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Malvern water

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St. Ann's Well, Great Malvern, a popular café for walkers on the hills. The building on the right houses the spout from which the water surges into a basin.
The Holy Well, where the water was first bottled on a commercial scale. The well is believed to be the oldest bottling plant in the word.

Malvern water is a natural spring water from the Malvern Hills on the border of the counties of Herefordshire and Worcestershire in England.[1] The Hills consist of very hard granite and limestone rock. Fissures in the rock retain rain water, which slowly permeates through, escaping at the springs. The springs release an average of about 60 litres a minute and the flow has never been known to cease.

Beneficial properties of the water have been celebrated for over four hundred years,[2] although the reason for such benefits was a topic of dispute as far back as 1817.[3] In the 19th century Malvern became famous for the water cure, resulting in its rapid development from a village to a busy town with many large Victorian and Edwardian hotels.[4][5] The writings of some former cure patients including Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens, contributed both to Malvern's renown at that time, and to what is currently known about that period in Malvern's history.[6][7]

The water has been bottled on a commercial scale under the Schweppes brand since 1850, and on a smaller scale by a family-owned company since 2009 as Holywell Spring Water. It has been drunk by several British monarchs.[8] Queen Elizabeth I drank it in public in the 16th century; Queen Victoria refused to travel without it, and it is the only bottled water used by Queen Elizabeth II, which she takes on her travels around the world.[9]


The spout at St Ann's Well.

The quality of Malvern water is attributable to its source. Malvern Hills are amongst the oldest and hardest rocks found in the United Kingdom, with their geology responsible for the quality of Malvern's spring water.[10][11] The hills consist of Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rock, the oldest of which are about 670 million years old.[12][13] The rocks are characterised by low porosity and high secondary permeability via fissures.[14][15] Malvern water is rainwater and snow meltwater that percolates through fissures created by the pressures of tectonic movements about 300 million years ago when advancing sedimentary layers of Silurian shale and limestone were pushed into and under older Precambrian rock.[11][15][16] When the fissures are saturated, a water table forms and the water emerges as springs around the fault lines between the strata. Depending on rainfall, the flow can vary from as little as 36 litres (8 gallons) per minute to over 350 litres (77 gallons) per minute.[17] The water permeates through the rock which, because of its hardness, leaves little or no mineral traces in the water, while at the same time the very fine cracks act as a filter for other impurities.[15] Rainfall on the Malvern Hills is thought to be sufficient to account for all the water that runs out of the springs, reflected for example in some spring flows six to eight weeks after heavy rainfall, and in reduced flows after a dry period.[18]


Malvern water has long been acclaimed for its purity. In 1756 Dr John Wall tested the water, found that it contained very few minerals,[19] and said: "The Malvern water is famous for containing just nothing at all...!"[20][21] William Heberden also noted the purity of Malvern water,[22] stating "the Malvern water is purer than that of any other springs in England, which I ever examined or heard of".[23]

The natural untreated water is generally devoid of all minerals, bacteria, and suspended matter, approaching the purity of distilled water. In 1987 Malvern gained official EU status as a natural mineral water, a mark of purity and quality. However, in spite of regular quality analysis,[24] drought in 2006 dried out the rock that filters the water, allowing the water to flow through it too quickly for the natural filtering process.[25] Due to the slight impurities, the Coca-Cola Company, manufacturer of the Schweppes brand, had to install filtration equipment,[26] which reclassifies the water as spring water under EU law.[27]


Barnards Green Trough was plumbed to receive Malvern water. According to its inscription, it is dedicated to the horses used by the military in World War I.

