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List of Earth starships in Stargate

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Daedalus class
File:Daedalus class battlecruiser orbits Atlantis.jpg
The Daedalus orbits Lantea in "The Siege, Part 3"
First appearance"The Siege, Part 3"
Combat vehiclesF-302s
General characteristics
Nuclear ordnance
Asgard Plasma Beam Weapons
DefensesAsgard Shields
Trinium Hull
Cloaking device (Odyssey)
PropulsionAsgard Hyperdrive
Sublight Engines
PowerNaqahdah Generators
Zero Point Module (Odyssey) Asgard power core (Odyssey)

The Daedalus-class battlecruiser is a fictional starship in the science fiction television series Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. Also referred to as a Deep Space Carrier[1] and a 304,[2] the Daedalus class is the second generation of Earth battlecruisers and is designed to combat enemy ships, such as the Goa'uld Ha'tak-class mothership. It succeeds the Prometheus as the main vessel operated by the United States Air Force and its allies on the two series.

Five Daedalus battlecruisers have been built and four are in active service, including the Daedalus, the USS Odyssey, the USS Apollo and the new Phoenix. The Russian Space Forces-operated Korolev is destroyed during the Battle of P3Y-229.[3] It is believed that each ship takes roughly one year to construct with the exception of two Daedalus class battlecruisers having been built within a single year (the Korolev is rushed into service months before it was scheduled to do so[2]). This may be a result of the funding change that Military Appropriations enacted at the beginning of season nine of SG-1, where 70% of the SGC funding is transferred to 304 production. Earth appears to be focusing heavily on establishing a fleet of vessels with which to compete with rival races and defend Earth, and further expansion is expected.


The Daedalus class is equipped with much of the same advanced alien technology as the Prometheus, only all integrated into the original design prior to construction, as opposed to being "tacked on after the fact", as Lt. Col. Samantha Carter puts it,[4] as is the case with the Prometheus.


The Daedalus class contains a great deal of Asgard technology, both as part of its original design and as upgrades after the destruction of the Asgard race. Initially built with such technology as the intergalactic hyperdrive, shields and beaming technology, additional equipment is integrated later on: the Odyssey is the first to be upgraded, with an Asgard computer core, plasma energy weapons and more being added; the Daedalus and Apollo are later refitted with the energy weapons. An Asgard engineer named Hermiod is at first assigned to the Daedalus itself to supervise the on-board technology, though it is unknown whether he remains aboard after the mass suicide of the Asgard.


The Daedalus class ships also have the same ring transporters as Goa'uld vessels, which are known ultimately to be an Ancient creation.[5] These rings are compatible with rings onboard Ori motherships as well as traditional Goa'uld emplacements. When temporarily genetically enhanced by Lantian technology, Rodney McKay wrote a formula on how to enhance the shields on the Daedalus, it is unknown if it was ever used.

Tactical systems

File:Daedalus class battlecruiser fires rail guns.jpg
Daedalus with shields raised

The Daedalus class carries numerous Mark III[6] and Mark VIII[7] tactical nuclear warheads and a number of railguns. Generally speaking, the primary armament used by the Daedalus-class vessels is the missile complement which is fired using vertical launching systems, with all missile emplacements appearing at the bow of the ship;[8] only the Odyssey has been seen with ventral hull emplacements.[9] Unlike conventional vertical launch systems, it is possible to access the loaded missiles from inside the ship, to swap their warheads, or entire missiles. In Stargate Atlantis season three's "No Man's Land", Colonel Caldwell orders the safety protocols to be disabled so that it is possible for them to fire all their Mk. III nuclear missiles the moment they exit hyperspace to increase the chance of a missile achieving a direct hit and not being intercepted by the Wraith Darts.

In addition to a thick armor hull that is capable of withstanding brief but intense fire from a enemy vessels, the Daedalus class vessels are fitted with advanced Asgard shielding that can defend the ship from incoming hostile fire.

There is no Asgard weaponry fitted to any Daedalus-class vessels prior to the Stargate SG-1 finale episode, "Unending", with the Asgard previously going so far as to safeguard their beaming technology by preventing its use as a weapons delivery system.[4] The Asgard engineer Hermiod was able to override this safeguard on Daedalus during a battle with the Wraith; however, later episodes featuring vessels not carrying Asgard personnel have shown beaming systems used offensively.

