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Shran, from Enterprise

In the fictional Star Trek universe, the Andorians are a species of humanoids native to the moon Andor. Their defining traits are their blue skin, two cranial antennae, and characteristically white hair.

Andorian biology

Hailing from an icy world, Andorians are prone to lose weight in warm climates if they are not properly hydrated. Andorian cities are built underground, to take maximum advantage of geothermal vents in the planet's crust. Andorian military officers routinely carry with them an ice cutting blade similar to those used by ice miners; soldiers routinely use such blades in combat (they disdain the use of beam weapons, as Andorians are vulnerable to infections caused by laser fire).

There are at least two subspecies of Andorians, the "blue skins" who make up the majority of their population, and the reclusive Aenar, who were long considered a myth until contact was first made with the blue skins about 2104. Aenar are blind and have telepathic and telemetric abilities.

Andorians have blue blood. Their antennae are used for gesturing as well as for balance. If cut off, an antenna will grow back after several months. Aenar appear to use their antennae also as telepathic receptors.

Andorian culture

Blue skins describe themselves as a violent and warlike species; in the 2150s, their hand weapons did not have a 'stun' setting. Andorian marriages consist of four individuals. Andorians have a concept of a superior being; one portrayal of which was glimpsed at the planet Sha Ka Ree.

Aenar culture is pacifist. There are no formal rulers and leaders are appointed as the need arises.

The Andorian Academy of Art is considered the best school of its type. Andorian ale is a potent blue alcoholic beverage. 'Andorian blues' is a style of jazz music that is apparently inspired by this race.

Andorians seen in the background of Star Trek: The Motion Picture wore jewelry featuring prominent geode stones. Women wore kimono-like clothing. They carried a flabbjellah, a combination of weapon and musical instrument.

The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novels claim that Andorians have four sexes, hence the four individuals in a marriage. It is explained that the four sexes' apparent similiarities to most other species' two sexes (apparently, Andorians have two sets each of male and female genders). An Andorian's last name will reveal what gender they are: if the name starts with zh' or sh', the Andorian is female, whereas Andorian males have last names starting with th' or ch'. Most other species probably assume that Andorians have only two genders; since the matter is not likely to be discussed with outsiders, the discrepancy is understandable.

Andorian history

The first sea-going vessel to successfully circumnavigate Andor was the ice cutter Kumari. Centuries later, a starship of the Andorian Imperial Guard would assume the name of the great vessel.

At some point in their past, Andorians waged an atomic war.

In 1154, Andorians achieved warp travel. (Star Trek Star Charts)

Their first contact with the Vulcans was promising, but relations soured in time. The threat of mutual annihilation existed as early as the 1950s. In the 2060s, the two species held eight-year-long territorial negotiations.

About 2104, blue skins made contact with the Aenar, dispelling their mythological status.

Andorians terraformed a planet called Weytahn, only to have it annexed by the Vulcans. In 2151, the Andorian Imperial Guard uncovered a Vulcan spying station concealed on the monastery world P'Jem.

In 2153, the Imperial Guard sent a ship into the Delphic Expanse in an unsuccessful attempt to capture a Xindi weapon for use against the Vulcans. Andorian Commander Shran proved instrumental in countering a Xindi threat to Earth in 2154.

In 2161, Andorians were one of the founding members of the United Federation of Planets.

In the 2260s, Andorians participated in the Babel Conference, represented in part by Ambassador Shras.

In the 2270s, a number of Andorians joined the crew of the refitted starship Enterprise. In 2291, a painting of a notable Andorian hung in the conference room of the Enterprise-A.

In 2371, Andorian gerontological Doctor Chirurgeon Ghee P'Trell was nominated for the Carrington Award.


Star Trek: The Original Series
# Episode Appearance
210 "Journey to Babel" Andoran spy frames Sarek for murder
216 "The Gamesters of Triskelion" One of the slaves of Triskelion
314 "Whom Gods Destroy"
Star Trek: The Next Generation
# Episode Appearance
322 "The Most Toys" Andorians desire trade with Fajo
Star Trek: Enterprise
# Episode Appearance
107 "The Andorian Incident"
115 "Shadows of P'Jem"
123 "Fallen Hero"
215 "Cease Fire"
409 "Kir'Shara"