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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Insomniac (talk | contribs) at 14:03, 6 September 2010. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Collative Learning - Rob Ager</title> <style type="text/css"> </style> <meta name="Keywords" content="CLS, collative learning systems, collative learning, buddhism, learning, nlp, gestalt, personal development, neuro-linguistic programming, mind-mapping, psychology, therapy, psychotherapy, self-help, self help, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, Rob Ager, Robert Ager, Ager, philosophy, current affairs, short films, film making, " />

<meta name="Description" content="Rob Ager's website features videos and articles on psychology, creativity, film analysis, film making, politics and social / philosophical issues." /> <link href="stylesheet/background colour style sheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css"> </style> </head>


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<a href="LINKS.html"></a><a href="FILMS reviews BY ROB AGER.html" class="style54">FILM ANALYSIS</a>
<a href="About Rob Ager.html"></a><a href="FILMS BY ROB AGER.html">FILMS</a>
<a href="About Rob Ager.html"></a><a href="FILMS BY ROB AGER.html"></a><a href="books top.html">BOOKS</a>
<a href="http://www.collativelearning.com/mybb_1401/Upload/index.php" class="style54"></a><a href="ARTWORK ROB AGER.html" class="style54">ARTWORK</a>
<a href="CLS FAQ.html" class="style54">FAQ</a>
<a href="PRESS.html" class="style54">PRESS</a>
<a href="http://www.collativelearning.com/mybb_1401/Upload/index.php" class="style54"></a><a href="Products.html">DVD PRODUCTS</a>
<a href="LINKS.html"></a><a href="LINKS.html">LINKS</a>
<a href="About Rob Ager.html"></a><a href="About Rob Ager.html">ABOUT ROB AGER </a>
<a href="About Rob Ager.html"></a><a href="FILMS BY ROB AGER.html"></a><a href="CONTACT.html">CONTACT </a>



Update re: Facebook. I've finally surrendered and joined Facebook, but only to keep in touch with relatives and friends who know me in the real world. Someone else has set up a <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Analysist-Rob-Ager/46671806462?ref=ts">Facebook account using my name and picture</a>. On close inspection it describes itself as a fan page, but initially appears to be my "official" Facebook page. My real Facebook page is <a href="http://en-gb.facebook.com/people/Rob-Ager/100001013204567">this one</a>, please only send a friend invite if you know me personally.

31st Aug 2010 - Chapter fifteen added to <a href="ACO expanded analysis .html">expanded analysis of A Clockwork Orange</a>.

30th Aug 2010 - Chapter fourteen added to expanded analysis of A Clockwork Orange.

25th Aug 2010 - Chapter thirteen added to expanded analysis of A Clockwork Orange.

24th Aug 2010 - Chapter twelve added to expanded analysis of A Clockwork Orange.

20th Aug 2010 - Chapter eleven added to expanded analysis of A Clockwork Orange.

19th Aug 2010 - Chapter ten added to expanded analysis of A Clockwork Orange.

17th Aug 2010 - Chapter nine added to expanded analysis of A Clockwork Orange.

15th Aug 2010 - Chapter eight added to expanded analysis of A Clockwork Orange.

11th Aug 2010 - Chapter seven added to expanded analysis of A Clockwork Orange.

9th Aug 2010 - Screenshots and images added to first five chapters of expanded analysis of A Clockwork Orange. Updates also added to chapter five.

7th Aug 2010 - Chapter six added to expanded analysis of A Clockwork Orange.

5th Aug 2010 - Chapter five added to expanded analysis of A Clockwork Orange.

1st Aug 2010 - Chapter four added to expanded analysis of A Clockwork Orange.

31st July 2010 - <a href="ACO expanded analysis .html">THE POWER DRUG: an in-depth analysis of A CLOCKWORK ORANGE</a>. First three chapters posted.

14th July 2010 - The <a href="http://www.collativelearning.com/mybb_1401/Upload/index.php">forum</a> section of the site is up and running again. All member login details are retained, but old threads have been removed.

7th July 2010 - <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiaQ_ERNKLw">UKIPwatch exposed</a>. Was this this video the reason for the pre-election smear attack against me and this website? After making the video in December 2009 I sent a link to one of UKIP's MEPs in the EU parliament. I've since been informed that it was shown to other MEPs in the EU. Interesting that The Sun newspaper used a still shot from the very same video in <a href="http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2923728/UKIP-ban-for-SM-film-boss.html">their smear attack article</a>.

25th June 2010 - New website launched for my forthcoming feature film <a href="http://www.turninyourgrave.com/">TURN IN YOUR GRAVE</a>.

