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Logo for the 2015 TV campaign devoted to the Norwegian Rainforest Foundation.
GenreCharitable fundraiser
Date(s)A chosen Sunday in October
Years active50
InauguratedOctober 6, 1974 (1974-10-06)
Most recentOctober 22, 2023
Next eventOctober 2024
Logo for the 2016 TV campaign, with the proceeds going to the Norwegian Red Cross. The campaign raised 229.7 million NOK ($28.8 million) to aid for people in Syria, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Myanmar and Central America, including access to medication and health aid.

TV-aksjonen (English: "The TV Campaign/Auction") is an annual national Norwegian charity fund raising event that since 1974 has been run by Norwegian public broadcaster NRK in conjunction with selected organizations. The fundraiser is the world's largest, measured in terms of donated value per capita and number of participants.[1][2] The event is central to Norwegian society inasmuch as it is viewed as the most famous and trusted charity fundraiser in the country.[3] The campaign is held on a Sunday in October each year, and on the selected day NRK devotes most of its airtime to informing the public about the organization and that year's special cause.[4]

The beneficiary of each year's event is decided by a fund-raising committee at NRK, which also receives detailed follow-up reports from the selected charity on the spending of the raised money. Charities vary, with causes including combating poverty, providing healthcare, clearing minefields and munitions, protecting women, and the environment. The Norwegian Refugee Council and Norwegian Church Aid are the organizations which have the most campaigns run for their benefit, with five and four fundraisers, respectively.[4] Funds have also been earmarked to assist displaced persons in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Burundi, Angola, and Uganda (1998), and refugees from wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, Somalia, the Palestinian territories, and Colombia (2010).[2]

Contributions are collected in a number of ways. Central to the campaign is the door-to-door campaign of approximately 100,000 volunteers servicing all 1.8 million Norwegian households,[3] as well as donations accepted via telephone or by funds transfer to the campaign's bank account. NRK also hosts a live auction of various items and experiences, with proceeds also going to that year's selected charity. Several organizations donate considerable amounts, as does the government of Norway on behalf of the Norwegian people.[4][5]

Since its inception, a total of about 9 billion NOK ($1.1 billion USD) has been raised as of 2017.[nb 1]

