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Authentic Gospel of Matthew

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The Authentic Gospel of Matthew, (Latin Matthaei Authenticum) is the hypothesis or belief that the Gospel of the Hebrews is the true gospel of Matthew. There is continuing scholarly debate as this topic is far from being resolved. [1] [2] [3] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Two-Source Hypothesis

Traditionally, it was thought that Matthew wrote the Gospel of Matthew found in the Bible (Canonical Matthew). It was believed to be composed in Hebrew and to be the first Gospel written. Modern biblical research has led most critical scholars to question this idea. Therefore the origins of this Gospel are contested.[4][5] [7]

The two-source hypothesis is the most commonly accepted solution to the synoptic problem. It argues that Matthew borrowed from two Greek sources, the Gospel of Mark and a hypothetical sayings collection, known by scholars as Q. Therefore Canonical Matthew was composed in Greek at a later time than the Gospel of Mark. (see Matthean priority). More importantly, it was probably not written by Matthew.

Burnett Streeter argued that a third source, referred to as M and also hypothetical, lies behind the material in Matthew that has no parallel in Mark or Luke.[6] Throughout the remainder of the 20th century there were various challenges and refinements to Streeter's hypothesis. In 1953, Pierson Parker posited an early version of Matthew (proto-Matthew) as the primary source of both Matthew and Mark. [7][8] [8]

The Church Fathers wrote of an early version of Matthew called the Gospel of the Hebrews which Jerome said most people referred to as the Authentic Gospel of Matthew .[9]. This is a lost gospel that has been at least partially preserved in the works of some of the Church Fathers.[10][11][12][13][14]

[9] [10] [11] [12]

Catalogues of the Early Church

Unlike hypothetical Gospels, (such as Q source, the Gospel of the Nazarenes and the Gospel of the Ebionites) , the Gospel of the Hebrews was known to the Church Fathers and was found in all the Catalogues of the Early Church.[15]

[13] [14] [15] [16]

In the Catalogue of Eusebius, this gospel was found under The Controversial Works or Disputed Books that were accepted by many but rejected by some, see Antilegomena. It explains that the Hebrews who accepted Christ, particularly favored this book.[16] [17] Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople, also produced a catalogue of New Testament books. The Gospel of the Hebrews is also mentioned there. It reports that the Gospel of the Hebrews is 2200 lines, 300 fewer than Greek Matthew found in our Bible.[17] [18]


In the first century, shortly after the Crucifixion, James the Just succeeded his brother Jesus of Nazareth as the leader of a small Jewish sect [19], which historians refer to as Jewish Christianity. This sect was located in and about Jerusalem, possibly in the [Cenacle]], and proclaimed that Jesus was the promised Messiah.

These early Jewish Christians were thought to have been called Nazarenes (Nazoreans).[18] The term Nazarene was first applied to Jesus.[19] After his death, it was the term used to identify the Jewish Sect that believed Jesus was the Messiah.[20] It is close to an historical certainty that Matthew belonged to this group, as both the Gospels (pro-Christian) and the early Talmud (anti-Christian) [21] affirm this to be true.

One account of the life and teachings of Jesus dating from this time, was written by a person named Matthew.[22] According to the Church Fathers, he was the same person as the Apostle Matthew, and his account was written in Aramaic.[23]

Origen explains, "The very first account to be written was by Matthew, once a tax collector, but later an apostle of Jesus Christ. Matthew published it for the converts from Judaism and composed it in Hebrew letters." [24] Eusebius adds insight by explaining that the apostles "were led to write only under the pressure of necessity. Matthew, who had first preached the Gospel in Hebrew, when on the point of going to other nations, committed the gospel to writing in his native language. Therefore he supplied the written word to make up for the lack of his own presence to those from whom he was sent." [25]

Irenaeus gives us still further insight into the date and circumstances of this gospel by explaining, "Matthew also issued a written Gospel of the Hebrews in their own language while Peter and Paul were preaching at Rome and laying the foundations of the Church." [26] [20]

It is reasonably certain that Matthew, the tax collector and later Apostle, composed his gospel near Jerusalem for Hebrew Christians. It was then translated into Greek, but the Greek copy was lost. The Hebrew original was preserved at the Library of Caesarea, which Pamphilus diligently gathered. The Nazarenes transcribed a copy for Jerome which he used in his work.[27] [21]

Matthew's authentic gospel, was called the Gospel of the Hebrews or sometimes the Gospel of the Apostles, and was written in the Chaldee and Syriac language but in Hebrew script. It was used by the Nazarene communities.[28] [22]

Most people in the early Church called it the Authentic Gospel of Matthew. Although widely circulated among Jewish followers of Jesus, the Authentic Gospel of Matthew was little known among the churches founded by Paul of Tarsus, for even among Paul's literate followers few were fluent in Aramaic written in Hebrew script. [23]

Modern scholars

Modern scholars such as E. Byron Nicholson affirm that in the time of Jerome time most people believed that the Gospel of the Hebrews was the Authentic Gospel of Matthew The study of the external evidence regarding this gospel shows that there existed among the Nazarenes and Ebionites one gospel commonly called the Gospel of the Hebrews. It was written in Aramaic with Hebrew letters. Its authorship was attributed to St. Matthew.

Indeed the Fathers of the Church, while the Gospel of the Hebrews was still being circulated and read, referred to it always with respect, often with reverence: they accepted it as being the work of Matthew. This applies tenfold to Jerome.[29]

Jesus Seminar

Robert Funk and other scholars of the Jesus Seminar [30] have called this into question. They believe that the Church Fathers were in error. They reach the conclusion that there are three distinct Jewish Gospels.

