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Money supply

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Money supply ("monetary aggregates", "money stock"), a macroeconomic concept, is the quantity of money available within the economy to purchase goods, services, and securities.


The monetary sector, as opposed to the real sector, concerns the money market. The same tools of analysis can be applied as to other markets: supply and demand result in an equilibrium price (the interest rate) and quantity (of real money balances).

When thinking about the "supply" of money, it is natural to think of the total of banknotes and coins in an economy. That, however, is incomplete. In the United States, coins are minted by the United States Mint, part of the Department of the Treasury, outside of the Federal Reserve. Banknotes are printed by the Bureau of Engraving & Printing on behalf of the Federal Reserve as symbolic tokens of electronic credit-based money that has already been created or more precisely, issued by private banks[1] through fractional reserve banking.

In this respect, all banknotes in existence are systematically linked to the expansion of the electronic credit-based money supply. However, coinage can be increased or decreased outside this system by Legal Mandate or Legislative Acts. However, at present the coin base is held in check and used as a complementary system rather than a competitive system with private bank issue of electronic credit-based money. The common practice is to include printed and minted money supply in the same metric M0.

The more accurate starting point for the concept of money supply is the total of all electronic credit-based deposit balances in bank (and other financial) accounts (for more precise definitions, see below) plus all the minted coins and printed paper. The M1 money supply is M0, plus the total of (non-paper or coin) deposit balances without any withdrawal restrictions (restricted accounts that you can't write checks on are put in the next level of liquidity, M2).

The relationship between the M0 and M1 money supplies is the money multiplier — basically, the ratio of cash and coin in people's wallets and bank vaults and ATMs to Total balances in their financial accounts. The gap and lag between the two (M0 and M1 - M0) occurs because of the system of fractional reserve banking.


Because (in principle) money is anything that can be used in settlement of a debt, there are varying measures of money supply. The narrowest (i.e., most restrictive) measures count only those forms of money available for immediate transactions, while broader measures include money held as a store of value

United States

U.S. Money Supply from 1959-2006

The most common measures are named M0 (narrowest), M1, M2, and M3. In the United States they are defined by the Federal Reserve as follows:

As of March 23, 2006, information regarding M3 will no longer be published by the Federal Reserve. The other three money supply measures will continue to be provided in detail. On March 7th, 2006, Congressman Ron Paul introduced H.R. 4892 in an effort to reverse this change.[2]

United Kingdom

There are just two official UK measures. M0 is referred to as the "wide monetary base" or "narrow money" and M4 is referred to as "broad money" or simply "the money supply".

  • M0: Cash outside Bank of England + Banks' operational deposits with Bank of England.
  • M4: Cash outside banks (ie. in circulation with the public and non-bank firms) + private-sector retail bank and building society deposits + Private-sector wholesale bank and building society deposits and CDs.v

Monetary exchange equation

Money supply is important because it is linked to inflation by the "monetary exchange equation":


  • velocity = the number of times per year that money changes hands (if it is a number it is always simply nominal GDP / money supply)
  • real GDP = nominal Gross Domestic Product / GDP deflator
  • GDP deflator = measure of inflation. Money supply may be less than or greater than the demand of money in the economy

In other words, if the money supply grows faster than real GDP growth (described as "unproductive debt expansion"), inflation is likely to follow ("inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon"). This statement must be qualified slightly, due to changes in velocity. While the monetarists presume that velocity is relatively stable, in fact velocity exhibits variability at business-cycle frequencies, so that the velocity equation is not particularly useful as a short run tool. Moreover, in the US, velocity has grown at an average of slightly more than 1% a year between 1959 and 2005.


(excerpted from "Breaking Monetary Policy into Pieces", May 24 2004, http://www.hussmanfunds.com/wmc/wmc040524.htm)

In terms of percentage changes (to a small approximation, the percentage change in a product, say XY is equal to the sum of the percentage changes %X + %Y). So:

%P + %Y = %M + %V

That equation rearranged gives the "basic inflation identity":

%P = %M + %V - %Y

Inflation (%P) is equal to the rate of money growth (%M), plus the change in velocity (%V), minus the rate of output growth (%Y).