11th June 2010 - Featured content - <a href="author antony c sutton - speeches and interviews.html">ANTONY C. SUTTON: SPEECHES AND INTERVIEWS</a>

Thanks to the hundreds of you who've filled in the <a href="visitor survey.html">VISITOR SURVEY</a>. Sorry I haven't time to reply personally to all of you, but your information has certainly given me a better idea of how to take the site forward.

3rd June 2010 - <a href="ET analysis.html">"The Alienated Child" - a thematic analysis of E.T: THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL</a>. This is the first review of a Steven Spielberg film on this site. Enjoy!

For the time being I'm unfortunately unable to restore the site forum.

26th April 2010 - Forum update. Apologies for not posting this sooner. Those of you who've read my <a href="PRESS.html">Press Page</a> will be aware that a small handful of journalists went through this site recently and attempted to misrepresent its content as a smear attack against both myself and the UK Independence Party, who I'd been campaigning for. Being that anybody can sign up and start posting opinions that could give ammunition to journalists, I've decided to remove the forum at least as a short term measure. It may even be necessary to transfer the forum entirely to a different website after the UK general election on May 6th. Sorry again folks.

19th April 2010 - Can all regular visitors please fill in a <a href="visitor survey.html">VISITOR SURVEY</a>. Future content of the site is dependent on your response.

15th April 2010 - Film analysis of Martin Scorcese's <a href="cape fear review.html">Cape Fear</a> and Alfred Hitchcock's <a href="Subliminal themes of Hitchcock's PSYCHO.html">Psycho</a> have now been uploaded again. Some of my other film analysis videos will now only be available on DVD.

1st April 2010 - Trailer uploaded for upcoming feature film <a href="turn in your grave.html">TURN IN YOUR GRAVE</a>.

16th March 2010 - Feature film update and interview for Shoestring Century.

Apologies to all of you who've sent emails in the past couple of months and not received a response. I've been 100% dedicated to the production on my first feature film, the bulk of which has now been shot. A website for the film and teaser trailer will be uploaded soon.

I don't have any new videos to post at the moment, but Andrew Dimitrov at shoestringcentury.com has been kind enough to invite me for an interview, which you can <a href="http://shoestringcentury.com/2010/03/15/rob-ager-interviewed-by-andrew-dimitrov/">read / listen to here</a>.

7th Jan 2010 - Chapter five added to <a href="NL NF NR - contents.html">NEW LABOUR NEW FASCISM NEW RACISM</a>

6th Jan 2010 - Assorted updates made to <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a> analysis. Sorry I can't provide a comprehensive list of the updates, except to say that Chapters 18 to 20 now include significant additions.

3rd Jan 2010 - New video uploaded for film analysis of <a href="bladerunner analysis.html">BLADE RUNNER - "Globalization & Dehumanization"</a>. Happy New Year !!!

20th Dec 2009 - New investigative report (article & video). <a href="SKILLSTRAIN SCAM & REFUND.html">THE SKILLSTRAIN SCAM AND HOW I GOT MY REFUND</a>. This issue has been a distraction for some time from my usual output, but the results will be beneficial to many who would otherwise lose thousands of pounds of their hard earned money. Being that the organisation in question will more than likely attempt to have the video removed from Youtube, I've posted it under its own dedicated Youtube channel so as not to jeopardize my other videos.

10th Dec 2009 - New film analysis video posted <a href="2001 analysis new.html">HAL = IBM</a>. The narrative is an extract from chapter 8 of my article on 2001: A Space Odyssey ... Kubrick and Beyond the Cinema Frame.

8th Dec 2009 - New page posted <a href="no concensus on man-made climate change.html">MAN-MADE GLOBAL WARMING IS NOT SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS</a>. This isn't an article of my own, but merely a collection of links and video embeds on an important political / economic topic. Please spread this information in any way you can.

27th Nov 2009 - Chapter four added to <a href="NL NF NR - contents.html">NEW LABOUR NEW FASCISM NEW RACISM</a>

26th Nov 2009 - Updates made to the <a href="Products.html">dvd products</a> page to make orders simpler. Order forms can now be sent directly to my email address and payments made via Paypal.

23rd Nov 2009 - New in-depth article <a href="NL NF NR - contents.html">NEW LABOUR NEW FASCISM NEW RACISM</a> first three chapters posted.

20th Nov 2009 - I've been writing a lengthy new political article, which will be posted very soon followed by a video for one of my existing film analysis articles (possibly Bladerunner or an updated 2001 video).

The shooting of my current horror film project is on hold until early 2010 due to some location difficulties and the sheer volume of special effects involved.