During the series finale, however, the Odyssey is heavily upgraded with the latest Asgard technology, including an Asgard computer core and energy weapons capable of successfully destroying an Ori mothership with several direct hits. In the fourth season of Stargate Atlantis, the Daedalus and Apollo were upgraded with similar weapons which are also as effective on Ancient designed ships as they are on Ori ships.


As seen in Stargate Atlantis, the Daedalus has notable physical differences from the Prometheus. It is sleeker and lacks the large aft tower. The Daedalus-class also has four additional engine emplacements on each side, making the rearmost part of the ship wider than that of the Prometheus. There is a large square structure on the ship's bow the purpose of which is unknown. F-302 bays are located on both sides of the ship, below and out from the main hull along the rear.

The Daedalus' shields are also capable of standing up to multiple Wraith Hive-Ships or Goa'uld motherships in combat.


The bridge is located on the top side of the ship towards the rear, within the bridge is two main consoles - weapon control, communications, sensors, propulsion and other key systems are coordinated through these terminals, towards the back of the bridge other consoles and computers also appear for other tasks, in level with the two command terminals is the Captain's chair.

Hangar bay

The Daedalus class has a hangar bay on either side, but all the F-302s are in the starboard hangar. The Daedalus is capable of carrying up to 16 F-302s, but so far it has only been seen carrying eight so that the other hangar can be used for various needs. The hangars come with doors and shields to prevent decompression and expulsion into space.[10]

Other rooms

  • Armory
  • Asgard Control Room/Auxiliary Control Room[11]
  • Asgard Knowledge Room (Odyssey)[11]
  • Bomb Bay (Apollo)[8]
  • Brig
  • Crew Quarters[11]
  • Gymnasium[11]
  • Infirmary
  • Main Cargo Hold[12]
  • Officers' Mess

Ships of the Line

The USAF operated Daedalus first appears in the Stargate Atlantis episode "The Siege, Part 3", commanded by Colonel Steven Caldwell. The Daedalus plays an instrumental role in defending Atlantis, and subsequently serves as an intergalactic ferry between Earth and Atlantis.

USS Odyssey first appears in the Stargate SG-1 episode "Off the Grid", and becomes Earth's primary-defense when the Prometheus is destroyed in "Ethon". Odyssey is commanded by Colonel Paul Emerson from "Off the Grid" till "Company of Thieves" when he is killed in the line of duty. The Stargate SG-1 episode "Family Ties" reveals Odyssey's succeeding commander is Colonel Davidson.

The Russian Daedalus-class vessel Korolev appears in the season nine finale, "Camelot", under the command of Colonel Chekov. The Korolev is destroyed in battle by two Ori motherships.

Appearing in the Stargate Atlantis season three finale, "First Strike", the Apollo, commanded by Colonel Abe Ellis, is used in a preemptive attack against the Asurans.

The map color behind the Colonel's chair and the lighting on each of the ships appears to be color coded. The Prometheus is white,[13] the Daedalus is green,[14] the Odyssey is orange,[1] the Korolev is purple[3] and the Apollo is Blue/Indigo.[8]


First appearance"The Siege, Part 3"
Combat vehicles16 F-302s
General characteristics
Close-in weapon systems
Conventional and Nuclear missiles
Asgard Plasma Beam Weapons
DefensesAsgard Shields
Trinium Hull
PropulsionAsgard Hyperdrive
Sub-light engines
PowerNaqahdah Generators

The Daedalus is the first starship to be produced of the Daedalus class of battlecruisers, and at first carries an Asgard engineer (Hermiod) who oversees the ship's Asgard technology until Humans are entrusted to handle it on their own. First mentioned in the Stargate SG-1 episode "Moebius, Part 1" and in the Stargate Atlantis episode "The Siege, Part 2", Daedalus makes its first appearance on Atlantis in the episode "The Siege, Part 3" at the beginning of season two. Since then, it has become one of the regular components of the series, primarily serving as a carrier between the Pegasus and Milky Way galaxies as well as providing military support for the Atlantis Expedition.

