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List of The Underland Chronicles characters

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In the Underland, Humans are also known as "killers," although they do not like to be addressed as such, and are not called so by any other species unless they are speaking in their own tongue. Most humans(save for Hazard and his father Hamnet) never attempted to learn any other species' language. All Underlander humans have silver hair, purple eyes, and pale translucent skin.

  • Regalians
    • Luxa - 12 year old Queen of Regalia. Both her parents were killed by rats, and she will rule Regalia once she come of age. She goes with Gregor on all his quests, and is often a great help. She is a strong fighter and a great leader, but this often causes her to be sharp-tongued towards others. She is strong-minded and stubborn, but occasionally reveals a softer side to Gregor. It is said that Gregor finds Luxa to be very pretty. She falls in love with Gregor as he does with her, But the two are separated at the end of the Code of Claw. They both have the meaning of true love in their hearts together.
    • Vikus - Luxa's paternal grandfather; Regalian diplomat. Head of the council which rules Regalia until Luxa reaches her majority (age 16).
    • Solovet - (Deceased, as of Book 5) Luxa's maternal grandmother, head Regalian General, and commander of army. Solovet is ruthless, dangerous, and often cruel and manipulative. She is never hesitant to use any influence she might have over a person in order to control him/her, and sees all things in terms of whether they will help or harm her plans to kill rats. As Vikus tells Gregor in book one, "Do not let her gentle demeanor fool you." As know within the book 5, she is killed with Horatio and Marcus(Gregor's temporary bodygaurds, see below) by an ambush from the gnawers to recruit the spinners on the human's side for Book 5's war.
    • Mareth - Regalian soldier and trainer. One of Gregor's better friends. Crippled in the leg after the third book, Mareth remained an instructor after retiring from active military service.
    • Henry - Luxa's cousin (Deceased, as of Book 1), age 16, a traitor who tried to betray the humans to the gnawers' King Gorger. In later books, Luxa and Ares still miss and cherish him, though with some bitterness.
    • Hamnet - Luxa's uncle (Deceased, as of Book 3), twin of Judith, Luxa's mother. Son of Solovet and Vikus. Has lived in the jungle for many years; is estranged from Solovet. Killed by cutters. Left Regalia after he led an attack to get the Garden of Hesperides back from the Rats because he was "mad." Hamnet likes to find other ways to solve things instead of fighting; living in the Jungle for ten years has taught him that not all creatures have to fight. His name is a play on the original Hamnet Shakespeare.
    • Hazard - A Halflander (a mix of an Overlander and Underlander); the six-year-old (later on, seven) son of Hamnet and of an unnamed Overlander woman. Unlike the pure-blooded Underlanders, he has green eyes and black hair but their pale skin. He is talented with languages of other creatures; when he is met, in book 3, he is already able to speak fluent Hisser (lizard), and some Nibbler (mouse). In book 4, under Luxa's care in Regalia, he has tutors brought into the palace for him, and learns to speak some Crawler(cockroach) and Gnawer (rat) and Spinner (spider) and Flier (bat).
    • Horatio - (Deceased, as of Book 5) Gregor's temporary guard, introduced in book 5. Horatio has a soft spot for Dulcet (see below).
    • Nerissa - Luxa's cousin (Henry's sister), age is late teens; extremely weak and eats little. Has precognitive and postcognitive abilities, in other words, she has visions, however, they can be of what will, or already has, happened, but doesn't know when. She's often viewed as crazy and sometime doubts her own sanity as well. She took command when Luxa was thought dead, and saved Gregor and Ares's lives when she ruled them innocent.
    • Neveeve - (Appears and dies in book 3) Doctor who worked in labs under Regalia. "Took the rap" for developing the plague called the "Curse of the Warmbloods". Spread it around.
    • Marcus - (Deceased, as of Book 5) Gregor's temporary guard along with Horatio in book 5.
