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Michael S. Smith II

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Michael S. Smith II

Michael S. Smith II is a counter-terrorism advisor to members of the United States Congress, gray area phenomena subject-matter expert, and a founder of Kronos Advisory, LLC, a U.S.-based firm established in 2011 that is owned by Medal of Honor recipient MajGen James E. Livingston, USMC (Ret) and Smith which, according to Dun & Bradstreet, conducts business in the areas of national security and international affairs.[1][2][3][4] While participating as a guest on a nationally-syndicated radio program focused on defense-related issues, on September 10, 2012 Smith was described by former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense Frank Gaffney as “one of the country’s most thoughtful counterterrorism analysts and advisers.”[5]

Smith also serves as a senior analyst at the geostrategic analysis firm Wikistrat.[6] He contributes opinion pieces focused on U.S. foreign policy, international affairs, and national security-related developments to FoxNews.com.[7] His Twitter handle is @MichaelSSmithII.[8]

Congressional Counter-Terrorism Advising

According to reports produced by The Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, The Jerusalem Post, and Al Arabiya, at the request of a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, in 2011 Smith produced a report on Iran’s ties to Al-Qaeda that was distributed to members of the Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus.[9][10][11][12] Titled “The al-Qa’ida-Qods Force Nexus: Scratching the Surface of a Known Unknown,” a redacted version of Smith’s report is available online via the blog site owned by American military geostrategist and The Pentagon's New Map author Thomas P.M. Barnett.[13] The report’s Issue Summary section explains: “This report focuses on the history of Iran’s relationship with al-Qa’ida, and briefly addresses potential implications of these ties. Additionally, its author provides a list of recommended action items for Members of the United States Congress, as well as a list of questions that may help Members develop a better understanding of this issue through interactions with defense and intelligence officials.”

Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus staffer Andy Polk said in an email to AFP that: “With the death of Bin Laden, and with Iran’s Al-Quds Force being listed as part of the new sanctions against Syria, this is an interesting and timely report.”[14]

On September 23, 2011, while issuing remarks on the House Floor about both the president of Iran’s September 2011 visit to New York to address the United Nations and Iran’s support of Islamist terrorism U.S. Congressman Jeff Duncan (R, SC) referenced "The al-Qa’ida-Qods Force Nexus" report.[15] The text of both Congressman Duncan’s remarks and the summary section of Smith’s report are included in a section of the Congressional Record titled “The Al Qaeda-Qods Force Nexus.”[16][17]

According to a January 4, 2012 report by Fox News Channel correspondent Catherine Herridge, Smith authored a report titled “A View to Extremist Currents in Libya” for policymakers on Capitol Hill. Herridge reported: “‘Despite early indications that the Libyan revolution might be a largely secular undertaking … the very extremist currents that shaped the philosophies of Libya Salafists and jihadis like (Abd al-Hakim) Belhadj appear to be coalescing to define the future of Libya,’ wrote Michael S. Smith II … The report, which includes lengthy translations from LIFG so law and policymakers may directly assess the group's stated intentions, also includes a series of questions for consideration. Among them: whether the transitional government in Libya is showing a willingness to cooperate with U.S. counterterrorism operations and whether the number of al Qaeda affiliated militants has grown in Libya since the death of Qaddafi.”[18]

Other questions contained in the December 29, 2011 version of “A View to Extremist Currents in Libya” marked “Condensed Version for Policy Makers,”[19] include:

“Is the administration providing the intelligence community the resources needed to fully manage our interests in Libya and elsewhere in North Africa?”

“Has the presence of al-Qa’ida-affiliated militants grown in Libya since the revolution began?”

“It has been reported that a flag bearing al-Qaida’s brand has been flown above a courthouse in Benghazi. Are members of al-Qa’ida openly working to establish emirates in Libya?”

“Is Libya a likely new venue for the growth of violent extremism?”

Also in the report, Smith asserted that officials may “want to carefully consider whether some of the Salafist-jihadis who are assuming prominent roles in Libya should be apprehended due to their involvements with such entities as the LIFG and/or al-Qa’ida, which are still designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations by the U.S. That is, before these elements realize the opportunity to advance their jihad to the next logical stage, which could entail mobilizing violent extremists for operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, and possibly Europe and elsewhere in the West.”[20] He concluded this report with the following assertions: Developing stronger situational awareness solutions will be the key to averting a scenario in which the West fosters opportunities for extremist groups to transition Libya into the next major base of operations for militant Islamist movements. Apprehending ... known al-Qa’ida members and affiliates who were extradited to Libya and are now members of Libyan militias may also help prevent Libya from becoming a major incubator for Islamic terrorism. Additionally, policy makers must examine past mistakes made by working with Islamists in order to avoid repeating them in Libya.”[21]

Additional Information

Geostrategic Views

In June 2011, Smith coauthored a column with Thomas P.M. Barnett for World Politics Review. Claiming the fall of the Assad regime would greatly reduce Iran's influence in the Middle East — hindering Iran's ability to mobilize Hezbollah militants to commit acts of terrorism against Iran's enemies by disrupting arms supply routes that cross Syrian territory — Smith and Barnett encouraged U.S. government officials to provide more support to efforts focused on delivering regime change in Syria.[22]

