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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains

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Template:Infobox Television Survivor Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains is the twentieth season of the American TV series Survivor. It premiered on February 11th, 2010 with a 2-hour special premiere. Unlike previous seasons where a break in production occurred between seasons, the twentieth season was shot twenty days after Survivor: Samoa was completed, taking advantage of the existing infrastructure from that season.[1][2] Casting for Heroes vs. Villains was done simultaneously with casting for Survivor: Samoa.[3] Heroes vs. Villains features ten former Survivors known for their acts of integrity and honor, the Heroes, and ten former Survivors known for their deeds of deception and duplicity, the Villains.[4] The cast was officially announced during the 36th People's Choice Awards on January 6, 2010.[5] Jeff Probst, the show's host, stated that while they wanted to do another season where they brought back former players for the show's 10-year anniversary and 20th cycle, they did not want to simply do another All-Stars season. On reflecting on the most popular players, they realized that these players were either seen as likable or despised for those respective seasons, and opted to use that as the theme for this season.[5][2] According to Probst, the production initially selected 50 players from the past seasons, paring those down to twenty and keeping one spot open for a possible player from Survivor: Samoa.[2] Some selections were made to match players that production thought would be exciting to see, according to casting director Lynne Spillman.[2] While the players have been classified as Heroes or Villains, Survivor's creator Mark Burnett does not expect these players to maintain these roles in the game, and to do what they need to survive to the end.[2] Rather than the usual slogan "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast", the slogan for this season is "Return, Revenge, Redemption". All challenges in this season will be based on challenges used in previous seasons.[5]

The 2009 Samoa earthquake & tsunami occurred shortly after the completion of filming for this season; a CBS spokeswoman stated that no crew members were harmed from it.[5][6]

Richard Hatch, the winner of the original Survivor, was asked to return for this season. However, he had to apply to leave the country since he was under house arrest. His request was denied by a federal judge in Rhode Island.[7][5] Jeff Probst also revealed to TV Guide that Corinne Kaplan of Survivor: Gabon and Shane Powers of Survivor: Panama were also asked to return but Kaplan declined due to work obligations and Powers was replaced by Russell Hantz of Survivor: Samoa.[8] Yau-Man Chan from Survivor: Fiji and Survivor: Micronesia was also asked to return but turned the offer down.[9]


Contestant Original Tribe Merged Tribe Finish Total Votes
Jessica "Sugar" Kiper
30, Los Angeles, CA
Heroes 1st Voted Out
Day 3
Stephenie LaGrossa
29, Briarcliff, Glenolden, PA
Palau & Guatemala
Heroes 2nd Voted Out
Day 6
Randy Bailey
50, Austin, TX
Villains 3rd Voted Out
Day 8
Cirie Fields
39, Jersey City, NJ
Panama & Micronesia
Heroes 4th Voted Out
Day 11
Tyson Apostol
29, Lindon, UT
Rupert Boneham
45, Indianapolis, IN
Pearl Islands & All-Stars
James Clement
32, Lafayette, LA
China & Micronesia
Sandra Diaz-Twine
35, Stamford, CT
Pearl Islands
Danielle DiLorenzo
28, Boston, MA
Colby Donaldson
35, Christoval, TX
The Australian Outback & All-Stars
Heroes 2
Russell Hantz
37, Dayton, TX
Amanda Kimmel
25, Kalispell, MT
China & Micronesia
Heroes 4
Jerri Manthey
38, Los Angeles, CA
The Australian Outback & All-Stars
Rob "Boston Rob" Mariano
33, Boston, MA
Marquesas & All-Stars
Villains 1
Parvati Shallow
27, Atlanta, GA
Cook Islands & Micronesia
James "J.T." Thomas, Jr.
25, Samson, AL
Benjamin "Coach" Wade
38, Susanville, CA
Tom Westman
45, Long Island, NY
Heroes 01
Candice Woodcock
27, Fayetteville, NC
Cook Islands
Courtney Yates
28, Boston, MA
The Total Votes is the number of votes a castaway has received during Tribal Councils where the castaway is eligible to be voted out of the game. It does not include the votes received during the final Tribal Council.

^1 Because Tom played the Hidden Immunity Idol, three votes against him did not count.

