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This article refers to Japanese spies and assassins known as "Ninja". For other uses, see Ninja (disambiguation)

Ninja (忍者) were agents of a fourteenth century Japanese secret mercenary organization for stealth operations. They acted in feudal Japan, from Kamakura period to Edo period. Their missions included scouting, espionage, sabotage, and assassination, usually for feudal rulers (daimyo or shogun).

Verifying information about ninja is a very difficult task. The secrecy in the organization and operations makes any related subject difficult to verify; with ninja, this is further compounded by the specific circumstances of its occurrence in distant lands using a different language, and the myth arisen around them.[citation needed]


Ninja is the on'yomi reading of the two kanji 忍者 used to write shinobi-no-mono (忍の者), one of the native Japanese words for people who practice ninjutsu (sometimes transliterated as ninjitsu 忍術). Ninja and shinobi-no-mono, along with shinobi, another variant, became popular in the post-World War II culture. The term 志能備, has been traced as far back as Japan's Asuka period (538-710 CE), when Prince Shotoku is alleged to have employed one of his retainers as a ninja.[citation needed]

The underlying connotation of shinobi (, pronounced nin in Sino-Japanese compounds) is "to do quietly" or "to do so as not to be perceived by others" and—by extension—"to forebear," hence its association with stealth and invisibility. Mono (, likewise pronounced sha or ja) means "person." The nin of ninjutsu is the same as that in ninja, whereas jutsu () means skill or art, so ninjutsu means "the skill of going unperceived" or "the art of stealth"; hence, ninja and shinobi-no-mono (as well as shinobi) may be translated as "one skilled in the art of stealth." Similarly, the pre-war word ninjutsu-zukai means "one who uses the art of remaining unperceived."

Historical period of origin

The ninja's use of guerilla tactics against better armed enemy samurai does not mean that they were limited to espionage and undercover work, that is simply where their actions most drastically differed from the more accepted tactics of samurai. Their weapons and tactics were partially derived from the need to conceal or defend themselves quickly from Samurai, which can be seen from the similarities between many of their weapons and various sickles and threshing tools used at the time. [1]. Ninja as a group first began to be written about in 15th century feudal Japan as martial organizations predominately in the regions of Iga and Koga of central Japan, though the practice of guerilla warfare and undercover espionage operations goes back much further. At this time the conflicts between the clans of daimyo that controlled small regions of land had established guerilla warfare and assassination as a valuable alternative to frontal assault. Since the samurai code Bushido forbade such tactics as dishonorable, a daimyo could not expect his own troops to perform the tasks required, and thus had to buy or broker the assistance of ninja to perform selective strikes, espionage, assassination, and infiltration of enemy strongholds (Turnbull 2003).

There are a few people and groups of people regarded as having been potential historical ninja from approximately the same time period.

Though typically classified as assassins, many of the ninja were warriors in all senses. In Hayes's book, Mystic Arts of the Ninja, Hattori Hanzo, one of the most legendary ninja, is depicted in armor similar to that of a Samurai. Hayes also says that those who ended up recording the history of the ninja were typically those within positions of power in the military dictatorships, and that students of history should realize that the history of the ninja was kept by observers writing about their activities as seen from the outside.

“Ninjutsu did not come into being as a specific well defined art in the first place, and many centuries passed before ninjutsu was established as an independent system of knowledge in its own right. Ninjutsu developed as a highly illegal counter culture to the ruling Samurai elite, and for this reason alone, the origins of the art were shrouded by centuries of mystery, concealment, and deliberate confusion of history” The Historical Ninja. –By Soke Masaaki Hatsumi

A similar account is given by 10th Dan instructor Stephan K. Hayes – “The predecessors of Japan's’ ninja were so called rebels favoring Buddhism who fled into the mountains near Kyoto as early as the 7th century A.D. to escape religious persecution and death at the hands of imperial forces” [http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&id=wKn6mCtkzwUC&dq=NINJUTSU:+The+Art+of+Invisibility&prev=http://books.google.com/books%3Fq%3DNINJUTSU:%2BThe%2BArt%2Bof%2BInvisibility&lpg=PA10&pg=PA8&sig=Hm8_h-2dcm_Xve3mmoD0K0t4T4k NINJUTSU t

Historical organization

Early in their history, ninja groups were small and structured around families and villages, later developing a more martial hierarchy that was able to mesh more closely with that of samurai and the daimyo.

While ninja are often depicted as male, and nearly all military and related professions were typically limited exclusively to males, females were supposedly ninja as well. A female ninja may be called kunoichi (くノ一); the characters are derived from the strokes that make up the kanji for woman (女). They were sometimes depicted as spies who learned the secrets of an enemy by seduction; though it's just as likely they were employed as household servants, putting them in a position to overhear potentially valuable information. In either case, there is no historical support for the modern image of female ninja assassins, and they were more likely employed as spies and couriers.

