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5th millennium

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  • 41st century
  • 42nd century
  • 43rd century
  • 44th century
  • 45th century
  • 46th century
  • 47th century
  • 48th century
  • 49th century
  • 50th century

The fifth millennium is a period of time that will begin on January 1, 4001, and will end on December 31, 5000.

Astronomical events

  • 4285 August 6: Venus occults Regulus.
  • 4296 November 22: Venus occults Antares.
  • In the 44th century, around the year 4380, Comet Hale-Bopp is expected to return to the inner solar system.
    It last dominated the skies of Earth in 1996–1997.
  • 4557 November 10: Venus occults Regulus.
  • 4747 August 14: Venus occults Regulus.
  • 4772 October 13: The Maya Calendar Ends.
  • In the 49th century, The Great Comet of 1811 is expected to return to the inner solar system.
    According to calculations made at the time, the comet should return around the year 4876.

Astrological events

Sometime during the first eight centuries of the 5th millennium (calculations vary among different astrologers), the 2,158 year long Age of Aquarius will end and the Age of Capricorn will begin.

Fictional events

  • In the Zager and Evans song, In the Year 2525 — "In the year 4545. Ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes. You won't find a thing to chew. Nobody's gonna look at you."
  • The Blasterman universe mainly takes place in the early 4060's.
  • A majority of the events of David Weber's Honor Harrington novels and short stories take place during the early years of the fifth millennium.
  • In the film A. I., a sequence said to take place in 4001 features the extinction of mankind after the ocean freezes over, but other intelligent life, the descendants of mankind's early intelligent robots, return to Earth and excavate to discover their origins.
  • The events of David Macaulay's Motel of the Mysteries take place in 4022.
  • A scene in SB-129 from the animated television series, SpongeBob SquarePants takes place on March 6, 4017.
  • The events of the Doctor Who episode 42 take place in the 42nd century.
  • The events of the Doctor Who episode Planet of the Ood take place in the 42nd century, in the year 4126. The Ood are slaves to humans at this point in time.
  • Susan from the television programme Doctor Who is born in the 49th century.
  • The novel series Fifth Millennium by Stirling, Wehrstein and Meier is set in this time, chronicling the lives and travels of several connected characters in a 'low magic' fantasy world that emerged after a nuclear war destroyed almost all former civilization on Earth.
  • In several stories written by H. P. Lovecraft, the beginning of "the cruel Tsan-Chan Empire" will take place in the year 5000.
  • The song Wykydtron by Canadian metal band 3 Inches of Blood is set in a dystopian year 4055.
