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Office Open XML

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Office Open XML Document
Filename extension
Internet media type
Developed byMicrosoft, Ecma International
Type of formatDocument file format
Extended fromXML, DOC, WordProcessingML
WebsiteEcma 376, DIS 29500
Office Open XML Presentation
Filename extension
Internet media type
Developed byMicrosoft, Ecma International
Type of formatPresentation
Extended fromXML, PPT
WebsiteEcma 376, DIS 29500
Office Open XML Workbook
Filename extension
Internet media type
Developed byMicrosoft, Ecma International
Type of formatSpreadsheet
Extended fromXML, XLS, SpreadsheetML
WebsiteEcma 376, DIS 29500

Office Open XML (also referred to as OOXML or OpenXML) is a free and open international standard for representing electronic documents such as spreadsheets, charts, presentations and word processing documents.

Microsoft originally developed the specification as a successor to its binary Microsoft Office file formats. The specification was later handed over to Ecma International to be developed as the Ecma 376 standard, under the stewardship of Ecma International Technical Committee TC45. Ecma 376 was published in December 2006[2] and can be freely downloaded from Ecma International.[3]

An amended version of the format, ISO/IEC DIS 29500 (Draft International Standard 29500), received the necessary votes for approval as an ISO/IEC Standard as the result of a JTC 1 fast tracking standardization process that concluded in April 2008.[4] However a formal protest was filed in May 2008 by the South African Bureau of Standards[5], meaning the standard will not become ISO/IEC 29500 unless and until the appeal has been resolved.


Prior to the 2007 edition, the core applications of the Microsoft Office software suite (primarily Word, Excel, and Powerpoint) by default stored their data in a format known as a binary file. Historically, these formats were difficult for other applications to natively interoperate with due to a lack of publicly available information and royalty-free access to the format specifications. More recently, Microsoft has offered these binary format specifications under a royalty-free covenant not to sue as part of its Open Specification Promise.[6][7] While a level of support for the binary formats had been achieved by various applications, full interoperability remained elusive.

In 2000, Microsoft released an initial version of an XML-based format for Excel, which was incorporated in Office XP. In 2002, a new file format for Microsoft Word followed.[8] The Excel and Word formats – known as the Office 2003 XML formats – were later incorporated into the 2003 release of Microsoft Office.

In May 2004, governments and the European Union recommended to Microsoft that they publish and standardize their XML Office formats through a standardization organization.[9][8] Microsoft announced in November 2005 that it would standardize the new version of their XML-based formats through Ecma, as "Ecma Office Open XML".[10]

File format and structure

Office Open XML uses a file package conforming to the Open Packaging Convention. This format uses the ZIP file format and contains the individual files that form the basis of the document. In addition to Office markup, the package can also include embedded files such as images, videos, or other documents.

Document markup languages

An Office Open XML file may contain several documents encoded in specialized markup languages corresponding to applications within the Microsoft Office product line. Office Open XML defines multiple vocabularies using 27 namespaces and 89 schema modules.

The primary markup languages are:

  • WordprocessingML for word-processing
  • SpreadsheetML for spreadsheets
  • PresentationML for presentations
  • DrawingML used for vector drawing, charts, and for example, text art. (additionally, though deprecated, VML is supported for drawing).

Shared markup language materials include:

  • Office Math Markup Language (OMML)
  • Extended properties
  • Custom properties
  • Variant Types
  • Custom XML data properties
  • Bibliography

In addition to the above markup languages custom XML schemas can be used to extend Office Open XML.

The XML Schema of OOXML emphasizes reducing load time and improving parsing speed. In a test with applications current in April 2007, XML based office documents were slower to load than binary formats.[11] To enhance performance, OOXML uses very short element names for common elements and spreadsheets save dates as index numbers (starting from 1899 or from 1904). In order to be systematic and generic, OOXML typically uses separate child elements for data and metadata (element names ending in Pr for properties) rather than using multiple attributes, which allows structured properties. OOXML does not use mixed content but uses elements to put a series of text runs (element name r) into paragraphs (element name p). The result is terse and highly nested in contrast to HTML, for example, which is fairly flat, designed for humans to write in text editors and is more congenial for humans to read.