Money Supply and Cash

In the U.S., as of July 28, 2005, M1 was about $1.4 trillion, M2 about $6.5 trillion, and M3 about $9.7 trillion. If you split all of the money equally per person in the United States, each person would end up with roughly $30,000 ($9,700,000M/300M). The amount of actual physical cash M0 was $688 billion in 2004, roughly double the $328 billion in cash and cash equivalents on deposit at Citigroup as of the end of that year and roughly $ 2,125 per person in the US.[3]

The Central Bank

The United States supply of money, outside of coins minted by the United States Mint, can ONLY increase if the private banks issue more by loaning into circulation through Fractional Reserve Bank Lending Practices. Subsequently paper notes are increased ONLY as they are printed by the BEP on behalf of the Federal Reserve Fractional Banking System and are swapped at par value by the Federal Reserve Bank with Private Banks for their already issued electronic credits, which are then expunged (some believe retained) from the system by the Federal Reserve Bank. Thus, these printed money tokens (notes) merely replace already issued electronic credits on a one-for-one basis.

The larger definitions of the money supply, M1, M2, and M3, are types of deposit accounts. The first balance sheet item in a bank is usually deposits. Of the money in a bank deposit, depending on reserve requirements, either the whole sum or some fraction of it can immediately be lent out. The borrower can buy an asset and the seller of that asset can place the proceeds in another money supply constituent deposit. The money supply has just increased, because both the original and secondary deposits count as part of the money supply. That money can therefore continue to increase many times over. The Federal Reserve decides the level of "reserves of depository institutions".

Monetary policy has effects on employment and output in the short run, but in the long run, it primarily affects prices.

The balance sheets

This is what money supply growth may look like starting with 1 new dollar of deposits. The money is moving from left to right. The Central Bank injects money from its reserve into the economy by buying a government bond from Bank 1 for $1, Bank 1 lends the proceeds to Person 1, who buys an asset from Person 2, who deposits the proceeds at Bank 2, who loans it to Person 3, who buys a service from Person 4, who deposits the proceeds in Bank 1, and the money supply becomes $3.[4]

Central Bank
Gov. debt (to B1) $1
- -
Bank 1
Loan (to P1) $1
Deposit (from P4) $1
Person 1
Investment (to P2) $1
Loan (from B1) $1
Person 2
Deposit (to B2) $1
- -
Bank 2
Loan (to P3) $1
Deposit (from P2) $1

Bank reserves at Central Bank

When a central bank is "easing", it triggers an increase in money supply by purchasing government securities on the open market thus increasing available funds for private banks to loan through fractional reserve banking (the issue of new money through loans) and thus grows the money supply. When the central bank is "tightening", it slows the process of private bank issue by selling securities on the open market and pulling money (that could be loaned) out of the private banking sector. It reduces or increases the supply of short term government debt, and inversely increases or reduces the supply of lending funds and thereby the ability of private banks to issue new money through debt.

The operative notion of easy money is that the central bank creates new bank reserves (in the US known as "federal funds"), which let the banks lend out more money. These loans get spent, and the proceeds get deposited at other banks. Whatever is not required to be held as reserves is then lent out again, and through the magic of the "money multiplier", loans and bank deposits go up by many times the initial injection of reserves.

However in the 1970s the reserve requirements on deposits started to fall with the emergence of money market funds, which require no reserves. Then in the early 1990s, reserve requirements were dropped to zero on savings deposits, CDs, and Eurocurrency deposits. At present, reserve requirements apply only to "transactions deposits" - essentially checking accounts. The vast majority of funding sources used by Private Banks to create loans have nothing to do with bank reserves and in effect create what is known as "moral hazard" and speculative bubble economies.

These days, commercial and industrial loans are financed by issuing large denomination CDs. Money market deposits are largely used to lend to corporations who issue commercial paper. Consumer loans are also made using savings deposits which are not subject to reserve requirements. These loans can be bunched into securities and sold to somebody else, taking them off of the bank's books.

The point is simple. Commercial, industrial and consumer loans no longer have any link to bank reserves. Since 1995, the volume of such loans has exploded, while bank reserves have declined.

In recent years, the irrelevance of open market operations has also been argued by academic economists renown for their work on the implications of rational expectations, including Robert Lucas, Jr., Thomas Sargent, Neil Wallace, Finn E. Kydland, Edward C. Prescott and Scott Freeman.

Arguments and criticism

One of the principal jobs of central banks (such as the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England and the European Central Bank) is to keep money supply growth in line with real GDP growth. Central banks do this primarily by targeting some inter-bank interest rate (in the U.S., this is the federal funds rate) through open market operations.