The Daedalus is also mentioned in several Stargate SG-1 episodes, including "Avalon Pt. 1", "Ethon", "Company of Thieves", "Camelot" and "The Pegasus Project" (where the ship is engaged in a joint operation with the Odyssey to destroy a Pegasus Stargate using a Mark IX tactical warhead for the purpose of disengaging the Ori Supergate).

Initial mission

The Daedalus is launched from Earth after a Zero Point Module is found in Egypt[15] and is sent on a mission to the Pegasus Galaxy with a large compliment of Marines to reinforce the city of Atlantis, which is being threatened by the Wraith. It takes the Daedalus only four days to reach the Pegasus Galaxy and the city of Atlantis with the ZPM powering the ship's Asgard hyperdrive and systems, and while installed the ZPM provides a significant increase in shield power.[16] The ZPM is later removed from Daedalus and is used to power Atlantis' shield.

Continued presence in Pegasus

In addition to serving as an effective transport and relay between Earth and the Atlantis expedition, the Daedalus has experienced marked success in its function as a battlecruiser. With the main threat in the Pegasus Galaxy being the Wraith, the Daedalus is usually pitted against Wraith Hive-Ships, which severely outclass the smaller ship in size, fire-power and fighter craft carrying capacity. The overall size of the vessels make them difficult to destroy with anything less than nuclear missiles, which are carried in only limited numbers and are easily intercepted by sacrificial Wraith darts long before reaching the Hive-ship. However, the advanced Asgard shielding aboard the Daedalus has allowed it to stay in a battle long after a Hive-Ship would have succumbed, and Daedalus has held its own in battle against the Wraith (sometimes against multiple Hive-Ships) and has scored numerous kills against the larger vessels, three of which were obtained by directly beaming nuclear devices aboard the ships.

Without the Ancient power source capable of powering the Asgard hyperdrive at such levels of power, it now takes the Daedalus approximately three weeks to travel between Earth and Atlantis.[10]

The Trust

Hermiod, the ship's Asgard technical adviser, is able to temporarily run the hyper drive at much greater level so as to increase hyperspace speed enough to make it into communications range in time to warn Atlantis of a Trust plot to destroy the city. This action places Daedalus at great risk of burning out the ship's engines. It is later revealed that Colonel Caldwell was in fact the Trust operative who had placed the city in jeopardy to begin with, although this is because he was under the control of a Goa'uld, which was successfully removed.[17]

The Asurans

The Daedalus and Apollo, after being upgraded with the new Asgard plasma energy weapons, engage in a joint operation against the Asurans, in order to prevent them from aggressively wiping out all Human life in the Pegasus Galaxy. After scoring numerous kills against Asuran-controlled Aurora-class warships, the Daedalus-class ships participate in a joint-strike effort alongside the Wraith and Travelers. This culminated in the destruction of the Asuran home world and the near-complete destruction of the Asurans.[18]

The Wraith

The Daedalus is dispatched to a planet where Teyla might be held after she was culled by a Dart. A team of marines including Sheppard, Ronon, McKay and Lorne are beamed down where they must combat a few armed Wraith worshipers. Soon a Wraith Cruiser drops out of hyperspace and engages the Daedalus. The cruiser is easily defeated but jumps into hyperspace with Teyla on board.


First appearance"Off the Grid"
Combat vehicles16 F-302s
General characteristics
Close-in weapon systems
Conventional and Nuclear missiles
Asgard Plasma Beam Weapons
DefensesAsgard Shields
Trinium Hull
PropulsionAsgard Hyperdrive
Sub-Light Engines
PowerNaqahdah Generators
Zero Point Module
Asgard power core

The second USAF production spacecraft of the Daedalus class battlecruiser is called the USS Odyssey. Its design, weapons, and technological capabilities are identical to the Daedalus; however, due to the use of the ZPM and changes made by Daniel Jackson, Odyssey is now capable of cloaking itself.[19] The Asgard make substantial technological upgrades to the Odyssey in the Stargate SG-1 series finale, "Unending". The Odyssey is now equipped with the knowledge of the Asgard and various Asgard technologies, such as an Asgard computer core.