List of campaigns

Year Charity Campaign name (tagline)[4] Cause Amount raised (in NOK millions)[6] Amount adjusted to January 2017 NOK (in millions)[7] Converted to 2017 USD (in millions)
1974 Norwegian Refugee Council Flyktning-74
English: "Refugee '74"
Development aid 22.5 133.3 16.7
1975 Norwegian Women's Public Health Association Revmatismeåret
English: "Rheumatism-year"
10 52.9 6.63
1976 Norwegian Association of the Blind Regnbueaksjonen
English: "Rainbow Campaign"
13.5 66.1 8.3
1977 Norwegian Church Aid Nødhjelp-77
English: "Emergency relief '77"
Development aid 54.5 242.9 30.4
1978 Save the Children Norway Aksjon-78
English: "Campaign '78"
42.7 176 22
1979 Norwegian Refugee Council Flyktning-79
English: "Refugee '79"
74.1 293.9 36.8
1980 Norwegian Cancer Society Kreftaksjonen-80
English: "Cancer Campaign '80"
Cancer research and aid to cancer patients 79.7 279.9 35.1
1981 Norwegian Red Cross, Norwegian Association of the Blind, Norwegian Association of the Disabled, Norwegian Association of the Mentally Retarded Et nytt liv
English: "A New Life"
84.9 264.3 33.1
1982 Norwegian Missionary Council Aksjon Håp
English: "Campaign: Hope"
86.7 242.4 30.4
1983 Norwegian People's Aid Menneskeverd
English: "Human dignity"
Human dignity 69.4 180.5 22.6
1984 Amnesty International Aksjon Amnesty
English: "Campaign: Amnesty"
Work for human rights 81 198.8 24.9
1985 National Council of Children and Youth Organizations of Norway [no] Ungdomskampanjen 85
English: "Youth Campaign '85"
79 183.5 23
1986 Norwegian Church Aid Hjelp uten grenser
English: "Aid without borders"
Development aid 110 235.1 29.5
1987 National Association for Public Health [no] Hjerte for livet
English: "A Heart for life"
115 228.5 28.6
1988 Norwegian Refugee Council På flukt
English: "In flight"
Development aid 96.9 181.1 22.7
1989 "Women in the Third World" (joint effort)[nb 2] Kvinner i den 3. verden
English: "Women in the Third World"
Development aid specially targeted to women 88.2 158.1 19.8
1990 Save the Children Norway En himmel full av stjerner
English: "A Sky Full of Stars"
139 238.1 29.8
1991 Atlas Alliance [no] Et nytt liv
English: "A New Life"
People with disabilities in developing countries 102 170.5 21.4
1992 Norwegian Council for Mental Health Psykisk helse
English: "Physical Health"
Treatment of mental disorders 90 147.1 18.4
1993 Norwegian Red Cross Grenseløs omsorg
English: "Care without borders/limitless care"
Development aid 133 213.1 26.7
1994 Norwegian People's Aid Aksjon menneskeverd
English: "Campaign: Human Dignity"
Development aid 123 193.8 24.3
1995 Salvation Army Omsorg for hele mennesket
English: "Care for all of man"
Aid to the poor in countries such as Haiti, India, Russia and Bosnia 148.4 228.6 28.6
1996 "Environment for life" (joint effort)[nb 3] Miljø for livet
English: "Environment for Life"
Aid for environmental focus 77 116.6 14.6
1997 Norwegian Cancer Society Krafttak mot kreft
English: "Effort against cancer"
Testing of new methods of treatment and diagnosing 177 262.6 32.9
1998 Norwegian Refugee Council På flukt i eget land
English: "In flight within one's country"
Informing of the situation of those internally displaced 128 185.7 23.3
1999 Amnesty International Din innsats – andres frihet!
English: "Your effort — other's freedom!"
Strengthen the work for human rights in ten selected countries 128.5 181.9 22.8
2000 SOS Children's Villages SOS-barnebyer
English: "SOS Children's Villages"
Aid to orphaned children, especially in Colombia, Haiti, India, Russia and Zimbabwe 153 210 26.3
2001 Norwegian Church Aid Livskraft mot hiv/aids
English: "Vitality against HIV/AIDS"
Development projects 140.1 188.1 23.6
2002 Atlas Alliance [no] Et nytt liv
English: "A New Life"
Disabled people in developing countries 145 191.2 24
2003 Save the Children Norway Redd Barna
English: "Save the Children"
Aid to children in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Uganda, Ethiopia, Cambodia and Norway 158.3 205.4 25.7
2004 Church City Mission and Norwegian Council for Mental Health Hjerterom
English: "Hospitality"
Treatment of mental illness 151 193.2 24.2
2005 Forum for Women and Development[nb 4] Drømmefanger
English: "Dreamcatcher"
Aid to women subject to violence in poor countries 137 172.2 21.6
2006 Doctors Without Borders De glemte humanitære krisene
English: "The forgotten humanitarian crises"
206 252.2 31.6
2007 UNICEF, Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports, Right To Play Sammen for barn
English: "Together for children"
Prevention and aid of HIV/AIDS among children 220 270 33.8
2008 Norwegian Blue Cross I sentrum står et menneske
English: "In the center is a person"
Prevention, treatment and monitoring of alcohol and drug abuse 192 223.5 28
2009 Norwegian CARE Sterkere sammen
English: "Stronger together"
Aiding poverty 194 224.3 28.1
2010 Norwegian Refugee Council[8] På flukt fra krig
English: "In flight from war"
Aid to refugees from war 208.5 236.1 29.6
2011 Norwegian People's Aid[9] Vi rydder for livet
English: "We're clearing for life"
Clearing of minefields and cluster munitions in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle-East. 218.9 244.7 30.7
2012 Norwegian Amnesty International[10] Stå opp mot urett!
English: "Rise against injustice!"
Working towards uncovering large human rights abuses across the world.[11] 198.7 219.8 27.5
2013 National Association for Public Health [no][12] Dagene som forsvinner
English: "The days that disappear"
Working towards bettering the quality of life of those suffering from dementia 224.2[13] 242.1 30.3
2014 Norwegian Church Aid[14] Vann forandrer alt
English: "Water changes everything"
Securing access to clean water and safe sanitation in several countries in Africa and Asia 253 267.2 33.5
2015 Rainforest Foundation Norway[15][nb 5] Vi kan fortsatt redde regnskogen
English: "We can still save the rainforest"
Working to preserve the rain-forest in more larger areas of Brazil, Peru, Congo and New Guinea 183[17] 189 23.7
2016 Norwegian Red Cross[18] Sammen får vi hjelpen helt frem
English: "Together we get the help all the way"
Work towards aid to people in Syria, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Myanmar and Central America, including access to medicines and health aid.
10% of total amount went to domestic efforts such as asylum center activities and health centers for paperless refugees.
230.6[19] 229.7 28.8
2017 UNICEF Norway committee Læring i krig
English: "Education in War"
Providing education to children affected by war and conflict in Colombia, Mali, Syria, Pakistan and South Sudan.[20][21] 217.7[22][23] 217.7 27.2
2018 Church City Mission Kom inn
English: "Enter"
2019 CARE Norway[24] Nå er det hennes tur

English "It's her turn now"

