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Villains in Power Rangers: Wild Force

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The fictional villains of the Power Rangers universe that appeared in the television series Power Rangers: Wild Force were pollution-oriented creatures called Orgs (as were the villains in the corresponding Super Sentai series).

Information about them can be found below.


Master Org

Master Org is a name that applies to two beings in the story of Power Rangers: Wild Force. One of them is the original Master Org, who led the battle against the Animarium millennia ago and destroyed Animus. However, that Master Org was then destroyed by Merrick Baliton, the guardian of Princess Shayla.

Years later, the scientist Viktor Adler and his companions discovered the remains of Master Org, with Org regeneration seeds attempting to revive him. Viktor took the seeds secretly, and out of personal revenge, swallowed them and gained the powers of an Org, killing his companions.

So it was that Viktor Adler became the second Master Org. He was aided by the Duke Orgs Jindrax and Toxica, who later found out his secret. He temporarily turned them into slaves, but they escaped. After repeated defeats at the hands of the Wild Force Power Rangers, Master Org fought them himself. In the process, he lost his Org powers, and was then killed by General Org Mandilok.

However, from Adler's dead husk was born the true Master Org, who sent Duke Org Onikage to arrange for his return. When he came, he destroyed Mandilok and kidnapped Shayla. He then invoked a cermony to create an Org Heart, summoning Retinax, Nayzor, and Mandilok to guard him. He swallowed the Heart, and his body crumbled.

Unfortunately, Master Org returned in a new form combining those of the three General Orgs. He attacked the Animarium, destroying the wild zords and bringing it down. He attacked Turtle Cove, but was destroyed when the Wild Zords were all revived and countles others combined powers with them. Master Org was hit with an Ultra Roar, and disappeared into nothingness. The Org Heart itself was destroyed by the six Wild Force Rangers, who used the Jungle Sword to destroy it. With the destruction of Master Org, Viktor Adler could finally rest in peace.

Master Org is played by Ilia Volokh.


Jindrax is a Duke Org and the partner of Toxica, and they serve as the primary henchman of Master Org.

Jindrax is known for his skill with knives, and uses them constantly in battle. He was later transformed and brainwashed, along with Toxica, into Super Jindrax by Master Org after they discovered that he was a human. He was later released, and set out with Toxica to free the general Mandilok. He has a brother named Juggelo. However, the two were mistreated under Mandilok, and Toxica was actually destroyed in battle with the Rangers.

Jindrax later brought Toxica back from the netherworld she had been sent to by charging her severed horn with energy from the Rangers' weapons. The two aided the Rangers in the final battle with Master Org, and then left to travel the world.

Jindrax was voiced by Richard Cansino for four episodes, and later his US suit actor Danny Wayne Stallcup, who played Jindrax in his human-guise prior to the series beginning.


Toxica is Jindrax's partner, and possibly love interest. She is a Dutchess Org with the power to revive and enlarge defeated Orgs. She and Jindrax hid themselves for centuries after Master Org's defeat, and were the first to rejoin him in the Nexus when he re-emerged. Toxica grew suspicious of Master Org, when she saw him adjust his horn, something no real Org should be able to do.

After General Nayzor was destroyed, Toxica temporarily used his crown to become the General Org Necromonica. She and Jindrax later received super forms from Master Org when they exposed him, and were brainwashed. However, they were later freed, and unleashed the General Org Mandilok to aid them against Master Org. Toxica was later destroyed when the Duke Org Onikage tricked her into removing her horn, and then was used by Mandilok as a shield from the Rangers.

Jindrax then reenergized Toxica's severed horn, and used it to summon her from the Netherworld she was trapped in. She aided the Rangers by rescuing Princess Shayla, and then left with Jindrax to travel the world.

Toxica was played by Sin Wong who also voiced Necromonica.

Deleted Scene

This would have been the final scene in "The End Of The Power Rangers". Jindrax and Toxica are visiting a zoo. While Toxica is getting drinks, Jindrax sees some kids feeding an elephant peanuts. He wants to feed the elephant, so he takes some seeds from Toxica's staff, resulting in a giant elephant.


