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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Xiaoxiaoman9 (talk | contribs) at 13:36, 15 February 2007 (save page). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.


Hi! My name is Xiaoxiaoman9. Well, that is my RuneScape user name. By the way go to Runescape here![1] Any way, this page will say some stuff, on, well, stuff! That stuff is internet cartoons, (go here!)[2] Naruto, [3], math, funny stuff [4] and other junk and stuff! By the way, if you get bored here, you can visit my friend's Wikipedia page here->User:Magicman2279. It is quite cool, but not as cool as mine! Another one of my friends has a website, which you can go to here[5] And oh yeah.... he also has a Wikipedia page!! User:Runescape4lyfe I LIKE MYLAR FACES!!!!!

I will tell you this now, I am completely anonymous. You will not find my name (hopefully) anywhere, on Wikipedia, on Runescape, any where. In fact, you might even say I do not exist. HA HA!!! If one of the people who know me was reading this right now, they would be laughing their butts AND heads off. They do not think I am anonymous at all. But I like to do that on the Internet. So nyah nyah nyah, for all you know, I am a multi-billionaire tycoon dude, or a high-tech computer chip that is set to do all of this. You will never know.

As far as editing formal Wikipedia pages goes, I have edited a bit on the page on THUD, and I have actually created the Durial321 page. However, it was deleted. If you wish to discuss undeleting it, go to the Talk:Durial321. I am all for restoring it, not only because I created it, but because I feel it is good to discuss the matter, and I quote:

I request the restortion of the Durial321 article. The reason is that many people heard of Durial321 but wish to know more about him, since they cant find it here, they go ask people on the RuneScape forums. But unfortuntly its against the RuneScape Forums' rules any topic including players' names, so many people are getting banned for asking who is Durial321. If you simply undelete the Durial321 article many people wont have to get banned from the RuneScape forums.

— Username Withheld at the thought of Xiaoxiaoman9.

Internet Cartoons

I already showed you the link to FunnyJunk,and that brings me to internet cartoons!

Xiao Xiao

One of my favorites is Xiao Xiao [6]. He is a kick-butt martial arts master whose main enemy is the boss, a ruthless fighter who is the only one that even comes close to matching Xiaoxiao's abilities. He commands hordes of stickmen (like a crime gang) so Xiaoxiao usually has to go through them before getting to the Boss. In the third one, Xiaoxiao goes through about forty enemies before getting to the Boss. And if your stick needs are still not satisfied, go here! [7]

File:Shot xiaoxiao2.gif
XiaoXiao fighting the Boss. XXiao is black.


Another awesome animation is Madness. Madness is a dude who is all about killing and revenge. In the first few episodes, he is after a sheriff. Then the enemy shifts to a clown, who Madness is gonna fight in the last one. Anyway, the cool the is, at the end of every episode, Madness gets almost killed. But he gets chance after chance and bandage after clothing until he does not look like Madness at all. (Note:This is really violent so get your parents' OK if you're that kind of guy)[8]


Here is also another funny claymation site! [9] It is all about stupid blue klaymen killing each other. They do that for no reason at all, and if there is a reason, it's stupid. FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY!!! The dude who made them is called Knox, hence the name of the site. I will post some Easter Eggs from them later. Anyway, back to funny stuff! Here are some jokes.

Funny Stuff

Here are some jokes and riddles that will hopefully keep you occupied.

Only in America do these things happen!

- Only in America do we deliver pizza faster than our ambulances.

- Only in America do franks come in packages of eight and buns in packages of ten.

-Only in America do we express the word "politics" so well: poli in Latin meaning "many" and tics as "bloodsucking creatures".

- Only in America do drugstores make sick people walk around to the back to get their medicine, and let healthy people stroll to the front to get their ciggaretes and tobacco.

- Only in America do we put our junk in the garage and leave our $30000 cars in the yard.

- Only in America do we order a triple cheeseburger, a large order of fries, and a Diet Coke.

(These were found at 777.cleverness.us)

A lady walks into a bar with a duck on her arm. A drunk notices and says, "Hey! Where'd you get the pig?" The lady says, " I'll have you know, sir, that this is a duck!" The drunk replies, " I know! I was talking to the duck!"

A panda walks into a bar and orders a sandwich. The bartender gives to him, and the panda eats it. When he's done, he gets up, turns around, pulls out a gun and shoots a guy. The bartender starts screaming, " Why the heck did you do that?!?!?!" The panda replies, "I'm a panda, man, look me up in the dictionary!" So the bartender does, and he sees, Panda: A large black and white animal found in China. Eats shoots and leaves.

