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Lucifer Chronicles

The fictional Lucifer Chronicles are an unspecified number of historical parchment scrolls unearthed at mythical Sedah-Lleh and Lelh-Sedah'Lanrete of equally mythical Ytinrete which is at an unspecified location in the war-torn of a cave in Lehl-Sedah'Lanrete which is several ==

thousand kilometers sLink titleouth of Sedah-Lleh Ytinrete. The cave has apparently been undisturbed for centuries. All vessels containing scrolls were removed. Translation is a difficult task becaItalic textuse many of [[the parchments have eroded through the passage of time. Missing or damaged portions of the historical documents made completely reliable translations extremely difficult. There are areas of parchment which have been eaten away. Members of the scientific community, scholars and Indiana Jones wannabes are in the process of utili
zing any means to authenticate or refute the scroll findings. The scrolls which remain buried under tons of earth at the original discovery site will probably]] never be recovered. That will leave a void once all the available scrolls are deciphered. Skeptics who have cried hoax do not have all the facts. These vessels containing parchment scrolls were discovered deep in the bowels of caves by nomadic travelers. The discoverers had no concept #REDIRECT of what they had stumbled upon. These priceless historical documents were bartered for food ‡•goods and liquid. There is no record, Biblical or otherwise, which accounts for these mysterious parchment scrolls. The Bible was inspired by God. Were these writings inspired by one at the other end of the spectrum? That is the question. Answers will not be forthcoming without exhaustive research and many sleepless nights. Six nomads who attempted to enter the original cave following the cave-in lost their lives. Only minimal efforts to gain entrance to that cave chamSuperscript textber have continued after those fatalitires. It is strange but true that motorized evacuation equipment is useless at the cave site. Machinery simply shuts down near the site but operates fine elsewhere. It should be noted that Lucifer was the favorite angel of God. Lucifer and the angels were with God long before the first breath of life was ever breathed into Adam by God. Angels beside God are angels. Angels beside Lucifer are now demons</math>. Angels are still powerful. Humans are mistaken to believe that Lucifer skulks around with horns and a long tail. His physical appearance has never changed. Remember, Lucifer was the most beautiful angel created by God. The favorite of God. When it comes to angels that certainly means an awful lot.

Mythical Scrolls Translation Underway

The Lucifer Chronicles are the fictional creation of Stendek. Original mention of the historical scrolls were in HubPages (Lucifer Chronicles Prelude) with a quick followup. Stendek also publicized the mythical historical documents discovery on the Squidoo site.

Stendek As Mysterious As Lucifer Chronicles Scrolls

Stendek is a mysterious character in his own right. Stendek describes himself in the following way: "I was an investigative reporter for over three decades! Time has dimmed my vision but not my thirst for truth. I was an honest-to-gosh card carrying member of the Aerial Phenomena ƒResearch Organization of the late Jim and Coral Lorenzen. Also once possessed disc charged by PK Man Ted Owens. Want fairy tales? Read The Warren Commission Report and the Condon Report. Fantasy at its finest! All financed by United States taxpayers. There is a worldwide coverup of unidentified flying objects, a huge land mass under the interior of our planet. uncatalogued man-like entities, uncatalogued lake and deep sea life and uncatalogued dinosaur-like animals in still unexplored regions. The Cottingley fairy photographs are not the cut-and-dried hoax skeptics make them out to be. Transparent cardboard? I think not! I actually saw the elusive thunderbird photograph! I, like most, surmised that since it was published in a national magazine it would not be difficult to locate. WRONG! My long-term memory is somewhat faulty but I have two tidbits which may assist thunderbird photo seekers. The comic book I purchased was either an X-Men #30 or #31 published by Marvel Comics. That provides a viable time frame. I seem to recall that the photo was in a western type publication with the words Gold Rush somewhere on cover. That is all I can remember. Thunderbird was nailed to side of structure (barn?) with several individuals standing around. Hope that is enough information to help someone locate the blasted thing! Oh, it was a pterodactyl. Some know-it-all remembers it being a big bird. NOPE! The thing was a pterodactyl. Authentic? Who knows? Who really cares? Those who viewed it just want it to surface one more time. Every purchase is appreciated and needed! Please keep watching!"

Adam Not Father Of Cain?

It appears from the Lucifer Chronicles that Adam was the father of Abel but not Cain. Apparently, Lucifer had such sway over Eve (fruit in Garden of Eden) due to the fact that she knew (was initimate) with him. That would certainly answer a lot of questions. It is also indicated that the Garden of Eden was not on Earth which explains why it has never been located despite relentless searches. Hopefully, more such educational tidbits will surface as the translation process continues.