Office MathML (OMML)

Office Math Markup Language is a mathematical markup language which can be embedded in WordprocessingML, with intrinsic support for including word processing markup like revision markings [12] , footnotes, comments, images and elaborate formatting and styles.[13] The OMML format is different from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) MathML recommendation that does not support those office features, but is partially compatible[14] through relatively simple XSL Transformations.

File:DrawingML text effect.png
Example of DrawingML text effects

DrawingML is the vector graphics markup language used in Office Open XML documents. Its major features are the graphics rendering of text elements, graphical vector based shape elements, graphical tables and charts.

The DrawingML table is the third table model in Office Open XML (next to the table models in WordprocessingML and SpreadsheetML) and is optimized for graphical effects and its main use is in presentations created with PresentationML markup. DrawingML contains graphics effects (like shadows and reflection) that can be used on the different graphical elements that are used in DrawingML. In DrawingML you can also create 3d effects, for instance to show the different graphical elements through a flexible camera viewpoint. It is possible to create separate DrawingML theme parts in an Office Open XML package. These themes can then be applied to graphical elements throughout the Office Open XML package.[15]

DrawingML is unrelated to the other vector graphics formats such as SVG. These can be converted to DrawingML to include natively in an Office Open XML document. This is a different approach to that of the OpenDocument format, which uses a subset of SVG, and includes vector graphics as separate files.

Container structure

Office Open XML documents are stored in Open Packaging Convention (OPC) packages, which are ZIP files containing XML and other data files, along with a specification of the relationships between them.[16] Depending on the type of the document, the packages have different internal directory structures and names. An application will use the relationships files to locate individual sections (files), with each having accompanying metadata, in particular MIME metadata.

A basic package contains an XML file called [Content_Types].xml at the root, along with three directories: _rels, docProps, and a directory specific for the document type (for example, in a .docx word processing package, there would be a word directory). The word directory contains the document.xml file which is the core content of the document.

This file describes the contents of the package. It also contains a mapping for file extensions and overrides for specific URIs.
This directory contains relationships for the files within the package. To find the relationships for a specific file, look for the _rels directory that is a sibling of the file, and then for a file that has the original file name with a .rels appended to it. For example, if the content types file had any relationships, there would be a file called [Content_Types].xml.rels inside the _rels directory.
This file is where the package relationships are located. Applications look here first. Viewing in a text editor, one will see it outlines each relationship for that section. In a minimal document containing only the basic document.xml file, the relationships detailed are metadata and document.xml.
This file is the main part for any Word document.


Relationship files in Office Open XML

An example relationship file (from word/_rels/document.xml.rels)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
  <Relationship Id="rId1"
     TargetMode="External" />
  <Relationship Id="rId2"
     TargetMode="External" />

As such, images referenced in the document can be found in the relationship file by looking for all relationships that are of type http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/relationships/image. To change the used image, edit the relationship.

The following code shows an example of inline markup for a hyperlink:

<w:hyperlink r:id="rId2" w:history="1"

In this example, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is represented by "rId2". The actual URL is in the accompanying relationships file, located by the corresponding "rId2" item. Linked images, templates, and other items are referenced in the same way.

Embedded or linked media file relations

Pictures can be embedded or linked using a tag:

<v:imagedata w:rel="rId1" o:title="example" />

This is the reference to the image file. All references are managed via relationships. For example, a document.xml has a relationship to the image. There is a _rels directory in the same directory as document.xml, inside _rels is a file called document.xml.rels. In this file there will be a relationship definition that contains type, ID and location. The ID is the referenced ID used in the XML document. The type will be a reference schema definition for the media type and the location will be an internal location within the ZIP package or an external location defined with a URL.

Structure of the standard

To aid the reader's understanding, the Office Open XML specification contains both normative material and informative material. It is structured in five parts to meet the needs of different audiences.[3]