A very common criticism of this policy, originating with the creators of GDP as a measure, is that "real GDP growth" is in fact meaningless, and since GDP can grow for many reasons including manmade disasters and crises, is not correlated with any known means of measuring well-being. This use of the GDP figures is considered by its own creators to be an abuse, and dangerous. The most common solution proposed by such critics is that money supply (which determines the value of all financial capital, ultimately, by diluting it) should be kept in line with some more ecological and social and human means of measuring well-being. In theory, money supply would expand when well-being is improving, and contract when well-being is decreasing, giving all parties in the economy a direct interest in improving well-being.

This argument must be balanced against what is nearly dogma among economists: that the control of inflation is the main (or only) job of a central bank, and that any introduction of non-financial means of measuring well-being has an inevitable domino effect of increasing government spending and diluting capital and the rewards of gainfully employing capital.

Currency integration is thought by some economists -- Robert Mundell, for example -- to alleviate this problem by ensuring that currencies become less competitive in the commodity markets, and that a wider political base be employed in the setting of currency and inflation and well-being policy. This thinking is in part the basis of the Euro currency integration in the European Union.

Some economists argue for the money supply to remain constant at all times. With growth in production, this would result in falling prices. A constant money supply will keep nominal incomes constant over time. However, falling prices will lead to an increase in real incomes.

Money supply remains one of the most controversial aspects of economics itself.

United States monetary base

United States monetary base at the end of September 2004.

Monetary base (billions of dollars) (not seasonally adjusted)
Monetary Base
Reserves of depository institutions 46.4
Reserve balances with F.R. Banks 13.0
Vault cash surplus 11.4
Currency[5] 688.2
Sum 759.0

United States Money Supply

This table shows the United States money supply as reported by the Fed on Sep 30, 2004.

Money Supply (billions of dollars)
(not seasonally adjusted)
[6] [7]
M0 (not seasonally adjusted, not adjusted for changes in reserve requirements)
Currency (The diff between total reserves and the Monetary Base as reported in H.3) [5] 674.4
Bank's total reserves at the Fed 46.1
M0 (Monetary Base) 720.5
Demand Deposits[8] 321.0
Other Checkable Deposits[9] 319.5
M1 (Monetary Base) 1,361.0
Savings deposits[10] 3,472.5
Small-denomination time deposits[11] 795.6
Retail money funds [12] 729.5
Institutional money funds 1,071.6
Large-denomination time deposits[13] 1,018.2
Repurchase agreements[14] 537.3
Eurodollars[15] 322.2
Sum 9,311.7
Comparable numbers (billions of dollars) (not seasonally adjusted)
GDP (seasonally adjusted)[16] 11,643.0
Credit market Debt Outstanding[17] 35,181.7
Derivatives (notional)[18] 79,400.0

The only deposits that have "reserve requirements" are the M1 "checking deposits".

Discontinuance of M3 Publication Data

In a press release dated 10 November, 2005, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System announced that it would cease publication of the M3 monetary aggregate.[19] The Board stated that M3 "does not appear to convey any additional information about economic activity that is not already embodied in M2," and that the decision was reached largely because "the costs of collecting the underlying data and publishing M3 outweigh the benefits." It remains to be seen, however, whether this will be perceived as a minor policy change, or as a cover-up for monetary expansion. Central Banks may see this as a reason to limit further increases in their reserves of dollars, and, thus, alternatives to holding the US Dollar, such as gold or the Euro, might be considered.

Latest US M3 numbers

According to the last published data from 16 March, 2005, M3 has been growing at an annual rate of over 8.22%.[20] As of 16th March 2006 M3 was $10.34 trillion. One year earlier, on 14th March 2005 the M3 was $9.55 trillion.

Controlling money supply by issuing debt

The government can control the growth of M3 through the issuance of new Government debt instruments. Money which is re-invested back into US Government debt--such as treasury bonds and treasury bills--ceases to be part of M3. Thus, if a government wishes to slow the growth of M3, and thus prevent the economy from overheating, it can raise interest rates, and, therefore, withdraw money from M3 and transfer it into Government debt. Between 14, March 2005 and 16, March 2006 total US National Debt rose by 6.71% from $7.75 trillion to $8.27 trillion. These figures inform us that the actual issuance of money exceeded the increase in M3. In March of 2006, the US Congress agreed to raise the National Debt Ceiling an additional $781 billion and, thus, prevent a first-ever default on US Treasury notes.[21] As of 15 April, 2006, The National Debt Ceiling stands at just under $9 trillion.

