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Human physiology

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Human physiology is the science of the mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of normal humans or human tissues or organs. The principal level of focus of physiology is at the level of organs and systems. Most aspects of human physiology are closely homologous to corresponding aspects of animal physiology, and animal experimentation has provided much of the foundation of physiological knowledge. The science of human physiology is most often applied as medical care, and physiology is one of the basic sciences of medical study, along with anatomy, biochemistry, histology, embryology, psychology, and microbiology.

Many physiologic variables (such as blood glucose (sugar) level, body temperature, blood pH, and so on) must be maintained within narrow limits for proper health. An overriding theme in physiology is that of homeostasis, maintaining a stable internal environment despite external fluctuations. Indeed, the primary functions of many organ systems are to maintain homeostasis. For instance, the urinary system helps to control water levels as well as that of blood pH and various waste products, and the circulatory system ensures a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and the removal of waste products.

Traditionally, the academic discipline of physiology views the body as a collection of interacting systems, each with its own combination of functions and purposes.

human brain
human brain
Red blood cell
Red blood cell
The heart with relation to the lungs (from an older edition of Gray's Anatomy)
The heart with relation to the lungs (from an older edition of Gray's Anatomy)
Kidneys viewed from behind with spine removed
Kidneys viewed from behind with spine removed
  • The immune system consists of the white blood cells, antibodies and other specialized proteins, as well as the thymus, lymph nodes and lymph channels. The immune system provides a mechanism for the body to distinguish its own cells and tissues from alien cells and substances, and to neutralize or destroy the latter. The study of the immune system is termed immunology.
  • The reproductive system consists of the gonads and the internal and external sex organs. The reproductive system produces gametes in each sex, a mechanism for their combination, and a nurturing environment for the first 9 months of development of the offspring. The study of the physical function of this system is termed reproductive physiology; when applied to the disorders of reproduction it is termed gynecology or andrology. The study of the behavioral aspects is sexology and when applied to the developmental aspects is termed embryology.
Model of the layers of human skin
Model of the layers of human skin
  • The skin consists of the covering of the body, including hair and nails as well as other functionally important structures such as the sweat glands and sebaceous glands. The skin provides containment, structure, and protection for other organs, but it also serves as a major sensory interface with the outside world. The study of skin is dermatology.
  • The adipose tissue consists of several types of body fat, below the skin and surrounding the internal organs. It serves principally as storage for fuel, as insulation, and provides signals about nutritional status to other systems. The study of the functions of this system is new enough that there is not a widely used name for the discipline.

The traditional divisions by system are somewhat arbitrary. Many body parts participate in more than one system, and systems might be organized by function, by embryological origin, or other categorizations. Furthermore, many aspects of physiology are not as easily included in the traditional organ system categories.

The study of how physiology is altered in disease is pathophysiology.