After the destruction of the Prometheus in "Ethon", the Odyssey becomes the primary vessel in Earth's defensive fleet.

It is reported in the Atlantis episode "Echoes" (and confirmed in the Stargate SG-1 episode "The Shroud") that one of the ZPMs left by the Asurans who invaded Atlantis is now powering the Odyssey to be used against the Ori.

Initial mission

During the shakedown cruise of the Odyssey, the commander of the vessel, Colonel Emerson, is sent by General Landry to rescue SG-1. They have been captured by the Lucian Alliance on P6G-452 after the Stargate on the planet is taken by Ba'al, preventing them from dialing home.[1]

The ship travels to the P6G-452 in hyperspace and is able to lock on to and beam SG-1 aboard using implanted identification chips that have been placed in all SGC personnel. The ship is then immediately contacted by General Landry to go and reclaim the Stargates from Ba'al's mothership. SG-1 beams aboard after Ba'al's ship is disabled and plants tracer beacons on all the Stargates and DHDs, while fending off Ba'al's Jaffa. A small fleet of Lucian Alliance Ha'tak vessels arrive and, ignoring the Odyssey's hails, attack Ba'al's ship. The Odyssey begins to fire on the Lucian ships with its railguns in order to prevent them from destroying Ba'al's ship while SG-1 is aboard. The Odyssey then manages to beam all but one Stargate and DHD before the Lucian ships destroy Ba'al's Ha'tak. That particular Stargate is being used by SG-1 to gate back to Earth, but Colonel Emerson and the Odyssey assume the worst and retreat after the shields are nearly depleted with no significant damage done to the Lucian Alliance ships.

During the Odyssey's first mission, its shields are untested and are stated to not be operating at 100% efficiency.

"The Pegasus Project"

The Odyssey is dispatched to the Pegasus Galaxy in the Stargate SG-1 episode "The Pegasus Project", in an attempt to create a stable wormhole between the Pegasus Galaxy and the Ori Supergate in the Milky Way galaxy, to prevent the Ori from sending more ships through it. Attempts by the Asgard to dial out of the gate had already failed; the Supergate could only be dialed into from another Galaxy, and there is insufficient energy produced by a standard Stargate to establish a connection. The Odyssey positions a Stargate near a black hole in the Pegasus Galaxy and using the black hole as the Stargate's power source, establish a connection with a Stargate that has been placed in close proximity to the Supergate. Once established, the Odyssey beams shaped nuclear charges in front of the Stargate in an attempt to force the outgoing wormhole to "jump" to the Supergate, thus forming a connection to it. With a black hole powering the Stargate, the connection could be maintained indefinitely.

The Odyssey performs several unsuccessful attempts to jump the wormhole to the Supergate before a Wraith Hive-Ship detects the nuclear detonations and attacks the Odyssey. Performing a slingshot maneuver around the black hole's gravity well, the Odyssey beams its remaining nuclear warheads into the Hive-Ship that is pursuing them just as it passes by the Stargate. When the weapons are detonated, the resulting detonation of both warheads plus the Hive-Ship sends enough energy through the Stargate to cause the wormhole to "jump" to the Supergate. In addition, the massive unstable vortex produced by the activation of the Supergate engulfs an Ori mothership, destroying it.

Lucian Alliance hijacking

With the possibility of another Ori Supergate in the Milky Way Galaxy, the Odyssey departs Earth to investigate in the Stargate SG-1 episode, "Company of Thieves". On arrival, however, they are ambushed by several Ha'tak-class vessels and are forced into a minefield, which, because their shields are weakened by a nearby neutron star, render the ship disabled. Soon boarded and seized, it is stated that their assailants are members of the Lucian Alliance who have been sent to destroy or capture the vessel. Demanding that Colonel Carter repair the damage and disable the distress beacon revealing their location, the members of the Alliance kill Colonel Emerson when he orders her to not assist them in any way.