ECB Target

The European Central Bank has set a target rate of 4.5% for M3 growth but has overshot that target by almost double since the inception of the Euro.[22]

Expanding the paper money supply

See also inflation.

Historically money was a metal (gold, silver, copper, etc,) or other object that was difficult to duplicate, but easy to transport and divide. Later it consisted of paper notes, now issued by all modern governments. With the rise of modern industrial capitalism it has gone through several phases including but not limited to:

  1. Bank notes - paper issued by banks as an interest-bearing loan. (These were common in the 19th century but not seen anymore.)
  2. Paper notes, coins with varying amounts of precious metal (usually called legal tender) issued by various governments. There is also a near-money in the form of interest bearing bonds issued by governments with solid credit ratings.
  3. Bank credit through the creation of chequable deposits in the granting of various loans to business, government and individuals. (It is critical that we understand that when a bank makes a loan, that is new money and when a loan is paid off that money is destroyed. Only the interest paid on it remains.)

Thus, all debt denominated in dollars -- mortgages, money markets, credit card debt, travelers cheques -- is money. However, the creation of dollar-denominated debt (or any generic obligation) only creates money when a bank (as opposed to a credit card company) is granting the debt. "High powered" money (M0) is created when the elected government spends money into the economy. The money created in the bank loan process is bank money and these two forms of money trade at par one with the other. Banks are limited in the amount of loans they can grant and thus in the amount of bank money (credit) they can create by both the net assets of the bank and by reserve requirements (M0). For most intents and purposes the aggregate of M0 multiplied by the reserve requirement will be an indicator of (but this is somewhat greater than) the aggregate of loans. If additional money is needed in the banking system to allow more loans the Federal Reserve will create money by purchasing Bonds or T-bills with money created from the other. No matter who sells the bonds the money will end up in the banking system as M0. The Fed could purchase lolly pops if that would accomplish the purpose of expansion better than a purchase of Bonds.

Shrinking the paper money supply

See also deflation.

Perhaps the most obvious way money can be destroyed is if paper bills are burned or taken out of circulation by the central bank. But, it should be remembered that legal tender usually constitutes less than 4% of the broad money supply.

Current banking systems are based on fractional reserves so money can be destroyed if depositers withdraw funds from a bank. When money is withdrawn it can no longer be used for lending and just as the fractional reserve system gives leverage to the creation of money, it also gives leverage to the destruction of money. Bank savings are actually a kind of loans — savers loan their money to a bank at a low interest rate or merely in exchange for the benefit of convenience or its security (accepting that they lose a small amount of value to inflation). The bank may use this loan to manage its liabilities (its deposit liabilities created by loans). It must be recalled that the federal reserve banking system is mostly a closed system. A check written on bank A gets deposited in Bank B and a check written on bank B gets deposited in Bank C and a check on bank C gets deposited in bank A. On a good day very little borrowing needs to be done because a bank gets as much in new deposits as it does in paid out funds. Even if a bank is short of reserves it can borrow the reserves from another bank at the discount rate.

Another way money can be destroyed is when any bank loan is paid off or any government bond or T-Bill is purchased by the private sector. The money value of the contract or bond is destroyed — taken out of circulation. If a bank loan is defaulted upon then the "interest" paid by other borrowers will be employed to cover the default. A very large part of the "interest" paid on bank loans is actually a finance charge employed to cover bad loans. The group of good borrowers pay the loan instead of the original borrower. In cases where the default is huge such as loans to foreign governments Fed intervention has, in the past, rescued the banks. In this instance it would seem that the taxpayers and/or money holders (savers) will pay the debt. The effects on the money supply will be controlled, again, by the level of bond purchase or redemption or the level of T-Bill sales or purchases by the Treasury.

In extreme forms, a bank run or panic may drive a bank into insolvency and, if uninsured, the savings of all its depositors are lost. Such bank failures were a major cause of the tremendous contraction in the money supply that occurred during the Great Depression, particularly in the United States. In that country many banking reforms were subsequently enacted during the New Deal, including the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to guarantee private bank deposits.

