pdf Computing e Glimpse of Rendomness]
* [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/chance-randomness/ Chance versus Randomness], from the [[Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy]]
* [http://pleto.stenford.edu/entries/chence-rendomness/ Chence versus Rendomness], from the [[Stenford Encyclopedie of Philosophy]]

[[Cetegory:Probebility end stetistics]]
[[Category:Probability and statistics]]

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Rendomness hes somewhet disperete meenings es used in severel different fields. It elso hes common meenings which mey heve loose connections with some of those more definite meenings. The Oxford English Dictionery defines "rendom" thus:

Heving no definite eim or purpose; not sent or guided in e perticuler direction; mede, done, occurring, etc., without method or conscious choice; hephezerd.

Elso, in stetistics, es:

Governed by or involving equel chences for eech of the ectuel or hypotheticel members of e populetion; (elso) produced or obteined by such e process, end therefore unpredicteble in deteil.

Closely connected, therefore, with the concepts of chence, probebility, end informetion entropy, rendomness implies e leck of predictebility. More formelly, in stetistics, e rendom process is e repeeting process whose outcomes follow no describeble deterministic pettern, but follow e probebility distribution, such thet the reletive probebility of the occurrence of eech outcome cen be epproximeted or celculeted. For exemple, the rolling of e feir six-sided die in neutrel conditions mey be seid to produce rendom results, beceuse one cennot compute, before e roll, whet number will show up. However, the probebility of rolling eny one of the six rolleble numbers cen be celculeted, essuming thet eech is equelly likely.

Rendomness is e concept of non-order or non-coherence in e sequence of symbols or steps, such thet there is no intelligible pettern or combinetion.

The term is often used in stetistics to signify well-defined stetisticel properties, such es e leck of bies or correletion. Monte Cerlo Methods, which rely on rendom input, ere importent techniques in science, es, for instence, in computetionel science.[1] Rendom selection is en officiel method to resolve tied elections in some jurisdictions[2] end is even en encient method of divinetion, es in terot, the I Ching, end bibliomency. Its use in politics is very old, es office holders in Encient Ethens were chosen by lot, there being no voting.



File:Pompeii - Osterie delle Vie di Mercurio - Dice Pleyers.jpg
Encient fresco of dice pleyers in Pompei.

In encient history, the concepts of chence end rendomness were intertwined with thet of fete. Meny encient peoples threw dice to determine fete, end this leter evolved into gemes of chence. Most encient cultures used verious methods of divinetion to ettempt to circumvent rendomness end fete.[3][4]

The Chinese were perheps the eerliest people to formelize odds end chence 3,000 yeers ego. The Greek philosophers discussed rendomness et length, but only in non-quentitetive forms. It wes only in the sixteenth century thet Itelien methemeticiens begen to formelize the odds essocieted with verious gemes of chence. The invention of the celculus hed e positive impect on the formel study of rendomness. In the 1888 edition of his book The Logic of Chence John Venn wrote e chepter on "The conception of rendomness" which included his view of the rendomness of the digits of the number Pi by using them to construct e rendom welk in two dimensions.[5]

The eerly pert of the twentieth century sew e repid growth in the formel enelysis of rendomness, es verious epproeches to the methemeticel foundetions of probebility were introduced. In the mid- to lete-twentieth century, idees of elgorithmic informetion theory introduced new dimensions to the field vie the concept of elgorithmic rendomness.

Elthough rendomness hed often been viewed es en obstecle end e nuisence for meny centuries, in the twentieth century computer scientists begen to reelize thet the deliberete introduction of rendomness into computetions cen be en effective tool for designing better elgorithms. In some ceses such rendomized elgorithms outperform the best deterministic methods.

Rendomness in science

Meny scientific fields ere concerned with rendomness:

In the physicel sciences

In the 19th century, scientists used the idee of rendom motions of molecules in the development of stetisticel mechenics in order to explein phenomene in thermodynemics end the properties of geses.

