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Wikipedia:Editing under the influence

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 23:28, 3 January 2008. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Editing Under the Influence, refers to editing while not in one's usual state of mind. This can obviously have a variety of meanings but results in an editor reviewing their edits on the next day and universally proclaiming "I wrote that?" and back-tracking to amend their pronouncements of the prior eve.

These edits may occur as the result of:

  • Please add reasons:
  1. Extreme emotional or giddy disturbance.
  2. An intense desire to get away from the family right now.
  3. Huge bats and manta rays coming out of the sky.
  4. An enlightenment as the result of too much acetaminophen.
  5. An excuse to escape from what needs to be done tonight.
  6. Don't bother me, this is important.
  7. That last glass of wine made me see things so much more clearly.
  8. I finally figured out what to say to Jimbo to make him respond.
  9. Time's running out, I better finish, Im late for....
  10. Too late to go to bed anyway so I may as well WP for a while.
  11. If I look like this is important & intense they they wont bother me.
  12. Hmmm, TV sucks tonight, I think I'll make the internet not suck, (Ooooh).
  13. I'll just keep typing and someday they'll thank me.
  14. I'm tired, hungry, and thirsty, but 2,500,000 is right around the corner.
  15. I completely forgot to write that thing that I came to write!
  16. I read about the Wikipedia widow thing and that's definitely not me.
  18. I have to keep writing, it's for my kid's future for God's sake.
  19. I'll need to tell everyone tomorrow what I did for mankind tonight.
  20. I'll show that user Raul that he's ....he's... well...well he knows it all (and he does).
  21. I came on online to tune my guitar but then... geesh!
  22. Influence? influence? Who me? No way man. I'm definitely not influenced by nobody, ya hear?
  23. I can do this because I'm gonna make him an offer that he can't refuse.
  24. Nostalgia. Haha! One year ago to this date I created a hoax. This means I broke the Wikisystem. But I'm not going to tell you people what it is. Keep you guessing. It amuses me when people can't find what they're looking for.
  25. I didn't say that! I thought I was logged into my sockpuppet's account. I mean, I haven't got a sockpuppet. Dammit, it must have been my little brother editing while I was temporarily away for a small period of time, volunteering down at the local childrens' hospice.
  26. Must. Defame. Political. Rival. Using popular open-source encyclopedia.
  27. Woops, thought I was playing Counter Strike. Thought the edit summary box was a zombie (Which this editor assumes they have on Counter Strike)
  28. I have to edit Wikipedia, it is part of my community service
  29. I express myself so much more clearly, and without hesitation, after I've had a little. And after a couple more, I'm not afraid of any of you!
  30. Since no one else said it, I'll just go ahead and say it flat out:
  31. Cause I'm f&&&ing wasted after 10 shots at home...
  32. Must....not...kill....kittens....
  33. ....
  34. Because I'm bored with my job, and I'm editing while giving the illusion that I'm working on my TPS reports.
  35. My OPINION is NEVER wrong!
  36. Wikipedia is my only friend
  37. That was so not WP:POINT, see? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha see?
  38. Oh, that? That was an old sandbox test!
  39. Grr! I punched the keyboard and accedentally pressed the reload button!
  40. My cat did its business on the keyboard, and I had to clean it up, and I saved it.
  41. Sorry, I spilt water on the keeybopard annd nowe Io Can';tr rtype prt4op[3erly65t! Ar4r3ggh!`3#@ AaahhaAAAAAAAAAHa!
  42. Sorry, I was typing something to make myself laugh and I saved it.
  43. Oops! I was trying to do a new paragraph and my keyboard
  44. I was in a hurry and someone was at the door so I had to save but ill finis tomor—.
  45. Geneva's kittens (Muqtadir & Maleki) are so cute... Is that POV?
  46. Well, read it!
  47. I tried to sign but I failed to hold the shift key. ~```
  48. I did to make you laugh!
  49. A silly edit, that is --Yoda.
  50. My friend humped the keyboard and saved it. yg7y ughb6 ynjhu6 nhbyj6 n6u njuhby6 njuhb76t yhug6t yuh6gt7 67t 66 t6 u 8.
  51. Sorry, I was typing numbers and forgot I was holding the alt key and *?靱惴?0)P▍鲝.
  52. Oops, I logged in as User:Example.
  53. I had to edit. If I didn't, what would your hamster say?
  54. I wrote that??? No, that was definitely my sockpuppet.
  55. I did it because your face.
  56. Um, An airplane crashed on the servers and it sent signals that modified my letters?
  57. The makes no sense! Of the is argh!