Acting as though she is repairing the ship, Carter attempts to stall the hijackers until an escape attempt can be made, an opportunity which affords itself when Daniel and Vala are likewise captured and brought to the Odyssey. After retaking the ship and killing the leader of hijackers in the process, the crew returns the Odyssey to Earth for repairs. While the repairs are under-way, the Odyssey is fitted with a ZPM recovered after Atlantis had been retaken from the Asurans, after their occupation.[20]


The Odyssey is part of a plan to deliver Merlin's weapon to the Ori galaxy for the purposes of destroying the Ori outright. Daniel Jackson used his Prior abilities to take control of the ship and transport the crew safely to the surface. After bringing Jack O'Neill on board the Odyssey, they set course for P3Y-229 while the Daedalus enters a parallel position over the Pegasus Galaxy Stargate that is maintaining the Supergate connection.

During the course of the trip, Jackson modified the ship's systems to generate a cloaking field, claiming "Having a ZPM helps". After the weapon is sent through the Supergate on an Ori ship and SG-1 had been evacuated with Asgard transporters, Jackson returns to his original form. Carter had a great deal of difficulty deactivating the cloaking device.

Other operations

Following the successful retrieval of Daniel Jackson from the Ori and the deployment of the Sangraal, command of the Odyssey is given to Colonel Davidson. Under his command, the Odyssey transports SG-1 to a planet being used by a group of rogue Jaffa under the command of Arkad as a base so that SG-1 could prevent Teal'c from killing Arkad.[21] Later, the Odyssey deploys ground-strike weaponry against a number of naqahdah filled cargo ships destined to be used against Earth by the rogue Jaffa in Arkad's army.[9] Odyssey is instrumental in the capture of Adria from a mothership under the command of Ba'al. The Odyssey utilizes the cloaking technology Daniel Jackson and Merlin installed in the vessel during the events of "The Shroud" and is used to hold Adria and prevent her escape using Anti-Prior technology. The Tok'ra are summoned to the Odyssey's location to perform a symbiote extraction of Ba'al from Adria. Following the extraction process, Adria breaks free of the restraints and locks Odyssey's infirmary, giving her enough time to ascend.[22]

The Asgard legacy

The Odyssey visits the Asgard home planet Orilla in the Stargate SG-1 finale episode "Unending" at the behest of the Asgard. Thor explains that the Asgard are giving the Tau'ri all of the knowledge of the Asgard, as a disease they have contracted is causing their bodies to degrade rapidly; consequently, the Asgard will soon become extinct. As the Asgard finish the upgrades to the Odyssey, several Ori motherships exit hyperspace nearby. The Asgard return to Orilla and as their last act destroy the planet, leaving the Odyssey as their legacy. Soon after the planet's destruction, the Odyssey has no choice but to fight, and, after a number of hits with its new Asgard weaponry, successfully destroys an Ori mothership.


First appearance"Camelot"
Last appearance"Flesh and Blood"
Combat vehicles16 F-302s
General characteristics
Close-in weapon systems
Conventional and Nuclear missiles
DefensesAsgard Shields
Trinium Hull
PropulsionAsgard Hyperdrive
Sub-light engines
PowerNaqahdah Generators

The Korolev is the third Daedalus class battle cruiser. Given to Russia by the USA in exchange for continued use of the Russian Stargate,[2] it is under the command of Colonel Chekov.[3] Just prior to the Battle of P3Y-229, Korolev is rushed to duty in order to defend against an invasion fleet of Ori motherships, though all major systems are complete and the Korolev is fully space worthy.

Korolev carries a complement of F-302's, having also acquired their plans in the Russian Stargate exchange. The ship is equipped with Asgard beaming technology, as demonstrated on Dr. Jackson and Col. Mitchell.

Upon the destruction of the Korolev during the battle of P3Y-229, six members of Korolev's crew are saved by beaming to the Odyssey; the episode does not reveal who survived.[3] Dr. Jackson also escapes by ringing aboard one of the Ori ships and Col. Mitchell escapes in an F-302.[5]

Battle of P3Y-229

The season nine finale, "Camelot", sees the Odyssey and the Korolev, both a part of a combined Tau'ri, Jaffa, Asgard, Tok'ra and Lucian Alliance fleet sent to intercept and stop the Ori fleet from arriving through a Supergate constructed at the location P3Y-229.[3] The Lucian Alliance ships are shown to arrive late into the battle. The Asgard vessel is an O'Neill class, piloted by the Asgard Kvasir. En route, the Korolev is ordered to collect SG-1 and report immediately to the Supergate. Their standing orders are to destroy the Supergate by any means necessary.

