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Terrorism in Egypt

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Egypt has been the site of many terrorist attacks. The problem of Islamic extremism in Egypt developed in the 1940s. During the 1950s, Israeli military intelligence perpetrated a number of false flag operations, which leads to recurring conspiracy theories of Israeli involvement, but all known perpetrators of terrorist attacks since the 1970s have been Islamic extremists, either domestic or foreign (Palestinian, Hezbollah, etc.) Attackers target either tourists or the Christian minority.

Attacks were particularly severe in the 1990s, when the Islamist movement al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya targeted "high level political leaders" and killed hundreds in its pursuit of "implementing Islamic law in Egypt."[1]

Ayman Al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian doctor and leader of Egyptian Islamic Jihad group, is believed to be the mastermind behind the operations of al Qaeda. Seven out of 22 people on the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation "most wanted" terrorist list are Egyptian.[2]


In 1943 the Islamist group Muslim Brotherhood is thought to have established "a `secret apparatus`" i.e. "a separate organization for paramilitary activity under the direct authority" the Brethern's head, Sheikh Hassan al-Banna."[3] The Brotherhood were a very large and active organization at that time.

In 1948 the group is thought to have assassinated appellate judge Ahmad Khazendar in retaliation for his passing a "severe sentence" against another member of the Brotherhood.[4]

After the 1948 victory of the Jewish state of Israel over Muslim Arab armies the group is believed to have set fire to homes of Jews in Cairo in June 1948 in relatiation. In July two large department stores in Cairo owned by Jews were also burned.[3] A couple of months later police captured documents and plans of the `secret apparatus.` 32 of its leaders were arrested and its offices were raided.[3] and shortly thereafter Prime Minister Mahmud Fami Naqrashi ordered the dissolution of the Brotherhood.[5]

On 28 December 1948 Prime Minister Mahmoud an-Nukrashi Pasha was shot and assassinated by Abdel Meguid Ahmed Hassan, a veterinary student and member of the Brotherhood. The country was shocked and traditionalist clergy condemned the act. The Grand Mufti, Imam of Azhar mosque and the Council of Ulema all condemned the perpetrators as kuffar.[3]

Less than two months later the head of the Brethern (Hasan al-Banna) was himself victim of an assassination, the perpetrators thought to be supporters of the murdered premier. [3]

Abdel Nasser

After a nationalist military coup led by Gamal Abdel Nasser overthrew the Egyptian monarchy, the Brotherhood were very disappointed to find the officers were secular in orientation and the brotherhood did not gain influence. On 26 October 1954 a member of the brotherhood attempted to assassinate President Nasser[6] and a general suppression of the Brotherhood followed, including imprisonment of thousands of members and the execution of six of its most prominent leaders.[7]

Lavon Affair

A covert operation under the direction of Israeli military intelligence with the intent to destabilize the Nasser government in the summer of 1954 through terrorist bombings of Egyptian, American and British government facilities was unsuccessful and the Israeli trained Egyptian Jewish operatives who planted the bombs were all captured, although all of their Israeli handlers escaped. The Lavon Affair, so named because Israeli Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon was later implicated and forced to resign, was a false flag operation with evidence planted at the bomb sites implicating the Muslim Brotherhood.[8]

Influence of Sayyid Qutb

In 1980s, 90, and 00, terrorist attacks in Egypt became more numerous and severe, and began to target Christian Copts and foreign tourists as well as government officials.[1] This trend surprised some foreigners who thought of Egypt as a country that "embraced" foreigners "with suffocating affection" and preferred a "tolerant brand of Islam".[1] Some scholars and authors have credited Islamist writer Sayyid Qutb[9][10] as the inspiration for the new wave of attacks.

Qutb, who had been executed in 1967 after another purported plot to assassinate of Abdel Nasser, was author of Ma'alim fi al-Tariq (Milestones), a manifesto for armed jihad in the advance of Islam to bring about "the kingdom of God on earth" and to eliminate "the kingdom of man",[9][11] sometimes referred to as Qutbism. His book has been called "one of the most influential works in Arabic of the last half century".[12] It became a best seller, went through many editions and strongly influenced Islamists in prison in Egypt.