  • Part 1: Fundamentals
    • Vocabulary, notational conventions and abbreviations
    • Summary of primary and supporting markup languages
    • Conformance conditions and interoperability guidelines
    • Constraints within the Open Packaging Conventions that apply to each document type
  • Part 2: Open Packaging Conventions
  • Part 3: Primer
    • Informative (non-normative) introduction to WordprocessingML, SpreadsheetML, PresentationML, DrawingML, VML and Shared MLs, providing context and illustrating elements through examples and diagrams
    • Describes the custom XML data storing facility within a package to support integration with business data
  • Part 4: Markup Language Reference
    • Contains the reference material for WordprocessingML, SpreadsheetML, PresentationML, DrawingML, Shared MLs and Custom XML Schema, defining every element and attribute including the element hierarchy (parent/child relationships)
    • XML schemas for the markup languages are declared as XSD and (non-normatively) using RELAX NG
    • Defines the custom XML data storing facility
  • Part 5: Markup Compatibility and Extensibility
    • Describes extension facilities of OpenXML documents and specifies elements and attributes by which applications with different extensions can interoperate
    • Extensibility rules are expressed using NVDL (ISO/IEC 19757-4)


Reasonable and Non Discriminatory

Ecma International provides specifications that "can be freely copied by all interested parties without restrictions".[17] Under the Ecma code of conduct in patent matters, participating and approving member organisations are required to make available their patent rights on a Reasonable and Non Discriminatory (RAND) basis. While making patent rights available on a RAND basis is considered a common minimum patent condition for a standard, international standardization has a clear preference for royalty-free patent licensing. That is why Microsoft, a main contributor to the standard, provided a Covenant Not to Sue[18] for its patent licensing. The covenant received a mixed reception, with some (like the Groklaw blog) identifying problems[19] and others (such as Lawrence Rosen, an attorney and lecturer at Stanford Law School) endorsing it.[20]

Open Specification Promise

Microsoft also added the format to their Open Specification Promise[21] in which

"Microsoft irrevocably promises not to assert any Microsoft Necessary Claims against you for making, using, selling, offering for sale, importing or distributing any implementation to the extent it conforms to a Covered Specification […]"

subject to certain restrictions. Office Open XML can therefore be used under the Covenant Not to Sue or the Open Specification Promise.

The Open Specification Promise was included in documents submitted to ISO in support of the Ecma 376 fast track submission.[22] Ecma International asserted that, "The OSP enables both open source and commercial software to implement [the specification]."[23]

In support of the licensing arrangements Microsoft commissioned an analysis from the London legal firm Baker & Mckenzie.[24]

Several standards and OSS licensing experts expressed support in 2006 of the OSP. A 2006 article in Cover Pages quotes Lawrence Rosen, an attorney and lecturer at Stanford Law School, as saying,

"I'm pleased that this OSP is compatible with free and open source licenses."[25]

In 2006 [26] , Mark Webbink; a lawyer and member of the board of the Software Freedom Law Center, and former employee of Linux vendor Red Hat; has said,

"Red Hat believes that the text of the OSP gives sufficient flexibility to implement the listed specifications in software licensed under free and open source licenses. We commend Microsoft’s efforts to reach out to representatives from the open source community and solicit their feedback on this text, and Microsoft's willingness to make modifications in response to our comments."[27]

Standards lawyer Andy Updegrove said in 2006 the Open Specification Promise was

"[…] what I consider to be a highly desirable tool for facilitating the implementation of open standards, in particular where those standards are of interest to the open source community."[28]

On March 12, 2008 the Software Freedom Law Center, which provides services to protect and advance free software and open source software, has warned of problems with the Open Specification Promise as it relates to OOXML and the GNU General Public License (GPL).[29] In a published analysis of the promise it states that[30]

  • "Because of this narrow definition of the covered specifications, no future versions of any of the specifications are guaranteed to be covered under the OSP."[31]
  • "Any code that implements the specification may also do other things in other contexts, so in effect the OSP does not cover any actual code, only some uses of code."[31]
  • "...it permits implementation under free software licenses so long as the resulting code isn't used freely."[31]
  • "The OSP cannot be relied upon by GPL developers for their implementations not because its provisions conflict with GPL, but because it does not provide the freedom that the GPL requires." [31]

With Ecma International publishing the specification for free and patents made irrevocably available on a royalty-free basis through the Open Specification Promise, Office Open XML conforms to all characteristics [citation needed] of the European Union's definition of an open standard.[32]


Microsoft's Office Open XML is currently an Ecma standard (Ecma-376, approved on 7 December 2006). The specification entered fast-track standardization within ISO/IEC as DIS 29500 (Draft International Standard 29500).[33] In a round of voting by ISO/IEC national body members in September 2007, the draft text, which at that time was approximately 6000 pages, was not approved as an international standard. A ballot resolution process has amended the text, and a final decision has been reached on its approval at the end of March 2008, based on the 6000-page text and approximately 2000 pages of proposed amendments, and a promise to add 1400 more pages of XML-format documentation.