1) The Gospel of the Nazarenes, which was read in Semitic speech and used among the Nazarenes and was similar to canonical Matthew.
2) The Gospel of the Ebionites, which was used by heretical Jewish Christians.
3)The Gospel of the Hebrews, which has no special relationship to any one of the canonical gospels, but contains syncretistic elements, and shows the heretical character of the Jewish Christian.[31]

Pierson Parker

The position of Parker and his followers is that all the Hebrew paralipomena are from the Gospel of the Hebrews but that there were several editions of this one gospel in the Early Church.[32] [24]

Hebrew Paralipomena


Many of the Church FathersIrenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and Jerome in particular—refer to a "Hebrew Gospel", or a gospel used by the Ebionites or the Nazaraeans. These citations, (or the Hebrew paralipomena) may be from one or from several Jewish Gospels. They are considered important because they may give us insight into the Historical Jesus.[33] [25]

Sayings of Jesus from the Early Church Fathers

  • GHeb–1 Clement of Rome (b. 31 C.E.) The words of the Lord Jesus, which He spoke, “The measure you use, it will be measured against you.” [34]
  • GHeb-2 Clement of Rome Remember the words of our Lord Jesus who said, “Woe to whoever causes my chosen to fall. It would be good for him not to have been born. It would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened about his neck and be cast into the sea, than that he should cause one of my chosen to miss the mark.”


  • GHeb-3 Didache The Lord commanded in his Gospel to pray like this: “Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our bread for tomorrow and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the power and the glory, for ever.”


  • GHeb-4 Ignatius (b. 43 C.E.) When He came to those with Peter, Jesus said to them, “Take hold of me, handle me, and see that I am not a bodiless demon.”


  • GHeb-5 Papias (b. 63 C.E.) Matthew collected the teachings of Jesus (ta logia) in the Hebrew language and everyone translated them as best he could. (Papius also gives another story of a woman accused of many sins before the Lord, in the Gospel of the Hebrews) .


  • GHeb-6 Polycarp (b. 68 C.E.) The Lord said in His teaching, “The measure you use, it will be measured against you.” [39]
  • GHeb-7 Polycarp The Lord said in His teaching, “Blessed are the poor and those who are persecuted after righteousness sake, for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven.”


  • GHeb-8 Barnabas The Lord said, “Behold I make last things as the first.”


  • GHeb-9 Justin (b. 100 C.E.) When Jesus went down into the water, fire was kindled in the Jordan, and when he came up from the water, the Holy Spirit came upon Him. The Apostles of our Christ wrote this.[42]
  • GHeb-10 Justin The voice spoke to him, saying, “You are My Son, today I have begotten You”. This is recorded in the Gospel of the Apostles.


  • GHeb-11 Irenaeus (b. 114 C.E.) Those who are called Ebionites accept that God made the world. However their opinions with respect to the Lord are quite similar to those of Cerinthus and Carpocrates. They use the Gospel of Matthew only, and repudiate the Apostle Paul, maintaining that he was an apostate from the Law. As to the prophetical writings, they expound them in a singular manner. They practice circumcision, observe of those customs that are enjoined by the Law, and are so very Judaic in their customs, they even adore Jerusalem as if it were the house of God.[44]
  • GHeb-12 Irenaeus Matthew also issued a written Gospel of the Hebrews in their own language while Peter and Paul were preaching at Rome and laying the foundations of the Church.[45]
  • GHeb-13 Irenaeus For the Ebionites, who use only the Gospel of Matthew, are convicted out of that very book as not holding right views about the Lord.


  • GHeb-14 Pantaenus the Philosopher Pantaenus was one of those, and is said to have gone to India. It is reported that among the Christians there that he had found the Gospel of Matthew. This had anticipated his own arrival, for Bartholomew, one of the apostles, had preached to them, and left with them the writings of Matthew in Hebrew, which they had preserved till that time. After many good deeds, Pantaenus finally became the head of the School in Alexandria, and expounded the treasures of divine doctrine both orally and in writing.


  • GHeb-15 Tertullian (b. 150 C.E.) Jesus said, “When you have seen your brother, you have seen the Lord.”


  • GHeb-16 Hegesippus “… And from the Syriac Gospel of the Hebrews he quotes some passages in Hebrew …”


  • GHeb-17 Clement of Alexandria (b. 150 C.E.) Jesus said, “When you have seen your brother, you have seen your Lord.” [50]
  • GHeb-18 Clement Also in the Gospel of the Hebrews it is written, the saying, “He that is amazed will prevail, and he that prevails shall rest in peace.”[51]
  • GHeb-19 Clement He who seeks will not give up until he finds; and having found he will be amazed; and having been amazed, he shall prevail and having prevailed, he shall rest in peace.


