An outliner is a special text editor that allows the grouping of text in sections that are organized in a tree (hierarchy) of concepts, an outline. Outline tools can be used for computer programming, collecting or organizing ideas, or project management.
Related Concepts: Mind mapping, Design, Visualization, indexing, mapping, Word processor.
Computer Software
- Windows-only software
- Macintosh-only software
- Webserver based software
- File formats
External links
- General Information
- Programming or Technical Information
- Cross-Platform software
- WikiPad Open source Python based powerful outliner based on the Wiki approach
- Buzz a Python-based one.
- hnb (Originally for Unix)
- Java outline editor (free software/open source software: BSD License)
- Leo - free multiplatform outliner
- Tcl/Tk outline editor
- EmacsWiki: OutlineMode - (X)Emacs outline mode
- activeRenderer outline publishing for Radio UserLand Software
- vimoutliner - Outliner for Vim text editor
- TVO: The Vim Outliner - A better Vim outliner
- FreeMind - a Java-based mind mapping tool which can be used as an outliner
- Cross-platform Windows/Mac OS Software
- Windows OS Software
- Keynote - free outliner for Windows
- Outliner for Windows
- Overview of Windows Outlining Programs
- AWS-Webtools ASP Treeview Text2Tree
- Dynamic List - free web outliner for IE/Windows
- PocketThinker
- WhizFolders Organizer Pro
- Mac OS Software