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| native_name_lang = sr
| native_name_lang = sr
| image =
| image =
| office = [[Republic of Serbia Ambassador to Slovenia]]
| office = Republic of Serbia Ambassador to Slovenia
| term_start = 2007
| term_start = 2007
| term_end = 2012
| term_end = 2012
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| predecessor = Ranko Milović
| predecessor = Ranko Milović
| successor = Aleksandar Radovanović
| successor = Aleksandar Radovanović
| office1 = [[Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Ambassador to Japan]]
| office1 = Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Ambassador to Japan
| term_start1 = 2001
| term_start1 = 2001
| term_end1 = 2006
| term_end1 = 2006
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"Predrag Filipov" ([[Zrenjanin]]), [[January 7]] 1956) is a Serbian [[doctor]], internal medicine specialist, doctor of medical sciences, politician and diplomat. He was a member of the [[Democratic Party (Serbia)|Democratic Party]]. He is a former ambassador of [[Federal Republic of Yugoslavia | Yugoslavia]], ie [[Serbia and Montenegro]] in [[Japan]] and Ambassador of [[Serbia]] in [[Slovenia]].
'''Predrag Filipov''' ([[Zrenjanin]], [[7. јануар]] 1956) је српски [[лекар]], специјалиста интерне медицине, доктор медицинских наука, политичар и дипломата. Био је члан [[Демократска странка (Србија)|Демократске странке]]. Бивши је амбасадор [[Савезна Република Југославија|Југославије]], односно [[Србија и Црна Гора|Србије и Црне Горе]] у [[Јапан|Јапану]] и амбасадор [[Србија|Србије]] у [[Словенија|Словенији]].

== Биографија ==
== Biography ==
Predrag Filipov was born on January 7, 1956 in Zrenjanin. He finished elementary school "Đura Daničić", high school "Jovan Jovanović Zmaj" and the Medical Faculty of the University of Novi Sad, where he graduated in 1982. After the obligatory medical internship, in 1984 he passed the professional exam for doctors. In the same year, he enrolled in postgraduate studies and went to serve his military service, where he graduated from the School of Reserve Officers of the Medical Service at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade. In 1985, he was employed in the Department of Hematology and Hemostasis of the Department of Pathological Physiology of the Medical Faculty in Novi Sad. The following year, he began a specialization in internal medicine, and in 1990 he became a master of medical sciences. He passed the specialist exam in internal medicine in 1992. He enrolled in doctoral studies at the Medical Faculty in Novi Sad in 2008, and defended his doctoral dissertation in 2017. He is employed at the Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad, at the Department of Thrombosis and Hemostasis of the Center for Laboratory Medicine.
Предраг Филипов је рођен [[7. јануара]] [[1956]]. године у Зрењанину. Основну школу „Ђура Даничић“, гимназију „Јован Јовановић Змај“ и [[Медицински факултет Универзитета у Новом Саду|Медицински факултет]] завршио је у [[Нови Сад|Новом Саду]] где је дипломирао [[1982]]. године. Након обавезног лекарског стажа, [[1984]]. године положио је стручни испит за лекаре. Исте године уписао је и последипломске студије и отишао на одслужење војног рока, где завршава [[Школа резервних официра Санитетске службе|Школу резервних официра санитетске службе]] на [[Војномедицинска академија|Војномедицинској академији]] у Београду. [[1985]]. године запошљава се у Служби за хематологију и хемостазу Завода за патолошку физиологију Медицинског факултета у Новом Саду. Наредне године започиње специјализацију из интерне медицине, а [[1990]]. године постаје магистар медицинских наука. Специјалистички испит из интерне медицине положио је [[1992]]. године. Докторске студије на Медицинском факултету у Новом Саду уписао је [[2008]]. године, а докторску дисертацију одбранио је [[2017]]. године. Запослен је у Клиничком центру Војводине у Новом Саду, на Одељењу за тромбозу и хемостазу Центра за лабораторијску медицину.