  • GHeb-20 Origen (b. 184 C.E.) The very first Gospel to be written was by Matthew, once a tax collector but later an apostle of Jesus Christ. Matthew published it for the converts from Judaism and composed it in Hebrew letters.[53]
  • GHeb-21 Origen And Jesus said, “Because of the weak, I was weak, and because of the hungry I was hungry, and because of the thirsty I was thirsty.” [54]
  • GHeb-22 Origen It is written in a certain Gospel that is called of the Hebrews: The second rich youth said to him, “Rabbi, what good thing can I do and live?” Jesus replied, “Fulfill the law and the prophets.” “I have,” was the response. Jesus said, “Go, sell all that you have and distribute to the poor; and come, follow me.” The youth began to fidget, for it did not please him. And the Lord said, “How can you say, I have fulfilled the law and the prophets, when it is written in the law: You shall love your neighbor as yourself and many of your brothers, sons of Abraham, are covered with filth, dying of hunger, and your house is full of many good things, none of which goes out to them?” And he turned and said to Simon, his disciple, who was sitting by Him, “Simon, son of Jonah, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”[55]
  • GHeb-23 Origen And if any accept the Gospel of the Hebrews, in which the Savior says: “Even so did my mother, the Holy Spirit, take me by one of my hairs, and carry me to the great mountain Tabor.” The problem of explaining how it is possible for the “mother” of Christ to be the Holy Spirit, which came into existence through the Logos, must be dealt with. However, this is not difficult to explain, for if “whoever does the will of the Father in Heaven is brother and sister and mother”, and if the name “brother of Christ” applies not only to men, but also to beings of more divine rank, there is nothing wrong in the Holy Spirit being his mother, when anyone who does the will of the Father in Heaven is called “mother of Christ”.


  • GHeb-24 Eusebius, (b. 260 C.E.) But the Gospel written in Hebrew script which has reached our hands turns the threat not against the man who had hid the talent, but against him who has lived dissolutely – for it told of three: one wasted his master’s possessions with harlots and flute-girls, one multiplied his gains, and one hid the talent. Accordingly, one was accepted, one was only rebuked, and one was shut up in prison.[57]
  • GHeb-25 Eusebius They (the Apostles) were led to write only under the pressure of necessity. Matthew, who had first preached the Gospel in Hebrew, when on the point of going to other nations, committed the Gospel to writing in his native language. Therefore he supplied the written word to make up for the lack of his own presence to those from whom he was sent.[58]
  • GHeb-26 Eusebius “… which some reject, but which others class with the accepted books. And among these some have also placed the Gospel of the Hebrews, with which those Hebrews who accept Christ are especially delighted. All these may be reckoned among the disputed books.[59]
  • GHeb-27 Eusebius “These men thought that it was necessary to reject all the epistles of the apostle, whom they called an apostate from the Law and they used only the so-called Gospel of the Hebrews making little account of the others. The Sabbath and the rest of the Law of the Jews they observed just like them, but like us, they celebrated the Lord’s Day as a memorial of the Resurrection of the Savior. Therefore, in consequence of such a course they received the name of Ebionites.”[60]
  • GHeb-28 Eusebius They went to all nations, teaching their message in the power of Christ, for He had commanded, saying, “Go and make disciples of all nations in My name.”[61]
  • GHeb-29 Eusebius Christ himself taught the reason for the separations of souls that take lace in houses, as we have found in the Gospel that is spread among those of circumcision in Hebrew script in which He said, “I choose for Myself the most worthy. The most worthy are those My Father in Heaven has given Me.”


  • GHeb-30 Didymus There are many people with two names. Scripture calls Matthew “Levi” in the Gospel of Luke, but they are not the same person. Rather Matthias who replaced Judas, and Levi are the same man with a double name. This is obvious in the Gospel of the Hebrews.


  • GHeb-31 Epiphanius (b. 309 C.E. - Bishop of Salamis) They have the Gospel of Matthew complete in Hebrew, for this gospel was preserved among them as it was first written in Hebrew script.[64]
  • GHeb-32 Epiphanius They too accept the Gospel of Matthew, and like the followers of Cerinthus and Merinthus, they use it alone. They call it the Gospel of the Hebrews, for in truth Matthew alone in the New Testament expounded and declared the Gospel in Hebrew using Hebrew script.[65]
  • GHeb-33 Epiphanius Their Gospel commences as follows: “In the days of King Herod of Judea, a certain man named John came baptizing with a baptism of repentance in the river Jordan. He was said to be of the family of Aaron the priest, son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, and all went out to him.” There is no genealogy [nor virgin birth] in their Gospel of Matthew, which commences as already stated: “In the days of King Herod of Judea, during the high-priesthood of Caiaphas.”Their gospel says, “This man named John came baptizing with a baptism of repentance in the Jordan River, et cetera.” [66]
  • GHeb-34 Epiphanius In the Gospel called of Matthew which they call the Hebrew Gospel is written the following: “There was a certain man named Jesus, about thirty years old, who chose us. Coming to Capernaum, He entered the house of Simon, who is called Peter, and said, ‘As I passed by the Sea of Galilee, I chose John and James, sons of Zebedee, and Simon, and Andrew, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas Iscariot; and you Matthew, sitting at the tax office, I called and you followed me. You therefore, I want to be the Twelve, to symbolize Israel.’” And “It so happened that John came baptizing, and Pharisees and all Jerusalem came out to him to get baptized. And John wore clothing made of camel hair and had a leather belt about his waist. His food,” it continues, “consisted of wild honey that tasted like manna, like sweet cake cooked in oil.” [67]
  • GHeb-35 Epiphanius After saying many things, this Gospel continues: “After the people were baptized, Jesus also came and was baptized by John. And as Jesus came up from the water, Heaven was opened, and He saw the Holy Spirit descend in the form of a dove and enter into Him. And a voice from Heaven said, ‘You are my beloved Son; with You I am well pleased.’ And again, ‘Today I have begotten You.’ “Immediately a great light shone around the place; and John, seeing it, said to Him, ‘Who are you, Lord? And again a voice from Heaven said, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.’ Then John, falling down before Him, said, ‘I beseech You, Lord, baptize me!’ But He forbade him saying, ‘Let it be so; for thus it is fitting that all things be fulfilled.’”[68]
  • GHeb-36 Epiphanius Moreover, they deny that He was a man, apparently on the basis of the word which the Savior spoke when it was announced to Him, “Behold, your mother and your brothers stand outside.” “Who are My mother and brothers?” And stretching out His hand toward his disciples He continued, “These who do the will of My Father are my brothers and sisters.” [69]
  • GHeb-37 Epiphanius Jesus came and announced, as it says in the Gospel, the one called ‘of the Hebrews’, “I have come to destroy sacrifices; and if you do not stop making sacrifices, the wrath of God will not leave you.”[70]
  • GHeb-38 Epiphanius The disciples said, “Where will You have us prepare for You to eat the Passover?” Jesus replies, “Have I earnestly desired to eat this Passover meat with you?”