7th Sept 2009 - New film analysis article <a href="HELLRAISER analysis.html">HELLRAISER - "I hurt therefore I am"</a>.

26th Aug 2009 - The missing video sections of <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a> and <a href="FMJ contents.html">FULL METAL JACKET</a> analysis', which were deleted from Youtube, are now available to download here on the site - just follow the aforementioned links.

Project updates. HELLRAISER analysis has been delayed due to a surge of activity and progress on my horror film project (which now more than likely will be my first feature film). However, the HELLRAISER analysis is close to completion.

10th Aug 2009 - Youtube are at it again. They recently removed the last segments of <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING </a> and <a href="FMJ contents.html">FULL METAL JACKET</a> videos with no specific explanation as to what content they objected to. I'll have those two video segments available on here as free downloads very soon.

Project updates. HELLRAISER analysis is in the writing. An updated video of the <a href="alien analysis.html">ALIEN</a> analysis is in the pipeline too. My own horror film project is steadily progressing through the special effects development stage. Marc Bolton, who played Cody in my first film <a href="the victim.html">THE VICTIM</a>, is on board to play the lead role. Several crew members who helped produce / shoot The Victim are back on board as well.

27th July 2009 - New film analysis article <a href="high plains drifter.html">"The Avenging Conscience" - philosophical themes in Clint Eastwood's HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER</a>

19th July 2009 - Five films added to the <a href="forgotten classics.html">FORGOTTEN CLASSICS</a> section.

17th July 2009 - CREW CALL!!! ... I'm currently in pre-production on a double film project (one short and one feature length), which I'm hoping to shoot in October / November. Have already got several previous collaborators involved, but if you're based in or near the Northwest of England and have special effects makeup / prosthetics skills then please forward to me your CV or a detailed description of your skills / experience via the details on my <a href="CONTACT.html">contact page</a>. Rob :)

17th July 2009 - The Victim - <a href="the victim - behind the scenes.html">behind the scenes footage and outtakes</a> uploaded. This is different than my usual uploads, but offers a light hearted glimpse of the micro-budget film process.

3rd July 2009 - Forum working again. Took a lot of messing around, but due to the MYBB version upgrade there shouldn't be any more "Nobody coder" style hacks.

30th June 2009 - Forum temporarily down due to a hacker. Apparently the same hacker hit about 8,000 sites recently, redirecting their index pages to show a "Nobody coder" page that waffles on about Obama and Iran. I'll have it back up as soon as the problem is fixed. Apologies. If anyone finds that any other pages on the site have been hacked in this way then please contact me asap. Thanks.

26th June 2009 - <a href="Products.html">PRODUCTS</a> page added. Some of my videos are now only available as part of these DVD packages - a necessary step to keep this site financially viable. The amount of time I can free up to produce new articles and videos is determined by the number of DVD sets that are purchased.

18th June 2009 - Video uploaded for <a href="pulp fiction - gold watch story analysis.html">"CARRYING THE TORCH" a thematic analysis of THE GOLD WATCH story in Quentin Tarantino's PULP FICTION</a>

17th June 2009 - Six films added to the <a href="forgotten classics.html">FORGOTTEN CLASSICS</a> section.

16th June 2009 - Rob Ager Films Volume 2 is now available for purchase on ebay.

8th June 2009 - New film review section added <a href="forgotten classics.html">FORGOTTEN CLASSICS</a>.

26th May 2009 - Final chapters added to <a href="MULHOLLAND DRIVE ANALYSIS.html">Mulholland Drive analysis</a>.

17th May 2009 - Chapters seven and eight added to <a href="MULHOLLAND DRIVE ANALYSIS.html">Mulholland Drive analysis</a>.

15th May 2009 - New article posted. <a href="MULHOLLAND DRIVE ANALYSIS.html">"CITY OF NIGHTMARES" an in depth analysis of David Lynch's Mulholland Drive</a>. This is a only a half-finished version. I've already organized the content of the remaining chapters so writing them shouldn't take long.

24th April 2009 - Details for making donations added to the <a href="CONTACT.html">CONTACT</a> section. I'm also making lots of progress with the Mulholland Drive analysis - fans of the Kubrick reviews will enjoy this one!

17th April 2009 - Updates added to the FAQ section of the site.

9th April 2009 - Video version of <a href="big lebowski analysis.html">THE BIG LEBOWSKI - ANALYSIS</a> posted.

30th March 2009 - I'm back from a two week trip to Italy, which was awesome. Currently editing video for Big Lebowki analysis.

As requested by several members, I've now reduced the number of <a href="http://www.collativelearning.com/mybb_1401/Upload/index.php">forum</a> categories, as the ones I'd set up were quite complicated and were confusing people. All threads have been moved into the new categories.