Technical military Academy takeover

On 18 April 1974 100 members of the "Islamic Liberation Organization" stormed the armory of the Military Technical College in Cairo, seizing weapons and vehicles. Led by Salih Sirriya[13] they hoped to kill President Anwar El Sadat and other top Egyptian officials — who were attending an official event nearby in the Arab Socialist Building — seize radio and television buildings (also nearby) and announce the birth of the Islamic Republic of Egypt. 11 were killed and 27 wounded in the attempt as security forces were able to intercept conspirators before they left the academy. 95 ILO members are arrested and tried. 32 were convicted. Two were executed.[14]

Takfir wal-Hijra

On 3 July 1977, a group know to the public as Takfir wal-Hijra (excommunication and exile) kidnapped former Egyptian government minister Muhammad al-Dhahabi. The group was led by a self-taught Islamic preacher Shukri Mustafa, and called themselves Jamaat al-Muslimeen. Among their demands in exchange for al-Dhahabi's release were the release of 60 of Takfir wal-Hijra members from jail, public apologies from the press for negative stories about the group, the publication of a book by Mustafa, and 200,000 Egyptian pounds in cash.[15]

Instead of complying, the press began publicized "a long list of offences and crimes attributed to the group." [16] Four days after the kidnapping, al-Dhahabi's body was found.[15] The murder provokes indignation among the Egyptian public [17] and extensive police raids led to the arrests of 410 of the group's members - i.e. most of its membership.[7]

Tanzim al-Jihad movement

Targeting Christians

In spring of 1981, Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman agreed to become the mufti of the shura (council) of underground Egyptian group Tanzim al-Jihad, the forerunner of Egyptian Islamic Jihad and al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya. He issued a fatwa sanctioning "the robbery and killing of Copts in furtherance of the jihad".[18]

Sadat assassination and uprising

By 1981 President Anwar Sadat had become unpopular among Egyptians and enraged Islamists by signing a peace treaty with Israel. On 6 October 1981, Sadat and six diplomats were assassinated while observing a military parade commemorating the eighth anniversary of the October 1973 War. Lieutenant Colonel Khalid Islambouli and two other members of the Tanzim al-Jihad movement fired machine guns and threw grenades into the reviewing stand.[19]

In conjunction with the assassination of Sadat, Tanzim al-Jihad began an insurrection in Asyut in Upper Egypt. Rebels took control of the city for a few days on 8 October 1981 before paratroopers from Cairo restored government control. 68 policemen and soldiers were killed in the fighting, but sentences of arrested militants were relatively light, with most of them serving only three years in prison.[20]

Attacks on Israelis

On February 4, 1990, a bus carrying Israeli tourists in Egypt was attacked. Nine Israelis were killed and 16 wounded. This was the fourth attack on Israeli tourists in Egypt since the signing of the peace treaty. The attack, claimed by members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, left 11 people, including nine Israelis, dead and 17 others injured.[21]

The August 2006 overturning of a bus in the Sinai, in which 11 Arab Israelis were killed, the victims believe the crash to have been a premeditated and intentional terror attack. They allege that evidence collected, including the driver's derogatory and threatening remarks attacking them for being Arabs and Israeli, indicate they were targeted by a cell.

1990 unrest

Rifaat el-Mahgoub assassination

In October 1990, Egyptian Islamic Jihad attempted to assassinate Egyptian Interior Minster Abdel-Halim Moussa but ended up killing parliamentary Speaker Rifaat el-Mahgoub by mistake.[22]


1993 was a particularly severe year for terrorist attacks in Egypt. 1106 persons were killed or wounded. More police (120) than terrorists (111) were killed that year and "several senior police officials and their bodyguards were shot dead in daylight ambushes." [23]

Luxor massacre


The Luxor Massacre took place on 17 November 1997, at Deir el-Bahri, an archaeological site located across the River Nile from Luxor in Egypt. In the mid-morning attack, Islamic terrorists from Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya ("The Islamic Group") and Jihad Talaat al-Fath ("Holy War of the Vanguard of the Conquest"), both of which are suspected of having ties to al-Qaeda massacred 62 tourists at the attraction.

The six assailants, armed with automatic firearms and knives, were disguised as members of the security forces. They descended on the Temple of Hatshepsut at around 08:45 and massacred 62 people, their modus operandi including beheadings and disembowellings. The attackers then hijacked a bus, but armed Egyptian tourist police and military forces arrived soon afterwards and engaged in a gun battle with the six terrorists, who were later killed or committed suicide.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak partly blamed Great Britain for the attacks after that country had granted political asylum to Egyptian terrorist leaders.

Post-2000 attacks

2004 Sinai bombings

The 2004 Sinai bombings were three bomb attacks targeting tourist hotels in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, on October 7, 2004. The attacks killed 34 people and injured 171. The explosions occurred in the Hilton Taba in Taba and campsites used by Israelis in Ras al-Shitan. In the Taba attack, a truck drove into the lobby of the Taba Hilton and exploded, killing 31 people and wounding some 159 others. Ten floors of the hotel collapsed following the blast.