The game

Episode Titles[10] First air date Challenges Eliminated Vote Finish
Reward Immunity
"Slay Everyone, Trust No One" February 11, 2010 Heroes Villains Sugar 9–1 1st Voted Out
Day 3
"It's Getting the Best of Me" February 18, 2010 Villains2 Stephenie 6–3 2nd Voted Out
Day 6
"That Girl is Like a Virus" February 25, 2010 Heroes2 Randy 9–1 3rd Voted Out
Day 8
"Tonight, We Make Our Move" March 4, 2010 Villains Villains Cirie 3–2–01 4th Voted Out
Day 11
"Knights of the Round Table" March 11, 2010
"Banana Etiquette" March 24, 2010
In the case of multiple tribes or castaways who win reward or immunity, they are listed in order of finish, or alphabetically where it was a team effort; where one castaway won and invited others, the invitees are in brackets.

^2 Combined Reward and Immunity Challenge.

Episode 1: "Slay Everyone, Trust No One"

  • Reward Challenge: The tribes would face off in pairs. The four castaways would race along the beach to dig up a single bag in a designated lane. The castaways would then have to race back to their respective finish mat. The first pair to be touching the bag and their finish mat would score a point for their tribe. The first tribe to score three points would win. Challenge from Survivor: Panama.
    • Reward: Flint
  • Immunity Challenge: Six members from each tribe would race to assemble a boat from seven pieces and seven planks and then paddle the boat out into the ocean to light their torch from the raft. Once the six members return with the fire and the seven planks, the remaining four tribe members would assemble a puzzle. The seven planks from the boat would then be used to assemble a ladder to the top of a platform. The first tribe to have their whole tribe at the top of the platform and light their fire barrel would win. Should the Villains tribe win the challenge, they would receive flint. Challenge from Survivor: Cook Islands.

The returning castaways arrived on board four Royal New Zealand Air Force UH-1 Iroquois helicopters. Immediately, the teams participated in the aggressive Reward challenge, resulting in the temporary dislocation of Stephenie's shoulder and the breaking of Rupert's toe. The Heroes won the challenge, obtaining flint. At both camps, the castaways found fishing gear. Russell made "top two" alliances with both Danielle and Parvati. But they both questioned his loyalty. Rob was quick to organize the Villains camp and helped them to create fire using a fire saw. At the Heroes camp, Rupert failed to start a fire with the flint and wasted much of the magnesium, but J.T., Colby, and Stephenie were successful. Tom also found four wild chickens which they captured to use as food in the form of both eggs and meat. Loose alliances between castaways that were previously on the same season were made, while Coach and Jerri formed a separate alliance and J.T. separately formed pacts with James and Tom. During the night, Sugar woke everybody up with her chatting and annoyed Colby when she tried to keep close to him. At the Immunity challenge, the Heroes lost a significant lead due to their conflicting puzzle strategies, and the Villains won, earning their flint. Back at the Heroes camp, Sugar targeted Amanda for elimination, but the rest of the tribe wanted Sugar out. Tom brought up voting for Cirie for strategic reasons. Amanda, Candice, and Cirie talked about voting for Stephenie or Tom to break up a potential alliance that rooted from Survivor: Palau. At Tribal Council, the vote went against Sugar and she was voted out 9–1.

Episode 2: "It's Getting the Best of Me"

  • Reward/Immunity Challenge: In pairs, the castaways would race across a field to retrieve six large crates painted in their tribe's colors. Once all six crates were retrieved, the tribes would have to stack the crates into a staircase with the name of their tribe properly aligned along the sides. The first tribe to complete the staircase and get all of their members up the staircase to the top of a platform would win. Challenge from Survivor: Tocantins.
    • Reward: Tribal Immunity and a tarp.

Frustrated from his tribe's lack of work ethic and cooperation regarding their shelter, Rob wandered off into the jungle. Jerri found him collapsed on the jungle floor and called in the Survivor Medical Team who, as they found nothing to but a minor flu, cleared him to continue. During the combined Reward/Immunity Challenge, the Heroes initially gained a healthy lead, but again ending up stumbling as they solve the puzzle staircase, leading the Villains to their second straight win. Russell felt threatened by Rob's rise in power amongst the tribe and tried to demonstrate his own power by catching a chicken using a spear. James vented to his tribe about their lack of cooperation during the challenge and not following J.T. (who had performed the challenge in Tocantins) during the challenge. Later on, James openly stormed on Stephenie for the loss, even pointing that her doings might have contributed to Ulong's losing streak from Palau, causing him to campaign for her ouster. The trio of Colby, Stephenie, and Tom tried to convince Candice and Cirie to join them in voting out Amanda, for they felt that she had many affiliations with most of the cast (having previously played with James, Courtney, Cirie, and Parvati during her tenure as a contestant). But after a heated Tribal Council, Cirie and Candice decided to join Rupert, J.T., James, and Amanda in voting out Stephenie with a 6–3 vote.

