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Aquitanian language

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Native toFrance, Spain
RegionWest of the Pyrenees
Extinctby the Early Middle Ages
(except in the Northern Basque Country)
Language codes
ISO 639-2und
ISO 639-3xaq
Aquitanian language in the context of paleohispanic languages in 200 BCE[1].

The Aquitanian language was spoken in ancient Aquitaine (approximately between the Pyrenees and the Garonne, the region later known as Gascony) before the Roman conquest and, probably much later, until the Early Middle Ages.

Archaeological, toponymical and historical evidence strongly suggest that it was a Vasconic language or group of languages that represent a precursor of the Basque language.[1] The most important of this is a series of votive and funerary texts in Latin which contain about four hundred personal names and seventy names of gods.


Aquitanian and its descendant, Basque, are commonly thought to be a remnant of the languages spoken in Western Europe before the arrival of Indo-European speakers who were possibly Neolithic colonists (5th millennium BC) or Celts (c. 1300 BCE).

Aquitanian origins may possibly be traced more or less directly to the Chalcolithic culture of Artenac.

For other more marginal theories see Basque language:Hypotheses on connections with other languages.

Persons' names and gods' names

Almost all the Aquitanian inscriptions had been found at the north of the Pyrenees in the territory that Greek and Roman sources assign to Aquitanians.

  • Anthroponyms: Belexeia, Lavrco, Borsei, Andereseni, Nescato, Cissonbonnis, Sembecconi, Gerexo, Bihossi, Talsconis, Halscotarris, etc.

But some also had been found at the south of the Pyrenees in the territory that Greek and Roman sources assign to Vascones:


Relations with other languages

Most Aquitanian onomastic elements are clearly identifiable from a Basque perspective, matching closely the forms reconstructed by the Vascologist Koldo (Luis) Mitxelena for Proto-Basque:

Aquitanian Proto-Basque Basque Basque meaning
ADIN *adiN adin age, jugdement
ANDERE, ER(H)E *andere andre lady, woman
ANDOS(S), ANDOX *andoś lord
ARIX *aris aritz oak
ARTAHE, ARTEHE *artehe arte holm oak
ATTA *aTa aita father
BELEX ?*beLe bele crow
BELS *bels beltz black
BIHOX, BIHOS *bihos bihotz heart
BON, -PON *boN on good
BORS *bors bortz five
CIS(S)ON, GISON *gisoN gizon man
-C(C)O *-Ko -ko diminutive suffix
CORRI, GORRI *goRi gorri red
HALS- *hals haltza alder
HAN(N)A ?*aNane anaia brother
HAR-, -AR *aR ar male
HARS- *hars hartz bear
HERAVS- *herauś herauts boar
IL(L)VN, ILVR *iLun il(h)un dark
LEHER *leheR leher pine
NESCATO *neśka neska, neskato girl, young woman
OMBE, VMME *unbe ume child
OXSON, OSSON *otso otso wolf
SAHAR *sahaR zahar old
SEMBE *senbe seme son
SENI *śeni sein boy
-TEN *-teN -ten diminutive suffix (fossilized)
-T(T)O *-To -t(t)o diminutive suffix
-X(S)O *-tso -txo,-txu diminutive suffix

The vascologist Joaquín Gorrotxategi, who has made several works about Aquitanian[2], and Mitxelena have pointed the similarities of some Iberian onomastic elements with Aquitanian. In particular, Mitxelena spoke about an onomastic pool[3] from which both Aquitanian and Iberian would have drawn:

Iberian Aquitanian
atin ADIN
ata ATTA
baiser BAESE-, BAIS-
beleś BELEX
bels BELS
boś BOX
lauŕ LAVR
talsku TALSCO[4] / HALSCO
taŕ T(H)AR [5] / HAR
tetel TETEL [6]
uŕke VRCHA [6]

Geographical extent

In red the pre-Indo-European tribes that might have spoken Aquitanian, Basque or other maybe related languages in the 1st century

Since ancient times there are clues that indicate the relationship between Southwestern France and the Basques. During the Roman conquest of Gaul by Julius Caesar, Aquitania was the territory between Garonne and the Pyrenees. Inhabited by tribes of horsemen, Caesar said that they were very distinct in customs and language from the Celts of Gaul. During the Middle Ages, this territory was named Gascony, a name derived from Vasconia, and cognate with the word Basque.