There are sources in about 70 locations around the Hills,[28] where residents regularly fill containers free of charge, including the St Ann's Well,[29] which is housed in a building dating from 1815, in the town of Great Malvern. Major popular water sources are:

  • Beauchamp Fountain – Cowleigh Road
  • Enigma Fountain plus Malvhina water feature, Belle Vue Terrace – town centre
  • Evendine Spring – Jubilee Drive (west flank of the Hills)
  • Hayslad Spring – West Malvern Road
  • Holy Well – Malvern Wells
  • Jubilee Fountain – Malvern Wells
  • Morris Well, Wells Common – Lower Wyche
  • St Ann's Well – Great Malvern

The Walms Well dating from around 250 BC is one of the earliest to be documented.[30]

Medicinal use

Charles Darwin stayed in Malvern. He hoped that the water would improve his daughter's health.

Malvern water has long been considered to have curative properties. Cure tourism began around a century before Gully and Wilson opened their clinics. In a letter dated 18 July 1759 to Mrs Montague, Benjamin Stillingfleet writes: "I have been at Malvern about twelve days, where, with difficulty, I have got a lodging, the place is so full, nor do I wonder at it, there being some instances of very extraordinary cures, in cases looked on as desperate, even by Dr. Wall, who first brought these waters into vogue...The road is very fine, and made on purpose for the convenience of the drinkers".[31]

A song reproduced in a book by Dr John Wall and again in Nash 1778 History of Worcestershire, is affirmed to be composed by the parish clerk about the year 1590 and is one of the earliest records of the 'medicinal virtue and purity of these waters'.[32] In 1622 Bannister writes, with reference to the spring at Holywell, in his Breviary of the Eyes:[2][21][33]

A little more I'll of their curing tell.
How they helped sore eyes with a new found well.
Great speech of Malvern Hills was late reported
Unto which spring people in troops resorted.

In 1842 Drs James Manby Gully and James Wilson opened water cure clinics at Malvern,[34][35][36][37] thus beginning the town's prosperity.[38] Based on the therapy offered at Vincent Priessnitz's clinic in Gräfenberg, Silesia,[5][39] then part of the Austrian Empire (now in the Czech Republic), the centre was Britain's first purpose built water cure establishment.[40] As the fame of the establishment grew, Gully and Wilson became well-known national figures.[34] Two more clinics were opened at Malvern.[41] Famous patients included Charles Darwin's daughter (who died and is buried in Malvern), Charles Dickens, Thomas Carlyle, Florence Nightingale, Lord Tennyson, Samuel Wilberforce,[42] and Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton,[7] whose wrting contributed to the popularity of Malvern water.[34] The fame of Gully and Wilson was not without detractors; Sir Charles Hastings, the founder of the British Medical Association, was extremely critical of hydropathy, and of Dr Gully in particular.[43]


An early 20th century Malvern Water (St Ann's Well) bottle.

Malvern water has been bottled and distributed in the UK and abroad from as early as the reign of James I,[10] with water bottling at the Holy Well being recorded in 1622.[19] Various local grocers have bottled and distributed Malvern water during the 19th and early 20th centuries, but it was first bottled on a large commercial scale by Schweppes, who opened a bottling plant at Holywell in Malvern Wells in 1850. As official caterers to the Great Exhibition of 1851,[44] Schweppes introduced the water as Malvern Soda,[45] later renaming it Malvern Seltzer Water in 1856.[46][47] In 1890 Schweppes moved away from Holywell, entered into a contract with a Colwall family, and built a bottling plant in the village in 1892.[46][48] The Holywell was subsequently leased to John and Henry Cuff, who bottled there until the 1960s.[49][50][51] The Holywell became derelict until 2009 when with the aid of a Lottery Heritage grant, production of 1200 bottles per day of Holywell Spring Water was recommenced by an independent family-owned company.[49] The well is believed to be the oldest bottling plant in the word.[52]

In 1927, Schweppes acquired from the Burrows family Pewtress Spring, in Colwall, on the western side of the Herefordshire Beacon, approximately two miles from Colwall village.[46][53] The source emerges at the fault line between the Silurian thrust and the Precambrian diorite and granite above it.[46] The spring was renamed Primeswell Spring, and in 1929 Schweppes commenced bottling.[48][53] Today the factory employs 25 people who bottle 26 million bottles annually.[54] It is operated by Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd., and the water continues to be sold under the Schweppes brand name.[55]

Interest groups

The Temperance Fountain (built1900), in Malvern Link, dressed in April 2010.