The Shining analysis is also on hold because I still have lots of notes that need adding and a couple of chapters to write. Mulholland Drive analysis will be written shortly after I've posted the Big Lebowski video. Good to be back folks!

13th March 2009 - Updates and stills added to chapters twenty and twenty-one in expanded analysis of Stanley Kubrick's <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a>.

12th March 2009 - I'll be mostly offline for the next two weeks (until roughly the 26th March) so won't be able to respond to many emails, video comments, forum posts etc. It may also take a while to reply to the backlog when I return. However, as of mid-April I'll have more free time so will be posting new material at a faster rate.

12th March 2009 - Good news on the copright front. The Psycho analysis video that was removed from Youtube has now been restored thanks to the "fair use" dispute option. Unfortunately, embedding the video has been disabled by request. That doesn't make much sense, but nevertheless the downloadable version will remain on here.

11th March 2009 - Part of the video for the PSYCHO film analysis has been removed from Youtube. Thankfully their dispute forms now include a "fair use" option so let's hope it works. Until then the video is available as a free download <a href="Subliminal themes of Hitchcock's PSYCHO.html">here</a>.

10th March 2009 - <a href="http://www.collativelearning.com/mybb_1401/Upload/index.php">FORUM UPDATED !!!</a> Technical problems fixed. Multiple categories up and running.

7th March 2009 - New updated video <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7-GKHM5HZ8">THE SHINING - SOMETHING HIDDEN IN THE RIVER OF BLOOD</a>. The last version was deleted due to a music rights complaint. Here I've changed the music and added some additional info and interpretations based upon feedback received from the first version. The video's now jumped from three mins in length to eight mins.

3rd March 2009 - New film analysis article <a href="pulp fiction - gold watch story analysis.html">"CARRYING THE TORCH" a thematic analysis of THE GOLD WATCH story in Quentin Tarantino's PULP FICTION</a>.

Also, the short video I posted last week about the object hidden in the river of blood in The Shining has been removed from youtube, thanks to the moronic complaints of Serendipity LCC who own the rights to the music from the film's trailer - a shame because the video was very quickly racking up comments and viewings. I'll repost the video shortly with some additional theories about the object in the blood and without the trailer music. The remaining updates to The Shining expanded analysis will also be added soon. Mulholland Drive analysis is also well under way.

24th Feb 2009 - Chapter twenty-one added to expanded analysis of Stanley Kubrick's <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a>. The full analysis is very close to completion now. Probably one more chapter plus a series of updates to previous chapters.

24th Feb 2009 - New video <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3REO2z4_0sk">SOMETHING HIDDEN IN THE RIVER OF BLOOD</a> posted on youtube relating to <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a>. It's only a three minute clip, but necessary for chapter twenty.

18th Feb 2009 - Chapter twenty added to expanded analysis of Stanley Kubrick's <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a>. DVD stills added to chapters eighteen and nineteen.

16th Feb 2009 - New section - <a href="CLS FAQ.html">GENERAL FAQ AND FEEDBACK RESPONSES</a>.

13th Feb 2009 - New video ! <a href="ARTWORK ROB AGER.html">Painting a sci-fi / fantasy picture on canvas</a>. This is a little out of the ordinary, but i'm proud of it - it's the best artwork I've ever done.

11th Feb 2009 - Chapter nineteen added to expanded analysis of Stanley Kubrick's <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a>.

2nd Feb 2009 - Chapter eighteen added to expanded analysis of Stanley Kubrick's <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a>.

22nd Jan 2009 - Chapters sixteen and seventeen added to expanded analysis of Stanley Kubrick's <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a>.

19th Jan 2009 - Final part of <a href="choose your news.html">CHOOSE YOUR NEWS</a> video posted.

15th Jan 2009 - Updates and stills added to Chapter fifteen expanded analysis of Stanley Kubrick's <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a>.

12th Jan 2009 - Chapter fifteen added to expanded analysis of Stanley Kubrick's <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a>. This is quite a long chapter. Pics will be added soon.

8th Jan 2009 - New chapter added to expanded analysis of Stanley Kubrick's <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a>. I've put this one before the SOME SHINE AND SOME DON'T chapter as it seemed more appropriate there. It's called <a href="the shining - chap 13.html">PART OF THE FURNITURE</a>.

24th Dec 2008 - Chapter thirteen added to expanded analysis of Stanley Kubrick's <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a> Plus text updates and DVD stills added to chapters ten, and twelve.

20th Dec 2008 - Chapter twelve added to expanded analysis of Stanley Kubrick's <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a>.