Well, that's all for know, because I'm lazy. But I will post more later!!!


You probably do not know the importance of math. Recently, my class had to do a project involving Skittles, so we now know what, like, the average amount of Skittles there are in a small snack bag. So, what if, when you came home from school, a robber was holding your parents hostage. He holds up a small bag Skittles and orders you to say the exact number of Skittles in it. ( He's kind of, special, you know). So if you had done that project, you would know! But I guess it all really depends on you buying a bunch of Skittles and recording the data. But wait! You would be so scared of the robber, you;d just blabble like an idiot. So you'd be finished!!! So what is this "math moral"? Don't be a chicken, and math solves nothing!!

You also need math to figure out how many pizzas you just ate. That would come in real handy, if you were about to pass out. Then you could answer the doctors when they asked you how many you had.

Riddle of the Month

This is the place where I will place a riddle every so often. If you think you know the answer, post me on your "Friends List" on Runescape and contact me when I'm on. Or you can write it on my discussion page. Tell me what you think the answer is, and if you are right, I will give you all of my money in Runescape.

The Riddle!!!- Thirty-five people all dined at the Captain's Table, yet all of them were assured of privacy. How?

Last times riddle was: A mother dog had three pups: Mot, Pop, and Top. What was the mothers name? The Answer: What.

Some Very Special Internet Toons

I know that I have already talked to you about Internet cartoons, but these are very special! I will post more later! (Note: Please read about them before going to the links!!!)

The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: If you want to see a bunch of celebrities, actors, and monsters go at it, then this is the movie for you! Follow the adventures of Godzilla, Shaq, Chuck Norris, Mister Rogers, Abraham Lincoln, and Batman as they fight in a sing-a-long song in one truely hilarious vid. Learn the lyrics!!! [10]

Unbalanced: A stick fight between test subjects in a... what? A laboratory, government hanger, what? It doesn't matter. What matters is that one of the test subjects, an anonymous white stick figure, is denying deletion. What is this thing? What is really inside it, that makes it so strong? As the previous subjects are sent to stop it, you can find out. Great music!!![11]

The Demented Cartoon Movie: Holy cow. That's what you might say after you watch this 30 minute long movie. It is a stick figure video primarily, but it is still just plain weird. There are thousands of nuclear explosions, and the world is destroyed dozens of times. However, I've some very sad news. The Wikipedia page they had on it was deleted. WWHHHYYY?!?!?!?!?!?! Oh well.[12]

Forsaken: Yet another stick vampire movie, but really awesome. Two vampire brothers (Damien and another dude) are choosing different sides in the vampire rebelion. Damien, who has the green diamond head, does not want to rebel and risk the lives of the whole vampire population. His brother, (the red diamond with wings) thinks differently. Too late! The UNS has declared war on the entire vampire population, both good and evil.[13] It would be a shame to say more, but here are the basic facts:

_ A vampire is labeled with a diamond on their forhead.

_A green diamond means good and red means bad (no duh!).

_A UNS dude has a yellow cross forhead.

_Some vampires have wings, which I think is a sign of strength or maturity.


This user plays RuneScape with the username Xiaoxiaoman9.

I'm sure you've heard of Runescape. You might even play it! In case you are weird and wondering, Runescape is an MMORPG(massive multiplayer online role playing game) created by Jagex. RS is set in the mythical country of Gielinor, where it's like the 1500s. There are knights and magicians and miners and archers.. too many to count. Go to the Wikipedia page for specifics.

File:Runescape weapons specialattacks darklight-weaken.gif
WWEEEEEEE!!! Darklight ownes!!!


Anyway, your experience and "rank" in RS depends on your combat level, which you get up by such skills as the melee skills,(attack, strength, defence) or by mage,(magic) and range (archery). (Note: If you want to become a very strong player who hits big at a small level get your mage up, 'cause you can hit 7s and 8s if you are on a level 12 account with a mage level of 18). However, even if you are an experienced player, you could still have a very low combat level. How? The answer: Pures!

A guy who is mining, a basic RS skill.


Pures are players who only practice one skill. So, let's say you want a pure account that only does mining and smithing. Since that doesn't get up your combat level, you could have 99 for both skills, and still be, like, combat level 5. If you are going to be a pure, I would suggest doing mage and strength, because those two make a deadly combination.

Community Rank

Now. Here are the rankings for non-pures ( Note: These are not accurate so tell me the right way if you know. And believe you me, I will know if you are lying or not.)