On April 2nd, 2008, ISO officially published that the DIS 29500 has been approved for acceptance as an ISO/IEC Standard following a JTC 1 fast tracking standardization process which was marred by dishonest behavior in the Microsoft camp which has resulted in ongoing criminal investigations in some countries [4], and appeal from the South African Bureau of Standards.[34] In accordance with the JTC 1 directives the Project Editor will now create the final text for scrutiny by ITTF and when this is complete the text will be published as ISO/IEC 29500. No existing implementation appears to conform to the future ISO standard and still unpublished format. Microsoft Office 2007 currently conforms to the pre-ISO ECMA standard version, although Microsoft has said they will base their products on the ISO/IEC version of the specification.[35]

On May 21st, 2008, Microsoft announced that it will be an active participant in the future evolution of the Open XML standard.[36]

Application support

The list here is not exhaustive. A More exhaustive list of supporting/partial implementations of Office Open XML can be found on Microsoft's office open XML Community website.

DIS 29500 support

No application as yet supports the DIS 29500 specification of OOXML, although Microsoft has stated that Microsoft Office 14 (due 2009) will be the first version of Microsoft Office to do so.[36] No plans for support of DIS 29500 in Microsoft Office 2007 have been announced.[37]

Microsoft, whose products use the current Ecma standard version of Office Open XML has fully committed to using the ISO/IEC standard in their products:[38]

"…we are committed to supporting the Open XML specification that is approved by ISO/IEC in our products."

and have also commited to participate in the maintenance of this standard:

"We are committed to the healthy maintenance of the standard once ratification takes place so that it will continue to be useful and relevant to the rapidly growing number of implementers and users around the world."

This commitment is further definied in Microsoft statements to support the new ISO/IEC 29500 standard in their future MS Office version.[36]


The Ecma 376 specification of Office Open XML is the default format in Microsoft Office 2007.

For older versions of Office (2000, XP and 2003) a compatibility pack is provided.[39] It is available for Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 and newer operating systems.[40] The compatibility pack does not require Microsoft Office, but does require Microsoft Windows. It can be used as a standalone converter with products that read Office's older binary formats, such as OpenOffice.org.[41]

  • Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac supports the Office Open XML format.[42] For older versions of Office on the Mac, a beta release of the Microsoft Office Open XML File Format Converter is available.[43] Microsoft had previously advised users of Office 2007 to save their files in the old Office binary format.[44]
  • Corel has released version X4 of their Corel WordPerfect Office edition that includes extensive support for Office Open XML.[45]
  • Microsoft Office Mobile 6.1 supports Office Open XML on Mobile devices.[46]
  • Apple Inc.'s iWork '08 suite has read-only support for Office Open XML word processing, spreadsheet and presentation file formats in Pages, Numbers and Keynote (respectively).[47][48][49]
  • Apple Inc.'s iPhone has read-only support for Office Open XML attachments to email.[50]
  • Altova's MapForce includes support for data integration based on the OOXML spreadsheet data format.[51]
  • Altova's StyleVision adds Word 2007 (OOXML) capabilities to its graphical stylesheet design tool.[52]
  • Altova's DiffDog supports detailed differencing for OOXML and ZIP archive file pairs.[53]
  • The online Thinkfree Office supports Office Open XML word processing files, and will support spreadsheets and presentation files in the future.[54]
  • Gnumeric has limited SpreadsheetML support.[55]
  • QuickOffice, a mobile office suite for Symbian and Palm OS, supports wordprocessing and spreadsheets in Office Open XML format.[56]
  • Dataviz' DocumentsToGo for PalmOS supports Office Open XML documents.[57]
  • Datawatch supports Office Open XML spreadsheets in its report mining tool Monarch v9.0.[58]
  • Intergen has released a Silverlight plugin that allows Office Open XML word processing files to be viewed within a web browser.[59]
  • OpenOffice.org supports Office Open XML import when used with the OpenXML/ODF Translator for OpenOffice.[60] The translator works with SuSe Linux, some versions of (K)ubuntu and Novell OpenOffice.org 2.3 for Microsoft Windows. It can be used from the command line.[61]
  • The Mac OS X-based NeoOffice office suite supports opening, editing, and saving of most Office Open XML documents since version 2.1.[62]
  • Online word processor Zoho Writer supports exporting to the Office Open XML Wordprocessing format.[63]
  • Xpertdoc Studio is a document merge and assembly product which generates Office Open XML Wordprocessing files from any platform supporting DotNet or the Java language.[64]