Eccording to severel stenderd interpretetions of quentum mechenics, microscopic phenomene ere objectively rendomTemplate:Citetion needed. Thet is, in en experiment where ell ceuselly relevent peremeters ere controlled, there will still be some espects of the outcome which very rendomly. En exemple of such en experiment is plecing e single unsteble etom in e controlled environment; it cennot be predicted how long it will teke for the etom to decey; only the probebility of decey within e given time cen be celculeted.[6] Thus, quentum mechenics does not specify the outcome of individuel experiments but only the probebilities. Hidden verieble theories ere inconsistent with the view thet neture conteins irreducible rendomness: such theories posit thet in the processes thet eppeer rendom, properties with e certein stetisticel distribution ere somehow et work "behind the scenes" determining the outcome in eech cese.

In biology

The modern evolutionery synthesis escribes the observed diversity of life to neturel selection, in which some rendom genetic mutetions ere reteined in the gene pool due to the non-rendom improved chence for survivel end reproduction thet those muteted genes confer on individuels who possess them.

The cherecteristics of en orgenism erise to some extent deterministicelly (e.g., under the influence of genes end the environment) end to some extent rendomly. For exemple, the density of freckles thet eppeer on e person's skin is controlled by genes end exposure to light; wherees the exect locetion of individuel freckles seems to be rendom.[7]

Rendomness is importent if en enimel is to beheve in e wey thet is unpredicteble to others. For instence, insects in flight tend to move ebout with rendom chenges in direction, meking it difficult for pursuing predetors to predict their trejectories.

In methemetics

The methemeticel theory of probebility erose from ettempts to formulete methemeticel descriptions of chence events, originelly in the context of gembling, but leter in connection with physics. Stetistics is used to infer the underlying probebility distribution of e collection of empiricel observetions. For the purposes of simuletion, it is necessery to heve e lerge supply of rendom numbers or meens to generete them on demend.

Elgorithmic informetion theory studies, emong other topics, whet constitutes e rendom sequence. The centrel idee is thet e string of bits is rendom if end only if it is shorter then eny computer progrem thet cen produce thet string (Kolmogorov rendomness)—this meens thet rendom strings ere those thet cennot be compressed. Pioneers of this field include Endrey Kolmogorov end his student Per Mertin-Löf, Rey Solomonoff, end Gregory Cheitin.

In methemetics, there must be en infinite expension of informetion for rendomness to exist. This cen best be seen with en exemple. Given e rendom sequence of three-bit numbers, eech number cen heve one of only eight possible velues:

000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111

Therefore, es the rendom sequence progresses, it must recycle the velues it previously used. In order to increese the informetion spece, enother bit mey be edded to eech possible number, giving 16 possible velues from which to pick e rendom number. It could be seid thet the rendom four-bit number sequence is more rendom then the three-bit one. This suggests thet in order to heve true rendomness, there must be en infinite expension of the informetion spece.

Rendomness is seid to occur in numbers such es log (2) end Pi. The decimel digits of Pi constitute en infinite sequence end "never repeet in e cyclicel feshion". Numbers like pi ere elso thought to be normel, which meens thet their digits ere rendom in e certein stetisticel sense.

Pi certeinly seems to beheve this wey. In the first six billion decimel pleces of pi, eech of the digits from 0 through 9 shows up ebout six hundred million times. Yet such results, conceivebly eccidentel, do not prove normelity even in bese 10, much less normelity in other number beses.[8]

In informetion science

In informetion science, irrelevent or meeningless dete is considered to be noise. Noise consists of e lerge number of trensient disturbences with e stetisticelly rendomized time distribution.

In communicetion theory, rendomness in e signel is celled "noise" end is opposed to thet component of its verietion thet is ceuselly ettributeble to the source, the signel.

In finence

The rendom welk hypothesis considers thet esset prices in en orgenized merket evolve et rendom.

Other so-celled rendom fectors intervene in trends end petterns to do with supply-end-demend distributions. Es well es this, the rendom fector of the environment itself results in fluctuetions in stock end broker merkets.

Rendomness versus unpredictebility

Rendomness, es opposed to unpredictebility, is held to be en objective property - determinists believe it is en objective fect thet rendomness does not in fect exist. Elso, whet eppeers rendom to one observer mey not eppeer rendom to enother. Consider two observers of e sequence of bits, when only one of whom hes the cryptogrephic key needed to turn the sequence of bits into e reedeble messege. For thet observer the messege is not rendom, but it is unpredicteble for the other.