The episode shows both the Odyssey and Korolev faring better than the Jaffa vessels in the opening moment of the engagement; apparently, their Asgard-designed shields are far better at withstanding the opening attacks from the Ori vessels. Although the episode did not show the Asgard vessel being destroyed, it is seen fighting the Ori ships and taking numerous hits which appeared to be absorbed by its advanced shielding. However, as the engagement continues, both Earth vessels lost main power systems and main engines, rendering them "sitting ducks" to the Ori mothership's weapons.

Nearing the conclusion of the battle, with most of the vessels opposing the Ori destroyed, both Odyssey and Korolev remain largely intact (though incapable of continued combat), until two of the Ori vessels concentrated their fire on the Korolev, cutting through the vessel's already failing shields before the ship explodes.

Only six members of the Korolev's crew are beamed aboard the Odyssey. Daniel Jackson uses a set of the Korolev's rings to escape onto an Ori mothership and Colonel Mitchell uses an F-302 to escape the Korolev. Colonel Chekov's fate is not stated.[5]


First appearance"First Strike"
Combat vehicles16 F-302s
General characteristics
Close-in weapon systems
Conventional and Nuclear missiles
Horizon Weapon Platform
Asgard Plasma Beam Weapons
DefensesAsgard Shields
Trinium Hull
PropulsionAsgard Hyperdrive
Sub-light engines
PowerNaqahdah Generators

Commission and defense of Earth

The USS Apollo is a 304 commanded by Colonel Abe Ellis. It is the fourth Daedalus-class battlecruiser to be built, after the Korolev. The Apollo is mostly used as a ferry between Earth and Atlantis, just as the Daedalus.

Assault on Asuran home world

File:Stargate Atlantis - Horizon.jpg
Apollo's Horizon missile platform deployed

The Apollo is tasked to the Second Tactical Wing.[23] The ship arrives at Atlantis with a weapons platform, code named Horizon, which contains six Mark IX "Gatebuster" warheads and 4 decoy warheads. In conjunction with the Atlantis team, Colonel Ellis and the Apollo successfully deploy the Horizon weapons platform against the Asuran home world, targeting key military sites where new warships are being constructed. They are successful in destroying all the Asuran vessels, along with most secondary targets.

Following the attack on the Asuran home world, Apollo returns to Lantean orbit. There it attempts to destroy a stripped down Asuran satellite-ship that arrives in orbit over the city containing a Stargate through which an energy beam is sent from the Asuran homeworld. The beam is momentarily turned on the Apollo immediately after it attempts to engage. The vessel's shields are heavily drained by the Asuran energy weapon. After that point Colonel Ellis pulls his ship back but remains in the vicinity of Atlantis. Apollo fires a number of missiles, but these prove ineffective against the satellite-ship's shields.

With no way for Apollo or Atlantis to disable the satellite-ship, a plan is devised by Doctor McKay and Colonel Sheppard to bring an asteroid from the area around Lantea, which they had previously assumed was left from a second, since destroyed, moon, into the path of the Asuran weapon long enough to allow Atlantis to fly to another world. F-302's, launched from Apollo's fighter bays under the command of Major Lorne, latch onto the asteroid and maneuver it from the system's debris field into the energy weapon's path. Apollo transports all non-essential personnel off the city just before the attempt to fly Atlantis to another world begins.

The search for Atlantis

Apollo waits until Atlantis enters hyperspace, then leaves Lantea to rendezvous at a prearranged planet. When Atlantis is not present upon their arrival, Colonel Ellis takes Apollo to the nearest Stargate to dial Midway Station, where Colonel Samantha Carter and Doctor Lee are supervising its final readiness operations.