As a martial organization, ninja would have had many rules, and keeping secret the ninja's clan and the daimyo who gave them their orders would have been one of the most important ones.

For modern hierarchy in ninjutsu, see: Ninjutsu

Historical garb, technique, and image

There is no evidence that historical ninja limited themselves to all-black suits. Some ninja may have worn the same armor or clothing as samurai or Japanese peasants; it is hard to say.

According to legend, a ninja would disguise himself to suit his surroundings, sometimes as a priest, or a samurai. They also learned to fight using whatever was available, as weapons that were obviously ninja devices would identify the bearer as a ninja himself.

The stereotype of ninja continually wearing distinctive black outfits (shinobi shozoku) comes from the Kabuki theater. [2] Prop handlers would dress in black and move props around on the stage. The audience would obviously see the prop handlers but would pretend they were invisible. Building on that willing suspension of disbelief, ninja also came to be portrayed in the theatre as wearing similar all black suits. This either implied to the audience that the ninja were also invisible, or simply made the audience unable to tell a ninja from the many prop handlers until the ninja distinguished himself from the others in the play by attacking, either as part of the script, or assassinating an audience member.

Another fact that suggests the absence of any standard ninja outfit or easily identifiable weaponry is that if caught or seen recognizable items would have marked them as enemies, which would have resulted in capture, torture, and probable execution. Good ninja would have sought to avoid recognition, capture, and death; thus, these spies and assassins were far more likely to be disguised as samurai, priests, or peasants rather than wearing any standardized ninja uniform.

Ninja boots (jika-tabi), like much of the rest of Japanese footwear from the time, have a split-toe design that improves gripping and wall/rope climbing. They are soft enough to be virtually silent.

Modern costume

The actual head covering suggested by sōke Masaaki Hatsumi (in his book The Way of the Ninja: Secret Techniques) utilizes what is referred to as Sanjaku-tenugui, (three-foot cloths). It involves the tying of two three-foot cloths around the head in such a way as to make the mask flexible in configuration but securely bound. Some wear a long robe, most of the time black for stealth.

Associated equipment

The assassination, espionage, and infiltration tasks of the ninja led to the development of specialized technology in concealable weapons and infiltration tools.

Tools and weapons

Ninja are said to have made use of weapons that could be easily concealed or disguised as common tools, the bo and handclaws (shuko, neko-te tekagi) probably being the most famous, except for the shuriken (throwing stars), which have more recently been popularized by comic books and mail order advertisements. Kunai (originally a gardening tool) was also a popular weapon according to some accounts, as they could be hidden easily or carried if the ninja was disguised as a gardener. It was the equivalent of a utility knife, often used to pry or cut rather than fight. The makibishi (tetsu-bishi), a type of caltrop made of iron spikes, is also famous. It could be thrown on the ground to injure a pursuer's feet or thrown out on an enemy's escape path so that the targets could be cut down or shot down with bows and arrows while they looked for another escape route, but it could also be covered with poison so the victim would die slowly.

In popular folklore, ninja also used special short swords called ninja-ken (or ninja-tō see below for explanation), or "shinobigatana" (Note the avoidance of the term 'ninja', but inclusion of the term shinobi, a synonym). Ninja-ken are shorter than a katana but longer than a wakizashi. The ninja-to was often more of a utilitarian tool than a weapon, not having the complex heat treatment of a usual weapon. Another version of the ninja sword was the shikoro ken (saw sword). The shikoro ken was said to be used to gain entry into buildings, and could also have a double use by cutting (or slashing in this case) opponents.

The nunchaku also may have been used. However, most historians believe that ninja would use the flail, which was used in farming "punishment rice."(Note from outsider: The nuchaku is unlikely to be a Ninja weapon, considering it was invented in the 20th century.)

One known tool used by ninja is irogome (literally, "colored rice"). Irogome was uncooked rice seeds colored in five or six different colors: red, black, white, yellow, blue, and sometimes brown. They would be placed on the ground or handed to a ninja from a ninja. Each combination carried certain meanings like "all clear" or "an enemy check point is ahead". When cooked, irogome would become a delicious and colorful rice snack that could sustain a ninja on an extended mission; however, reports of special powers that could be gained by eating such a meal, such as increased speed or semi-transparency, were most likely the result of hallucinogenic mycotoxins sometimes found on the brown grains.