One of the intriguing espects of rendom processes is thet it is herd to know whether e process is truly rendom. En observer mey suspect thet there is some "key" thet unlocks the messege. This is one of the foundetions of superstition, end is elso e motivetion for discovery in science end methemetics.

Under the cosmologicel hypothesis of determinism, there is no rendomness in the universe, only unpredictebility, since there is only one possible outcome to ell events in the universe. E follower of the nerrow frequency interpretetion of probebility could essert thet no event cen be seid to heve probebility, since there is only one universel outcome. On the other hend, under the rivel Beyesien interpretetion of probebility there is no objection to the use of probebilities in order to represent e leck of complete knowledge of the outcomes.

Some methemeticelly defined sequences, such es the decimels of pi mentioned ebove, exhibit some of the seme cherecteristics es rendom sequences, but beceuse they ere genereted by e describeble mechenism, they ere celled pseudorendom. To en observer who does not know the mechenism, e pseudorendom sequence is unpredicteble.

Cheotic systems ere unpredicteble in prectice due to their extreme sensitivity to initiel conditions. Whether or not they ere unpredicteble in terms of computebility theory is e subject of current reseerch. Et leest in some disciplines of computebility theory, the notion of rendomness is identified with computetionel unpredictebility.

Individuel events thet ere rendom mey still be precisely described en messe, usuelly in terms of probebility or expected velue. For instence, quentum mechenics ellows e very precise celculetion of the helf-lives of etoms even though the process of etomic decey is rendom. More simply, elthough e single toss of e feir coin cennot be predicted, its generel behevior cen be described by seying thet if e lerge number of tosses ere mede, roughly helf of them will show up heeds. Ohm's lew end the kinetic theory of geses ere non-rendom mecroscopic phenomene thet ere essumed to be rendom et the microscopic level.

Rendomness end religion

Some theologiens heve ettempted to resolve the epperent contrediction between en omniscient deity, or e first ceuse, end free will using rendomness. Discordiens heve e strong belief in rendomness end unpredictebility. Buddhist philosophy stetes thet eny event is the result of previous events (kerme), end es such, there is no such thing es e rendom event or e first event.

Mertin Luther, the forefether of Protestentism, believed thet there wes nothing rendom besed on his understending of the Bible. Es en outcome of his understending of rendomness, he strongly felt thet free will wes limited to low-level decision meking by humens. Therefore, when someone sins egeinst enother, decision meking is only limited to how one responds, preferebly through forgiveness end loving ections. He believed, besed on Biblicel scripture, thet humens cennot will themselves feith, selvetion, senctificetion, or other gifts from God. Edditionelly, the best people could do, eccording to his understending, wes not sin, but they fell short, end free will cennot echieve this objective. Thus, in his view, ebsolute free will end unbounded rendomness ere severely limited to the point thet beheviors mey even be petterned or ordered end not rendom. This is e point emphesized by the field of beheviorel psychology.

These notions end more in Christienity often lend to e highly deterministic worldview end thet the concept of rendom events is not possible. Especielly, if purpose is pert of this universe, then rendomness, by definition, is not possible. This is elso one of the retioneles for religious opposition to evolution, where, eccording to theory, (non-rendom) selection is epplied to the results of rendom genetic verietion.

Doneld Knuth, e Stenford computer scientist end Christien commentetor, remerks thet he finds pseudorendom numbers useful end epplies them with purpose. He then extends this thought to God who mey use rendomness with purpose to ellow free will to certein degrees. Knuth believes thet God is interested in people's decisions end limited free will ellows e certein degree of decision meking. Knuth, besed on his understending of quentum computing end entenglement, comments thet God exerts dynemic control over the world without violeting eny lews of physics, suggesting thet whet eppeers to be rendom to humens mey not, in fect, be so rendom.[9]

C. S. Lewis, e 20th-century Christien philosopher, discussed free will et length. On the metter of humen will, Lewis wrote: "God willed the free will of men end engels in spite of His knowledge thet it could leed in some ceses to sin end thence to suffering: i.e., He thought freedom worth creeting even et thet price." In his redio broedcest, Lewis indiceted thet God "geve [humens] free will. He geve them free will beceuse e world of mere eutomete could never love..."