Among the interest groups promoting the legacy of Malvern water, the two primary ones are The Malvern Spa Association, and The Friends of Malvern Springs and Wells.

The Malvern Spa Association (MSA) is a non-profit organisation, founded in September 1998,[56] with two primary aims. "To conserve, protect and restore the Springs, Wells, Spouts and Fountains of the Malvern Hills", and "to promote the study, conservation, development and awareness" of them, and of "Great Malvern as a Spa Town".[57] Apart from various fundraising activities and membership fees, the MSA receives funding through the Heritage Lottery Fund,[58] which is managed by the Malvern Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Unit (Malvern Hills AONB),[59] under the umbrella of the National Association for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (NAAONB).[60] The Malvern Hills AONB also provides grants via such mechanisms as the Sustainable Development Fund.[59] The MSA was originally founded by the Spa Water Strategy Working Group, comprising Malvern town councillors and artist Rose Garrard.[56] Its patrons are Lord and Lady Sandys,[61] after whose family a spout located in Spring Lane, Malvern Link is named, and which was restored in 2005 as part of the Malvern heritage Project.[62] In 2004, in order to finance improvements and resotration to 20 historical sites, a grant of £270,000 was awarded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.[56][57] The MSA produces a free newsletter available at the Tourist Information Centre in Great Malvern, at St Ann's Well and for download.[63]

The Friends of Malvern Springs and Wells is an informal group that publishes a newsletter and promotes interest in the wells, including an award scheme for conservation or renovation of springs and wells and their immediate environment.[64] The award scheme is the St Werstan Award for the Enhancement of Water Heritage, given in honour of St. Werstan, one of the earliest saints associated with Malvern.[65] In August 2008, the group's St Werstan award for conservation or renovation of the springs and wells and their surroundings was presented to Coca-Cola Great Britain.[54] At the behest of the Friends, the company is also sponsoring a project to transfer an iconic mulberry tree sapling from Melbourne, Australia. The sappling derives from a cutting taken from a mulberry tree originally planted in 1936 by George Bernard Shaw at the Malvern Festival. The tree was destroyed in a storm in 2000, but research by members of the Friends group revealed that in 1956, a cutting from the tree was sent to Malvern in Victoria, Australia.[66] The Friends group also assists in the general maintenance of wells and spouts, and in organising events and well dressing ceremonies. According to research made by local historians, a tradition of well dressing in the Malverns dates from the 12th and 13th centuries when around 5 August each year, tribute was paid to St Oswald for water cures.[67] The tradition of well dressing continues, fostered by interest groups and activities such as arts projects.

Art projects

The Malvinha Fountain in the town centre, a sculpture by artist Rose Garrard.

In 1996 the Malvern Hills District Council appointed a Malvern Spa Water Strategy Working Group. Independently, in June 1996, sculptor Rose Garrard proposed to the MHDC the creation of a sculpture trail by nationally known sculptors, placed at forgotten springs around the town centre. The council began with the installation of new water features as part of its plan to beautify the town centre. In 1997 the District Council implemented a Spring Water Arts Project to map water sources around the hills.[67] Garrard undertook a two month long artist's residency and collaborated with the public, who provided locations of over two hundred water sources. Garrard was commissioned to create the drinking spout, Malvhina, which was unveiled on 4 September 1998.[68][69]

The Enigma water feature in the town centre, part of a group by Rose Garrard. The statue of Edward Elgar is visible on the right.