Episode 3: "That Girl is Like a Virus"

  • Reward/Immunity Challenge: The tribes would face off in a series of one-on-one sumo-style battles. The castaways would use padded duffel bags to knock their adversaries out of a ring and into the mud. The first tribe to win eight bouts would take Immunity. Challenge originally from Survivor: Palau, version used was the adaptation from Survivor: Fiji.
    • Reward: Tribal Immunity plus coffee, sugar, rice for one week, and a luxury item for each castaway.

James apologized to his tribemates for his behavior at the previous Tribal Council. The next day, the men of the Heroes tribe bonded over recapturing two chickens that had escaped. Coach and Rob warned Russell about his alliance with Parvati, but Russell decided to show Coach and Rob who was in control by hiding the tribe's machete during the night. Randy became frustrated when he seemed to be the only one providing food for his tribe, thrusting the role of the tribe's main provider on him, along with Rob, which went against his strategy to fly under the radar. J.T. planted some distrust in Candice and Cirie's alliance by fabricating a story to Cirie that Candice didn't trust her. At the combined Reward and Immunity Challenge, the Heroes destroyed the Villains with a 8-0 blowout win. Discussions over who to vote out focused on Parvati for being a social threat and having a potential alliance of four on the Heroes tribe versus Randy for being a swing vote between the alliances of Coach, Jerri, Tyson, and Rob and the alliance of Russell, Sandra, Parvati, Danielle, and Courtney. At Tribal Council, the tribe decided that Randy was the weakest member of the tribe, and was next to go in 9-1 vote.

Episode 4: "Tonight, We Make Our Move"

  • Reward Challenge: A member from each tribe would slide across a slippery surface and grab a ball with a certain color and number suspended above them. They would have to toss it into a basket to score a point. First tribe to score four points would win. Challenge from Survivor: Fiji.
    • Reward: Two selected items from a Sears catalogue. The Heroes tribe chose cooking equipment and additional fishing gear. The Villains tribe chose additional materials to set up camp and a tool kit.
  • Immunity Challenge: One castaway would be strapped into a wooden spherical cage and would have to guide two blindfolded castaways in rolling the cage through a maze through the forest. At the end of the maze would be a labyrinth-like table maze. The castaway inside the cage would then have to guide four blindfolded castaways in solving the table maze. The first tribe to finish the table maze would win. Challenge from Survivor: Samoa.

Coach vented his disappointment to Tyson about being singled out by Sandra at the previous Tribal Council. Coach considered quitting the game, but Rob assured Coach that his position in the tribe was secure. The Villains won the Reward Challenge and selected tools, twine, and a tarp from the catalogue. While unpacking their reward, Russell accidentally discovered a clue to a Hidden Immunity Idol. After Rob read the clue out loud, Sandra made the point that whoever found it would be voted out next to flush out the idol. The rest of the tribe agreed and decided not to go look for the idol. Despite this warning, Russell went out to search, much to the anger of his tribe. At the Heroes camp, Tom discovered their clue in the jar of coffee beans. J.T. read the clue out loud, and several members of the Heroes tribe went looking for the idol. Tom succeeded in finding the idol and tried to sneak it, but Amanda saw him find it and told the others. When the Heroes lost the Immunity Challenge, the majority alliance decided to split their votes between Tom and Colby, thus wasting the idol and sending Colby home. Tom reached an agreement with J.T., Amanda, and James to vote out Candice after offering to give up the idol, but Cirie disagreed and convinced the majority to go back to the split vote to flush the idol. J.T. was torn between going with the majority alliance and joining Tom and Colby in voting out Cirie. At Tribal Council, Tom played the Hidden Immunity Idol (the earliest use of a Hidden Immunity Idol in Survivor history), and the three votes against him were negated. In the end, J.T. turned on the majority alliance, and Cirie was blindsided by a vote of 3–2–0.