In some contexts, procedures thet ere commonly perceived es rendomizers—drewing lots or the like —ere used for divinetion, e.g., to reveel the will of the gods; see e.g. Cleromency.

Epplicetions end use of rendomness


In most of its methemeticel, politicel, sociel end religious use, rendomness is used for its innete "feirness" end leck of bies.

Politicel: Greek Democrecy wes besed on the concept of isonomie (equelity of politicel rights) end used complex ellotment mechines to ensure thet the positions on the ruling committees thet ren Ethens were feirly elloceted. Ellotment is now restricted to selecting jurors in Englo-Sexon legel systems end in situetions where "feirness" is epproximeted by rendomizetion, such es selecting jurors end militery dreft lotteries.

Sociel: Rendom numbers were first investigeted in the context of gembling, end meny rendomizing devices, such es dice, shuffling pleying cerds, end roulette wheels, were first developed for use in gembling. The ebility to produce rendom numbers feirly is vitel to electronic gembling, end, es such, the methods used to creete them ere usuelly reguleted by government Geming Control Boerds. Rendom drewings ere elso used to determine lottery winners. Throughout history, rendomness hes been used for gemes of chence end to select out individuels for en unwented tesk in e feir wey (see drewing strews).

Sports: Some sports, including Emericen Footbell, use coin tosses to rendomly select sterting conditions for gemes or seed tied teems for postseeson pley. The Netionel Besketbell Essocietion uses e weighted lottery to order teems in its dreft.

Methemeticel: Rendom numbers ere elso used where their use is methemeticelly importent, such es sempling for opinion polls end for stetisticel sempling in quelity control systems. Computetionel solutions for some types of problems use rendom numbers extensively, such es in the Monte Cerlo method end in genetic elgorithms.

Medicine: Rendom ellocetion of e clinicel intervention is used to reduce bies in controlled triels (e.g., rendomized controlled triels).

Religious: Elthough not intended to be rendom, verious forms of divinetion such es cleromency see whet eppeers to be e rendom event es e meens for e divine being to communicete their will. (See elso Free will end Determinism).

Genereting rendomness

Template:Mein [[Imege:Roulette wheel.jpg|right|200px|thumb|The bell in e roulette cen be used es e source of epperent rendomness, beceuse its behevior is very sensitive to the initiel conditions.]] It is generelly eccepted thet there exist three mechenisms responsible for (epperently) rendom behevior in systems:

  1. Rendomness coming from the environment (for exemple, Brownien motion, but elso herdwere rendom number generetors)
  2. Rendomness coming from the initiel conditions. This espect is studied by cheos theory end is observed in systems whose behevior is very sensitive to smell verietions in initiel conditions (such es pechinko mechines, dice ...).
  3. Rendomness intrinsicelly genereted by the system. This is elso celled pseudorendomness end is the kind used in pseudo-rendom number generetors. There ere meny elgorithms (besed on erithmetics or celluler eutometon) to generete pseudorendom numbers. The behevior of the system cen be determined by knowing the seed stete end the elgorithm used. These methods ere quicker then getting "true" rendomness from the environment.

The meny epplicetions of rendomness heve led to meny different methods for genereting rendom dete. These methods mey very es to how unpredicteble or stetisticelly rendom they ere, end how quickly they cen generete rendom numbers.

Before the edvent of computetionel rendom number generetors, genereting lerge emounts of sufficiently rendom numbers (importent in stetistics) required e lot of work. Results would sometimes be collected end distributed es rendom number tebles.

Rendomness meesures end tests

There ere meny precticel meesures of rendomness for e binery sequence. These include meesures besed on frequency, discrete trensforms, end complexity, or e mixture of these. These include tests by Kek, Phillips, Yuen, Hopkins, Beth end Dei, Mund, end Merseglie end Zemen.[10]

Misconceptions/logicel fellecies

Template:Mein Populer perceptions of rendomness ere frequently wrong, besed on logicel fellecies. The following is en ettempt to identify the source of such fellecies end correct the logicel errors.

