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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Edwardtbabinski (talk | contribs) at 21:52, 18 February 2007. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Sharon Mooney Amateur photographer and graphic design (school year 2004-2005) with Westwood College of Technology in Multimedia/Web program.

Sharon Mooney, webmaster for Edward T. Babinski, (Duke Library, Furman University, SC) which primarily focuses on science, history and religion.]

I have chosen to refrain from further contributions on Wikipedia, due to certain obtuse editors who lack the ability to show respect to fellow contributors. Managing several successful websites of my own, I have never had any interest in bullying legitimate contributors on Wikipedia.

In regard to the blatant refusal of a couple of editors to leave the two relevant, and useful links I placed on Favicon (based on my own experience in professional web design)

For the record, as a favicon aficionado I not only have numerous pages on Free Favicon Downloads but manage a favicon webring which anyone is welcomed to join, and manage a blog on favicons. All being royalty-free favicon downloads. My contributions here have been legitimate, but I am aware that some have no further success on the web than managing a few articles for Wikipedia, and that becomes manifest in the aggressive cyberstalking often seen in "edit wars" between contributors. I simply have no time nor interest in the anxiety which results from such infantile conduct.

In 2004-2005 I was a student in Westwood College of Technology multimedia and web design program, based in Denver, Colorado. (Achieved Dean's List on a couple occasions Link #1 and Link #2.)

I am currently pursuing an Associate Degree in Aquaculture with Brunswick Community College and upon completion of the Associates program hope to transfer to UNCW University of North Carolina at Wilmington to obtain a Bachelors of Science, Masters and eventually, a PhD in Marine Biology. My Aquaculture blog.

I participate in Wikipedia, and provide some additional footnotes of interesting information on a variety of subjects, and some of the images / photography I have created. My interests are in art and life-biological science.

See Evolution of cetaceans and Evolution of sirenians for sample of art I have created and contributed.

All images I contribute normally have condition that original credits be kept intact, and should be listed under

Articles I have created, and contributed to. See:

  • Aaron_ben_Elijah (cleaned early document of A.B. Elijah)
  • Ahhotep_I (restored Sarcophagus of Queen Ah'hotep, Egypt)
  • Aaron (Aaron, high priest, Dutch Oak Carving / altered image)
  • Angelwing Created Angelwing page, added text and photography of Angelwing varieties.
  • Auger_shell Created Auger Shell page, added text and photography of Atlantic Augers.
  • Cardinal_(bird) Added Female Cardinal foraging seeds.
  • Cross barred venus Created Cross barred venus page, compiled text and photography.
  • Emil_Aarestrup (public domain image / applied filters)
  • Julius_and_Aaron (combination of two photos / historical and modern, colorized)
  • Ababdeh (based on MSN Encarta Map. Image, Color, Text and format revised)
  • Manila_hemp (Modifications and colorized, adapted from istockphoto)
  • Abacá (Modified, colorized from 1960 b/w photograph)
  • Abaco and Hope Town (Abaco Islands, Hope Town Lighthouse, cross hatched, adaptation)
  • Abacus Chinese bookkeeper (Colorized, modifications to 1950 b/w image, watercolor)
  • Abacus_(architecture) Modified from an original in World Book Encyclopedia, sections of column.
  • Atlantic calico scallop Added text and photography.
  • Common nutmeg, Creating page, text, photography.
  • Dolphin (vestigial hind limb buds) First image courtesy Thewissen Lab and second image, bottlenose dolphin modified from video clip.
  • Hermit thrush, added image of Hermit thrush, captured in Southeastern North Carolina during winter season.
  • Imperial Venus Created page and Photography.
  • Keyhole limpet Created page and Photography, and Cayenne keyhole limpet
  • Keyhole sand dollar, Created page, and contributed Photography.
  • Lettered olive Created page and photography.
  • Olive shell Photography of Lettered Olive Shell Oliva sayana, (Ravenel)
  • Rough scallop Created page added photography, text.
  • Venus_(genus) Expanded stub, addtl. text, modified photography for use on Wikipedia
  • Venus fasciata Created page, text and modified photography for Wikipedia.
  • Wentletrap Created Wentletrap page, including text and photography.

To the editor who removed the two non commercial links which were in dispute for over 12 hours of my time, without providing a single, reasonable explanation You do not seem to understand what a "commercial link" is. You have falsely labled the two links you removed as "commercial" when they certainly are not. They do not charge one dime for services. All items are free, public access. Would you consider Wikipedia's request for donations, commercial? According to your logic, Wikipedia is a commercial site. It both solicits donations and draws in millions of dollars, therefore, Wikipedia itself is commercial.

To better define the issue, websites such as http://www.match.com/ which charge fees for use of their services, are "commercial" links. http://yoursite.com/favicon.ico which is displayed right in the midst of Favicon is a commercial link, but on numerous occasions, certain editors have failed to make such a simple distinction.