    • Dulcet - Nanny in Regalia, cares for Boots, and (in book 4) for many orphaned mice, and for more mice in book 5. Very kind and clever.
    • Miravet - Sister of Solovet. Described as an "old woman." Works in the Regalia castle's armory. Introduced in book 5. Kinder than her sister.
    • Perdita - A female soldier who guards Gregor (in book 1) and fights Fangor and Shed (in book 1). Perdita is made acting (default) head of the Regalian army after Solovet is killed in the fifth book.
    • Miranda - servant
    • Lucent - servant
    • Claudius - Regalian guard. (Appears in book 3).
    • Keeda (deceased) (mentioned)
    • Anchel (deceased) (mentioned)
    • Daphne (deceased) (mentioned)
  • From the Fount, another city of humans.
    • Howard - Luxa's cousin on her mother's side (eldest in his family), aged 16. A skilled user of medicine and a loyal friend to Gregor and Luxa. He is not of royal descent. He does not approve of Gregor and Luxa's relationship.
    • York - Howard's father. Governor at the Fount. Described as "a giant of a man." Only appears in book 5. Husband of Susannah. When he is first introduced in the 5th book, he is described as one who "yelled a lot while fighting".
    • Stellovet - Howard's sister, second eldest; considered obnoxious and unfit for political power. She dreams of Luxa and Nerissa dying so she herself could become queen of Regalia. She is not of royal descent.
    • Hero - Howard's sister (twin of Kent). Not of royal descent.
    • Kent - Howard's brother (twin of Hero). Not of royal descent.
    • Chim "Chimney" - Howard's youngest sister. Around five years old. Not of royal descent.
    • Susannah - Howard's mother. Not of royal descent. On Luxa's mother's side of the family.
  • Overlanders
    • Gregor - The hero, and the narrative viewpoint character for the series. 12 years old (as of book 3).
    • Boots - Gregor's youngest sister, whose real name is Margaret, after Gregor's father's grandmother. Aged 2-3. Boots is a fun-loving, affectionate, compassionate person, but is somewhat oblivious to certain conditions, such as death (until book 4) and other people's displeasure at her antics. Boots has a special relationship (never fully explained, but often utilized) with the cockroaches, who revere her and call her "Princess".
    • Lizzie - Gregor's sister. Good at puzzles. Code breaker in book 5. She is good friends with Ripred, due to her reminding him of his pup Silksharp, who was killed in the Garden of Hespirades.
    • Gregor's dad, who was held captive in the Underland by rats. A science teacher. Optimistic when possible, but still loves the Underland as much as his kids.
    • Grace - Gregor's mother. Insistent on her son's safety. Known as "Maker of the Princess and Most Fearsome Swatter" to the crawlers, because of the havoc wrought on their Overland kin by her. Spends months sick in the Regalia hospital with the plague(in book 3). Later,(in book 5) she catches pneumonia from her immune system weakness from the plague and is in Regalian hospitals until near the end of Book 5.
    • Mrs. Cormaci - Gregor's neighbor. Learns of Gregor's adventures at the end of the third book. Caretaker of Gregor's family. Has been known to give valid advice to Gregor when he suffers from the aftermath of the war. Always tries to read Gregor's tarot.
    • Gregor's grandmother; senile; often distracted by memories. Told Gregor that he can't avoid fate, and so, is fine with him going to the Underland to complete prophecies. She sometimes calls Gregor "Simon", who is supposedly someone she knew when she was younger.
    • Larry - Gregor's friend at school; he's an asthmatic and likes to draw.
    • Angelina - Gregor's friend at school; she is an actress.
    • Mr. Otts - buys the antiques that Gregor takes from the museum in the Underland (mentioned)
    • Hazard's mom - (Mentioned, killed by bugs "whose bite brought quick death.")
    • Jedidiah - Lizzie's friend (mentioned in book 5). Very serious and formal; also interested in minutiae and puzzles. Also knows how anything works: Stoplights, cars, ovens, telephones, etc.
    • Fred Clark - Overlander mentioned to Gregor (Deceased) He died without the Overland sun.
    • Coco - Overlander woman mentioned to Gregor. (Deceased)
    • Mickey - Overlander mentioned to Gregor. (Deceased)