With no current way of tracking Atlantis, Ellis requests that Carter and Lee travel to Pegasus to assist in the upgrade of Apollo's sensor systems, so they can determine the position of the city. The upgrade involves pillaging parts from several primary systems including subspace communications. However, the sensor upgrades allow the Apollo to search the route between Atlantis and its new home in less then 50 hyperspace jumps.

The Apollo successfully locates Atlantis in space and returns to Asuras to provide covering fire for a retreating Puddle Jumper carrying McKay, Sheppard and Ronon along with a stolen Asuran ZPM. After they successfully withdraw, the Apollo returns to M35-117 and remain in orbit to assist the city as needed.

Refit and campaign against the Asurans

After being upgraded with the Asgard plasma beam weapons already installed on the Odyssey, the Apollo is dispatched to Atlantis alongside the Daedalus. Their goal is to begin systematically eliminating Replicator Aurora-class warships, and the energy weapons prove to be as effective against Ancient-designed warships as they are against Ori vessels. After destroying seven ships, Atlantis detects that the 30 remaining ships have returned to Asuras. Both ships then take part in a joint operation against the Replicator fleet to provide cover while McKay executes a plan to immobilize the replicators and destroy their home world.

The Apollo aids in search of a human made Replicator. Once they beam the first into space, they place the second in a virtual reality environment using an Ancient stasis pod in the SGC.


First appearance"The Last Man"
Combat vehicles16 F-302s
General characteristics
Close-in weapon systems
Conventional and Nuclear missiles
Asgard Plasma Beam Weapons
DefensesAsgard Shields
Trinium Hull
PropulsionAsgard Hyperdrive
Sub-light engines
PowerNaqahdah Generators

Michael's Fleet

The Phoenix was was the fith Daedalus-class battlecruiser built in an alternate timeline and was given to Colonel Carter to support the Atlantis Expidition. According to Dr. McKay, the ship was rushed into service and many of the Asgard systems wern't fully operational. Many of the Expedition members worked to get the ship fully functional. The ship featured an Asgard terminal on the bridge where the star map should have been, and a room similar to the Asgard core room on borad the Odyssey.

Michael's Fleet

Once the ship was ready, Colonel Carter flew the ship and tried to destroy Michael's fleet. Unfortunately, Michael put false intel and ambushed the Phoenix, when it was badly damaged, the crew was beamed down to the surface of a planet by Carter while she rams the badly damaged ship into one of the Wraith ships.

It is unknown whether the ship will return in future episodes.


  1. ^ a b c "Off the Grid". Stargate SG-1. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  2. ^ a b c "Crusade". Stargate SG-1. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  3. ^ a b c d e "Camelot". Stargate SG-1. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  4. ^ a b "Moebius, Part 1". Stargate SG-1. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  5. ^ a b c "Flesh and Blood". Stargate SG-1. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  6. ^ "No Man's Land, Part 2". Stargate Atlantis. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  7. ^ "The Siege, Part 3". Stargate Atlantis. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  8. ^ a b c "First Strike". Stargate Atlantis.
  9. ^ a b "Family Ties". Stargate SG-1. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  10. ^ a b "The Intruder". Stargate Atlantis.
  11. ^ a b c d "Unending". Stargate SG-1.
  12. ^ "Company of Thieves". Stargate SG-1.
  13. ^ "Prometheus". Stargate SG-1. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  14. ^ "The Siege, Part 3". Atlantis. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  15. ^ "Moebius, Part 2". Stargate SG-1. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  16. ^ "The Siege, Part 2". Stargate Atlantis. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  17. ^ "Critical Mass". Stargate Atlantis. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  18. ^ "Be All My Sins Remember'd". Stargate Atlantis.
  19. ^ "The Shroud". Stargate SG-1. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  20. ^ "Echoes". Stargate Atlantis. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  21. ^ "Talion". Stargate SG-1. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  22. ^ "Dominion". Stargate SG-1. {{cite episode}}: Unknown parameter |episodelink= ignored (|episode-link= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |serieslink= ignored (|series-link= suggested) (help)
  23. ^ Mallozzi, Joseph (2007-09-23). "Blog Picture". JosephMallozzi.blogspot.com. Retrieved 2008-01-13. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