  • GHeb-39 Jerome ( b. 331 C.E.) “In the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew it states, ‘Give us this day our bread for tomorrow.” [72]
  • GHeb-40 Jerome In the Gospel written in the Hebrew script that the Nazarenes read, he whole fount of the Holy Spirit descends upon Him, for God is Spirit and where the Spirit resides, there is freedom. Further in the Gospel which we have just mentioned we find the following written: “When the Lord came up out of the water the whole fount of the Holy Spirit descended upon Him and rested on Him saying, ‘My Son, in all the prophets was I waiting for You that You should come and I might rest in You. For You are My rest. You are My first begotten Son that prevails forever.’ ” [73]
  • GHeb-41 Jerome “My mother the Holy Spirit.” [74]
  • GHeb-42 Jerome For when the apostles thought Him to be a spirit, or in the words of the Gospel of the Hebrews, which the Nazarenes read, “A bodiless demon” [75]
  • GHeb-43 Jerome In the Gospel of the Hebrews that the Nazarenes read, it says, “Even now my mother the Holy Spirit carried me away.” This should upset no one because “spirit” in Hebrew is feminine, while in our language it is masculine and in Greek it is neuter. In divinity there is no gender.[76]
  • GHeb-44 Jerome In the Book of Judges we read “Deborah”, which means “honeybee”. Her prophecies are the sweetest honey and refer to the Holy Spirit, who is called in Hebrew by a feminine noun. In the Gospel of the Hebrews that the Nazarenes read, the Saviour indicates this by saying, “Even now my mother, the Holy Spirit, carried me away.” [77]
  • GHeb-45 Jerome In the Gospel of the Hebrews that the Nazarenes read there is counted among the most serious offenses, "He that has grieved the spirit of his brother." [78]
  • GHeb-46 Jerome Whoever has read the Song of Songs knows that the Word of God is also the bridegroom of the soul. And whoever accepts the Gospel circulating under the title ‘Gospel of the Hebrews,’ which we most recently translated, in which it is said by the Saviour, “Even now my mother, the Holy Spirit, carried me away by one of my hairs,” will not hesitate to say that the Word of God proceeds from the Spirit, and that the soul, which is the bride of the Word, has the Holy Spirit (which in Hebrew is feminine in gender, RUA).[79]
  • GHeb-47 Jerome In the so-called Gospel of the Hebrews, for “bread essential to existence,” I found “mahar”, which means “of tomorrow”; so the sense is: our bread for tomorrow, that is, of the future, give us this day.[80]
  • GHeb-48 Jerome In the Gospel which the Nazarenes and the Ebionites use which we have recently translated from Hebrew to Greek, and which most people call The Authentic Gospel of Matthew, the man who had the withered hand is described as a mason who begged for help in the following words: “I was a mason, earning a living with my hands. I beg you, Jesus, restore my health to me, so that I need not beg for my food in shame.” [81]
  • GHeb-49 Jerome “Matthew, who wrote his Gospel in Hebrew speech, put it thus, ‘Osanna barrama.’” [82]
  • GHeb-50 Jerome In the Gospel that the Nazarenes use, for “son of Barachiah” we find written “son of Johoiada.” [83]
  • GHeb-51 Jerome In the Gospel of the Hebrews, Barabbas is interpreted as “son of their master”. He was condemned because of insurrection and murder.[84]
  • GHeb-52 Jerome In the Gospel I so often mention we read, “A lintel of the Temple of immense size was broken.” [85]
  • GHeb-53 Jerome In the Gospel written in Hebrew script we read not that the curtain of the temple was torn, but that the astonishingly large lintel of the temple collapsed.[86]
  • GHeb-54 Jerome As we have read in the Hebrew Gospel, the Lord says to his disciples: ”And never be you joyful, except when you behold your brother with love.” [87]
  • GHeb-55 Jerome In the Gospel of the Hebrews, written in the Chaldee and Syriac language but in Hebrew script, and used by the Nazarenes to this day (I mean the Gospel of the Apostles, or, as it is generally maintained, the Gospel of Matthew, a copy of which is in the library at Caesarea), we find, “Behold the mother of the Lord and his brothers said to him, ‘John the Baptist baptizes for the forgiveness of sins. Let us go and be baptized by him.’ But Jesus said to them, ‘in what way have I sinned that I should go and be baptized by him?Unless perhaps, what I have just said is a sin of ignorance.’” And in the same volume, “‘If your brother sins against you in word, and makes amends, receive him seven times a day.’ Simon, His disciple, said to Him, ‘Seven times in a day!’ The Lord answered and said to him, ‘I say unto thee, until seventy times seven.’ ” [88]
  • GHeb-56 Jerome Also, the Gospel called of the Hebrews, recently translated by me into Greek and Latin, which Origen often uses, states, after the Resurrection of the Saviour: “Now the Lord, after he had given His grave clothes to the servant of the priest, appeared to James, for James had sworn that he would not eat bread from that hour in which he had drunk the Lord’s cup until he should see Him risen from the dead.” And a little further on the Lord says, “‘bring a table and bread.’” And immediately it is added, “He took bread and blessed and broke and gave it to James the Just and said to him, ‘My brother, eat your bread, for the Son of Man is risen from the dead.’” [89]
  • GHeb-57 Jerome Matthew, also called Levi, who used to be a tax collector and later an apostle, composed the Gospel of Christ, which was first published in Judea in Hebrew script for the sake of those of the circumcision who believed. This Gospel was afterwards translated into Greek (and the Greek has been lost) though by what author uncertain. The Hebrew original has been preserved to this present day in the library of Caesarea, which Pamphilus diligently gathered. I have also had the opportunity of having this volume transcribed for me by the Nazarenes of Beroea, Syria, who use it. It should be noted that wherever the Evangelist (whether on his own account or in the person of our Lord and Saviour) quotes the testimony of the Old Testament he does not follow the authority of the language of the Septuagint but the Hebrew. Therefore these two forms exist, “Out of Egypt have I called my Son,” and, “For He will be called a Nazarene.” [90]
  • GHeb-58 Jerome “In this last he bore witness to the Gospel which I have recently translated.” [91]