Nooooob! Someone level 10 or below. Don't feel left out, guys, you're just starting out. Those name- calling levelist jerks were that way once, too.

Noob You've been playing for maybe a month or so, around between 10 and 20. People will still exclude you sometimes, but look on the bright side: You can now call other lower people "nooooobs!"

Newb Around 20 to 30. You are a little strong, yet you are not. Makes sense? Nope.

These next ones I just made up.

Player Maybe 30 to 50. You're pretty good, and show up as a red name on more people's screens.

Everyone, out of the Wilderness, and fast. Level 50 to 85. You are probably the "big one" in your field of RS friends. You have killed a few people in the Wilderness and have a reason to be feared by weaker players. People look twice at you.

Wow, you don't see much of that Level 90 to 100. You are a killer who is to be feared. People look three or four times at you. In the Wilderness, they run as fast as they can. Or teleport. Red name on practically everyone's screen.

You're sure you're not a god? Played RS Classic, maybe? Level 101 and above. You have rumors about you. People you don't even know have added you on to their freinds list, and they spend their whole life staring at that list, waiting for you to get on. If you are level 120+, then you have no life. Seriously. You have had a couple dozen operations to replace your eyes and get your brain back inside your head.

Remember, these ranks are only loosely based on RS community and opinion. I have a friend who says anyone under 60 is a noob. (What the heck?!?!?!)

However, these are the ranks that follw you no matter what. Kudos to Deathordoom0 (Runescape4Lyfe) for these. They are quite funny. Actually, some of them do deal with levels.

Nooooob!: Someone who is a bad player, it can be any level.

Noob: Someone annoying or immature, not as bad as a Nooooooooooob though.

Newb: Someone who just started Runescape. Hence the name Newb, or newbie. (new + b = newb)

"Kid": Someone who is level 30 - 60.

"Fatty": Something Deathordoom0 made up to call people who steal his arrows. Grrrr....

So?: 61 - 70

Warrior: 71 - 90

W0000T: 91 - 100

Someone has no girlfriend: Level 101 and above. You have rumors about you. People you don't even know have added you on to their freinds list, and they spend their whole life staring at that list, waiting for you to get on. If you are level 120+, then you have no life. Seriously. You have had a couple dozen operations to replace your eyes and get your brain back inside your head.

Me in RS

I am currently level 49 on Runescape. That will change as time goes on. It is pretty good, but not that awesome. My friend Deathordoom0 is level 89 or something, and he is the one who has the User:Runescape4lyfe page. He is the one who got me started on Runescape so I revere him as a god. HE WISHES!!! HA HA HA HA!!!

Anyway, My greatest strengths in RS are attack, defense, strength, prayer, magic, treecutting, firemaking,cooking, and mining. If you ever start Runescape, and need a bit of help, you can put me on your friends list and I will give you a few essential items. Then, you're on your own. I would like to say more, but I cant. HA HA HA!!!

The Falador Massacre PKing

Ok! Now time for a true story, Runescape style. (Note for newbies: PK means player killing) Ok, well, the only other place you can PK is a combat arena, commonly found in members' houses.Ok, well, a guy called Durial321 was at his friend's combat arena, when he decided to teleport to Falador. And when he did.... he found he could kill people. He caused a heckuva stampede, and a basic massacre. The recordings show a huge mass of people running away in a huge crowd, yelling "Bank your items!!!" It was weird, though, because it happened on June 6th, 2006... otherwise known as 6/6/6. Well, poor Durial321 got banned, but he and that day will definitely go down in Runescape history. Hmm... if ever a Friday, June 6th comes around, I just might have an idea.. but it was only a glitch. Or was it...?

Durial321, as he probably look when 1) He could PK and 2) When he was banned.

Well... lucky for all of us, a guy managed to record that infamous day... watch it here [14], but read the sections below first to get a clear idea of what really happened.

Darn it! Jagex is getting rid of the recordings on Youtube!!! Well, if you can, try and look for it on Google Video, or just go to the link above and then type in "Fally PKing". Trust me, you'll get something.

Spotting Durial

Some of you may think, that, while watching this video, the guy in the center, who was recording it, was Durial321. NO HE IS NOT!!!! DO NOT BE FOOLED!!!! Now to look for the REAL Durial321, remember these things:

_He is defintely around those decreasing health bars.

_He is wearing a Fire Cape.

_He has a whip.

_He has long,white hair.

