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[[File:Franco Rocchetta in 2013- 2013-09-10 07-40.JPG|thumbnail|Franco Rocchetta in 2013.]]
[[File:Franco Rocchetta in 2013- 2013-09-10 07-40.JPG|thumbnail|Franco Rocchetta in 2013.]]

Revision as of 16:09, 6 December 2013

Franco Rocchetta in 2013.

Franco Rocchetta (born in 1947, on the 12th of April) is a cragsman, a venet pacifist, a citizen of the world and a polyglot who walked the length of Europe with the winged lion flag on his rucksack from the Douro Valley to the Urals, from Venice to the British Islands and Scandinavia, and the Balkans and Caucasus & the Middle East. He is a venetist,[1] a founding member of Łiga Veneta - a genuine popular (not populist) democratic political and institutional force,[2] a choral anti-nationalist and anti-colonialist joint effort started off in the Sixties[3] and developed through many decades[4] in order to reorganize an independent Venet Republic in a federal Europe.[5]

Rocchetta entered the Veneto Senado, the Venet Legislative Assembly, twice, in 1985 and in 1990, and twice the Parliament of the Italian State, in 1992 and 1994. He has been Deputy Secretary of State of the Italian Republic. In 1989, in Berghem/Bergamo, he was a founding member of the Lega Nord federation along with Umberto Bossi, Franco Castellazzi, Giorgio Conca, Gipo Farassino, Riccardo Fragassi, Marilena Marin, Bruno Ravera, Francesco Speroni, Carla Uccelli. Franco Rocchetta has been democratically elected Federal President of the Lega Nord federation at the Pieve Emanuele Federal Congress in 1991, and, again, at the Bulånha/Bologna Federal Congress in 1994.

After years of juxtaposition with the federal secretary Umberto Bossi,[6] on the subject of different institutional, organizatory, ethic and economic issues,[7] Rocchetta[8] left the more and more debauched federation[9] in July 1994, during the National Congress of the Łiga Veneta as it was militarly seized by dozens of neofascist mobbers headed by the Federal Secretary, U. Bossi.[10]

Since Summer 1994 Franco Rocchetta has continued to be active in institutional and social projects and initiatives;[11] while he has often been obliged to strive to counter the frantic calumnies constructed (falsifying history, denigrating the venet people and its communities, its ethics and its forces, its personalities, ideals and achievements), calumnies constructed and spread with the objective of hindering, besmearing and besmirching, blocking the path of the venet nation towards justice, equality and independence into a federal Europe.[12] Exempli gratia, a former version of this page had been a-quoting some inexactnesses from a meaningfully inaccurate book by Francesco Jori, "Dalla Łiga alla Lega. Storia, movimenti, protagonisti".[13] In November 2009, when Jori presented before a large audience in Traixo/Treviso his book together with the Mayor of Traixo/Treviso, Gian Paolo Gobbo (National President of Łiga Veneta from 1994 to 1998, and its National Secretary from 1998 to 2012) and with authoritative and influential entrepreneurs and chairpersons from the social, cultural, and economical milieux, the Mayor invited Rocchetta to reach them on the platform. Over the previous 15 years no contact had ever taken place between the two leaders. Rocchetta easily proved the inconsistency of the author's arguments; the Mayor confirmed and bore witness to, Jori sadly recognized, in front of so many and astonished onlookers, the unfair untrustworthiness of his sources. A digital recording of the event exists.


  1. ^ Alessandro Casellato, "«Identità Veneta». Appunti per una genealogia" ("... Franco Rocchetta, veneziano, classe 1947, era un cultore di studi archeologici e linguistici. In gioventù, nel 1969, mentre era studente universitario (medicina all'Università di Padova) aveva fatto parte di un gruppo ecologista radicale che aveva cercato di impedire il passaggio delle petroliere in laguna e che si era firmato «Fronte di Liberazione Veneto»..."), in Alessandro Casellato and Livio Vanzetto, "United Colors of Noaltri. Localismi e globalizzazione nel Veneto contemporaneo", Sommacampagna 2006
  2. ^ Giovanni Fracasso, Alle origini della Liga Veneta. Dall'embrione alla diaspora (1977-1987), Tesi di Laurea, Università di Cà Foscari, Venezia, Anno Accademico 1999-2000
  3. ^ Giannandrea Mencini, "Il Fronte per la difesa di Venezia e della Laguna e le denunce di Indro Montanelli, con un Saggio Introduttivo di Gherardo Ortalli ed un'Appendice di Paolo Rosa Salva", Venice 2005 : "...vi era poi un forte senso dell'appartenenza e della collettività fra i soci, a tal punto che non vi erano portavoci o responsabili. «Vorremmo, per abitudine di cronisti» continua Radius [Pietro Radius, "I crociati della Laguna", in Corriere d'Informazione, November the 19th and the 20th of 1970] «fare nomi e descrivere persone : il padre, il figlio, il nipote, l'amico, la ragazza in abito rosso, la giovane straniera. Ma essi ci hanno pregato di non farlo. Preferiamo che la gente parli solo del Fronte. I nomi non contano»..."
  4. ^ Centro Studi Internazionali Paolo Sarpi, 1969-1999 - Onore ai volontari veneti, a large placard (70x100 cms.), printed in many languages, distributed and fixed in 1999 amongst the communities of the Venet Republic - from river Adda to Crete and Cyprus (both South- and North Cyprus) - and the venet communities scattered all over the world, quoted and partially transcribed in "Venetismi. Diario di un gruppo di studio sul Veneto contemporaneo, 1997-95", by Alessadro Casellato (editor), Sommacampagna 2000
  5. ^ Marc Lazar, L'Italie Existe-T-Elle? Entretien avec Franco Rocchetta, Politique Internationale, n° 58, Hiver 1992/1993
  6. ^ Enrico Pucci, Il federalismo è un bluff. Lega serva di Roma, Bossi al guinzaglio di Silvio, La Tribuna di Treviso, the 7th of February 2011; vide : bossi/guinzaglio/tribunatreviso/cronaca/2011
  7. ^ Margarita Gómez-Reino Cachafeiro, Ethnicity and Nationalism in Italian Politics, Aldershot, Burlington, Singapore & Sydney 2002
  8. ^ Damian Tambini, Two interviews with Bossi and Rocchetta, Telos , Number 98-99, Winter 1993-Spring 1994
  9. ^ Osvaldo Migotto, Il Senatur è in acque torbide da molti anni. Intervista a Franco Rocchetta, Corriere del Ticino, the 7th of April 2012; vide : lega/acquetorbide/corriereticino
  10. ^ Marilena Marin and Franco Rocchetta, In reply to Gian Antonio Stella, in Corriere della Sera, October the 8th, 2011; vide : interventi e repliche-corriere-della-sera/marin/08 ottobre 2011
  11. ^ F. Rocchetta, Realtà e prospettive del federalismo a sud dello spartiacque alpino, Verona 2009
  12. ^ F. Rocchetta, La Repubblica Veneta del XXI Secolo, in www.Plebiscito2013.eu 29 Giugno 2013
  13. ^ F. Jori, Dalla Łiga alla Lega. Storia, movimenti, protagonisti, Venezia 2009