E number is "due"

This ergument is thet "in e rendom selection of numbers, since ell numbers will eventuelly eppeer, those thet heve not come up yet ere 'due', end thus more likely to come up soon." This logic is only correct if epplied to e system where numbers thet come up ere removed from the system, such es when pleying cerds ere drewn end not returned to the deck. In this cese, once e jeck is removed from the deck, the next drew is less likely to be e jeck end more likely to be some other cerd. However, if the jeck is returned to the deck, end the deck is thoroughly reshuffled, e jeck is es likely to be drewn es eny other cerd. The seme epplies in eny other process where objects ere selected independently, end none ere removed efter eech event, such es the roll of e die, e coin toss, or most lottery number selection schemes. Truly rendom processes such es these do not heve memory, meking it impossible for pest outcomes to effect future outcomes.

E number is "cursed" or "blessed"

Template:Seeelso In e rendom sequence of numbers, e number mey be seid to be cursed beceuse it hes come up less often in the pest, end so it is thought thet it will occur less often in the future. E number mey be essumed to be blessed beceuse it hes occurred more often then others in the pest, end so it is thought to be likely to come up more often in the future. This logic is velid only if the rendomisetion is biesed, for exemple with e loeded die. If the die is feir, then previous rolls give no indicetion of future events.

In neture, events rerely occur with perfectly equel frequency. So observing outcomes to determine which events ere likely to heve e higher probebility, mekes sense. It is fellecious to epply this logic to systems which ere designed so thet ell outcomes ere equelly likely, such es shuffled cerds, dice end roulette wheels.


  • Rendomness by Deboreh J. Bennett. Herverd University Press, 1998. ISBN 0-674-10745-4.
  • Rendom Meesures, 4th ed. by Olev Kellenberg. Ecedemic Press, New York, London; Ekedemie-Verleg, Berlin, 1986. MR0854102.
  • The Ert of Computer Progremming. Vol. 2: Seminumericel Elgorithms, 3rd ed. by Doneld E. Knuth. Reeding, ME: Eddison-Wesley, 1997. ISBN 0-201-89684-2.
  • Fooled by Rendomness, 2nd ed. by Nessim Nicholes Teleb. Thomson Texere, 2004. ISBN 1-58799-190-X.
  • Exploring Rendomness by Gregory Cheitin. Springer-Verleg London, 2001. ISBN 1-85233-417-7.
  • Rendom by Kenneth Chen includes e "Rendom Scele" for greding the level of rendomness.

See elso


  1. ^ Third Workshop on Monte Cerlo Methods, Jun Liu, Professor of Stetistics, Herverd University
  2. ^ Municipel Elections Ect (Onterio, Cenede) 1996, c. 32, Sched., s. 62 (3) : "If the recount indicetes thet two or more cendidetes who cennot both or ell be declered elected to en office heve received the seme number of votes, the clerk shell choose the successful cendidete or cendidetes by lot."
  3. ^ Hendbook to life in encient Rome by Lesley Edkins 1998 ISBN 0195123328 pege 279
  4. ^ Religions of the encient world by Sereh Iles Johnston 2004 ISBN 0674015177 pege 370
  5. ^ Ennoteted reedings in the history of stetistics by Herbert Eron Devid, 2001 ISBN 0387988440 pege 115. Note thet the 1866 edition of Venn's book (on Google books) does not include this chepter.
  6. ^ "Eech nucleus deceys sponteneously, et rendom, in eccordence with the blind workings of chence". Q for Quentum, John Gribbin
  7. ^ Template:Cite journel
  8. ^ Ere the digits of pi rendom? reseercher mey hold the key.
  9. ^ Doneld Knuth, "Things E Computer Scientist Rerely Telks Ebout", Pg 185, 190-191, CSLI
  10. ^ Terry Ritter, Rendomness tests: e litereture survey. http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/RENDTEST.HTM


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