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The Nyingma tradition is the oldest of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism (the other three being Kagyu, Sakya and Gelug). The Nyingma-school is sometimes called the "school of the ancient translations" or the "old school"because it developed out of the first translation-period of Buddhist scriptures from Sanskrit into Tibetan, in the eighth century.

Nyingma is actually comprised of several distinct lineages that each trace their origins back to Padmasambhava, the legendary founder of Tibetan Buddhism. The name Nyingma means "ancient", as Nyingma followers see themselves as maintaining the earliest Vajrayana teachings (classifying the other three schools as Sarma or "new translation" schools, as they occurred during a second wave of translation and also incorporated more elements of the indigenous Bön religion).


In 817, King Trisong Detsen invited the indic Masters Padmasambhava (Sanskrit for "lotus-born", also called Guru Rinpoche "precious Master") and the abbot Shantarakshita (Tibetan Shiwatso) to Tibet in order to introduce Buddhism in the Land of Snows. King Trisong Detsen ordered the translation of the whole Buddhist dharma into Tibetan. Guru Rinpoche, Shantarakshita and 108 translators, and 25 of Guru Rinpoche's nearest disciples worked for many years in a gigantic translation-project. The translations from this period formed the base for the large scriptural transmission of dharma-teachings into Tibet. Guru Rinpoche supervised mainly the translation of tantric doctrine; Shantarakshita concentrated on the sutra-teachings. Guru Rinpoche and Shantarakshita also founded the first Buddhist monastery Samye on Tibetan ground. It was the main center for dharma-transmission in Tibet during this age.

From this basis Tantric Buddhism was established in its entirety in Tibet. From the 8th until the 11th century Nyingma was the only school of Buddhism in Tibet. With the reign of King Langdarma (836842) Buddhism declined in its outer form and a time of political instability took place for 300 years in Tibet. From the 11th century onwards, four more schools developed out of a new translation-period. They were the Kadampa, Kagyu, Sakya and Gelug schools, the later three of which survived into modern times.

25 disciples

The miracle-powers of the 25 disciples of Guru Rinpoche are well known. These disciples were: King Trisong Detsen, Namkhai Nyingpo, Sangye Yeshe, Gyalwa Choyang, the princess of Karchen Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal, Palgyi Yeshe, Palgyi Senge, the great translator Vairotsana, Nyak Jnanakumara, Gyalmo Yudra Nyingpo, Nanam Dorje Dudjom, Yeshe Yang, Sokpo Lhapal, Nanam Zhang Yeshe De, Palgyi Wangchuk, Denma Tsémang, Kawa Paltsek, Shupu Palgyi Senge, Dré Gyalwe Lodro, Drokben Khyenchung Lotsawa, Otren Palgyi Wangchuk, Ma Rinchen Chok, Lhalung Palgyi Dorje, Langdro Konchog Jungné and Lasum Gyalwa Changchup.

Terma and Terton

The appearance of terma ("hidden treasures") is especially significant for Tibetan Buddhism and Nyingma. Past masters will hide the terma for discovery by later ''Terton'', spiritual treasure hunters, who will help interpret the terma.


Guru Rinpoche and his main disciples hid hundreds of scriptures, ritual objects and relics in secret places to protect Buddhism during the time of decline under king Langdarma. These Termas were later rediscovered and special terma-lineages were established throughout Tibet. Out of this activity developed, especially within the Nyingma-tradition, two ways of dharma transmission: The so called "long" oral transmission from master to adept in unbroken lineages and the "short" transmission of "hidden treasures".


These hidden treasures were rediscovered by masters with special abilities, so-called treasure-revealers (Tibetan: Terton) until the present day. Many of these terton were incarnations of the 25 main-disciples of Guru Rinpoche. A vast system of transmission-lineages developed through the ages. Nyingma-scriptures were updated when the time was appropriate. Terma-teachings guided many adepts to realisation and enlightenment in later centuries. The rediscovering of terma began with the first terton Sangye Lama (1000–1080). Treasure-revealers of outstanding importance were Nyangral Nyima Oser (1124–1192), Guru Chowang (1212–1270), Rigdzin Godem (1307–1408), Pema Lingpa (1450–1521), Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1820–1892) and Orgyen Chokyur Lingpa (1829–1870). Tertons also appeared in later schools of Tibetan Buddhism and in the Bön-tradition. In Buddhist context, hidden treasures appeared not only since the time of Guru Rinpoche. Terma had been found even in India. Nagarjuna, for example, rediscovered the last part of the "Prajnaparamita-Sutra in one hundred thousand verses" in the realm of Naga, where it had been kept since the time of Buddha Shakyamuni.

Teachers and Teachings

Authentic Nyingma teachers include His Holiness Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, His Holiness Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche (c. 19041987), His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (c. 1910-1991), His Holiness Penor (Pema Norbu) Rinpoche, Khenpo Choga Rinpoche, filmmaker Khyentse Norbu (son of H.H.Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, and also known as Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche), and Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche.


During the ages, many great scholars and tantric Masters appeared within the Nyingma-lineage. Most famous of all is the master and scholar Longchen Rabjam (1308–1363), who, along with Rongzom Mahapandita, is known as "omniscient one" or kun kyen – a title only bestowed upon these two masters in the Nyingma school. He wrote many scriptures on the whole Nyingma-dharma. He is especially known for his presentation of the Nyingma philosophical view, that of Dzogchen in particular. His main works are the "seven treasuries" (Dzö dün), "three cycles of relaxation" (Ngalso Korsum), "three cycles of natural liberation" (Rangdröl Korsum) and the three "inner essences" (Yangtig Namsum). Longchen Rabjam also systematized the transmission of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection, in a collection of texts called "The Four-fold Heart Essence" ([Nyingthig Yabzhi]]). This group of texts was later condensed even further in a cycle of termas revealed by Jigme Lingpa, entitled "Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse" the "longchen nyingthig". The Nyingthig Yabshi and the Longchen Nyingthig are known, respectively, as the earlier and later "heart essence."