Retinax is a Duke Org General and was the bodyguard of Master Org, and wandered the Earth for millennia after his master's destruction, beleving he had failed. He was later found by Toxica and Jindrax, who told him Master Org had returned. Seeking to redeem himself, Retinax attempted to destroy the Rangers. However, he was defeated, and then destroyed by Master Org, whom he did not recognize because he was the human Viktor Adler.

Retinax, themed after an eye, was brought back with the other face-themed General Orgs Nayzor and Mandilok to defend the pillars used in the Org Heart ceremony. He was defeated, but returned fused togther with the other Generals as Master Org's new body.

In battle, Retinax uses an axe with an eye embedded in it, this axe is also used in the formation of the Nexus Blade. This General Org can also shoot electricity from his main eye and can extend his arms to wrap around enemies.

Retinax is voiced by Michael Sorich.


Nayzor was one of three general Duke Orgs modeled after parts of the face, and is modeled after a nose and ears (his name is even a pun of nasal). He is revived by Master Org to destroy the Rangers, and plans to do so by unleashing Zen-Aku. When Zen-Aku begins to remember who he is, Nayzor modifies his memory so he won't remember.

Nayzor later obtains the animal crystals stolen by Zen-Aku and uses them to create Quadra Org. However, the Org is beaten by the Lunar Wild Force Ranger Merrick Baliton, who also takes out Nayzor. Nayzor's crown is then used by Toxica to become the General Org Necromonica. Master Org later revives Nayzor as Super Nayzor, who pounds on the Rangers until his defeat at the hands of the Isis Megazord.

Nayzor is revived in his normal form during the ceremony of the Org Heart, and is ordered to guard one of the pillars involved in the ceremony. He is defeated, but appears later as a part of Master Org's new Org form.

In his normal form, Nayzor uses a paper fan in battle, this fan can be used to deflect projectiles back at enemies and was also used in the formation of the Nexus Blade. He could also fire electricity from the purple colored gem on his chest. In his Super Form, Nayzor used a staff with a pair of claws on them, these were identical to the claws on his knuckles (similar to Wolverine's retractable claws from X-Men.) In Super Form, Nayzor could also manipulate electricity with his hands and from his eyes and shown in the 'Next Time on Power Rangers Wild Force' sequence, it is shown that Nayzor can separate his molecules before he is attacked and can reform, although this was not seen in that particular episode.

Nayzor is voiced by Ken Merckx.


Mandilok was one of three General Duke Orgs based on parts of the face. Mandilok was themed on the mouth. Mandilok had both male and female voices, and an appetite that could not be satisfied. He was revived by Jindrax and Toxica to destroy Viktor Adler, and did so, but then treated the Duke Orgs like dirt. He was later destroyed by a returning Master Org, but revived to guard the Nexus during the Org Heart ceremony. He was destroyed again, but reappeared as part of Master Org's new body.

Mandilok used a giant fork and knife as weapons, these were used in the formation of the Nexus Blade. Mandilok could also breathe fire from the mouth with the male voice on his stomach and could also manipulate electricity with his hands. Mandilok's female voice is done by Barbara Goodson while Mandilok's male voice is done by Ezra Weisz.


Artilla is one of the Duke Orgs that were freed by Mandilok. Artilla is a tank-themed Duke Org. He and Helicos attacked Turtle Cove and were destroyed by the Isis Megazord.

Artilla is voiced by Michael Sorich.


Helicos is one of the Duke Orgs that were freed by Mandilok. Helicos is a helicopter-themed Duke Org that can fly. He and Artilla attacked Turtle Cove and were destroyed by the Isis Megazord.

Helicos is voiced by Dave Mallow.


Juggelo is a Duke Org and Jindrax's brother. They attacked Taylor, Max and Kite at a carnival, even to when Jindrax ate the growth seeds to join him. Juggelo was destroyed by the Wild Force Megazord and Jindrax shrunk back to normal.

Juggelo is voiced by Patrick Thomas.