The Fayum Fragment

The Fayum Fragment is the oldest fragment of a non-canonical gospel to date. [26] Harnack believed that the fragment may belong to the Gospel of the Hebrews a suggestion made earlier by Chiapelli and others. [27]

  • GHeb-59 Before I must depart, you all like . . . will be offended in this night according to the Scripture : " I will smite the shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered; but Peter said, Although even all, yet not I, and Jesus said, Before the cock crow twice you shall deny me three times. ...[92]

The Paralipomena according to Justin Martyr

Arthur Lillie argues that when Justin Martyr is quoting from the Memoirs of the Apostles these sayings are really from the Gospel of the Hebrews (the Authentic Gospel of Matthew).[93]

  • GHeb-60 "Love your enemies. Be kind and merciful as your heavenly Father is.
  • GHeb-61 "To him that smites you on the one cheek offer also the other, and him that takes away your cloak or coat forbid not. And whosoever shall be angry shall be in danger of the fire. And everyone that makes you go with him a mile follow him two. And let your good works shine before men, that they, seeing them, may glorify your Father who is in Heaven.
  • GHeb-62 "Give to him who asks, and from him that would borrow, turn not away. For if you lend to them of whom you hope to receive, what good thing do you do? Even the publicans do this. Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust corrupt and where thieves break through, but lay up for yourself treasure in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust corrupts. For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul? And what shall a man give in exchange for it? Lay up, therefore, treasure in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust corrupts.
  • GHeb-63 "You shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy strength, and thy neighbor as thyself.
  • GHeb-64 "Swear not at all, but let your yes be yes, and your no, no; for whatsoever is more than this cometh of evil.
  • GHeb-65 "If you love them that love you, what good thing do you do? For even the sexually immoral do this. But I say to you, pray for your enemies, and love them that hate you, and bless them that curse you, and pray for them that spitefully use you.
  • GHeb-66 "There are some who have been made eunuchs of men and some who were born eunuchs, and some who have made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake; but all cannot receive this saying.
  • GHeb-67 "If thy right eye offend you, cut it out; for it is better for you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven with one eye than having two eyes to be cast into everlasting fire.
  • GHeb-68 "He who looks on a woman lustfully commits adultery with her in his heart before God.
  • GHeb-69 "Whosoever shall marry her who is divorced from another husband commits adultery.
  • GHeb-70 "I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
  • GHeb-71 "Fear not them that kill you and after that can do no more, but fear him who after death is able to cast both soul and body into hell.
  • GHeb-72 "Except you be born again, verily you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • GHeb-73 "The children of this world marry and are given in marriage, but the children of the world to come neither marry nor are given in marriage, but shall be like the angels in Heaven.
  • GHeb-74 "Many false Christs and false apostles shall arise and shall deceive many of the faithful.
  • GHeb-75 "Beware of false prophets, who shall come to your clothed outwardly in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
  • GHeb-76 And he overthrew the money-changers, and exclaimed, "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you pay a tithe of mint and rue but do not observe the love of Most High and justice. You whitewashed sepulchres, appearing beautiful outwardly, but are within full of dead men's bones. Woe unto you Scribes, for you have the keys, and you do not enter in yourselves, and them that are entering in, you hinder. You blind guides, you are the Children of Hell times twice over.
  • GHeb-77 "The Law and the Prophets were until John the Baptist. From that time the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. And if you can receive it, he is Elijah who was to come. He that has ears to hear let him hear.
  • GHeb-78 "Elijah must come and restore all things. But I say to you, Elijah has already come, and they knew him not, but have done to him whatever they chose. Then the disciples understood that he spoke to them about John the Baptist.
  • GHeb-79 "The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the Pharisees and Scribes, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.
  • GHeb- 80 "Not every one who says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that does the will of my Father who is in Heaven. For whosoever hears me and does my sayings, hears him that sent me. And many will say to me, Lord, Lord, have we not eaten and drunk in your name and done wonders? And then will I say to them, 'Depart from me, you workers of iniquity. Then shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth, when the righteous shall shine like the sun, and the wicked are sent into everlasting fire. For many shall come in my name clothed outwardly in sheep's clothing, but inwardly being ravening not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire.
  • GHeb- 81 "I give you power to tread on serpents and on scorpions and on all the might of the enemy.
  • GHeb- 82 "They shall come from the East and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • GHeb- 83 "There is none good but God only, who made all things.
  • GHeb- 84 "No man knows the Father but the Son, nor the Son but the Father, and they to whom the Son reveals himself.
  • GHeb- 85 "An evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign, and no sign shall be given it save the sign of Jonah.
  • GHeb- 86 "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.
  • GHeb- 87 "In whatsoever things I shall apprehend you, in those also will I judge you."

