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User:Helpful Cat

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Ready4Victory (talk | contribs) at 13:11, 25 July 2008 (→‎Miscellaneous). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

About me

Real life

I am a P6 GEPer in Singapore, and am also a third speaker on the Nanyang Primary School 2007 debate team. WE ROCK~ My birthday is on 29 August 1996. This year is my PSLE year.


I dislike putting on a facade and generally speak my mind, without going out of my way to be diplomatic, "nice" or inoffensive. In fact, I don't get offended. A rising fury deep within me alerts me to the fact that your statement is wrong. That's what I call my inner third speaker, rebutting everything in its way.

I am sarcastic both online and offline. It earned me praise for my performance as third speaker.


I am synesthetic, with grapheme-color synesthesia specifically, and have absolute pitch. I can also fake crying pretty well, except that I can't force actual tears, but the sobbing sounds and the tearful voice are rather realistic. This comes in handy for dealing with hypersensitive people who cry at the slightest perceived insults. *sobs* Ohh, you poor little thing!
Random Friend Who Knows Best Says: 'her crying is actually very fake'


  • If I make typos, feel free to correct them. They spoil the colour scheme of the word anyway, so I'll probably spot them, but if I don't, don't worry that I'll be offended at somebody editing my messages.
  • You can edit my userpage, from correcting typos to changing the font. Just don't add any content you're not sure if I'll want, any personal information and/or anything that isn't true. Oh, and please don't change the font colour.
  • Please don't type things in many different colours. The colours will almost always be wrong. Please don't confuse me.

Wiki Timeline

October 2005 -- Stumbled upon Wikipedia at the age of 9, while researching on J. S. Bach for music project.

October 2005 to April 2007 - Edited as anon.

April 2007 -- created this account.

April 2007 to March 2008 - Brief trickles of activity and periodic inactivity.

March 2008 - Higher level of activity.



"Edit Wikipedia today!" ~2006 - present

"*points at cloudy sky* Edit this page, select, delete, select, delete, edit summary: Reverted vandalism by anonymous user, save page!" ~2007

"WIKI!" "PEDIA!" "WIKI!" "PEDIA!" etc. ~2007 - present


All these quotes are from 2007 unless otherwise specified.

EVERYONE on opposition, including me, all at once: "Point of information, ma'am/sir!"

(when debating about sex education, and the other side had just advanced a preposterous argument about pornography in the curriculum) "I would sincerely like to know, what kind of government puts pornography in the curriculum?!"

(when debating about singing the national anthem and saying the pledge every morning - we had argued that most students don't fully comprehend the anthem and pledge anyway, and the other side had actually said that singing the anthem and saying the pledge combats terrorism) "Are you trying to say that singing a regurgitated, memorised song and saying a bunch of meaningless words every morning that you don't even understand helps combat terrorism? Wow. I didn't know that."

"In conclusion, the proposition is seriously psychologically myopic and has to get their inner eyes checked. *triumphantly* I rest my case!" ~2008

GEP, my pet subject

"I refuse to believe that putting students in a system that by its very setup works against them is somehow less elitist than helping them develop to their full potential!" (in my Social Studies portfolio, about the GEP - referring to the issue of elitism surrounding the GEP) ~2008

"The scheme to integrate GEPers and mainstreamers exacerbates elitism!" ~2007 - present

"Since when is expanding the elite a valid way to combat elitism?" (since the scheme only affects the top mainstreamers anyway) ~ 2007 - present

Insults and assorted sarcasm

All these quotes are from 2008 unless otherwise specified.

"Did you confuse this place with the Singapore Zoo?"

"When they hired you for this job, did they put 'making an obscene amount of noise' in the job description?"

"Does Times Bookstore stock the latest edition of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations? I think in a new section titled 'Stupid Insults', there's a new quote, 'Oh, look! Someone's skirt is black and dirty!'" (when a mainstreamer had insulted us by saying just that, AND the f-word)

"When were brainless one-celled organisms introduced into our group?"

"Do the words 'sit down' have any meaning to you, or did you pass notes during your P1 English lessons?"

"Is it your mission in life to form a human roadblock at the only passageway through which I can pass at the moment?"

"If you can't string a coherent sentence together without assaulting your full stop key it's no wonder you don't enjoy debate."

"Pack your luggage! Your village called; they want their idiot back."