On 26 May 2000, the Enigma Fountain, also by Garrard, was unveiled by Prince Andrew.[70] Its cost of £5,000 was funded by the Malvern Hills District Council, public subscription, and support from by Severn Trent Water, West Midlands Arts, and local businesses.[70] Located on the Bellevue Terrace island in the very centre of the town, together with the statue of Edward Elgar,[69] the group of sculptures embodies both music and water, the two major aspects of Malvern's cultural history.[71]

Art projects continue in various ways. Each year in April a well dressing competition is organised around a theme set by the Malvern Springs Association, with Gold, Silver and Bronze awards presented to adult's and children's groups.[67] The well dressing initiative usually takes place over a period of four or five days with the Malvern spouts starting the annual season of well dressing around the country in the Derbyshire tradition.[72] In 2003, photographer Bob Bilsland gave persmission to the BBC to publish 21 of his special panaoramic views of the decorated wells and spouts.[73]

Children dressing the spout at Great Malvern railway station for the 2010 competition.

For the 2010 competition based on 'Celebrations', a group of pupils of a local primary school decorated the Great Malvern Railway Station Trough with paper figures representing famous people who have visited Malvern, such as Shaw and Elgar, celebrating 150 years of the railway in the town.[74] Also in 2010, the connection of Florence Nightingale with Malvern water is being celebrated with the help of the Malvern Museum's school poster competition.[75]

Other art projects encapsulate different connections with Malvern water. In 2002 the Elmley Foundation donated an 8 foot water clock designed by French sculptor, and horologist Bernard Gitton. to the Malvern theatre and the people of Malvern. The clock which is on permanent exhibition in the foyer area of the theatre represents the three main industries of the town: its science, theatre, and water.[76]