The Oxyrhynchus Paralipomena

Location of Oxyrhynchus in Egypt
A private letter on papyrus from Oxyrhynchus, written in a Greek hand of the second century AD. The holes are caused by worms.[94]

Oxyrhynchus (Greek: Ὀξύρρυγχος; "sharp-nosed"; ancient Egyptian Pr-Medjed; Coptic Pemdje; modern Egyptian Arabic el-Bahnasa) is a city in Upper Egypt, located about 160 km south-southwest of Cairo, in the governorate of Al Minya. It is also an archaeological site, considered one of the most important ever discovered. For the past century, the area around Oxyrhynchus has been continually excavated, yielding an enormous collection of papyrus texts dating from the time of the Early Church.

The Oxyrhynchus Gospels are two fragmentary manuscripts (British Library (accession numbers 840 and 1224), discovered among the rich finds of discarded papyri at Oxyrhynchus in Egypt. They throw considerable light on early non-canonical Gospel traditions.

Oxyrhynchus 840, is a single small vellum parchment leaf with 45 lines of text written on both sides. The text probably dates from before 200, but no more is determinable from this evidence. The fragment begins with the end of a warning to an evildoer who plans ahead, but who doesn't take the next life into account. There follows sections of a narrative unparalleled in any other known gospel tradition.[95]

Jesus is called "Savior" (Greek: Σωτήρ), which is rare in the New Testament, but not unparalleled.[96] The absence of connections in this piece to special interests within the early Christian community as well as the presence of both numerous semitisms and an informed view on Temple matters lead naturally to a high estimate of this text as a virtual companion piece to the Synoptic Gospel accounts. Further, it is likely that the original document was composed at least by the early 2nd century, since it shares none of the uncontrolled fantasies about Jesus and the disciples that 2nd and 3rd century apocryphal accounts typically exhibit.[97]:

Oxyrhynchus 1224 consists of two small papyrus fragments. It contains six passages, each about a sentence. Two of the longer ones are parallel to Mark 2:17 and Luke 9:50, but the differences in phrasing show they are textually independent of the Gospels. A precise date for composition is unknown; 50 is possible but they do not seem to be dependent on the New Testament gospels. The following are the surviving paralipomena pertaining to Jesus.

Scholars have linked these papyri to the Gospel of the Hebrews. [28]

  • GHeb- 88 Jesus said, "The Pharisee plans in advance, before doing wrong, he slyly reasons everything out. Be careful that you do not end up suffering the same fate as them. For the wicked of humanity receive retribution not only among the living, but they will also undergo punishment and much suffering later."
Leading them, he went into the place of purification itself and walked about in the Temple. Then Levi, a High Priest of the Pharisees came toward them and said to the Savior, "Who permitted you to wander in this place of purification and to see these holy vessels, even though you have not bathed and the feet of your disciples are unwashed? And now that you have defiled it, you walk around in this pure area of the Temple where only a man who has bathed and changed his clothes can walk, and even such a person does not dare to look upon these holy vessels."
Standing nearby with his disciples, the Savior replied, "Since you are here in the Temple too, are you clean?"
The Pharisee answered him saying, "I am clean. For I bathed in the Pool of David. I went down into the pool by one set of stairs and came back up by another. Then I dressed in white clothes and they were clean. Only then did I come and look at these holy vessels."
And the Savior said to him, "Woe to you blind guides who can not see! You have washed in the running waters that dogs and swine are cast into day and night. And when you washed yourself, you scrubbed the outer layer of skin, the layer of skin that whores and flute-girls anoint with oil and wash and wipe and beautify for the lust of men; but within they are full of scorpions and all wickedness. But I and my disciples, who you say have not bathed, have been dipped in the waters of eternal life which come from . . . But woe unto the . . .
  • GHeb- 89 Jesus taught saying, “A city on a hill shall neither fall nor be hidden.”
  • GHeb- 90 Jesus taught saying, “If you do not fast, you will not find the Kingdom of Heaven. And if you do not remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy, you shall never see your Heavenly Father.”
  • GHeb- 91 Jesus continued to teach saying, “Then and only then will you will see more clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
  • GHeb- 92 Jesus taught saying, “Do not worry all day or all night about your food, wondering what you will eat, or your clothes, wondering what you will wear. You are worth far more than the lilies that grow but do not spin. If you have one garment, what do you lack? Who can add years to your life? He, Himself will provide you with clothing!”
  • GHeb- 93 Jesus taught saying, “Pray for those who persecute you.”
  • GHeb- 94 Jesus taught saying, “Everything that is not obvious, indeed all that is hidden from you shall be revealed. In truth, there is nothing closed that will not be revealed, nor is there anything which is buried, which will not be uncovered.”
  • GHeb- 95 Jesus taught saying, “He who seeks will find, he who finds will be surprised. He who is surprised will prevail and he who prevails will find peace.”
  • GHeb- 96 Jesus taught saying, “For many who are first shall be last, and those who are last shall be first. However, only a

few truly find the Kingdom of Heaven.”