Some 50 kilometers (31 miles) south, at campsites at Ras al-Shitan, near Nuweiba, two more bombings happened. A car parked in front of a restaurant at the Moon Island resort exploded, killing three Israelis and a Bedouin. Twelve were wounded. Another blast happened moments later, targeting the Baddiyah camp, but did not harm anyone because the bomber had apparently been scared off from entering the campground by a guard.

Of the dead, many were foreigners: 12 were from Israel, two from Italy, one from Russia, and one was an Israeli-American. The rest of the dead were believed to be Egyptian.

According to the Egyptian government, the bombers were Palestinians who had tried to enter Israel to carry out attacks there but were unsuccessful. The mastermind, Iyad Saleh, recruited Egyptians and Bedouins to gain explosives to be used in the attacks.

April 2005 terrorist attacks in Cairo

The April 2005 attacks were three related incidents that took place in Cairo on 7 April and 30 April 2005. Two incidents caused no loss of life other than those of the perpetrators and appear not to have been planned in advance; in the first attack, however, three bystanders were killed. Two groups claimed responsibility - the Mujahedeen of Egypt and the Abdullah Azzam Brigades. In its statement, the latter group said the attacks were in retaliation for the government's clampdown on dissidents in the wake of the Sinai Peninsula bombings.

In the early hours of 1 May, security forces arrested some 225 individuals for questioning, mostly from the dead three's home villages and from the area where they lived in Shubra. Particularly keenly sought was Muhammad Yassin, the teenage brother of Ehab Yousri Yassin, whom the police described as the only remaining suspect in the bazaar bomb attack and a material witness to the shooting. Over the course of the weekend, it also emerged that all the attackers were relatives of Ashraf Said, a suspect in the 7 April bombing who was taken in for questioning and died in police custody on 29 April.

2005 Sharm el-Sheikh attacks

Sharm el-Sheikh is located on the coast of the Red Sea, at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula.

The 2005 Sharm el-Sheikh attacks were a series of bomb attacks on July 23, 2005, targeting the Egyptian resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh, located on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula. Eighty-eight people were killed and over 150 were wounded by the blasts, making the attack the deadliest terrorist action in the country's history. The bombing coincided with Egypt's Revolution Day, which commemorates Nasser's 1952 overthrow of King Farouk.

The attacks took place in the early morning hours, at a time when many tourists and locals were still out at restaurants, cafés and bars. The first bomb blast, at 01:15 local time (22:15 UTC), was reported in a market in downtown Sharm; shortly after, another was reported to have hit the Ghazala Gardens hotel in the Naama Bay area, a strip of beachfront hotels some 6 km from the town centre.

While the official government toll a few days after the blast was 64, hospitals reported that 88 people had been killed in the bombings. The majority of dead and wounded casualties were Egyptians. Among those killed were 11 Britons, two Germans, one Czech, six Italians, one Israeli, and one American. Other casualties, dead and wounded, included foreign visitors from France, Kuwait, the Netherlands, Qatar, Russia, and Spain.

A group calling itself the Abdullah Azzam Brigades (a reference to militant Islamist ideologue Abdullah Yusuf Azzam) was the first to claim responsibility for the attacks. On a website the group stated that "holy warriors targeted the Ghazala Gardens hotel and the Old Market in Sharm el-Sheikh" and claimed it has ties to Al-Qaeda. Additional claims were later made by two other groups calling themselves the "Tawhid and Jihad Group in Egypt" and "Holy Warriors of Egypt".

2006 Dahab bombings

The seaside town of Dahab is located on the Gulf of Aqaba

The Dahab bombings of 24 April 2006 were three bomb attacks on the Egyptian resort city of Dahab. The resorts are popular with Western tourists and Egyptians alike during the holiday season.

At about 19:15 local time on 24 April 2006 — a public holiday in celebration of Sham Al-Nasseim (Spring festival) — a series of bombs exploded in tourist areas of Dahab, a resort located on the Gulf of Aqaba coast of the Sinai Peninsula. One blast occurred in or near the Nelson restaurant, one near the Aladdin café (both being on both sides of the bridge), and one near the Ghazala market. At least 23 people were killed, mostly Egyptians, but including a German, Lebanese, Russian, Swiss, and a Hungarian.[24] Around 80 people were wounded, including tourists from Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, South Korea, Lebanon, the Palestinian Territories, United Kingdom, and the United States.[25]

The governor of South Sinai reported that the blasts might have been suicide attacks, but later Habib Adly, the interior minister of Egypt said that the devices were nail bombs set off by timers, and Egyptian TV also reported that the bombs were detonated remotely. Later investigations revealed the blasts were suicide attacks, set off by Bedouins, as in earlier attacks in the Sinai.[26]

These explosions followed other bombings elsewhere in the Sinai Peninsula in previous years: in Sharm el-Sheikh on 23 July 2005 and in Taba on 6 October 2004.

