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Central Bucks High School West

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Central Bucks West High School is the oldest of the three Central Bucks High Schools. It is located just outside of the city of Doylestown, PA. For a while, the CB West High School football team was the best in the state, but now an unlucky streak has hit the football team.


After the opening of the flashy new Central Bucks High School South, CB West has been given a renovation. The locker rooms, the choir and band rooms, the gyms, and the lobby are in the process of being renovated.


The Central Bucks West High School choir is one of the best high school choir programs in the country. The choir has sung in front of major world leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Former President Bill Clinton. The choirs have sang across the United States as well as in Canada and Europe. The choir, with the help of its famed director Dr. Joseph Ohrt, plans a spring trip every year to a major city. They perform in all of the major venues of that city and finish the four day trip with a major concert. In 2005, the choir traveled to Chicago, IL. They performed in some of the major cathedrals and performing spaces in the city of Chicago including Theodore Thomas Orchestra Hall. At the end of the trip, the choir performed a concert at Fourth Presbyterian Church in the heart of Chicago and premiered 15 new pieces of modern choral music created by major Chicago composers. In 2006, the choir plans to go to Montreal, where they will be hosting a summit for some of the major composers from across the country of Canada.


The Central Bucks Marching Bucks is an award winning marching band. They have traveled across the United States to compete in many competitions and have been very successful

West Model Congress

The CB West annual model congress is a district wide event held at CB West in December. Hosted by the World Affairs Club at West, the Model Congress is a full day event where the students are assigned a representative and bills are put through the congress process. It is a very successful event each year.

CB-West Official Page