_He is wearing a greenish party hat. Those are quite rare- and mark my words, you will probably never see a blue party hat. Or maybe that is the Ahrim's top and bottom.

The Fally PKing 2

Ok, while you are going around on Youtube, you will most likely see a "Fally Mass 2"". Well, don't believe it. Oh, you can watch it, just don't belive it. Nope. Load of phooey. All it is is a bunch of moderators yelling "Bank your items!!!!" and some guys killing some guards.

Klay Easter Eggs

I told you I would post some Easter Eggs for those Klay dudes, so I will. There is not a lot of them, but oh well.

1. Rubber Ducky of Doom Ok. First things first. After the ducky kills the two guys at the beginning, look at the left one. He will say "SAM". That's because his friend is named Sammy. Then, after the ducky kills the guy with the newspaper, keep looking in the top right corner. For a split second you will see a little green dude. This is Hulky. To fully understand that, watch the Hulky videos first.

2. That One Song Ok, when the camera goes up to the guy on the TV (Chris?) look at the DVDs next to him. One of them is a Klay World series DVD. You might not know what that is, but who cares. Okay! For this next one you will either have to have the DVD or Windows Media Player. If you do have WMP, somehow get the video on there. Then, when the TV guy falls off the TV, watch it frame by frame. He will have a heart on him for a frame or two.

3.Tree Hand Thing Ok, to find this Egg you have to watch the entire video. When it comes to the REPLAY thing, just leave it there for a minute. Then you will see a weird video of Knox setting up his scene.

4.Long Lost Brothers Wait for the dude to show the childhood pictures. When it shows the Hobby Lobby picture, click on the truck. You will get a secret video with Knox! But sshhhh, it's a secret!

5.Jacob Ok, this will take a very short time. After Jacob says scr** you and shoots, look at the rock which the phone guy is standing next to. You will see sparks fly when the bullet hits the rock.

6. Klay World 6 Ok, watch the whole movie and wait for the credits. Somewhere along the way, if you keep looking at the top of the screen, you will see: "You can read this ha ha ha". Note: I'm not sure if it's the right video and if it isn't just look around the old ones.

Homework Help

Yes.. I am now offering a section on Homework Help! To question me, just type in your question on my discussion page. I will post it here for you to read! This is so that anyone who has the same question can see their answer without having to type anything.

Please note that this is a helping tool, and will not give you any answers. Although I highly doubt that anyone will do this, I still must say this. I will NOT help you if it involves you giving your personal information or me giving personal information. (ex.: your hometown's history, math problems involving your everyday life, family tree, etc.)

My UserBoxes!!!! W00T W00T!!

RSThis user plays RuneScape.
GDThis user is a fan of GREEN DAY.
This user enjoys PlayStation 2 games.
?This user doesn't care what console a game is for as long as it's fun.
This user prefers to play games on a PC.
This user likes to play games on his or her Mac, but is getting awfully sick of Breakout.

PARThis user suffers from paranoia.
Just because I think everyone is trying to kill me doesn't mean they aren't. You know what I mean?
Today is 7 September 2024
rpgThis user is an aficionado of role-playing games.
NinjaThis user is a NINJA!
This user is of human and Martian ancestry.

User:Dussst/The Game player

This user plays mahjong.
This user passed GO !
(…so where is my $200?)
This user doesn't see the difference between poker and Texas Hold 'Em.
cvg-2 This user is an intermediate gamer.
up Clue dnThis user is interested in Crosswords.
This user knows that there IS NO EXIT.
This user has a television set.

Template:User Satellite TV Template:User Amazing Race

H * R This user is a fan of Homestar Runner. Seriously.

Template:User Pee-wee Template:User Coco

IThis user is a person, and nothing else matters.

Template:User none

;..;This user is a vampire and vants to suck your blood. BLEH!
8-)This user is cool, and always wears sunglasses.
:)This user is happy.
:(This user is melancholy.
:OThis user is surprised.
:(This user is unhappy.
;) This user likes to wink a lot, usually by the combination of a parenthesis and semicolon, but sometimes with a pretty graphic.
:D This user is in a great mood.
:-|This user is undecided.
:-/This user is a sceptic, even with regard to this userbox.
This user is a jokester or comedian.
This user enjoys rock music.
This user does not have an iPod, but wants one.
:)This user is a bloody legend, and everyone ELSE knows it.
This user enjoys
heavy metal music.
This user sometimes is angry! But, may not look like it.
This user has been betrayed and turned into a parrot.
This user does not know what this symbol means, and if anyone happens to know, if they could tell me here.