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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 18:52, 20 May 2017. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

yo si soy jose raul garcia amavizca y no me gustan los vandalismos yo no falto al respeto yo si soy quiendigo ser y no voy a permitir que me esten ignorando y bloqueandome encontra de mi voluntad yo si soy el rey libertad

          18:20, 20 May 2017 (UTC)18:20, 20 May 2017 (UTC)18:20, 20 May 2017 (UTC)18:20, 20 May 2017 (UTC)


The attempted coup of the democratically elected President of the United States - Donald J. Trump

The potential un-lawful and un-American attempt to oust President Donald J. Trump, as supported by the opposition party and the Deep State / Shadow government (conspiracy) within the United States of America became highly newsworthy. Impeachment was speculated by several news sources and urged on by some members of Congress. Multiple 'anonymous sources' leaked privileged conversations and meeting notes, as reported by such news outlets as the New York Times and Washington Post. Allegations claimed of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign collusion with the Russians. [2] (talk) 18:52, 20 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

  1. ^ jose raul garcia amavizca
  2. ^ Jake Novak | CNBC May 16, 2017, This latest Trump-Russia leak smells like a coup attempt