== Political engagement ==
== Политички ангажман ==
Member of the Democratic Party since 1992. From March 1993 to March 1997, he was the president of the City Board of the Democratic Party in Novi Sad. From September 1997 to the end of 1999, he was the president of the Democratic Party Provincial Committee for Vojvodina, and from February 2000 to October 2001, he was the vice president of the Democratic Party. Acting as president of the Democratic Party City Board in Novi Sad, he introduced systematic work and party performance, adherence to adopted political action plans, and stabilized the party organization by maintaining constant communication with the membership and establishing a network of local party boarDemocratic Party. He introduced regular press conferences on local topics, and by establishing departmental committees with the idea of acting on the principles of "shadow government", he advocated for the preparation and selection of party personnel to perform functions in the government structure based on expertise. He is the initiator of the implementation of the "door to door" campaign of strategic election campaigns, designed on the basis of analysis of election results and public opinion polls. In addition to the numerical increase in the party's membership, he organized the education of members of election commissions for election control at the city, provincial and republic levels. Through regular planning of the performance of the committee group in the City Assembly, the interests of the citizens of Novi Sad were represented and the political positions of the Democratic Party City Board were promoted.
Члан Демократске странке од [[1992]]. године. Од марта [[1993]]. до марта 1997. године био је председник Градског одбора ДС Нови Сад. Од септембра [[1997]]. до краја [[1999]]. године био је председник Покрајинског одбора ДС за [[Војводина|Војводину]], а од [[Фебруар|фебруара]] [[2000]]. до [[Октобар|октобра]] [[2001]]. године потпредседник [[Демократска странка (Србија)|Демократске странке]]. Обављајући дужност председника Градског одбора ДС у Новом Саду, у раду и страначком наступу унео је систематичност, придржавање усвојеним плановима политичког деловања, а одржавањем сталне комуникације са чланством и оснивањем мреже месних страначких одбора стабилизовао је организацију странке. Увео је одржавање редовних конференција за штампу о локалним темама, а оснивањем ресорних одбора са идејом деловања по принципима „[[Влада у сенци|владе у сенци]]“ спровео залагање за припрему и одабир страначких кадрова за вршење функција у структури власти на основу стручности. Зачетник је спровођења акције од врата до врата („door to door“) стратешких предизборних кампања, осмишљених на основу анализа изборних резултата и истраживања расположења јавног мњења. Уз бројчано повећање чланства странке, организовао је едукацију чланова изборних комисија за контролу избора на градском, [[Покрајина|покрајинском]] и републичком нивоу. Кроз редовно планирање наступа одборничке групе у Скупштини града заступани су интереси грађана Новог Сада и вршена промоција политичких ставова Грaдског одбора ДС.

He was one of the bearers of the idea of founding and organizing Provincial Comitte of Democratic Party in Vojvodina. As the president of the provincial committee, he contributed to the finalization of the creation of the party organization in all 45 municipalities of Vojvodina and actively created the Democratic Party policy through public appearances and coordination of the work of the Democratic Party parliamentary group in the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. He is one of the ideological authors of the pre-election declaration of Democratic Party in Vojvodina after the changes that were adopted at the Democratic Party Convention for Vojvodina on February 19, 2000 in Novi Sad and at the Democratic Party Assembly in Belgrade, on February 27, 2000. In the mentioned period, he was elected a member of the Assembly of the City of Novi Sad three times (1992, 1996 and 2000). From 1996 to 1999 he was the Vice President of the Assembly of the City of Novi Sad (in charge of social activities, social issues, health, education), and from June 1999 to October 2000 he was the President of the Executive Board of the Assembly of the City of Novi Sad. As a member of the City Assembly, he was a member or president of the Commission for Personnel, Administrative and Mandate-Immunity Issues, the Commission for Marking Holidays, Recognition and Intercity Cooperation in the Country and Abroad, the Management Board of the Health Center "Novi Sad", the Management Board of the Public Company ) "Sports and Business Center of Vojvodina" Novi Sad and the Board of Directors of the Public Enterprise Institute for Construction of the City of Novi Sad, and also a member of the Council of Local Communities on the territory of constituencies where he was elected councilor. Twice (in 1996 and 2000) he was elected a member of the Council of Citizens of the Federal Assembly of the FR of Yugoslavia, where he was a member of the Committee on Foreign Policy. He was elected a member of the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in 2000. From October 2000 to January 2001, he performed the function of the Secretary for Health and Social Policy of the Executive Council of AP Vojvodina, and then until the end of 2001, the function of the Vice President of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina.
Био је један од носилаца идеје оснивања и организације ПО ДС Војводине. Као председник покрајинског одбора, допринео је финализацији стварања страначке организације у свих 45 војвођанских општина и активно креирао политику ДС јавним наступима и координацијом рада посланичке групе ДС у [[Скупштина Аутономне Покрајине Војводине|Скупштини Војводине]]. Један је од идејних аутора предизборне декларације ДС [[s:Декларација_Војводина_после_промена|„Војводина после промена“]] која је усвојена на Конвенцији ДС за Војводину [[19. фебруара]] 2000. године у Новом Саду и на Скупштини ДС у Београду, [[27. фебруар|27.фебруара]] 2000. године. У поменутом периоду три пута је изабран за одборника Скупштине Града Новог Сада (1992, [[1996]]. и 2000. године). Од 1996. до 1999. године био је потпредседник [[Скупштина града Новог Сада|Скупштине Града Новог Сада]] (задужен за друштвене делатности, социјална питања, здравство, школство и образовање), а од јуна 1999. до октобра 2000. године председник Извршног одбора Скупштине Града Новог Сада. Као одборник Скупштине града био је члан или председник Комисије за кадровска, административна и мандатно-имунитетна питања, Комисије за обележавање празника, доделу признања и међуградску сарадњу у земљи и иностранству, Управног одбора Дома здравља „Нови Сад“, Управног одбора Јавног предузећа (ЈП) „Спортски и пословни центар Војводина“ Нови Сад и Управног одбора ЈП Завод за изградњу града Нови Сад, а такође и члан Савета Месних заједница на територији изборних јединица на којима је биран за одборника. Два пута (1996. и 2000. године) је изабран за посланика [[Парламент СР Југославије|Већа грађана Савезне скупштине СР Југославије]], где је био члан Одбора за спољњу политику. За посланика у Скупштини Аутономне покрајине Војводине изабран је 2000. године. Од октобра 2000. до јануара 2001. године обављао је функцију Секретара за здравство и социјалну политику [[Покрајинска влада Војводине|Извршног већа АП Војводине]], а потом до краја 2001. године функцију потпредседника Скупштине АП Војводине.