  • GHeb- 97 Jesus taught saying, “Just as a doctor does not treat his own, neither is a prophet acceptable in his own land.”
  • GHeb- 98 Jesus taught saying, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. Only he who knows himself can find it.”
  • GHeb- 99 Jesus taught saying, “He who is against you is for you and he who is far from you will draw near tomorrow.”
  • GHeb- 100 When the Rabbis and Pharisees and priests saw Him, they were greatly upset, for he reclined with sinners. Overhearing them, Jesus explained, “The healthy have no need of a doctor”.

Paralipomena from Cyril of Jerusalem through the Dark Ages

This category of Hebrew Paralipomena is later and much less reliable. They are from the Gospel Parallels [98]

  • GHeb- 101 “The doctrine of Judaism cannot be joined to the doctrine of Christ. What connection can there be between the agreement of the Gospel of the Hebrews and the agreement of the Holy Gospels?” [99]
  • GHeb- 102 The Hebrew Gospel has not “to the Holy City,” rather “to Jerusalem”.
  • GHeb- 103 The words, “without cause” are omitted in the Hebrew Gospel and other manuscripts.
  • GHeb- 104 The Hebrew Gospel reads here: “If you be in My heart and do not the will of My Father who is in Heaven, I will cast you away from My heart.”
  • GHeb- 105 The Hebrew Gospel has “more wise than snakes”.
  • GHeb- 106 The Hebrew Gospel has “the Kingdom of Heaven is plundered”.
  • GHeb- 107 The Hebrew Gospel states, “I am grateful to you”.
  • GHeb- 108 The Hebrew Gospel does not have, “three days and three nights”.
  • GHeb- 109 The Hebrew Gospel has, “Corban is what you should gain from us”.
  • GHeb- 110 The Hebrew Gospel states “son of John” for “Bar-Jona”.
  • GHeb- 111 The Hebrew Gospel states immediately after the seventy times seven: “For in the prophets, after they were anointed with the Holy Spirit,there was found in them sin speech.”
  • GHeb- 112 The Hebrew Gospel has, “And he denied and swore and cursed”.
  • GHeb- 113 The Hebrew Gospel has, “And he delivered to them armed men, that they might sit over against the cave and guard it day and night”.