Filters and converters

  • OxygenOffice includes xmlfilter which is the code that OpenOffice.org 3 will use to process Office Open XML files, and xmlfilter is completely different than OdfConverter.[65] This filter however is only for importing OOXML files not for exporting them.
  • docXConverter by Panergy Ltd. converts from WordprocessingML to Rich Text Format (RTF) and from SpreadsheetML to Comma-separated values (CSV). docXConverter can be used to transfer WordprocessingML data to other applications that read RTF data such as Word 97.[66]
  • Microsoft and Sonata Software created a plugin to convert Office Open XML text documents to DAISY XML, a and open standard format used for creating spoken document for disabled people.[67]
  • Google search supports direct HTML view of Office Open XML files. Found files can be viewed directly in a converted HTML view.[68]

Other products

  • Altova XMLSpy, an XML editor for modeling, editing, transforming, and debugging XML technologies supports Office Open XML file formats.[69]
  • Nuance OmniPage Professional 16, an OCR and Document Conversion Software, was the first desktop OCR application to provide native support for the Office Open XML standard.[70]

Planned and beta software

Template:Future software

  • Apache POI will support Office Open XML in the forthcoming 3.5 release, currently in alpha, which is aiming for a summer release.[71]
  • Office Open XML SDK, containing a set of managed code libraries to create and manipulate OOXML files programmatically, will be shipped by Microsoft. Currently available in a technology preview (CTP) release,[72] version 1.0 will be released in May 2008.[73] The shipping version of the SDK will incorporate the changes made to the OOXML specification made during the current ISO/IEC standardization process.[74] Version 2 of the OOXML SDK will support validating OOXML documents against the OOXML schema, as well as searching in OOXML documents.[73]
  • OpenOffice.org 3.0 alpha supports Office Open XML.[75]
  • Unified Office Format (UOF) Open Source Translator is being developed by Beihang University and partners to convert from OOXML to UOF and vice versa.[76]


The European Commission (EC) will look at evidence submitted by Becta concerning alleged interoperability problems relating to OOXML, and anti-competitive practices in the schools software market in Britain.[77]

Microsoft, whose products use the current version of Office Open XML, has not committed to conform to the officially standardized OOXML specification for any length of time. According to a Techworld article, "to organisations that need a well-defined, XML-based format to manage huge numbers of documents that may be archived for decades, this is important. These customers want a standard that Microsoft will promise to use - even if it's not convenient for the company's plans."[78] In a Zdnet article Alex Brown said "I am hoping that Microsoft Office will shortly be brought into line with the [ISO/IEC] 29500 specification, and will stay that way," and also stated "Indeed, a strong motivation for approving 29500 as an ISO/IEC standard was to discourage Microsoft from this kind of file-format rug-pulling stunt in future."[79]

The ODF Alliance UK Action Group says that with OpenDocument there exists already an ISO-standard for Office files and that two competing standards are against the very concept of a standard.[80] Further, they argue that the Office Open XML file-format is heavily based on Microsoft's own Office applications and is thus not vendor-neutral, and that it has inconsistencies with existing ISO standards such as time and date formats and color codes.[80]

Specific criticism

  • Use of DrawingML and the transitional-use-only VML instead of W3C recommendation SVG.[81] VML did not become a W3C recommendation.[82]
  • Use of Office Math ML instead of W3C recommendation MathML.[83]
  • Office Open XML does not define a macro language, leaving this aspect to be application-defined.[84]
  • The standard is long, with the version submitted to ISO comprising 6546 pages. Google alleges that this length is unnecessary, saying that the OpenDocument specification is 867 pages in length and achieves the same goals.[85] That coupled with the fast track standardization process, Google claims, reduces the review time per page ratio.[85]
  • A comparison of some specific items in the format specification documents of Office Open XML and OpenDocument formats is used to claim disharmony within the Office Open XML format.[86]