== Diplomatic career ==
== Дипломатска каријера ==
He was appointed Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to Japan in November 2001, and served until June 2006. During this period, significant progress was made in the overall bilateral relations between Serbia and Japan, and the activities of the Honorary Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Osaka, whose jurisdiction includes the prefectures of the Kansai region, were renewed.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.kincho.co.jp/en/corporate/serbia/index.html|title=Mr. Naohide Ueyama, our president was appointed Honorary Consul General of Serbia and Montenegro in Osaka|last=|first=|date=|website=|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=}}</ref> At the same time, in addition to sending significant non-refundable aid, Japan also started placing direct investments in the Republic of Serbia. For his exceptional contribution to the establishment and improvement of bilateral and friendly relations with Japan in 2019, he was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun with a gold and silver star. He was the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the Republic of Slovenia from the end of 2007 to April 2011. The period is characterized by the improvement and strengthening of the overall bilateral cooperation and resolving the biggest open issues that burdened the relations between the two countries, and in 2010, the Agreement on Social Security was signed. The progress of economic relations and trade was accompanied by the implementation of significant projects that contributed to the continuity of growth of total Slovenian investment activities in Serbia.
За [[Амбасадор|амбасадора]] [[Савезна Република Југославија|Савезне Републике Југославије]] у [[Јапан|Јапану]] именован је новембра [[2001]]. године, а функцију је обављао до јуна [[2006]]. године. У овом раздобљу остварен је значајан напредак у укупним билатералним односима између Србије и Јапана и обновљено деловање Почасног генералног конзулата Републике Србије у [[Осака|Осаки]] чија надлежност обухвата [[Кансај|префектуре Кансаи]] региона.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.kincho.co.jp/en/corporate/serbia/index.html|title=Mr. Naohide Ueyama, our president was appointed Honorary Consul General of Serbia and Montenegro in Osaka|last=|first=|date=|website=|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=}}</ref> Истовремено Јапан је поред упућивања значајне бесповратне помоћи започео и пласман директних инвестиција у Републику Србију. За изузетан допринос у успостављању и унапређењу билатералних и пријатељских односа са Јапаном [[2019]]. године одликован је [[Оредном Излазећег сунца|Оредном Излазећег сунца са златном и сребрном звездом]]. Амбасадор [[Србија|Републике Србије]] у [[Словенија|Републици Словенији]] био је од краја [[2007]]. до априла [[2011]]. године. Период карактерише унапређење и јачање свеукупне билатералне сарадње и решавање најкрупнијих отворених питања која су оптерећивала односе две земље, а 2010. године потписан је и Споразум о социјалном осигурању. Напредак економских односа и трговинске размене пратила је реализација значајних пројеката који су допринели континуитету раста укупних словеначких инвестиционих активности у Србији.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.sloveniatimes.com/close-ties|title="Close Ties", The Slovenia Times|last=|first=|date=3. 10. 2011.|website=The Slovenia Times|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=11. 9. 2020.}}</ref>
<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.sloveniatimes.com/close-ties|title="Close Ties", The Slovenia Times|last=|first=|date=3. 10. 2011.|website=The Slovenia Times|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=11. 9. 2020.}}</ref>

== Приватни живот ==
== Private life ==
He is married with one kid. He speaks English.
Ожењен је и отац једног детета. Говори енглески језик.