  1. ^ Jerome, Commentary on Matthew 2
  2. ^ Jerome, Against Pelagius 3.2
  3. ^ G.P. Fisher, (1866) Essays on the Supernatural Origin of Christianity, Scribner & co., p 167
  4. ^ Bart Ehrman (1999) Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium, Oxford University Press, p 40-45
  5. ^ Bart Erhman (1999) Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium, Oxford University Press, pp 43, 78-83
  6. ^ Burnett H. Streeter (1924) The Four Gospels. A Study of Origins Treating the Manuscript Tradition, Sources, Authorship, & Dates, London: MacMillian and Co., Ltd.
  7. ^ Edwards, J.R. (2009). The Hebrew Gospel and the Development of the Synoptic Tradition. Wm. B. Eerdmans. ISBN 0802862349, 9780802862341. p 259
  8. ^ Pierson Parker (1953) The Gospel Before Mark, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  9. ^ Jerome's Commentary on Matthew 2
  10. ^ Irenaeus Against Heresies 3.1.1
  11. ^ Bart Ehrman (1999) Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium, Oxford University Press, p 43
  12. ^ Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 3.39.16
  13. ^ Epiphanius, Panarion, 30.3.7
  14. ^ Epiphanius, Panarion, 30.3.7
  15. ^ Bart Ehrman (1999) Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium, Oxford University Press, p 43
  16. ^ Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 3.25.5
  17. ^ Nicephorus' Stichometry
  18. ^ F.L. Cross and E.A. Livingston The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, Oxford University Press, p 597&722.
  19. ^ Gospel of Matthew 2:23
  20. ^ F.L. Cross and E.A. Livingston The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, Oxford University Press, p 597&722.
  21. ^ Bernhard Pick The Talmud: What It Is and What It Knows of Jesus and His Followers, Kessinger Publishing, 2006 p 116
  22. ^ Bernhard Pick, The Talmud: What It is and What It Knows of Jesus and His Followers, Kessinger Publishing, 2006 pp 122, 125-129
  23. ^ Eusebius,Ecclesiastical History, 3.39.14.
  24. ^ Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 6.25.4
  25. ^ Eusebius Ecclesiastical History, 3.24.6
  26. ^ Irenaeus, Against Heresies, 3.1.1
  27. ^ Jerome, On Illustrious Men 3
  28. ^ Jerome, Against Pelagius 3.2
  29. ^ E. Byron Nicholson (2009) The Gospel According to the Hebrews, BiblioBazaar, LLC, pp. 1-82
  30. ^ Robert Walter Funk (1999) The Gospel of Jesus: according to the Jesus Seminar, Publisher Polebridge Press
  31. ^ Wilhelm Schneemelcher, New Testament Apocrypha, Vol. 1, James Clarke & Co. Ltd. 1991 p 135 - 141
  32. ^ Pierson Parker (1940) A Proto-Lukan Basis for the Gospel According to the Hebrews Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. 59, No. 4 (Dec., 1940), pp. 471
  33. ^ Bernhard Pick, The Gospel According to the Hebrews, Kessinger Publishing. 2005 pp. 1-28
  34. ^ First Clement, 13.12
  35. ^ First Clement, 46.14
  36. ^ Didache, 8.2
  37. ^ Ignatius, Epistle to the Smyrneans
  38. ^ Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 39.16
  39. ^ Polycarp to the Philippians, 2.18
  40. ^ Polycarp to the Philippians
  41. ^ Barnabas,6.13
  42. ^ Justin, Dialogue, 88
  43. ^ Justin, Dialogue, 103
  44. ^ Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.26.2
  45. ^ Irenaeus, Against Heresies 3.1.1
  46. ^ Irenaeus, Against Heresies 3.11.7
  47. ^ Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 5.10.3
  48. ^ Tertullian, On Prayer 26
  49. ^ Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 3.22.6
  50. ^ Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis 1.19
  51. ^ Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis [Miscellanies] 2.9
  52. ^ Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis [Miscellanies] 5.14
  53. ^ Eusebius, ''Ecclesiastical History, 6.25.4.
  54. ^ Origen, Commentary on Matthew 13:2
  55. ^ Origen, Commentary on Matthew 15.14
  56. ^ Origen, Commentary on John 2.12 See also Origen’s Homily on Jeremiah 15.4, which says, “If anyone can accept this – ‘Even so did my mother the Holy Spirit take me up to the great mountain, Tabor’ – one can see she is his mother.”
  57. ^ Eusebius, Theophany on Matthew 22
  58. ^ Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History 3.24.6
  59. ^ Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 3.25.5 ** See also Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople, who produced a catalogue of New Testament books, followed by that of the antilegomena (which contains the Revelation of John) and that of the apocrypha. Next to each book is the count of its stichoi (lines). The following is an excerpt. New Testament (writings) the following are gainsaid: 1. The Revelation of John 1400 lines 2. The Revelation of Peter 300 lines 3. The Epistle of Barnabas 1360 lines 4. The Gospel of the Hebrews 2200 lines Apocrypha of the New Testament: 1. The Circuit of Paul 3600 lines 2. The Circuit of Peter 2750 lines 3. The Circuit of John 2500 lines 4. The Circuit of Thomas 1600 lines 5. The Gospel of Thomas 1300 lines 6. The Didache 200 lines 7. The 32 (books) of Clement 2600 lines It is important to note that the Gospel of the Hebrews is 2200 lines, 300 fewer than Greek Matthew. (Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople, in his Stichometry)
  60. ^ Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 3.27.4.
  61. ^ Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 3.5.2.
  62. ^ Eusebius, Theophania 4.12
  63. ^ Didymus, Commentary on Psalm
  64. ^ Epiphanius, Panarion 29.9.4
  65. ^ Epiphanius, Panarion 30.3.7
  66. ^ Epiphanius, Panarion 30.13.6
  67. ^ Epiphanius, Panarion 30.13.2
  68. ^ Epiphanius, Panarion 30.13.7
  69. ^ Epiphanius, Panarion 30.14.5
  70. ^ Epiphanius, Panarion 30.16.5
  71. ^ Epiphanius, Panarion 30.22.4
  72. ^ Jerome, On Psalm 135
  73. ^ Jerome, Commentary on Isaiah 4
  74. ^ Jerome, Commentary on Isaiah 11.9
  75. ^ Jerome, Commentary on Isaiah, Preface to Book 18
  76. ^ Jerome, Commentary on Isaiah 40.9
  77. ^ Jerome, Commentary on Ezekiel 16.3
  78. ^ Jerome, Commentary on Ezekiel 6
  79. ^ Jerome, Commentary on Micah 7.6
  80. ^ Jerome, Commentary on Matthew 1
  81. ^ Jerome, Commentary on Matthew 2
  82. ^ Jerome’s Letter to Damascus 20 on Matthew 21.9
  83. ^ Jerome, Commentary on Matthew 4 See also: And Zechariah the son of Johoiada said, “For he was of two names.” (Peter of Laodicea, Commentary on Matthew, ed. Heinrici, 5. 267
  84. ^ Jerome, Commentary on Matthew 4
  85. ^ Jerome, On Matthew 27
  86. ^ (See also Epist. 20.5) (Jerome, Letter 120 to Hedibia)
  87. ^ Jerome, Commentary on Ephesians 3
  88. ^ Jerome, Against Pelagius 3.2
  89. ^ Jerome, On Illustrious Men, 2
  90. ^ See also margin of codex 1424 – This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophets, “Out of Egypt have I called my Son.” (Jerome, On Illustrious Men 3)
  91. ^ Jerome, On Illustrious Men 16
  92. ^ Pick Bernhard, Paralipomena: Remains of Gospels and Sayings of Christ BiblioBazaar, LLC, 2009 p.31
  93. ^ Arthur Lillie, The Gospel According to the Hebrews, Kessinger Publishing 2005 pp. 111 - 134
  94. ^ "Artifact Record Details: Oxyrhynchus Papyrus, No. 932: Letter, Thaius to Tigrius (Fragment)". Spurlock Museum at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2001. Retrieved 30 May 2007. "Artifact of the Month: Letter from Thaius to Tirius, Oxyrhynchus Papyrus, No. 932". Spurlock Museum. 2002. Retrieved 30 May 2007.
  95. ^ S. Kent Brown comments on the text of Oxyrhynchus 840 The Anchor Bible Dictionary, v. 5, p. 1000
  96. ^ e.g. Luke 1:69, 2:11; John 4:42; Acts 5:31, 13:23
  97. ^ op. cit., p. 1000
  98. ^ Burton H. Throckmorton, Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels , Thomas Nelson Inc, 1992
  99. ^ Discourse on Maria Theotokos by Cyril 12A