There are many clues that indicate that Aquitanian was spoken in the Pyrenees, at least as far east as Val d'Aran. The placenames that end in -os, -osse, -ons, -ost and -oz are considered to be of Aquitanian origin.

To the south of the Pyrenees, the picture is less clear, as the historical record is scant. The Caristii, Varduli and Autrigones, who occupied the greater part of the region that is now the Western Basque Country have been claimed as either Basques or Celtic depending on who you read. Archaeological findings in Iruña-Veleia in 2006 initially claimed as evidence in this debate were subsequently dismissed as fake.[7]

Cantabrians are also mentioned as relatives of Aquitanians, as they sent troops to fight on their side against the Romans.

The Vascones, who occupied modern Navarra are usually identified with the Basques (Vascos in Spanish), their name being one of the most important proofs. In 1960, a stele with Aquitanian names was found in Lerga, which could reinforce the idea that Basques and Aquitanians were related.

See also

Further reading

  • Ballester, Xaverio (2001): «La adfinitas de las lenguas aquitana e ibérica», Palaeohispanica 1, pp. 21-33.
  • Gorrochategui, Joaquín (1984): Onomástica indígena de Aquitania, Bilbao.
  • Gorrochategui, Joaquín (1993): La onomástica aquitana y su relación con la ibérica, Lengua y cultura en Hispania prerromana : actas del V Coloquio sobre lenguas y culturas de la Península Ibérica : (Colonia 25-28 de Noviembre de 1989) (Francisco Villar and Jürgen Untermann, eds.), ISBN 84-7481-736-6 , pp. 609-634
  • Gorrochategui, Joaquín (1995): «The Basque Language and Its Neighbors in Antiquity», Towards a History of the Basque Language, pp. 31-63.
  • Hoz, Javier de (1995): «El poblamiento antiguo de los Pirineos desde el punto de vista lingüístico», Muntanyes i Població. El passat dels Pirineus des d'una perspectiva multidisciplinària, pp. 271-297.
  • Michelena, Luis (1954): «De onomástica aquitana», Pirineos 10, pp. 409-458.
  • Michelena, Luis (1977): Fonética histórica vasca, San Sebastián.
  • Núñez, Luis (2003): El Euskera arcaico. Extensión y parentescos,Tafalla.
  • Rodríguez Ramos, Jesús (2002): «La hipótesis del vascoiberismo desde el punto de vista de la epigrafía íbera», Fontes Linguae Vasconum 90, pp. 197-219.
  • Rodríguez Ramos, Jesús (2002): «Índice crítico de formantes de compuesto de tipo onomástico en la lengua íbera», Cypsela 14, pp. 251-275.
  • Trask, L.R. (1995): «Origin and relatives of the Basque Language: Review of the evidence», Towards a History of the Basque Language, pp. 65-99.
  • Trask, L.R. (1997): The History of Basque, London/New York ISBN 0-415-13116-2 [2]
  • Trask, L.R. (2008): Etymological Dictionary of Basque (edited for web publication by Max Wheeler), University of Sussex [3]
  • Velaza, Javier (1995): «Epigrafía y dominios lingüísticos en territorio de los vascones», Roma y el nacimiento de la cultura epigráfica en occidente, pp. 209-218.


  1. ^ Trask, L. The History of Basque Routledge: 1997 ISBN 0-415-13116-2
  2. ^ Gorrochategi (1984, 1993)
  3. ^ Michelena (1977), pp. 547-548: "[...] cada vez soy más escéptico en cuanto a un parentesco lingüístico ibero-vasco. En el terreno de la onomástica, y en particular de la antroponimia, hay, sin embargo, coincidencias innegables entre ibérico y aquitano y, por consiguiente, entre ibérico y vasco. Como ya he señalado en otros lugares, parece haber habido una especie de pool onomástico, del que varias lenguas, desde el aquitano hasta el idioma de las inscripciones hispánicas en escritura meridional, podían tomar componentes de nombre propios."
  4. ^ Trask (1997), p. 182
  5. ^ Trask (2008) thinks this could be related to the Basque ethnonym suffix -(t)ar, but this is unlikely because the personal names where it appears (sometimes as the first element, as in TARBELES) don't look at all like ethnonyms.
  6. ^ a b For Gorrochategui(1984), the personal name VRCHATETELLI (#381) is "clearly Iberian."
  7. ^ Tremlett, Giles (November 24 2008). "Finds that made Basques proud are fake, say experts". The Guardian. Retrieved 2008-12-02. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)