See also


  1. ^ a b c Microsoft. "Register file extensions on third party servers". microsoft.com. Retrieved 2008-04-09.
  2. ^ "Ecma International approves Office Open XML standard" (Press release). Ecma International. December 7 2006. Retrieved 2006-12-08. {{cite press release}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  3. ^ a b Standard ECMA-376
  4. ^ a b "ISO/IEC DIS 29500 receives necessary votes for approval as an International Standard". ISO. 2008-04-02.
  5. ^ Otter, Alastair (2008-05-23). "South Africa appeals against ISO's OOXML decision". Tectonic.
  6. ^ "How to extract information from Office files by using Office file formats and schemas". Microsoft. 2007-03-27. Retrieved 2007-07-10.
  7. ^ "Microsoft Office Binary (doc, xls, ppt) File Formats". Microsoft. 2008-02-15. Retrieved 2008-04-05.
  8. ^ a b Brian Jones (2007-01-25). "History of office XML formats (1998–2006)". {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |Publisher= ignored (|publisher= suggested) (help)
  9. ^ Telematics between Administrations Committee based on IDA expert group on open document formats (2004-05-25). "TAC approval on conclusions and recommendations on open document formats". IDABC - European eGovernment Services. Retrieved 2007-07-30.
  10. ^ "Microsoft Co-Sponsors Submission of Office Open XML Document Formats to Ecma International for Standardization". Microsoft. 2005-11-21.
  11. ^ George Ou (2007-04-27). "MS Office 2007 versus Open Office 2.2 shootout". ZDnet.com. Retrieved 2007-04-27.
  12. ^ Jesper Lund Stocholm (2008-01-29). "Do your math - OOXML and OMML". A Mooh Point blog. Retrieved 2008-02-12.
  13. ^ Murray Sargent (2007-06-05). "Science and Nature have difficulties with Word 2007 mathematics". MSDN blogs. Retrieved 2007-07-31.
  14. ^ David Carlisle (2007-05-09). "XHTML and MathML from Office 2007". David Carlisle. Retrieved 2007-09-20.
  15. ^ Wouter Van Vugt (2007-08-13). "Open XML Explained e-book". Openxmldeveloper.org. Retrieved 2007-09-14.
  16. ^ Tom Ngo (December 11 2006). "Office Open XML Overview" (PDF). Ecma International. p. 6. Retrieved 2007-01-23. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  17. ^ "What is Ecma International". {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |Publisher= ignored (|publisher= suggested) (help)
  18. ^ "Microsoft Covenant Regarding Office 2003 XML Reference Schemas". Microsoft. Retrieved 2006-07-11.
  19. ^ "2 Escape Hatches in MS's Covenant Not to Sue". Groklaw. Retrieved 2007-01-29.
  20. ^ Berlind, David (November 28 2005). "Top open source lawyer blesses new terms on Microsoft's XML file format". ZDNet. Retrieved 2007-01-27. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  21. ^ "Microsoft Open Specification Promise". Microsoft. 2006-09-12. Retrieved 2007-04-22. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  22. ^ Licensing conditions that Microsoft offers for Office Open XML
  23. ^ -Response Document- National Body Comments from 30-Day Review of the Fast Track Ballot for ISO/IEC DIS 29500 (ECMA-376) Office Open XML File Formats
  24. ^ Baker & McKenzie (2006). "Standardization and Licensing of Microsoft's Office Open XML Reference Schema" (PDF). Baker & Mckenzie. Retrieved 2007-02-01. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  25. ^ "Microsoft's Open Specification Promise Eases Web Services Patent Concerns". xml.coverpages.org. 2006-09-12.
  26. ^ "Microsoft promises to hang patent fire over web services". 2006-09-12.
  27. ^ "Microsoft Open Specification Promise".
  28. ^ Peter Galli (2006-09-12). "Microsoft Promises Not to Sue over Web Services Specs".
  29. ^ "Software Freedom Law Center Publishes Analysis of Microsoft's Open Specification Promise new article". Software Freedom Law Center. March 12, 2008.
  30. ^ "Software Freedom Law Center Publishes Analysis of Microsoft's Open Specification Promise". Business Wire. March 12, 2008.
  31. ^ a b c d "Microsoft's Open Specification Promise: No Assurance for GPL". Software Freedom Law Center. March 12, 2008.
  32. ^ IDABC - European eGovernment Services (2004). "European Interoperability Framework for pan-European eGovernment Services". Retrieved 2007-07-30.