In an opinion piece published by Fox News, Smith characterized U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s July 3, 2012 apology for the accidental killing of 24 Pakistani soldiers who fired on U.S. forces during a joint U.S-Pakistan operation conducted in November 2011 as a gesture the “Pakistanis and other foreign observers in Southwest Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa” would perceive as “A display of American weakness.”[23][24] The apology, which prompted the government of Pakistan to reopen NATO supply routes to Afghanistan that cross Pakistani territory, was reportedly also opposed by U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.[25]

The Charleston Meeting

Along with Kronos Advisory, LLC founders Gen Livingston and Mallory Factor, Smith is also a founder of The Charleston Meeting, an invitation-only center-right political forum hosted in Charleston, South Carolina that borrows the model Factor developed for his New York-based Monday Meeting forum.[26][27][28]


According to information compiled by SourceWatch, Smith is a contributor to The Post and Courier and The State newspapers, and previously worked as a copy editor and features writer for the Charleston Mercury, a Charleston, South Carolina-based newspaper owned by the Evening Post Publishing Company.[29][30]

In 2010, Smith served as a member of the transition team of South Carolina Treasurer Curtis Loftis.[31]


  1. ^ Kronos Advisory, LLC - About Page, Accessed July 18, 2011
  2. ^ Dun & Bradstreet Business Information Report Synopsis, Accessed July 18, 2011
  3. ^ South Carolina Secretary of State – Kronos Advisory, LLC Accessed July 18, 2011
  4. ^ For definition of “gray area phenomena” see: U.S. Forces Many Roles in the 21st Century by William W. Mendel of the Foreign Military Studies Offices, Ft. Leavenworth, KS. 1995
  5. ^ A Deadly Combination. “The Frank Gaffney Show.” Secure Freedom Radio. September 10, 2012. Audio file: “MICHAEL SMITH from Kronos Advisory discusses Iran’s relationship with al-Qaeda and how important it is for the Iranian regime to having a working relationship with al-Qaeda.
  6. ^ Michael Smith. Accessed February 6, 2012.
  7. ^ Michael Smith, II Archive. FoxNews.com. Retrieved July 18, 2012.
  8. ^ Twitter handle included with bio details: September 11 and America’s unfinished business with Iran Michael S. Smith II. Fox News. September 10, 2012.
  9. ^ Ambassador plot casts light on Iran's strike force. The Associated Press. October 13, 2011
  10. ^ Report highlights alleged Iran forces al-Qaeda links. AFP. May 4, 2011
  11. ^ US congressional report: Iran offering support to al-Qaida. The Jerusalem Post. May 5, 2011
  12. ^ Report from Congressional panel says Iran’s Revolutionary Guard helps Al-Qaeda. Al Arabiya. May 5, 2011
  13. ^ The al-Qa’ida-Qods Force Nexus
  14. ^ Report highlights alleged Iran forces al-Qaeda links. AFP. May 4, 2011
  15. ^ Clip of U.S. Congressman Jeff Duncan’s remarks on the House Floor. C-SPAN. September 23, 2011
  16. ^ “The Al Qaeda Qods Force Nexus” (House of Representatives – September 23, 2011). Congressional Record 112th Congress (2011-2012). Library of Congress. September 23, 2011
  17. ^ Congressional RecordHouse. United States Government Printing Office. Page H6647. September 23, 2011.
  18. ^ The Islamist Winter: New Report Suggests Extremist Views Winning in Libya. Fox News Channel. January 4, 2012.
  19. ^ A View to Extremist Currents in Libya: Condensed Version for Policy Makers. Michael S. Smith II. December 29, 2011. Pages 19-20.
  20. ^ A View to Extremist Currents in Libya: Condensed Version for Policy Makers. Michael S. Smith II. December 29, 2011. Page 14.
  21. ^ A View to Extremist Currents in Libya: Condensed Version for Policy Makers. Michael S. Smith II. December 29, 2011. Page 18.
  22. ^ The New Rules: Making Syria’s Assad Next Domino to Fall. World Politics Review. June 27, 2011
  23. ^ Secretary Clinton’s apology to Pakistan is a slap in the face. Michael S. Smith II. Fox News. July 3, 2012.
  24. ^ Text of Clinton statement on Pakistan. CBS. July 3, 2012.
  25. ^ U.S. Apologizes to Pakistan, Says Supply Routes to Reopen. The Wall Street Journal. July 3, 2012.
  26. ^ Charleston Meeting organizers aim to shape national debate as invitation-only group meets again today. The Post and Courier. January 24, 2011
  27. ^ (Rand) Paul’s Charleston visit draws positive reviews. The State. March 27, 2011
  28. ^ The Monday Meeting, A Right-Wing Cabal Ready to Convert N.Y. The New York Observer. February 9, 2004
  29. ^ SourceWatch Article – Michael S. Smith II
  30. ^ Evening Post Publishing Company – About. Accessed July 18, 2011
  31. ^ Transition Report of The Honorable Curtis M. Loftis, Jr, Treasurer, South Carolina (See Organization Chart, page 7) Official Website of the South Carolina Treasurer’s Office. Accessed July 18, 2011