== Одликовања ==
== Medals ==
* [[Датотека:JPN Kyokujitsu-sho 2Class BAR.svg|60px]] [[Орден Излазећег Сунца]], II степена (Царевина Јапан).<ref>[https://www.yu.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_sr/orden_japanskog_cara.html Dodela japanskog odlikovanja ordena Izlazećeg sunca sa zlatnom i srebrnom zvezdom Nj.e. dr Predragu Filipovu] yu.emb-japan.go.jp Приступљено 25. 1. 2020.</ref>
* [[File:JPN_Kyokujitsu-sho_2Class_BAR.svg|60px]] [[Order of the Rising Sun]], 2nd Class, Gold and Silver Star.<ref>[https://www.yu.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_sr/orden_japanskog_cara.html Dodela japanskog odlikovanja ordena Izlazećeg sunca sa zlatnom i srebrnom zvezdom Nj.e. dr Predragu Filipovu] yu.emb-japan.go.jp Приступљено 25. 1. 2020.</ref>

== Референце ==
== References ==

== Литература ==
== Literature ==
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Мојовић|first=Горица|title=Србија и Демократска странка: хронологија 2010|edition =|publisher=Демократска странка|year=2010|isbn=978-86-7856-115-3|pages=}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Мојовић|first=Горица|title=Србија и Демократска странка: хронологија 2010|edition =|publisher=Демократска странка|year=2010|isbn=978-86-7856-115-3|pages=}}
Line 58: Line 59:

== Спољашње везе ==
== External links ==
*[https://www.danas.rs/nedelja/ogrlica-princeze-takamacu/ Necklece of princess Takamtsu]
*[https://www.danas.rs/nedelja/ogrlica-princeze-takamacu/ Ogrlica princeze Takamacu]

{{DEFAULTSORT:Филипов, Предраг}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Filipov, Predrag}}
[[Категорија:Рођени 1956.]]
[[Category:Born in 1956.]]
[[Category:Serbian politicians]]
[[Категорија:Српски политичари]]
[[Category:Democratic Party (Serbia)]]
[[Категорија:Народни посланици Скупштине СРЈ]]
[[Категорија:Демократска странка (Србија)]]
[[Категорија:Доктори медицинских наука]]

Revision as of 22:22, 19 December 2020

Predrag Filipov
Предраг Филипов
Republic of Serbia Ambassador to Slovenia
In office
Appointed byBoris Tadić
Preceded byRanko Milović
Succeeded byAleksandar Radovanović
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Ambassador to Japan
In office
Appointed byVojislav Koštunica
Preceded byRadoslav Bulajić
Succeeded byIvan Mrkić
Personal details
Born (1956-01-07) 7 January 1956 (age 68)
Zrenjanin, FPR Yugoslavia
(now Serbia)
Political partyDemocratic Party
Alma materUniversity of Novi Sad

"Predrag Filipov" (Zrenjanin), January 7 1956) is a Serbian doctor, internal medicine specialist, doctor of medical sciences, politician and diplomat. He was a member of the Democratic Party. He is a former ambassador of Yugoslavia, ie Serbia and Montenegro in Japan and Ambassador of Serbia in Slovenia.


Predrag Filipov was born on January 7, 1956 in Zrenjanin. He finished elementary school "Đura Daničić", high school "Jovan Jovanović Zmaj" and the Medical Faculty of the University of Novi Sad, where he graduated in 1982. After the obligatory medical internship, in 1984 he passed the professional exam for doctors. In the same year, he enrolled in postgraduate studies and went to serve his military service, where he graduated from the School of Reserve Officers of the Medical Service at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade. In 1985, he was employed in the Department of Hematology and Hemostasis of the Department of Pathological Physiology of the Medical Faculty in Novi Sad. The following year, he began a specialization in internal medicine, and in 1990 he became a master of medical sciences. He passed the specialist exam in internal medicine in 1992. He enrolled in doctoral studies at the Medical Faculty in Novi Sad in 2008, and defended his doctoral dissertation in 2017. He is employed at the Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad, at the Department of Thrombosis and Hemostasis of the Center for Laboratory Medicine.

