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Venom (Spider-Man 3)

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Spider-Man 3's director is Sam Raimi. Actor is Topher Grace. Comic design is Todd Mcfarlane and Movie design: James Acheson, E.J. Krisor His powers acquire all of Spider-Man's powers, but is more agile and faster in every way. His name is Eddie Brock Jr. His Powers originated from a symbiotic creature, who feeds off of negative energy, and enhances physical abilities.

Eddie's Core

Eddie Brock is a photographer,who is destined to find a job, but fails, since he is rejected by all the newspapers in town. His main moral way of thinking is by the fact that 'if it bleeds it sells. He neglects the cost of someone's mortality, since he is a photographer and he mainly is concerned with the power and quality of the shot. Eddie Brock Jr.is seen to have a slick and strong exterior, while having a weak interior. Topher Grace the actor from That 70's Show sees that Eddie Brock Jr. as a mirror but complete opposite of Peter Parker, since Peter has a weak exterior, and strong interior. Eddie's vengeful and ruthless way of thinking comes from the abnormalities of his childhood, which is not clearly stated in the film. Brock in hope of impressing his love, Gwen Stacy and pursuing his dream, joins the Daily Bugle. He works under J. Jonah Jameson which happens to be the same boss, Peter Parker, who is also Spider-Man works for.Peter Parker and Eddie Brock are very competitive in their quest to win a staff job at the Bugle. J. Jonah Jameson asks whoever can get a photo of Spider-Man doing a bad deed or something illegal, they win the staff job. Peter is determined since he wants to get a fair pay to balance his life, while Brock is determined to find a job. In the process he sweet talks J. Jonah Jameson to persuade him that Brock is the one who deserves the job. All at the same time Peter Parker is confronted with a strange life form, the black suit, which heighten his abilities and craves his desires, but at the cost of bringing out the stronger and darker qualities of a person's character. Such as vengeance, and aggression.The entirely different Peter confronts Eddie with a more dangerous and more over confident attitude.Brock is fired when the ruthless Peter Parker revealed that Brock fabricated a photograph of Spider Man robbing an armored car.Peter Parker is under the influence of the black suit, which give him the qualities that the broken Eddie Brock used to possess, such as a being a slick but silly individual. To make Brock's conflicted self even worse, Peter Parker in anger of Mary Jane's leaving him, takes Gwen Stacy away from him, dancing with her in a Jazz Club. Brock spirals in a stage of depression and hatred against Peter Parker.In hope and despair, he goes to the cathedral in search of spiritual help.

Venom is Here

Brock in his weakest position in the movie goes to the cathedral to tell God that he is "humbled and humiliated" and asks for God to kill Peter Parker.In at that moment, Peter Parker who realizes the negative influence of the symbiotic creature, rips it off his skin was in a bell tower, that is in the same church that Brock is praying in. The black suit senses Brock's hatred against Peter Parker which is now it's enemy since he is trying to rip it off.In arguably one of the most CGI impressive scenes in the movie, the black suit violently forces itself among Brock, and from the weak individual Eddie is, immediately takes him over, and feeds on his darker qualities.As Eddie from the small individual he is, is confronted with the overwhelming power, he swan dives into it.From Brock's love of being bad, he turns into the most famous monstrous creature of the Spider-Man franchise. Eddie Brock becomes arguably the most loved villains of the Spider-Man film series, Venom.

Venom's Revenge

Venom convinces Flint Marko, a.k.a Sandman that Spider-Man has torn apart his family. "I want to kill the spider, you want to kill the spider, interested?" and influenced by the monstrous power of Venom and the desperate need to get rid of the man who has slowed his search for the cure, joins him. Venom violently confronts and eliminates the armed men securing the construction sight, his planned place he stages for his plan. This vicious attack immediately catches the eyes of the news channel, and the crew feels that the monstrous creature, is a creature resembling the black-suited spider-Man, and the Sandman is killing Police forces. Peter Parker watches the event unfold, and goes to Harry's mansion. Harry feels conflicted at what Peter did to him in the mansion (throws a bomb at his face), and says when Peter asks for help against two foes, "You don't deserve my help." Venom's feeling toward Spider-Man become even more ruthless has he remembers how Spider-Man humiliated him and took his girl away. In response from his loss of Gwen, as Mary Jane stubbornly leaves her Jazz Club, he (in a taxi) kidnaps her and suspends the taxi with her in it, 80 stories high, in a barbed black web, as a hostage situation.In a web reads: STOP US IF YOU CAN, and it is obvious to most that Venom is planning on causing the most pain to Spider-Man mentally and physically. Spider-Man is forced to become the hero he once was and goes to fight against two villains who have gathered unparalleled power.Spider-Man comes in when he finds out Eddie Brock is Venom, and they do a fast paced aerial fight. When Sandman comes to a 60 ft mark,Harry Osborn finally takes in the harsh reality, that Spider-Man did not kill his father, he comes to join Spider-Man to save Mary Jane. Harry and Spider-Man take on the giant so brutally, New Yorkers say it might be the "End of Spider-Man." At one point Spider-Man is tied with barbed web by the neck to a girder, and is pounded by the fist of the Sandman. Peter's actions make it clear he is trying to reach for Mary Jane. Soon Harry and Spider-Man save Mary Jane, from a falling death. As Harry defeats the monster Sandman, Spider-Man alone is confronted with Brock, who makes his revenge clear, and the point of how he humiliated him clear. Eddie Brock's confidence is clear, that he will defeat Spider-Man saying "Never wound what you can't kill." After a long and brutal fight with Venom, Spider-Man is tied to metal piping and hit with a metal object. Spider-Man urges Eddie to take it off, but instead Eddie keeps the power, and is unable to resist the temptation of the black suit. Spider-Man is mentally split in half, as Harry desperate to save Peter, is easily killed and thrown away by Venom. As metal piping dangles down, the vibrations of metallic objects hurt the black suit just like in the church. Spider-Man, before he is swiped by Venom, takes a sharp pipe and slashes Venom. He then clangs together metal to create loud vibrations with metal piping, forcing the symbiote to remove itself from Eddie Brock. Spider-Man continued making noise,torturing Venom by lodging multiple poles around him, and hitting them making even larger and simultaneous vibrations,disabling the symbiotic creature. As the symbiote becomes a huge 20 foot killer creature, preparing to kill, desperately sounding off vibrations, he picks up a pumpkin bomb. Just as Spider-Man threw one of Harry Osborn's pumpkin bombs at the symbiote, Brock jumped towards the symbiote because of his incredible attraction to it, causing his own death. Eddie's urge to get back the incredible power he never had, causes his demise. As the Sandman's heat fires down, and Peter forgives him for the murder of his uncle, Peter and Mary Jane kneel over the dying body of Harry, as the sun slowly rises.