  1. ^ Malvern Water at Geo Hack (Maps, photos, and other information. Retrieved 23 June 2010.
  2. ^ a b Poynter, F. N. L. (1947). "Notes on a late Sixteenth-Century Ophthalmic Work". Library. s5-II (2–3): 173–179. doi:10.1093/library/s5-II.2-3.173.
  3. ^ Chambers, John (1817). A General History of Malvern, embellished with plates, intended to comprise all the advantages of a Guide, with the important details of chemical, mineralogical and statistical information. Wm. Walcott, Worcester; and Messrs. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, London. Retrieved 27 November 2009.
  4. ^ Metcalfe, Richard (1877). Sanitus Sanitum et omnia Sanitus. Vol. Vol.1. London: The Co-operative Printing Co. p. 101. Retrieved 2009-11-04. {{cite book}}: |volume= has extra text (help)
  5. ^ a b Metcalfe, Richard (1898). Life of Vincent Priessnitz, Founder of Hydropathy. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd. Retrieved 3 December 2009.
  6. ^ Oddfish, J.B (1865) [1863]. Health and Pleasure or Malvern Punch: Compounded of Spirits and Water and flavoured with Things Geographical, Biographical, and Laughical, Historical, Allegorical, and Metaphorical, Geological, Physiological, and Logical. London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co. Retrieved November 28, 2009.
  7. ^ a b Bulwer-Lytton (1st Baron Lytton), Edward (Published posthumously, 1875) [1845]. "Confessions of a Water-Patient". Pamphlets and Sketches (Knebworth ed.). London: George Routledge and Sons. Retrieved November 28, 2009. {{cite book}}: Check date values in: |year= (help); More than one of |author= and |last= specified (help)CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: year (link)
  8. ^ Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). Vol. 37. House of Commons. 15 February 1983. col. 268–274.
  9. ^ "Taking the waters in Malvern". BBC Hereford and Worcester. June 2003. Retrieved 24 June 2010.
  10. ^ a b Smart, Mike (2009), The Malvern Hills, London: Frances Lincoln Ltd, p. 17, ISBN 978-0-7112-2915-0, retrieved 12 July 2010
  11. ^ a b LaMoreaux, Philip E., & Tanner, Judy T, ed. (2001), Springs and bottled water of the world: Ancient history, source, occurrence, quality and use, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-61841-4, retrieved 13 July 2010{{citation}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: editors list (link)
  12. ^ Gullet Quarry, Malvern Hills (PDF), Malvern Hills Conservators, retrieved 13 July 2010
  13. ^ Pharaoh, T.C., & Gibbons, W. (1994), "Precambrian rocks in England and Wales south of the Menai Strait Fault System", in Wes Gibbons & Anthony Leonard Harris (editors) (ed.), A Revised Correlation of Precambrian Rocks in the British Isles, Special Report No.22, London: The Geological Society, p. 90, retrieved 13 July 2010 {{citation}}: |editor= has generic name (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  14. ^ "Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology", Area Geology, Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark, retrieved 12 July 2010
  15. ^ a b c Jones, Cheryl, Hydrogeology of the Malvern Hills, Malvern Spa Association, retrieved 4 July 2010
  16. ^ "Geology of the Malvern Hills". Malvern Hills Conservators. Retrieved 13 July 2010.
  17. ^ Blyth, Francis George Henry (1967), A Geology for Engineers, Edward Arnold, p. 273, retrieved 23 June 2010 First snippet view second snippet view
  18. ^ Collecting Malvern Water, Malvern Spa Association, retrieved 4 July 2010
  19. ^ a b Great Malvern Conservation Area: Appraisal and Management Strategy (PDF), Malvern Hills Distric Council: Planning Services, April 2008, p. 5, retrieved 12 July 2010
  20. ^ Dr Wall, John (1756). Experiments & Observations on the Malvern Waters.
  21. ^ a b McMenemy, W.H. (1953), "Section of the History of Medicine", Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 46 (1): sectional pages: 1–8 (Vol pp.5–12), PMC 1918458 {{citation}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help); |chapter= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help). Wall cited sectional p.1 (Vol. p.5).
  22. ^ Heberden, William (1806). Commentaries on The History and Cure of Diseases (3rd ed.). London: T. Payne. pp. 80, 382, 424. Retrieved 30 November 2009.
  23. ^ Gully, James Manby (1850) [1846]. The Water-Cure in Chronic Disease; An Exposition of the causes, progress, and termination of various chronic diseases of the digestive organs, lungs, nerves, limbs, and skin; and of their treatment by water, and other hygienic means (3rd ed.). London: John Churchill. p. 444 (n448 in page field). Retrieved 2009-11-03.
  24. ^ Bacteriological sampling of Malvern spring water (PDF), Malvern Hills District Council, 2010, retrieved 3 July 2010 Source page
  25. ^ Poulter, Sean (9 April 2007), "Why Malvern can no longer call itself mineral water", Daily Mail, retrieved 13 July 2010
  26. ^ James Connell (11 April 2007), "MALVERN: Why taste of the hills is no longer called mineral water", Worcester News, retrieved 3 July 2010
  27. ^ Van Der Aa, Monique (2003). "Classification of mineral water types and comparison with drinking water standards". Environmental Geology. 44: 554–563. doi:10.1007/s00254-003-0791-4.
  28. ^ "Some of the Malvern Springs". Malvern Spa Association. Retrieved 30 November 2009.
  29. ^ "St Ann's Well". Hills Art. Retrieved 1 December 2009.
  30. ^ Row over Coke mineral water plan, BBC News, 24 November 2004, retrieved 12 July 2010
  31. ^ Chambers, John (1817) p.277
  32. ^ Chambers, John (1817) pp.14–18
  33. ^ Chambers, John (1817) p.140