Egyptian security officials have stated that the attacks were the work of an Islamic terror organisation called Jama'at al-Tawhīd wal-Jihad (Monotheism and Jihad).[27]

2008 Sudan kidnapping

In September 2008, a group of eleven European tourists and eight Egyptians were kidnapped during an adventure safari to one of the remotest sites in Egypt deep in the Sahara desert and taken to Sudan. They were subsequently released unharmed.[28]

2009 Khan el-Khalili bombing

In February 2009 the Khan el-Khalili bombing killed a French schoolgirl on a class trip.

2009 Hezbollah plot

In April 2009, Egypt said it had uncovered a Hezbollah plot to attack tourist sites in the Sinai, causing tension with the Shia group from Lebanon.

2011 the al-Qidiseen church Bombing

A car bomb explosion outside a church in the north Egyptian city of Alexandria killed at least 21 people and injured 43 following the eve service held at the church causing clashes between Coptic church at the scene and the surrounding policemen. [29] The attack saw governments around the world warn international travellers of the dangers of visiting the country, highlighting a likelihood of further terrorist attacks and possibility of kidnapping in Sinai.[30]

On January 23, 2011 the Egyptian minister of interior Habib El Adli had stated that "Ahmed Lotfi Ibrahim Mohammed was arrested and confessed he was tasked in 2010 to monitor Christian and Jewish places of worship and that he sent pictures of the Qideseen church in Alexandria to the Army of Islam". He said the 26-year-old had confessed he had visited Gaza several times and was involved in planning the attack. He also stated that Ahmed Lotfi Ibrahim was recruited by Army of Islam, which considers al Qaeda's leaders as spiritual mentors. The spokesman of the group had stated hat the group "has no connection to the church attack in Egypt, though we praise those who did it."[31]

A British diplomat revealed before the Chambers of the French Palace, Elysee, the reason for the insistence of England to demand the departure of the Egyptian President and his team, especially the Ministry of Interior, which was administered by the Minister Habib Al-Adli, the reason is that British intelligence confirmed, from audio and paper Egyptian official documents , that the sacked Egyptian Interior Minister Habib Al-Adli had formed six years ago, a special body run by 22 officers, and consists of some members of Islamic groups, which spent years in the prisons of the Interior ministry, number of drug dealers, teams of security companies, and number of registered risk of ex-offenders, who were divided into groups according to geographical regions and political affiliation, this body is able to be a comprehensive sabotage all over Egypt in case the regime is subjected to any threat.

The British intelligence also revealed that Major Fathi Abdel Wahed, who is close to the former Minister Habib Al-Adli, started on 11 December to prepare “Ahmed Mohamed Khaled” (who spent eleven years in the prisons of the Egyptian Interior Ministry) for the connect to a radical Egyptian group, as to push it to hit Saints Church in Alexandria. Ahmed al-Khalid succeeded in making contacts to a radical movement in Egypt, its name (Jundullah), and told her that he has equipment which he got from Gaza, that could explode the Church in order to “discipline the Copts". Muhammad Abd al-Hadi (leader of Jundullah) liked the idea, and recruited an element named Abdul Rahman Ahmed Ali. Abdul Rahman was told that he will park the car, which will explode on its own later, but Major Fathi Abdul Wahid himself was the one who exploded the car remotely, by wireless device, and before Abdel-Rahman Ahmed Ali the victim could step out of the car.

Thus happened the horrific crime that shook Egypt and the world last year’s new Eve.

Soon after that, the pilot himself went to the named Ahmed Khalid, and asked him to call the head of Jundullah group Mohamed Abdel-Hadi, to go to one of the apartments in Alexandria, to discuss the results. When both met in an apartment in El Shaheed Abdel Moneim Riad street in Alexandria, pilot Fathi arrested them and immediately transported them to Cairo by a very modern ambulance. Within two hours and a half, he arrived to a special building that belongs to the interior ministry in the area of Giza in Cairo, where he made reservations on Monday until the uprising last Friday, and after they were able to escape, they resorted to the British embassy in Cairo in order to preserve their integrity. The British diplomat said that the decision of bombing the church came from the Egyptian regime for several reasons including:

1- Pressure exerted on the system inside Egypt and abroad, in the Arab and Islamic world for its continued blockade of Gaza City, so the indictment of the Gazan (Army of Islam) to conduct the operation is a kind of call on Egyptians to accuse the "militants" in Gaza to sabotage Egypt, thus winning a kind of national unity on the existing regime, and deluding the outside world that the regime is protecting the Christians.