Give women in some of the world's poorest countries the opportunity to build a better life for themselves, their families and their communities. 240.5
2020 World Wide Fund for Nature Gå for et hav av muligheter

English "Go for an ocean of possibilities"

To remove plastic from the oceans. 228.4
2021 Plan International Norge Barn, ikke brud

English "Child, not bride"

To stop girls in Bangladesh, Niger, Nepal, Malawi and Mali from getting married as children. 243.3[25]

Awards and nominations

Year Organization Category Nominee(s) Result Ref.
2017 Gullruten Best Event or Sports Broadcasting Nominated


  1. ^ Sum of all amount results (adjusted to 2017 NOK and USD respectively).
  2. ^ The 1989 campaign was arranged as a cooperative effort between 41 organizations, among them Norwegian National Women's Council
  3. ^ The 1996 Campaign was a joint effort between Future In Our Hands, Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature, Rainforest Foundation Norway, Development Fund and World Wide Fund for Nature
  4. ^ The 2005 Campaign was devoted to FOKUS, a union of 72 women organizations
  5. ^ The 2015 campaign was co-hosted by English musician Sting.[16]


  1. ^ "Nest beste TV-innsamling". Aftenposten. Norwegian News Agency. 2011-10-24.
  2. ^ a b "TV-Aksjonen Ends with Record Aid". The Nordic Page. 25 October 2010. Retrieved 26 November 2016.
  3. ^ a b Svendsen, Paal Adolfsen; Sørheim, Aashild (26 June 2008). "TV-aksjonen som fenomen". NRK. Retrieved 22 October 2017.
  4. ^ a b c d Pettersen, Stig Arild; Smith-Meyer, Trond. "TV-aksjonen" (in Norwegian). Store norske leksikon. Retrieved 26 October 2017.
  5. ^ "Charity drive raises millions for Unicef". newsinenglish.no. 23 October 2017. Retrieved 26 November 2017.
  6. ^ Numbers given stem from NRK or the organization itself. Proper amount can actually be somewhat higher due to donations given after the day of the event. For results up to 2009, see NRK's own database.
  7. ^ All figures calculated based on index value as of January 2017, using Statistics Norway's Consumer price index calculator. 22 October 2017.
  8. ^ Vera Isachsen og Victoria Uwonkunda (12 June 2021). "Får TV-aksjonen 2010". NRK. Retrieved 17 October 2009.
  9. ^ "Norsk Folkehjelp får TV-aksjonen 2011". NRK. 14 June 2021. Retrieved 15 June 2010.
  10. ^ Julie Haugen Egge (8 June 2011). "TV-aksjonen i 2012 går til Amnesty". NRK. Retrieved 23 October 2011.
  11. ^ "Nytt programlederpar for TV-aksjonen". NRK. Retrieved 11 August 2012.
  12. ^ Jon Annar Fordal (6 June 2012). "TV-aksjonen 2013 til demens-saken". NRK. Retrieved 6 June 2012.
  13. ^ NTB/NRK (21 October 2013). "224 millioner samlet inn under årets TV-aksjon". NRK. Retrieved 21 October 2013.
  14. ^ Tonje Bergmo (12 June 2012). "TV-aksjonen 2014 til Kirkens Nødhjelp". NRK. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
  15. ^ Daniel Eriksen (3 June 2014). "TV-aksjonen 2015 til Regnskogfondet". NRK.no. Retrieved 18 October 2014.
  16. ^ Kaupang Jørgensen, Karina (23 September 2015). "Sting til TV-aksjonen". NRK. Retrieved 26 October 2017.
  17. ^ "Dårligste TV-aksjon på ti år for Regnskogfondet". Aftenposten. Retrieved 2016-10-20.
  18. ^ Tone Staude (3 June 2015). "TV-aksjonen 2016 til Røde Kors". NRK.no. Retrieved 15 October 2015.
  19. ^ "TV-aksjonen 2016 samlet inn over 230 millioner kroner" (in Norwegian). NRK. 28 December 2016. Retrieved 2017-04-22.
  20. ^ "Om TV-aksjonen 2017". www.blimed.no (in Norwegian). Retrieved 21 June 2017.
  21. ^ "UNICEF får TV-aksjonen 2017" (in Norwegian). NRK. Retrieved 2017-06-22.
  22. ^ "217,7 millioner samlet inn i årets TV-aksjon" (in Norwegian). Verdens Gang. Retrieved 23 October 2017.
  23. ^ "217,7 millioner til årets TV-aksjon" (in Norwegian). Aftenposten. Retrieved 23 October 2017.
  24. ^ "TV-aksjonen 2019". CARE (in Norwegian). Retrieved 2019-09-27.
  25. ^ "Tall for hele landet". Blimed (in Norwegian). Retrieved 2021-10-25.
  26. ^ Gullruten: «Nobel» mot «Skam»