18th Dec 2008 - Part six of <a href="choose your news.html">CHOOSE YOUR NEWS</a> video posted. One more part to go.

12th Dec 2008 - Chapters nine, ten and eleven added to expanded analysis of Stanley Kubrick's <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a> plus some updates to chapter eight.

10th Dec 2008 - Text updates and DVD stills added to chapters six, seven and eight of <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a> expanded analysis.

5th Dec 2008 - Chapters six, seven and eight added to expanded analysis of Stanley Kubrick's <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a>.

1st Dec 2008 - Expanded analysis of Stanley Kubrick's <a href="the shining.html">THE SHINING</a> - first five chapters posted.

18th Nov 2008 - Part five of <a href="choose your news.html">CHOOSE YOUR NEWS</a> video posted.

13th Nov 2008 - Part four of <a href="choose your news.html">CHOOSE YOUR NEWS</a> video posted.

11th Nov 2008 - Alternative interpretation of <a href="http://2001.a-false-flag-odyssey.com/a-false-flag-odyssey.html#congrat_discovery">2001: A Space Odyssey</a>. Just received this link today, which some of you may find interesting.

31st Oct 2008 - <a href="http://www.collativelearning.com/mybb_1401/Upload/index.php">Forum</a> added to the site! Seems to be working okay ... I think! Will soon be implementing a long overdue redesign of the site too.

30th Oct 2008 - Part three of <a href="choose your news.html">CHOOSE YOUR NEWS</a> video posted.

24th Oct 2008 - First parts of <a href="choose your news.html">CHOOSE YOUR NEWS</a> video posted.

23rd Oct 2008 - New article <a href="Kubrick selected notes.html">STANLEY KUBRICK INTERVIEWS AND BIOGRAPHIES: SELECTED NOTES</a>. I compiled these notes for the purposes of expanding some of my existing analysis of Kubrick films. It then occured to me that the notes themselves were worth posting for those of you wishing to explore the films further for your selves. The pace for new material being added to this site will also pick up a great deal in the coming weeks, including new film analysis videos.

<img src="PICS FOR WEBSITE/dad/dad 2003.jpg" width="250" height="250" />

29th Sept 2008 - A personal announcement. There has been a delay in editing new videos due to the loss of my Father, who died on 23 Sept '08. Robert Ager (snr) was an imaginative and inspired man with a sense of humour worthy of stand-up. He always challenged his children to grow and learn far beyond the social norms. Most of the inspiration for my writing and film making began with his influence, from filming comedy re-enactments of classic movie scenes on rented VHS video cameras to him passing me psychology text books when I was nine years old. Thanks for everything Dad. RIP

5th Sept 2008 - New film analysis posted - Ridley Scott's <a href="bladerunner analysis.html">BLADERUNNER</a>.

27th Aug 2008 - Video version of <a href="the matrix review.html">The Matrix analysis</a> is now available for download, and will be available for the next few weeks. Video for Hitchcock's <a href="birds film analysis.html">The Birds</a> has now been removed and can only be viewed via youtube.

26th Aug 2008 - <a href="halloween analysis.html">Halloween analysis</a> was removed by youtube so it is now available here as a free download

24th Aug 2008 - Video posted for analysis of John Carpenter's <a href="halloween analysis.html">HALLOWEEN</a>.

9th Aug 2008 - New film analysis of John Carpenter's <a href="halloween analysis.html">HALLOWEEN</a>.

4th Aug 2008 - New article <a href="choose your news.html">CHOOSE YOUR NEWS</a>

25th July 2008 - Downloadable video of <a href="a clockwork orange review.html">A CLOCKWORK ORANGE - ANALYSIS</a> replaced with divx files for cross-platform compatability. This version includes the intro that was originally posted in response to John Brownlee's article in Wired magazine.

2nd July 2008 - Eighth and FINAL part of video posted for <a href="FMJ contents.html">FULL METAL JACKET</a> analysis.

1st July 2008 - Part seven of video posted for <a href="FMJ contents.html">FULL METAL JACKET</a> analysis.

1st July 2008 - Downloadable videos of <a href="alien analysis.html">ALIEN ANALYSIS</a>, <a href="strategic discrimination.html">STRATEGIC DISCRIMINATION IN BRITISH FILM INDUSTY</a> and <a href="FMJ contents.html">FULL METAL JACKET ANALYSIS PART SIX</a> replaced with divx files for cross-platform compatability.

28th June 2008 - Rob Ager videos - volume one DVD is now available on ebay.



If you would like to offer feedback or have an article, film or book you would like to submit or recommend for review please feel free to contact me.


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