  34. ^ a b c Price, Robin (1981), "Hydropathy in England 1840–70", Medical History, 25: 269–280, PMC 1139039 {{citation}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  35. ^ Wilson, M.D., James; Gully, M.D., James M. (1843). "A Prospectus of the Water Cure Establishment at Malvern, Under the professional management of James Wilson, M.D., & James M. Gully, M.D.". in The Dangers of the Water Cure, and its Efficacy Examined and Compared with those of the Drug Treatment of Diseases; and an Explanation of its Principles and Practice; with an account of Cases Treated at Malvern, and a Prospectus of the Water Cure Establishment at That Place. London: Cunningham & Mortimer. pp. n213-n245 in online page field. Retrieved 30 November 2009. Note: the prospectus is at the back of the book, with its own preface by Wilson, and its own new pagination
  36. ^ Gully, James Manby (1869). A guide to domestic hydro-therapeia: the water cure in acute disease (2nd ed.). London: Simpkin, Marshall. Retrieved 30 November 2009.
  37. ^ "Archived Collections: Gully, James Manby, 1808–1883". Wellcome Library. {{cite web}}: Text "accessdate 15 January 2007" ignored (help)
  38. ^ McMenemy, W.H. (1953). Section p.3 (vol. p.7).
  39. ^ Bradley, James (2003), Cold cure: Hydrotherapy had exotic origins, but became a firm favourite of the Victorian elite, Wellcome Trust: News and Features, retrieved November 17, 2009
  40. ^ Malvern Civic Society commemorative plaque. Retrieved 3 February 2010.
  41. ^ "History of Water Cures at Malvern". Malvern Health. Retrieved 6 January 2010.
  42. ^ Swinton, William E (20 December 1980). "The hydrotherapy and infamy of Dr James Gully". Canadian Medical Association Journal. 123 (12): 1262–1264. PMC 1705053. PMID 7006778. Retrieved 12 November 2009.
  43. ^ Bradley, James; Depree, Marguerite (April 2003). "A Shadow of Orthodoxy? An Epistemology of British Hydropathy, 1840–1858,". Medical History. 47 (2): 173–194. PMC 1044596. PMID 12754763. {{cite journal}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  44. ^ Briggs, Asa (7 May 1981), "Pictures at an exhibition", New Scientist, 90 (1252): 366, retrieved 14 July 2010
  45. ^ Moskowitz, Milton (1987), The global marketplace: 102 of the most influential companies outside America, New York: Macmillan, p. 121, ISBN 0025875906, retrieved 14 July 2010
  46. ^ a b c d Official Malvern Water brochure. Coca-Cola Enterprises Limited. 2009.
  47. ^ "Schweppe's Malvern Seltzer Water", Medical Times and Gazette Advertiser, Vol 12 – New series (301): 328, April 5, 1856, retrieved 14 July 2010 {{citation}}: |volume= has extra text (help)
  48. ^ a b About Colwall (PDF), Herefordshire Council Parks, Countryside and Leisure Development Service (Funded by Malvern Hills AONB Partnership), 2008, retrieved 14 July 2010
  49. ^ a b "Holy Well". Malvern Spa Association. Retrieved 14 October 2009.
  50. ^ McComb, Richard (July 24, 2009), "Water, as nature intended", Birmingham Post, Trinity Mirror Midlands Ltd, retrieved 15 July 2010
  51. ^ Richardson, Linsdall (1930), Wells and springs of Worcestershire, (Memoirs of the Geological Survey, England and Wales), London: HM Stationary Office, p. 119, retrieved 16 July 2010
  52. ^ "Historic bottling plant at Holy Well open for business again", Malvern Gazette, Newsquest Media Group, 9 November 2009, retrieved 5 July 2010
  53. ^ a b Schweppes & Malvern Water, Malvern-Hills.Co, retrieved 14 July 2010
  54. ^ a b Coca-Cola.co.uk "Coca Cola Great Britain and Ireland receives Water Stewardship Award for Malvern Water" (Press release). Coca-Cola Great Britain: Press Centre. 1 September 2008. Retrieved 5 July 2010. {{cite press release}}: Check |url= value (help)
  55. ^ "CocaCola Scwheppes Water web page". Retrieved 14 July 2010.
  56. ^ a b c Rose Garrard, The spring restoration project 1998–2008, retrieved 5 July 2010
  57. ^ a b "The MSA Today". Malvern Spa Association. Retrieved 6 January 2010.
  58. ^ Malvern Spa Association homepage, retrieved 5 July 2010
  59. ^ a b The Malvern Hills AONB Annual Report 2005/06 (PDF), Malvern Hills AONB Office, retrieved 5 July 2010
  60. ^ National Association for Areas of Outstanding Beauty homepage, retrieved 5 July 2010 (Follow links to Malvern AONB)
  61. ^ "Malvern Spa Association holds annual dinner", Malvern Gazette, Newsquest Media Group, 2 November 2009, retrieved 5 July 2010
  62. ^ Lord Sandy's Spout, Malvern Spa Association, retrieved 5 July 2010
  63. ^ "MSA News". Malvern Spa Association. Retrieved 6 January 2010.
  64. ^ Friends of Malvern Springs and Wells profile, The Spas Directory, retrieved 5 July 2010
  65. ^ St Werstan's Malvern Awards, The Spas Directory, retrieved 5 July 2010
  66. ^ George Bernard Shaws Mulberry Tree, malvernspringsandwells.com, retrieved 5 July 2010
  67. ^ a b c Malvern Hills: well dressing Malvern Well Dressing History, Malvern Spa Association, retrieved 12 July 2010 {{citation}}: Check |url= value (help)
  68. ^ Overview of Malvern Spa Water Strategy Working Group (PDF), Malvern Spa Association, retrieved 5 July 2020
  69. ^ a b "Put a spring in your step", Malvern Gazette, Newsquest Media Group, 16 June 2003, retrieved 5 July 2010
  70. ^ a b Enigma Fountain, Malvern Spa Association, retrieved 6 July 2010
  71. ^ "Wells pay tribute to composer Elgar", Malvern Gazette, Newsquest Media Group, 30 April 2007, retrieved 5 July 2010
  72. ^ Williams, Glyn, Well Dressing National Calendar 2010, welldressing.com, retrieved 12 July 2010
  73. ^ Hereford & Worcestershire: Malvern Hills Panoramic Pictures, BBC, June 2003, retrieved 12 July 2010
  74. ^ "Dark clouds don't dampen well dressing", Malvern Gazette, Newsquest Media Group, 4 May 2010, retrieved 5 July 2010
  75. ^ "Chase pupil wins poster competition", Malvern Gazette, Newsquest Media Group, 21 June 2010, retrieved 12 July 2010
  76. ^ "Water Clock Celebrating Malvern's Industry", Visual Arts, Malvern Theatres, retrieved 13 July 2010