Political engagement

Member of the Democratic Party since 1992. From March 1993 to March 1997, he was the president of the City Board of the Democratic Party in Novi Sad. From September 1997 to the end of 1999, he was the president of the Democratic Party Provincial Committee for Vojvodina, and from February 2000 to October 2001, he was the vice president of the Democratic Party. Acting as president of the Democratic Party City Board in Novi Sad, he introduced systematic work and party performance, adherence to adopted political action plans, and stabilized the party organization by maintaining constant communication with the membership and establishing a network of local party boarDemocratic Party. He introduced regular press conferences on local topics, and by establishing departmental committees with the idea of acting on the principles of "shadow government", he advocated for the preparation and selection of party personnel to perform functions in the government structure based on expertise. He is the initiator of the implementation of the "door to door" campaign of strategic election campaigns, designed on the basis of analysis of election results and public opinion polls. In addition to the numerical increase in the party's membership, he organized the education of members of election commissions for election control at the city, provincial and republic levels. Through regular planning of the performance of the committee group in the City Assembly, the interests of the citizens of Novi Sad were represented and the political positions of the Democratic Party City Board were promoted.

He was one of the bearers of the idea of founding and organizing Provincial Comitte of Democratic Party in Vojvodina. As the president of the provincial committee, he contributed to the finalization of the creation of the party organization in all 45 municipalities of Vojvodina and actively created the Democratic Party policy through public appearances and coordination of the work of the Democratic Party parliamentary group in the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. He is one of the ideological authors of the pre-election declaration of Democratic Party in Vojvodina after the changes that were adopted at the Democratic Party Convention for Vojvodina on February 19, 2000 in Novi Sad and at the Democratic Party Assembly in Belgrade, on February 27, 2000. In the mentioned period, he was elected a member of the Assembly of the City of Novi Sad three times (1992, 1996 and 2000). From 1996 to 1999 he was the Vice President of the Assembly of the City of Novi Sad (in charge of social activities, social issues, health, education), and from June 1999 to October 2000 he was the President of the Executive Board of the Assembly of the City of Novi Sad. As a member of the City Assembly, he was a member or president of the Commission for Personnel, Administrative and Mandate-Immunity Issues, the Commission for Marking Holidays, Recognition and Intercity Cooperation in the Country and Abroad, the Management Board of the Health Center "Novi Sad", the Management Board of the Public Company ) "Sports and Business Center of Vojvodina" Novi Sad and the Board of Directors of the Public Enterprise Institute for Construction of the City of Novi Sad, and also a member of the Council of Local Communities on the territory of constituencies where he was elected councilor. Twice (in 1996 and 2000) he was elected a member of the Council of Citizens of the Federal Assembly of the FR of Yugoslavia, where he was a member of the Committee on Foreign Policy. He was elected a member of the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in 2000. From October 2000 to January 2001, he performed the function of the Secretary for Health and Social Policy of the Executive Council of AP Vojvodina, and then until the end of 2001, the function of the Vice President of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina.

Diplomatic career

He was appointed Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to Japan in November 2001, and served until June 2006. During this period, significant progress was made in the overall bilateral relations between Serbia and Japan, and the activities of the Honorary Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Osaka, whose jurisdiction includes the prefectures of the Kansai region, were renewed.[1] At the same time, in addition to sending significant non-refundable aid, Japan also started placing direct investments in the Republic of Serbia. For his exceptional contribution to the establishment and improvement of bilateral and friendly relations with Japan in 2019, he was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun with a gold and silver star. He was the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the Republic of Slovenia from the end of 2007 to April 2011. The period is characterized by the improvement and strengthening of the overall bilateral cooperation and resolving the biggest open issues that burdened the relations between the two countries, and in 2010, the Agreement on Social Security was signed. The progress of economic relations and trade was accompanied by the implementation of significant projects that contributed to the continuity of growth of total Slovenian investment activities in Serbia. [2]

Private life

He is married with one kid. He speaks English.



  1. ^ "Mr. Naohide Ueyama, our president was appointed Honorary Consul General of Serbia and Montenegro in Osaka". {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |dead-url= (help)
  2. ^ ""Close Ties", The Slovenia Times". The Slovenia Times. 3. 10. 2011. Retrieved 11. 9. 2020.. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |access-date= and |date= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |dead-url= (help)
  3. ^ Dodela japanskog odlikovanja ordena Izlazećeg sunca sa zlatnom i srebrnom zvezdom Nj.e. dr Predragu Filipovu yu.emb-japan.go.jp Приступљено 25. 1. 2020.


  • Мојовић, Горица (2010). Србија и Демократска странка: хронологија 2010. Демократска странка. ISBN 978-86-7856-115-3. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help)
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  • Гоати, Владимир (2002). Партијска сцена Србије после 5. октобра 2000. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. ISBN 86-7093-100-1. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help)