Specialized weapons and tactics

Ninja also employed a variety of weapons and tricks using gunpowder. Smoke bombs and firecrackers were widely used to aid an escape or create a diversion for an attack. They used timed fuses to delay explosions. Ōzutsu (cannons) they constructed could be used to launch fiery sparks as well as projectiles at a target. Small "bombs" called metsubushi (目潰し, "eye closers") were filled with sand and sometimes metal dust. This sand would be carried in bamboo segments or in hollowed eggs and thrown at someone, the shell would crack, and the assailant humiliated or blinded. Even land mines were constructed that used a mechanical fuse or a lit, oil-soaked string. Secrets of making desirable mixes of gunpowder were strictly guarded in many ninja clans. Other forms of trickery were said to be used for escaping and combat. Ashiaro are wooden pads attached to the ninja's tabi (thick socks with a separate "toe" for bigger toe; used with sandals). The ashiaro would be carved to look like an animal's paw, or a child's foot, allowing the ninja to leave tracks that most likely would not be tracked. Also a small ring worn on a ninja's finger called a shobo would be used for hand-to-hand combat. The shobo (or as known in many styles of ninjutsu, the shabo) would have a small notch of wood used to hit assailant's pressure points for sharp pain, sometimes causing temporary paralysis. A suntetsu is very similar to a shobo. It could be a small oval shaped piece of wood affixed to the finger by a small strap. The suntetsu would be held against a finger (mostly middle) on the palm-side and when the hand that was thrust at an opponent, the longer piece of wood would be used to hit the pressure points.

Weapons and tools used in combat

Fukibari is a weapon used by a ninja. It represents some needles the length of which is about two inches. The ninja carries these needles in his mouth. These are spit into the face of an enemy. Ninjas are able to spit the needles by curling their tongue and form some sort of tube with it.

There are also some other techniques of spitting the needles. For example a piece of bamboo serves for shooting the needles into the enemy. With its help ninjas can shoot up to twelve needles at the same time. Very often fukibari is used on the enemy just before drawing the sword, thus it served as a diversion for an easier victory.

Kyogetsu-Shoge is a weapon the use of which began earlier than kusarigama, though it looks very similar to it. The hook knife served as a source for making the Kyogetsu-Shoge. The knife had a cord the length of which was about twelve feet. The cord was attached to the end of the knife. The cord had at its end a special ring with a diameter of 4 inches. After the enemy was entangled by the cord the knife was used for finishing victoriously the battle.

The cord was used for many purposes: ninjas could not only entangle with it but also ensnare, use it as a garrote and it was also helpful for trap making. The ring attached to the cord was used for swinging into trees. It was also helpful for swinging over beams, thus allowing ninjas to climb easier. Sometimes, while in combat, the ring was used as a tekken.

Metsubishi is a weapon used by ninjas to blind their enemy. It represents a powder which is made of such ingredients as sand, pepper, metal shavings, specific plants and sometimes ground up seeds. The powder was carried in special storages like: egg shells and papers sacks. It could be also mixed with torinoko explosives.

Shinobi-Zue is a ninja's staff where blades were hidden. Chains were also hidden within its shafts. The purpose of Shinobi-Zue was to provide an unexpected attack. Ninjas, when disguised as monks, very often took this weapon with them. The chains of Shinobi-Zue were withdrawn with surprise to the enemy. Then ninjas entangled their enemy and in the end used staff to successfully end the battle. The hidden blade was also a useful weapon when released unexpectedly.

Tetsubishi is more of a defensive weapon than offensive. It was used by ninjas for escaping. Tetsubishi represents spike caltrops which were thrown on the ground thus being able to stop the pursuit. The enemies when stepping on tetsubishi were not able to move fast.

When a ninja jumped from a high plane he scattered tetsubishi so his pursuer could have no choice but to fall into the trap. Tetsubishi was also placed on walls and trees for making hidden traps. Another purpose was distraction of the enemy, when these were thrown in the face. The material used for making tetsubishi was metal but there were also other natural materials used. Very often its tips were poised, thus making a more powerful and effective result.

Tsubute represents a flat disc made of metal. It was used in the same way as the shuriken. Ninjas threw them at their enemy so to stun. Often tsubute was able to cause serious damage. Ninjas wore tsubute on a breakable cord, which was hanged on the neck. This allowed carrying several tsubute at a time.

Historical myths about ninja

There are no legends surrounding ninjas, everything ever said about ninjas is Italic textallItalic text true. Ninjas can turn invisible, and some ninjas are even invincible.

In modern fiction

Ninja appear in both Japanese and Western fiction. Depictions range from realistic to the fantastically exaggerated.


Hatsumi, Masaaki (1981). Ninjutsu: History and Tradition. Unique Publications. ISBN 0-86568-027-2. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)

Turnbull, Stephen (2003). Ninja AD 1460-1650. Osprey Publishing. ISBN 1-84176-525-2. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)

See also

External links