Cockroaches are known as "crawlers" in the Underland. Their names are derived from words pertaining to time.

  • Temp - Boots's caretaker and Tick's closest friend. Name means "time" in French, being derived from the Latin "tempus".
  • Tick - (Deceased, as of Book 1); name is an onomatopoeia of the sound produced by a clock. She was with Temp, and died to save everyone else in book one, by fighting rats until Temp could cut a bridge loose.
  • Pend - Rescues Boots in second book. The name may mean "wait", as in pending.
  • Min - The codebreaker of the crawlers. Extremely old when mentioned. Name is probably derived from minute.


Rats are known as "gnawers" in the Underland. Their names seem to relate to how the rats operate in war, or to some physical characteristic.

  • Allied with Regalia
    • Ripred- Is mentioned as an ally of the humans in all five books, though it is hinted that this was not always so. He is a rager like Gregor, though far more experienced. Ripred becomes very close to Lizzie; bonded with Luxa in Code of Claw to bring peace between the humans and the rats. His favorite food is shrimp in cream sauce. Was given diagonal scar by Solovet. (Self)Proclaimed "peacemaker." Ripred reveals his scorn of the "prophecies" in book 5.
    • Silksharp - (Deceased, pre-narrative) A pup of Ripred. She died in the Garden of Hesperides. Was similar in personality to Lizzie.
    • Twitchtip (Deceased, as informed in Book 5): A scent-seer; therefore, one who is able to detect any detail via smell. Twitchtip went on the quest to find the Bane. A message told of her death in Code of Claw. She was an outcast, but Ripred allowed her into his band of cohorts as it were, but for a condition, which was to help Gregor find the Bane (see below...far below).
    • Lapblood- Went on trip to find the plague cure; met again by Gregor and others in Code of Claw. She went temporarily insane when she saw Mange die(in Curse of the Warmbloods), and lost all hope and will to live. She was temporarily revived when she thought of her pups needing her, but soon reverted. Was groomed by Gregor when Ripred started to threaten her. She recovered however and later comes back in the fifth book. She leads all the rats who rebel against the Bane and sides with Ripred. She and her followers join in the final battle against Bane.
    • Sixclaw- (pup of Lapblood and Mange)
    • Flyfur - (pup of Lapblood and Mange)
  • Attitude Towards Regalia Unknown
    • Mange - (Deceased, as of Book 3): Lapblood's mate. Died trying to get food, killed by a plant similar to a huge Venus Flytrap.
    • Razor - (Deceased, as of Book 4): The Bane's main guardian. Killed by the Bane over a crawler carcass. Was with King Gorger in the first book.
    • Makemince- neighbor of Lapblood; takes care of pups in Lapblood's absence.
    • Goldshard (Deceased, as of Book 2)- the Bane's mother, died fighting the Bane's father, Snare, because she didn't want her only pup left, Pearlpelt, to be used for evil. Begged Gregor not to kill her baby.[clarification needed]
    • Cleaver (Deceased, as of Book 5)- Ripred used his body as cover when fleeing from flesh-eating mites.
    • Clawsin - (mentioned, status unknown) Rat wounded by Bane. Was with King Gorger in the first book.
    • Ratriff (mentioned, status unknown)- Rat wounded by Bane
  • Opposed to Regalia
    • The Bane (Deceased, as of Book 5)- Prophesied destroyer; also known as Pearlpelt, the name given to him by his mother. Pearlpelt is egocentric and self-pitying, and eventually demented. Saved by Gregor in Prophecy of Bane; killed by Gregor in Code of Claw. The only existing white rat, and enormous. Was small cute baby rat when found by Gregor and grew to monstrous proportions throughout books 2 to 5. Pearlpelt's tail is his own kind of safety blanket. Turned evil (might have been not so vicious) because of Twirltonge's amazing persuading abilities.
    • Twirltongue (Deceased, as of Book 5)- Extremely persuasive; almost turned Gregor against Ripred. Adviser to the Bane; however, Gregor easily persuaded the Bane to see her as an opportunistic usurper; in a moment of rage, the Bane killed her, then thought Gregor killed her because of the Bane's insanity and attacked Gregor.
    • King Gorger (Deceased, as of Book 1)- Head of the rat army and all rats in book one. Fell to his death.
    • Fangor (Deceased, as of Book 1)- Killed beside Shed in first book.
    • Shed (Deceased, as of Book 1)- Killed by humans on the beach in an attempt to kill Gregor.
    • Snare (Deceased, as of Book 2)- The Bane's father. Killed his other pups to give the Bane more milk. He was killed by his mate, Goldshard, and also killed her.
    • Gushgore (Status unknown)- Twirltongue's friend. Smashed Gregor's light in book four.
    • Reekwell (Status unknown)- Twirltongue's friend.
    • Bloodlet-(Presumably dead) One of King Gorger's followers


Bats are known as "fliers" in the Underland. All names are taken from Greek mythology. They are allies of the humans.

  • Bonded bats:
    • Ares: First bonded to Henry, then to Gregor. Died in the 5th book when his throat is torn out by the Bane. Is the color black. Ares is also the Greek god of war. (Deceased, as of Book 5)
    • Aurora: To Luxa. Good in aerobatics and is the color gold. She and Luxa bonded when Luxa was quite young.
    • Euripedes: To Vikus. Large and the color gray.
    • Andromeda: To Mareth.
    • Ajax (Deceased): To Solovet. According to Ares, "No one cared much for (Ajax)." He was the color of dried blood.
    • Pandora: (Deceased, as of Book 2) In life bonded to Howard. Had rusty-red fur and was curious, as was the Greek mythology counterpart. Died when she was devoured by flesh-eating mites in the Waterway.
  • Non-bonded bats:
    • Nike Queen Athena's daughter. There is some suggestion that she might eventually bond to Howard. Agile, nice, funny and always happy. Has fur like a zebra's.
    • Thalia: (Deceased, as of Book 4) Was intended to bond with Hazard. Full of laughter, not much more than a baby. Gregor always told her jokes to make her laugh. Soft, peach-colored fur, like a tabby-cat's. Died from toxic gases from "The Queen" when questing party was trying to save the nibblers. Thalia is also the Greek muse of comedy.
  • Not known if bonded
    • Queen Athena - Queen of the fliers, mother of Nike.
    • Hermes (Status unknown)- Orange-and-black speckled messenger bat. Brought Lizzie to the Underland.
    • Icarus (Deceased, as of Book 3)- Plague victim; spread the plague to several people, including Gregor's mother, when he flew into the arena when extremely sick. Both the bat and the mythical character met their demise from a fall.
    • Daedalus- Has creamy white fur. Was on the code team.
    • Cassiopeia (status unknown) - Plague victim
    • Pollux (Status unknown) - Plague victims