2- Give a gift to the Hebrew regime in Tel Aviv, to continue the siege on Gaza, and to prepare for a major operation on it. The Egyptian gifts to the Zionist entity comes so that Israel's leaders continue to support the nomination of Gamal Mubarak to the presidency of Egypt in all parts of the world.

3- Spread a kind of lid on the Egyptian regime in Egypt that authorizes it to move from the fever of rigging the elections to accuse Islamists in extremism and attacks on Christians, so that the regime gets Western legitimacy to the fraudulent election results, and the right to arrest his opponents, as happened after the incident, where the number of Islamist detainees was more than Four thousands.

The British diplomat concluded that Mubarak’s regime had lost all legitimacy grounds, but that the operation of the church may drive many international and civil institutions to demand the trial of this regime, let alone what he did to the Egyptian people for thirty years, and most importantly what he did last week[32]


  1. ^ a b c Murphy, Caryle Passion for Islam : Shaping the Modern Middle East: the Egyptian Experience, Scribner, 2002, p.4
  2. ^ Egypt's war on terrorism
  3. ^ a b c d e Chamieh, Jebran, Traditionalists, Militants and Liberal in Present Islam, Research and Publishing House, [1994?] , p.140
  4. ^ Palestine in the Egyptian Press By Ghada Hashem Talhami
  5. ^ Ruthven, Malise, Islam in the World, Penguin Books, 1984 , p.312
  6. ^ Chamieh, Jebran, Traditionalists, Militants and Liberal in Present Islam, Research and Publishing House, [1994?], p.141
  7. ^ a b Ruthven, Malise, Islam in the World, Penguin Books, 1984, p.314
  8. ^ S. Teveth, Ben-Gurion's spy: the story of the political scandal that shaped modern Israel. Columbia University Press, 1996, ISBN 0231104642
  9. ^ a b Murphy, Caryle Passion for Islam : Shaping the Modern Middle East: the Egyptian Experience, Scribner, 2002, p.57
  10. ^ Kepel, Gilles, Muslim Extremism in Egypt by Gilles Kepel, English translation published by University of California Press, 1986, p.74
  11. ^ Qutbism: An Ideology of Islamic-Fascism by Dale C. Eikmeier. From Parameters, Spring 2007, pp. 85-98.
  12. ^ The Age of Sacred Terror by Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon, New York : Random House, c2002, p.63
  13. ^ Kepel, Gilles, Muslim Extremism in Egypt by Gilles Kepel, English translation published by University of California Press, 1986 , p.93
  14. ^ Sageman, Marc, Understanding Terror Networks by Marc Sageman, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004 , p.28
  15. ^ a b Sageman, Marc, Understanding Terror Networks by Marc Sageman, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004 , p.29
  16. ^ Kepel, Gilles, Muslim Extremism in Egypt by Gilles Kepel, English translation published by University of California Press, 1986, p.70, 96
  17. ^ Kepel, Gilles, Muslim Extremism in Egypt by Gilles Kepel, English translation published by University of California Press, 1986, p.97
  18. ^ Sageman, Marc, Understanding Terror Networks by Marc Sageman, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004 , p. 31
  19. ^ Assassination of Sadat: Egypt 1981
  20. ^ Sageman, Marc, Understanding Terror Networks by Marc Sageman, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004 , p.33,4
  21. ^ Patterns of Global Terrorism: 1990 Middle East Overview
  22. ^ Sageman, Marc, Understanding Terror Networks by Marc Sageman, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004 , p.33
  23. ^ Murphy, Caryle Passion for Islam : Shaping the Modern Middle East: the Egyptian Experience, Scribner, 2002, p.82-3
  24. ^ Egypt ties Dahab blasts to other attacks CNN.com
  25. ^ Dahab blasts pinned on suicide bombers Mail & Guardian
  26. ^ Dahab bombers were Sinai Bedouin, Ynetnews.com
  27. ^ Dahab Bombers Inspired by Al-Qaeda, Asharq Al Awsat, April 29, 2006
  28. ^ http://cnnwire.blogs.cnn.com/2008/09/29/kidnapped-egyptian-tour-group-released-unharmed/
  29. ^ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12101748
  30. ^ Explosion in Egypt, Aussie travellers cautioned, Australian Times, http://australiantimes.co.uk/news/Explosion-in-Egypt--Aussie-travellers-cautioned
  31. ^ http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE70M0IW20110123
  32. ^ http://www.philipbrennan.net/2011/02/07/the-british-intelligence-the-egyptian-interior-exploded-the-church/