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Zoophobia or anima may have one of two closely related meanings: a generic term for the class of specific phobias to particular animals,[1] or an irrational fear or even simply dislike of any non-human animals.

Examples of specific zoophobias would be entomophobias, such as that of bees (apiphobia). Fears of spiders (arachnophobia) and snakes (ophidiophobia) are also common. See the article at -phobia for the list of various phobias. Sigmund Freud mentioned that an animal phobia is one of the most frequent psychoneurotic diseases among children.[1]

Zoophobia should not be confused with sensible fear of dangerous or threatening animals, such as the fear of wild bears or venomous snakes.

Phobias of certain animals

Picture Name of phobias Fear
Drawing wildl animals Agrizoophobia of wild animals
Cat Ailurophobia of cats
Bee Apiphobia of bees
Spider Arachnophobia of spiders
Cow Bovinophobia of cattle
Bat Chiroptophobia of bats
Labrador (dog) Cynophobia of dogs
Insect Entomophobia of insects
Horses Equinophobia of horses
Reptile Herpetophobia of reptiles and amphibians
Fish Ichthyophobia of fish
Butterflie Mottephobia of butterflies and moths
Mouse Murophobia of mice and rats
Snake Ophidiophobia of snakes
Birds Ornithophobia of birds
Shark Selachophobia of sharks
Worms Scoleciphobia of worms
Otter lutraphobia of otters

See also


  1. ^ a b Nandor Fodor, Frank Gaynor, "Freud: Dictionary of Psychoanalysis", 2004: ISBN 0-7607-5301-6 (initial publ. 1950), article "Zoophobia, infantile", pp. 205-206