Mipham Jamyang Gyatso (1846–1912)

Mipham Jamyang Gyatso (“Mipham the Great”) was born into an aristocratic family in 1846 in Kham, a province of eastern Tibet. His name, Mipham Gyatso, means “Unconquerable Ocean,” and as a scholar and meditator he was so accomplished that he was enthroned as an emanation of the Manjushri, the bodhisattva of wisdom. As such, he was asked to compose a definitive articulation of the philosophical outlook of the Nyingma lineage. This had never been systematized in the manner of the other four lineages and, as a result, was vulnerable to attack by hostile scholars.

As requested, Mipham Rinpoche composed authoritative works on both the Sutric and Vajrayana teachings as understood in the Nyingma tradition, writing particularly extensively on dzogchen. He is said to have composed these vast works effortlessly. They reinvigorated and revitalized the Nyingma lineage enormously inestimably, and he soon became one of the most renowned lamas in Tibet, attracting disciples from all traditions, many of whom became lineage holders. Mipham's works have become the foundation of study for not only the Nyingma lineage, but the Kagyu lineage as well. They hold a central position in all Nyingma monasteries and monastic colleges. Along with Longchenpa, he is considered the source of the Nyingma doctrine.

Tantric System

The structure of tantric teachings of Nyingma is significant aside from the terma-tradition. Nyingma-Schools decide 6 levels of tantric teachings; in other schools, 4 levels are common. Outer Tantra

  • Kriyayoga
  • Caryayoga
  • Yogatantra

Inner Tantra

  • Mahayoga
  • Anuyoga
  • Atiyoga/Dzogchen (The "Great Perfection")

In the later schools the inner tantric teachings are known as Anuttarayogatantra.

Six Mother Monasteries/Six Nyingma Lineages

Tradition has held that there are six monasteries known as "mother monasteries" of the Nyingma lineage, although there have been slightly different formulations of the six. At one time they included Dorje Drag, Mindrolling and Palri monastery in Upper Tibet; and Kathok, Palyul and Dzogchen monasteries in Lower Tibet. After the decline of Chongye Palri Thegchog Ling monastery and the flourishing of Shechen, the mother monasteries became Dorje Drag and Mindroling in the upper region, Shechen and Dzogchen in the center, and Kathok and Palyul in the lower part of Tibet. Dodrubchen is often substituted for Kathok in the list. Out of these "main seats of the Nyingma" developed a large number of Nyingma-monasteries throughout Tibet, Bhutan and Nepal.

Also of great importance to the Nyingma lineage is Samye, the first Tibetan monastery, founded by Shantarakshita.

  • Chagdud Gonpa [1]
  • Chokling Tersar [2]
  • Dzogchen Atiyoga Info Page [3]
  • Kathok [4]
  • Khordong and Byangter Tradition [5]
  • Lotsawa House [6]
  • Nyernga Ngakde [7]
  • Palyul Tradition [8]
  • Pema Lingpa Tradition [9]
  • Rangjung Yeshe [10]
  • Rigpa [11]
  • Rime Foundation [12]



  • Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, "The Opening of the Dharma." Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala 1974
  • Keith Dowman, "Skydancer - The Secret Life and Songs of the Lady Yeshe Tsogyal." Snow Lion Publ., Ithaca-New York 1996, ISBN 1-55939-05-4
  • Ngawang Zangpo, "Guru Rinpoché - His Life and Times." Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca-New York 2002, ISBN 1-55939-174-X


  • Dudjom Lingpa, Buddhahood Without Meditation, A Visionary Account known as Refining Apparent Phenomena. Padma Publishing, Junction City 1994, ISBN 1-881847-07-1
  • John Myrdhin Reynolds, Self-Liberation through seeing with naked awareness. Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca-New York 2000, ISBN 1-55939-144-8
  • Longchen Rabjam, A Treasure Trove of Scriptural Transmission, a Commentary on The Precious Treasury of the Basic Space of Phenomena. Padma Publishing, Junction City 2001, ISBN 1-881847-30-6
  • Longchen Ragjam, The Practice of Dzogchen. Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca-New York 1996, ISBN 1-55939-054-9
  • Longchen Rabjam, The Precious Treasury of the Basic Space of Phenomena. Padma Publishing, Junction City 2001, ISBN 1-881847-32-2
  • Longchen Rabjam, The Precious Treasury of the Way of Abiding. Padma Publishing, Junction City 1998, ISBN 1-881847-09-8
  • Longchenpa, You Are the Eyes of the World. Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca-New York 2000, ISBN 1-55939-140-5
  • Manjushrimitra, Primordial Experience, An Introduction to Dzogchen Meditation. Shambhala Publications, Boston & London 2001, ISBN 1-57062-898-X
  • Nudan Dorje, James Low, Being Right Here - A Dzogchen Treasure Text of Nuden Dorje entitled The Mirror of Clear Meaning. Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca-New York 2004, ISBN 1-55939-208-8
  • Padmasambhava, Advice from the Lotus-Born. Rangjung Yeshe Publications, Hong-Kong 1994, ISBN 962-7341-20-7
  • Padmasambhava, Natural Liberation - Padmasambhavas Teachings on the Six Bardos. Wisdom Publications, Boston 1998, ISBN 0-86171-131-9
  • Reynolds, The Golden Letters. Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca New York 1996, ISBN 1-55939-050-6