Voting history

Original Tribes
Episode #: 1 2 3 4 5
Eliminated: Sugar
9/10 votes
6/9 votes
9/10 votes
3/5 votes1
Voter Vote
Amanda Sugar Stephenie Tom
Candice Sugar Stephenie Tom
Coach Randy
Colby Sugar Amanda Cirie
Courtney Randy
Danielle Randy
J.T. Sugar Stephenie Cirie
James Sugar Stephenie Colby
Jerri Randy
Parvati Randy
Rob Randy
Rupert Sugar Stephenie Colby
Russell Randy
Sandra Randy
Tom Sugar Amanda Cirie
Tyson Randy
Cirie Sugar Stephenie Tom
Randy Rob
Stephenie Sugar Amanda
Sugar Amanda


U.S. Nielsen ratings

Episode Rating Share Rating/Share
"Slay Everyone, Trust No One" 8.1[11] 13[11] 4.5/12[11] 14.15[11] #14[12]
"It's Getting the Best of Me" 6.9[13] 11[13] 3.9/11[14] 11.94[14] #11[15]
"That Girl is Like a Virus" 6.7[16] 10[16] 3.7/10[16] 11.60[16] #14[17]
"Tonight, We Make Our Move" 7.2[18] 12[18] 3.8/11[18] 12.72[18] #17[19]


  1. ^ Dehnart, Andy (June 12, 2009). "Survivor 20 will shoot immediately after Survivor: Samoa, probably also in Samoa". Retrieved July 6, 2009.
  2. ^ a b c d e Fernandez, Maria Elena (January 7, 2010). "'Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains' ready to spar". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved January 7, 2010.
  3. ^ "Survivor 19 is still casting along with 20". April 8, 2009. Retrieved July 6, 2009.
  4. ^ Dehnart, Andy (December 20, 2009). "Survivor 20 is Heroes vs. Villains ('Return, Revenge, Redemption'), debuts Feb. 11, Probst calls it 'the biggest battle in Survivor history'". Retrieved December 20, 2009.
  5. ^ a b c d e Ross, Dalton (January 6, 2010). "'Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains': The cast reveal is here! (Who's in? Who's out?)". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved January 7, 2010.
  6. ^ "'Survivor' not harmed by Pacific quake, tsunami". Yahoo! News. September 29, 2009. Retrieved October 3, 2009.
  7. ^ Cite error: The named reference Richard Hatch was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  8. ^ "Natalie White: Survivor Heroes vs. Villains Preview - Jan. 31 at 8/7c - Online Video Guide". TV Guide. Retrieved January 29, 2010.
  9. ^ Barney, Chuck (February 10, 2010). "Barney: Yau-Man Chan says women will rule 'Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains'". Contra Costa Times. Retrieved February 11, 2010.
  10. ^ "CBS TV schedule". CBS. February 5, 2010.
  11. ^ a b c d Seidman, Robert (February 12, 2010). "Thursday Broadcast Finals: Grey's Anatomy, The Mentalist Tick Up, Private Practice, 30 Rock Tick Down". TVbytheNumbers.com. Retrieved February 12, 2010.
  12. ^ Seidman, Robert (February 17, 2010). "TV Ratings Top 25: Olympics and American Idol Battle For Weekly Supremacy". TVbytheNumbers.com. Retrieved February 17, 2010.
  13. ^ a b Porter, Rick (February 19, 2010). "TV ratings: Olympics skate to another win Thursday". Zap2it.com. Retrieved February 20, 2010.
  14. ^ a b Seidman, Robert (February 19, 2010). "TV Ratings: Against Olympics Grey's Anatomy Hits Lows; Survivor Down". TVbytheNumbers.com. Retrieved February 19, 2010.
  15. ^ Seidman, Robert (February 23, 2010). "TV Ratings Top 25: American Idol Still Top Show of Week With Adults 18–49". TVbytheNumbers.com. Retrieved February 23, 2010.
  16. ^ a b c d Seidman, Robert (February 26, 2010). "Thursday Broadcast & Cable Finals Including LA Ink, TNA: Impact, Celebrity Rehab". TVbytheNumbers.com. Retrieved February 26, 2010.
  17. ^ Seidman, Robert (March 2, 2010). "TV Ratings Top 25: American Idol, Olympics Top Weekly Broadcast Network Viewing". TVbytheNumbers.com. Retrieved March 3, 2010.
  18. ^ a b c d Gorman, Bill (March 5, 2010). "Thursday Broadcast Finals Plus Marriage Ref 15 Minute Ratings Breakdown". TVbytheNumbers.com. Retrieved March 5, 2010.
  19. ^ Seidman, Robert (March 9, 2010). "TV Ratings Top 25: Oscars, American Idol & The Big Bang Theory Top Weekly Broadcast Charts". TVbytheNumbers.com. Retrieved March 9, 2010.

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