Excess Money Supply: The Great Robbery

Money can only maintain its buying power when an increase in the money supply is matched by an equavalent increase of the supply of real goods and services. Central Banks often set interest rates at artificially low levels supposedly to stimulate growth. These low interest rates cause demand for loans to increase excessively and the money supply to expand at a faster rate than the real economy. This results in fast growing amounts of money chasing slowly growing quantities of goods causing the price levels to rise.

Inflationary money such as bankers create from thin air obviously does not increase the real buying power of a country, as their increase of the money supply is not accompanied by an increase of real goods or services. The nominal buying power such money provides to borowers is merely diluted buying power, deluted from the real buying power of someone else. It is indeed buying power stealthy robbed from people having earned theirs through hard labour or in exchange for the delivery of real goods and services. Obviously the stealthly devaluation of peoples' labour and savings progressively discourages producers of real wealth. Eventually they tend to reduce their productive contribution, resulting in slowdown of real growth; just the opposit easy money was supposed to do. So contrary to popular belief excessive money supply can never cause real growth, but merely creates a nominal illusion of progress.

In the end real wealth can only be increased through increasing the availability over real goods and services. And the only way to increase production is by working more or by producing more efficiently. And efficiency can only be increased to any substantial extend through investment in better machines, better techniques or improved infrastructure. Any policy aiming real growth must therefor promote investment and saving, and certainly should never stimulate consumption. Easy money does exactly the opposite: it de-motivates saving, investment and productive contribution, in the long run all slowing down real growth exactly the opposit it was set up to do.

Artificially low intests merely provide artificial borrowing margins creating an illusion of wealth. This easy access to loans is incouraging borrowers to engage in insustainable debt. It temporarily produces an artificial excess of demand over supply, temporarily making everything saleable; from the most obsolete consumer goods to industrial projects whose life-cycle has since long gone by. Artificially low interest rates consequently also tend to immobilise resources in outdated and low-return projects ultimately slowing down productivity gains.

The most devestating effect of easy-money however is that by penalising saving, it stimulates over-consumption, and slows down capital formation; ultimately the indispensable means of all technological progress.

Articles and books

See also

Notes and references

  1. ^ The term private bank is here used as a bank that is not government owned, not as a bank for high net worth individuals.
  2. ^ http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c109:H.R.4892:
  3. ^ http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bs?s=C&annual
  4. ^ See, for example, the balance sheet from Citigroup Inc. at http://www.citigroup.com/citigroup/fin/ar.htm
  5. ^ a b Currency outside U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks and the vaults of depository institutions.
  6. ^ http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/H3/20040930/
  7. ^ http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h6/20040930/
  8. ^ Demand deposits at domestically chartered commercial banks, U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks, and Edge Act Corporations (excluding those amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions) less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float.
  9. ^ NOW and ATS balances.
  10. ^ Savings deposits include money market deposit accounts.
  11. ^ Small-denomination time deposits are those issued in amounts of less than $100,000. All IRA and Keogh account balances at commercial banks and thrift institutions are subtracted from small time deposits.
  12. ^ IRA and Keogh account balances at money market mutual funds are subtracted from retail money funds.
  13. ^ Large-denomination time deposits at domestically chartered commercial banks, U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks, and Edge Act Corporations, excluding those amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government, foreign banks and official institutions, and money market mutual funds.
  14. ^ RP liabilities of depository institutions, in denominations of $100,000 or more, on U.S. government and federal agency securities, excluding those amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government, foreign banks and official institutions, and money market mutual funds.
  15. ^ Eurodollars held by U.S. addressees at foreign branches of U.S. banks worldwide and at all banking offices in the United Kingdom and Canada, excluding those amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government, foreign banks and official institutions, and by money market mutual funds.
  16. ^ http://www.federalreserve.gov/Releases/Z1/Current/accessible/f6.htm
  17. ^ http://www.federalreserve.gov/Releases/Z1/Current/accessible/l1.htm
  18. ^ http://www.occ.treas.gov/deriv/deriv.htm
  19. ^ http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h6/discm3.htm
  20. ^ https://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/data/M3.txt
  21. ^ http://news.yahoo.com/s/cpress/20060317/ca_pr_on_wo/us_deeper_in_debt
  22. ^ http://www.ecb.int/home/html/index.en.html