Other creatures

  • Lizards - Called "hissers".
    • Frill - (Deceased, as of Book 3) The only known hisser. A companion to Hamnet and his son Hazard in the jungle; she is killed by cutters (ants) in the 3rd book.
  • Fireflies - Called "shiners". Their names are related to light. They are somewhat disdainful towards the nibblers, and don't really care about anyone besides themselves. Argue a lot with each other. They have a love for cake, or any food in general and are very annoying and lazy.
    • Photos Glow-Glow- called Fo-Fo by Boots (didn't like being called Fo-Fo and tried to convince Boots to call him by his real name for a while until he gave up)-- arrogant, gluttonous, argumentative. Can glow many colors of the rainbow. Rescues Gregor in Code of Claw, after Pearlpelt's death; had to gnaw Ares' claw off because Gregor was clutching it for so long that it was stuck on by dried blood.
    • Zap- Arrogant, gluttonous, argumentative, and (to others, including Photos Glow-Glow) frustrating. Can glow only yellow. Helped rescue Gregor.
  • Ants - Called "cutters". Seen in the 3rd book and mentioned in the 5th, cutters seem to have a purpose none other than to consume resources and leave lands bare of vegetation. Follow their queen and work for the collective's purposes, even if they die for it. Cutters attacked Gregor and the group searching for the plague cure, causing a vicious battle which left many of the cutters dead. It is apparent the cutters' lands border the gnawers.
  • Moths - Described as allies of the crawlers in Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane, chapter 27. No other mentions in the other four books. No names known. A moth retrieved Boots from Temp and brought her to the crawlers, who returned to Regalia.
  • Spiders - Called "spinners". Their names seem to be related to weaving and to how the spiders move; every (known) spider's name ends in an x.
    • Gox (Deceased, as of Book 1)– accompanied questers en route to fulfill the Prophecy of Gray.
    • Treflex (Deceased, as of Book 1)– died joining the quest to fulfill the Prophecy of Gray.
    • Queen Wevox - Queen of the spinners. Tried to kill Luxa in book one.
    • Purvox - Hazard's Spinner tutor.
    • Reflex- the code-breaker for the spiders in the Code of Claw.
  • Plesiosaurs - Called "serpents".
  • Mice - Called "nibblers." Their names are related to mathematics.
    • Cartesian (Deceased, as of Book 5) Cartesian was first met in book 4. He was insane when he was met and kept thinking he was warning other mice of the rat's invasion. "Where are the others?" When he recovered his sanity, he explained some things to the rest. He died fighting to protect the nursery in book 5.
    • Cube (Deceased, as of Book 4) A pup named by Luxa.
    • Heronian- part of the code team
    • Cevian (Deceased, as of Book 4) A close friend to Luxa and Aurora. Helped Aurora and Luxa out from books 2 to 3. Cevian was the first mouse to be heard of in book 4.
    • Scalene (pup) - no home.
    • Newton (pup) - no home.
    • Root (pup) - no home.
    • Euclidian[sic] (pup)- This is the name as printed in book 5, but it is a likely typographical error for Euclidean. No home.
  • Scorpions - Called "stingers" helped some of the questers in book 4.
  • Snails - Called "slimers" Drove the shiners out of their home, somehow. It is thought that the shiners lost their homeland because they were too lazy to fight them, and the slimers didn't even know they were invading.
  • Snakes - Called "twisters". Attacked Gregor, Luxa and Ares in the Jungle.
  • Butterflies - Mentioned and seen in Gregor the Overlander.
  • Moles - Introduced in book 5. Called "diggers". Known to be the original inhabitants of the region now occupied by Regalia; driven out by Sandwich. Eventually (late in book 5), made part of a new, diplomatic council that includes members of many of the literate races. They look like larger versions of the North American Star-nosed Mole.
  • Lobsters - Mentioned in book 3. Ripred led an army of lobsters to try and take the Fount, but was unsuccessful. Nerissa saw that in a vision, years after it happened.
  • Poisonous frogs - encountered in the jungle, in book 3. Its touch brought death.
  • Humans keep cattle, chicken, and sheep-- cattle are mentioned in books one, two, and five; roast chicken was in the provisions packed in Gregor and the Marks of Secret, and in book four Luxa mentions having had a pet lamb.
  • Fish - The questers caught and ate many fish when they ran out of food. Usually Raw. Normal sized.