Onikage is a Duke Org who appeared seemingly out of nowhere to aid Mandilok. However, he was actually working for Master Org, preparing things for his return. He succeeded in capturing Princess Shayla, getting rid of Toxica, and setting up Mandilok to be destroyed. Onikage then used his ninja powers to create evil clones of the Rangers, whom the Rangers could not damage without hurting themselves. Jindrax upset his plans by reflecting one of his blasts back at him, creating a clone that the Rangers destroyed. Onikage returned as a giant, and fought the Rangers in another dimension where the spirits of defeated Orgs reside. However, with the help of the Pegasus Megazord, he was defeated for good.

NOTE: Onikage is translated to Shadow Devil or Shadow Ogre in Japanese.

Onikage is voiced by Dan Woren.

Machine Empire Remnant

Years after Countdown to Destruction, in the episode Forever Red, the last generals of the Machine Empire gathered on the moon. Determined to obtain revenge for the destruction of their beloved monarch King Mondo, they set out to resurrect Serpentera. Led by Generals Venjix, Tezzla, Gerrok, Steelon, and Automon, the Empire unearthed the giant Zord and placed a neo-plutonium core inside to power it. However, just as they were about to board Serpentera, a team of 10 Red Rangers arrived on the moon. The Generals battled the Rangers, and Tezzla, Gerrok, Steelon, and Automon were destroyed. Venjix escaped to Serpentera, which he flew towards Earth. However, the Red Wild Force Ranger used his Wild Force Rider to reflect Serpentera's blast back into it. The Zord was destroyed, along with Venjix and the Machine Empire.

5 People voiced the Machine Empire Remnant: Archie Kao (General Venjix), Catherine Sutherland (Tezzla), Walter Emmanuel Jones (Gerrok), Scott Page-Pagter (Steelon), and David Walsh (Automon).

NOTE: The Machine Empire Remnants are really recycled Big Bad Beetleborgs/Beetleborgs Metallix costumes. General Venjix' is Shadowborg, Tezzla's is Lady Borg, Gerokk's is Green Hunter Borg, Steelon's is Dragon Borg (minus the antennae on the head), and Automon's happens to have the head of Fire Borg and the body of Lightning Borg.


In the year 3000, only three Orgs remained of the once great army that battled Animaria. Imprisoned in statues, they were stumbled upon by Ransik. When he learned that his cause, taking over the world, was the same as their own, he released them. They copied his DNA, combining the invulnerability of Mutants with their ancient Org powers. In exchange, they gave Ransik the power to pull weapons from his body. After Ransik's incarceration, the Mut-Orgs escaped into the past to seek out Master Org. After thoroughly trouncing the Wild Force Power Rangers several times, they find him. However, the Mut-Orgs are then met in battle by the combined Time Force/Wild Force team, as well as by Ransik. When they attempt to summon an energy blast, Ransik leaps in, taking the blast at point blank and causing it to wash back over the Mut-Orgs. As a result, their Mutant halves are destroyed, and their Org halves soon follow.

The Mut-Org's names are Takach, Kired, and Rofang.

Takach and Kired are voiced by David Lodge and Rofang is voiced by Kim Strauss.

NOTE: The three Mut-Orgs are made up of recycled, repainted, and horn-added costume parts of various other monsters!:

  • Rofang: Head and right arm of Body Switcher, body of Darkliptor, sword of Cyborg Ecliptor, shoulder armor of Strikning, and boots of Prince Gasket.
  • Takach: Head and boots of Strikning, body of Gatekeeper, left arm of Unused Ohranger Monster known as Bara Police, right arm of Unused GoGoV Monster known as Jeeruda, weapons of Tire Org.
  • Kired: Body and head of Deviot's Karonta-Spell form, right hand of Beetleborgs Metallix' Repgillian, wings of Unused GoGoV Monster called Zarien (who briefly appears in PRLR's "Sorcerer of the Sands" in a different form), and the boots of Radster.

Note: The Mut-Org costumes were suppose to be used from the Gaoranger Movie, but a majority of the costumes from Gaoranger was caught in a warehouse fire.


See also