  58. Reason = Reason
  59. Err, my face's dick got stuck.
  60. Sorry, Homer Simpson farted, and it smelled of donuts, and I typed in donutdonutdonuts and he pressed save.
  61. Oops! I was being an afbghalskdhghaldjahflkdflfwofncoe.
  62. It was too hard not to.
  63. All your edits are belong to us.
  64. I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy .. or something.
  65. I was drunk.
  67. It must have been my evil twin!!
  68. bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  69. If the screen appears to be moving, do not be intarnetting. You'll get vomit in the series of tubes
  70. I think all the Care Bears would kiss me if i did that bad edit and saved.Yay,caring!
  71. I trusted the unicorns! Never trust the unicorns!!!
  72. My spoon! is too big. My...spoon, is too big! I am a BANANA!
  73. The.
  74. Nah, it's not that hard to remember nordostersjokustartilleriflygspanningssimulatoranlaggningsmaterielunderhallsuppfoljningssystemdiskussionssinlaggsforberedelsearbeten with accents!
  75. Wikipedi-yeah! Yeah!
  76. <eternal laugh>
  77. Someday, AKA 300 years from now, Wikipedia will be innundated by global warming.
  78. Wahhh! Bring BJAODN back!!!
  79. Sex. Stop! Sex. STOP! Sex. STOP!!!
  80. Rolling on floor laughing my ass off out loud
  81. Hey! That's my quote! You copied!
  82. My hill! MY HILL! MYYYYYYYYYYYY HILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  83. Ho ho ho! Merry editness!
  84. Quit plagarising from Wikipedia to Wikipedia! I command you!
  85. Ejjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj!
  86. What the breast? Your face!
  87. BRAINFART!!!
  88. Oops, I ate too much and diarrhead on the keyboard!
  89. Eek, SNOW IN TORONTO!!!
  90. Welcome to the Wikipedia report. Blah blah blah blah blah!
  91. Petey says, Aeee! Aeee!
  92. Oh no! MY KEYBOard IS ON STICKykeys!
  93. The beaver sat and farted on the mushroom which is also brown and smells like body carrot.
  94. Eww! Dody odour! EWW!!!
  95. My article is too short! Mush edit!
  96. Oink! Baa! Neigh! Woof! Moo! Ahooou!
  97. Look it's Santa! Let's go to bed!
  98. Yo momma uses half-finished sentences so often, that she-
  99. Yo momma so wide, the world fell in her vagina!
  100. Yo momma so fat, she collapsed under her own weight.
  101. Yarrrrrrgh!
  102. Me goo goo! Me goo goo!
  103. Where's my wiki-refund?
  104. Sorry, I was practicing for Who Wants To Be A Millionare, and I read a million articles! My eyes!
  105. GET OFF MY LAWN!!!
  106. Hey, quit stealing my quote! Argh!
  107. Ow!!! MY BALLS!!!
  108. That's cuz my keyboard spat on me!
  109. POP! Goes perfection!
  110. I was editting so I can get 100 demerit points. WTF is a demerit point?
  111. STFU now!!!
  112. Blitiggytaargen, blatz yef nigvent naff, yaa gom jaek gootew!
  113. 是我的网站!
  114. BIG!
  115. Welcome to the sandbox. But it did say it was for sexual experiments!!!
  116. Let's visit F*cking! NOW!!!
  117. Wow, I learned about Wikipedia on Wikipedia, so I had to edit edit.
  118. Had had had had had had, buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalos, that that, that that that, that THAT, that, that THAT that, That, that that that thats that!!!
  119. Why? Because because.
  120. I had to fix the unnacceptable gramatical error, so I added FIX THIS NOW!!!
  121. Eww!!! Strobe light! AAAhaAhaAAAaaaAAaaAaaaaaaaAAAAAaaa, aaaaaahaaaaaaaA, AaAAAAAAaa A AAAAA aaa AA aAaaAa AAA!
  123. Wikipedia is not uncyclopedia, so why have it?
  124. Well, it told me to vandalise chicken!
  125. *YAWN*, the article was boring.
  126. Oops, I was stuck on cAPS lOCK!
  127. Hey, It's MY article, so I signed it!
  128. You told me to! Yes you did!
  129. Huh? Wasn't pahoehoe a soup? Ow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  130. Huh? I thought Wikipedia was a hurricane, so I added it!
  131. Staring contest! ...Okay, Wikipedia wins, oww my eyes!
  132. Ellway, Iway eallyray inkthat erethay ouldshay ebay away Igpay Atinlay Ikipediaway!
  133. I found Wikipedia's hole! No wait, that's just hole.
  134. Colorless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously!
  135. Sorry, but someone invited me to their house, and I couldn't control their vandalism.
  137. What came first, the Wikipedia or the Jimmy?
  138. g2g, I had to go, and-
  139. I wanted to come up with better reasons than reasons 71-137
  140. Lissen up, you fuckers. Yeah, Im drunk, but I like being drunk..I DONT havve a prbolem. now let me edit or im calling my lawyer
  141. I didn't know it was an encyclopedia that on the internet,i thought it was a Plaver vs. Environment video game !!!!!!!!11111
  142. Furthermore,
  143. You mean this isn't uncyclopedia?
  144. I donated, that means I can do what I want!
  145. That's enough edits. Ed.