Joachim a Burck – Schöne Geistliche Lieder über alle Evangelia auff jede Fest unnd Sontage durchs gantze Jahr (Erfurt: Martin Wittel for Hieronymous Reinhard), texts by Ludwig Helmbold, published posthumously
Neuer deutsche lieder (New German Songs) for five voices, part 2 (Leipzig: Valentin am Ende's Erben for Thomas Schüler)
Tympanum militare for five, six, eight, and ten voices or instruments (Nuremberg: Balthasar Scherff for David Kauffmann)
Thomas Elsbeth – Festorum paschalis et pentecostes officium for five voices (Liegnitz: Nikolaus Sartorius), music for Easter and Pentecost, including introits, masses, and sequences
Symphoniae Sacrae, Book 2, for six to nineteen voices and instruments (Venice: Bartolomeo Magno for Gardano), published posthumously
Canzoni et sonate for three to twenty-two instruments with organ bass (Venice: Bartolomeo Magno for Gardano), published posthumously
Marco da Gagliano – Musiche for one, two, and three voices (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino)
Andreas Hakenberger – Sacri modulorum concentus for eight voices and instruments (Stettin: Johann Duber)
Hans Leo Hassler – Venusgarten for four, five, and six voices (Nuremberg: Paul Kauffmann), a collection of instrumental music, published posthumously. Most of the pieces are by Valentin Haussmann.