  33. ^ ISO/IEC DIS 29500, Information technology -- Office Open XML file formats
  34. ^ "Appeal from the South African national body regarding the outcome of the fast-track processing of DIS 29500 Office open XML" (PDF). SABS (South African Bureau of Standards). 2008-05-22. Retrieved 2008-05-24. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  35. ^ "An Open Letter from Chris Capossela, Senior Vice President, Microsoft Office". Retrieved 2008-04-25.
  36. ^ a b c Microsoft Expands List of Formats Supported in Microsoft Office
  37. ^ Office 2007 won't support ISO's OOXML (David Worthington, SDTimes, 21 May 2008)
  38. ^ "An Open Letter from Chris Capossela, Senior Vice President, Microsoft Office". Retrieved 2008-05-26.
  39. ^ "Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats (Version 3)". Microsoft. 2007-06-18. Retrieved 2007-09-04.
  40. ^ Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats
  41. ^ "Office Compatibility Pack Review". OpenOffice.org Ninja. 2008-02-06. Retrieved 2008-02-26.
  42. ^ Amazon. "Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac".
  43. ^ "Microsoft Office Open XML File Format Converter for Mac 0.21 (Beta)". Microsoft. 2008-03-06.
  44. ^ sherjo (2006-12-06). "Converters Coming! Free and (Fairly) Fast". The Office for Mac Team Blog. Retrieved 2007-03-18. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  45. ^ "WordPerfect Office X4, Do more with words, numbers and ideas". Corel. Retrieved 2008-04-18.
  46. ^ "Microsoft Office Mobile 6.1: Upgrade for Microsoft Office 2007 file formats". Microsoft. 2007-11-28. Retrieved 2007-11-29. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  47. ^ "Apple - iWork - Pages". Retrieved 2007-07-08.
  48. ^ "Apple - iWork - Numbers". Retrieved 2007-07-08.
  49. ^ "Apple - iWork - Keynote". Retrieved 2007-07-08.
  50. ^ ""iPhone User's Guide"" (PDF). Apple, Inc.
  51. ^ "Altova Announces Version 2008 Release 2 of its Software Product Line". Retrieved 2008-04-29.
  52. ^ "Altova Adds Word 2007 (OOXML) Capabilities to its Graphical Stylesheet Design Tool and Cuts the Price to Ease Adoption". {{cite web}}: Text "2008-05-01" ignored (help)
  53. ^ "Altova Announces Version 2008 Release 2 of its Software Product Line". Retrieved 2008-04-29.
  54. ^ "Power Edit MS Word 2007 (DOCX) Support". Retrieved 2007-10-09.
  55. ^ "Gnumeric 1.8 is Here!". www.gnome.org. Retrieved 2008-01-28.
  56. ^ "QuickOffice".
  57. ^ ""DocumentsToGo for PalmOS Premium Edition"". Dataviz.
  58. ^ "Datawatch Announces Availability of Monarch V.9.0; Supports Microsoft Windows Vista and Extends Excel Capabilities". 2007-02-27. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Unknown parameter |Author= ignored (|author= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |Publisher= ignored (|publisher= suggested) (help)
  59. ^ www.textglow.net
  60. ^ andrew z (2008-01-31). "odf-converter 1.1 released". OpenOffice.org Ninja. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  61. ^ Convert OpenXML (.docx, etc.) in Linux using command line
  62. ^ "NeoOffice 2.2.1 for Mac OS X Released". trinity.neooffice.org. 2007-08-26. Retrieved 2007-10-09. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  63. ^ Raju Vegesna (2008-02-27). "Zoho Writer Update: DocX Support, Thesaurus, Group Sharing & More". {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
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  67. ^ "Easily Translate Open XML to DAISY XML Standards". openxmlcommunity.org. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |acessdate= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
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  72. ^ Open XML Format SDK - April CTP
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  75. ^ Andrew Z (2008-03-19). "OpenOffice.org 3.0's new features, an early look".
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  78. ^ "Microsoft won't commit to the open document standard it's pushing so hard".
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  82. ^ VML - the Vector Markup Language
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