Further reading

Many books have been written and published about Malvern water, including:

  • Addison, William: (1828) A dissertation on the nature and properties of the Malvern water, and an enquiry into the causes and treatment of scrofulous diseases and consumption: together with some remarks upon the influence of the terrestrial radiation of caloric upon local salubrity; Callow & Wilson (via Google books).
  • Garrard, Rose (2006): Malvern – Hill of Fountains ISBN 1905795017; a history of the 'ancient origins, beliefs and superstitions surrounding wells and well dressing' in the Malverns.
  • Osborne, Bruce & Weaver, Cora: (1994) Aquae Malvernsis – The Springs and Fountains of the Malvern HIlls ISBN 1873809077
  • LaMoreaux, Philip E., & Tanner, Judy T, ed. (2001), Springs and bottled water of the world: Ancient history, source, occurrence, quality and use, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-61841-4, retrieved 13 July 2010{{citation}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: editors list (link)
  • Osborne, Bruce & Weaver, Corr: (2001) Springs, Spouts, Fountains & Holy Wells of the Malverns ISBN 1873809476
  • Weaver, Cora (1991): A Short Guide to Malvern As a Spa Town (The Water Cure) Cora Weaver, Malvern ISBN 1873809182
  • Wilson, James and Marsh T. C.,: The Water-Cure at Malvern, Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal (Government archive).