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Chow Gar

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Chow Gar Tong Long
Also known asChow Gar
Country of originChina
CreatorChow Ah Naam
Famous practitionersWong Fook Go, Lau Soei, Yip Shui
ParenthoodSouthern Praying Mantis, Southern Shaolin Kung Fu
Olympic sportNo

Chow Gar Tong Long (周家螳螂) is a southern Chinese martial art and is one of the four major schools in Southern Praying Mantis. It is an aggressive style with emphasis on close range fighting. These skills are developed by utilizing a range of training techniques which have been developed over several centuries.

This style is not related to Jow-Ga Kung Fu(周家), a southern Chinese martial art founded by Jow Lung in the early 1900s.


The history of Chow Gar Praying Mantis was transmitted orally with little supporting documentation until the 1900s. The origins of Chow Gar are similar to other martial arts of the Hakka community with references to the Southern Shaolin monastery and exploits centered around Southern China. Information prior to the turn of the century is speculative at best. In the modern era, Lau Soei is recognized by both the Chow Gar and Chu Gar practitioners as the leading promoter of this style. The leading authorities on Chow Gar are the students of Yip Shui and their schools can be found worldwide.

Chow Ah Naam

According to Chow Gar tradition, the founder of the style was Chow Ah Naam (周亞南) who lived in the 1800s. He had spent many years in the Southern Shaolin Monastery under the guidance of the abbot Sim See Yan. He created a new style which he called Praying Mantis from watching a fight between a praying mantis and a bird. His style is not related to the Northern Praying Mantis created by Wang Lang (王朗) during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). Ah Naam taught the style to many people in the region and one of his students was Wong Fook Go.

Wong Fook Go

Wong Fook Go (黃福高) was initially a lay person but later became a traveling monk. He travelled throughout Southern China including Wai Yearn village in the area of Tung Kung (East River).

Lau Soei (1866-1942)

Lau Soei (劉瑞; 誠初; 劉水) was an accomplished teacher of the martial arts in his home village of Wai Yearn (HuiYang) in GuangDong Province, Southern China before meeting Wong Fook Go. Oral traditions suggested that Lau challenged Wong and was soundly defeated by Wong. Lau then became a student of Wong and became proficient in the Chow Gar Southern Praying Mantis. Using this knowledge, he further enhanced his reputation and earned the nickname as the "Number one of the three tigers of Dong Jiang (東江三虎之一).[1]

In 1913, Lau Soei moved to Hong Kong and established a Southern Praying Mantis school in Kowloon. Initially, he would teach his system only to members of the Hakka community. Near the end of his career, he opened his teachings to the general public. Yip Shui was one of his first non-Hakka students. Lau Soei died in 1942.

Yip Shui (1912-2004)

Yip Shui (葉瑞; 啟瑞) continued on the tradition of Lau Soei after living and training extensively with Lau Soei. He established a reputation for the effectiveness of the Chow Gar style by meeting all challenges. He worked hard to teach and promote this style. Yip Shui died in 2004.

Yip Chee Keung, the son of Yip Shui, continues the family tradition as a promoter of this system. Chee Keung emigrated to London, England in the 1970s. He established a Chow Gar Southern Mantis School there.[2] Paul Whitrod started his training with Yip Chee Keung at that school in 1974. Paul is now the UK representative for Chow Gar.[3]

Ng Si Kay (吳士麒), Yip Shui's son in law, is the current head instructor for Chow Gar Mantis Association (International) based in Hong Kong.[4] Li Tin Loi (李天來), another student of Yip Shui, is teaching at the Hong Kong Tong Kong Chow Ka-Praying Mantis Li Tin Loi Martial Arts Association (香港東江周家螳螂李天來拳術會).[5] Ng Woon Hung (吳煥亨), also a student of Yip Shui, teaches at the Chow Gar Mantis Kung Fu Association (周家螳螂國技會) in Mong Kok.[6]

Chow Gar Mantis Australian Representative Paul Brennan original student of Yip Chee Keung & father Yip Shui is now a closed door student (入室弟子) of Master Ng Si Kay currently has branches in Queensland Australia.[7]


There are many different forms in the Chow Gar system and each instructor may teach a variety of forms. In addition to the solo forms, there are also numerous pair forms for empty hand and weapons, and many two person drills (樁; Chong) to train techniques, sensitivity and power.

The names for some of the solo forms found in the system include:[8]

Core fist forms

Chow Gar Tong Long has a core set of basic forms that all instructors from different schools and lineages will teach, these are:

  • Sarm Bo Jin (三步箭; 3 step arrow)
  • Sarm Jin Yiu Kiu (三箭搖橋; 3 arrows shaking bridge)
  • Sarm Jin Pai Kiu (三箭批橋)
  • Sarm Gong Pin Kiu (三弓片橋)
  • Fut Sau (佛手; Buddhist hand)
Intermediate forms

Chow Gar Tong Long has a modular syllabus, the names and order of forms may vary depending on instructor. Some of these intermediate level forms have relatively short sequences and can be trained in combination with other sections, here are the names for some of these forms:

  • Yum Yeung Kum Na Sau (陰陽擒拿手; Ying Yang Seizing Hands)
  • Sup Jee Kau Da Sau (十字扣打手; Ten character striking hands)
  • Law Suen Sau (螺旋手; Spiral Hands)
  • Banging on the Drum (tbc)
  • Tow Mo Sau (吐霧手; Breathing Mist)
  • Sheung To Sau (雙吐手; Double Spitting hands)
  • Pao To Fist (拋吐拳)
  • Leep Kiu (獵橋, hunt the bridge)
  • Gau Si Mun sau (九試問手; 9 seeking/asking hands)
  • Mo Ying Sau (無影手; No Shadow hands)
  • Chor Kui (鋤橋; crack the bridge)
  • Say Ban Geng Tan (四板驚彈; 4 direction power)
  • Gen Tung Geng Sau (shock power hand)
Advanced forms

Chow Gar Tong Long has a modular syllabus, the names and order of forms may vary depending on instructor. Here are the names of some of these later advanced forms:

  • Second/Third Level Sarm Bo Jin (二級/三級三步箭)
  • Poon loong keok (盤龍腳; Coiling/rolling dragon leg)
  • Sup Baat Yau Loong Sau (十八游龍手; 18 swimming dragon hands)
  • Bic Saan Quan (迫山拳; Pressing/Forcing the mountain fist)
  • Dai Siu Lin Wan Sau (大小連環手; Big & Small Continuous Linking Circular hands)
  • Bo Sim Sau (螳螂捕蟬手; mantis searching insect hand)
  • Say Mun Sau (四門手; four gates hand)
  • Hall of Light Steps
Qi Gong/Hay Gung Sets

There are many hay gung sequences found in the system. Here are the names of some of the key sets:

  • 18 Um Gen Sau (十八暗勁手; 18 hidden power hands)
  • Hap Jeung Gong (合掌功; Clamping palm)
  • Hoot Sar Jeung (血沙掌; Blood Sand palm)
  • But Saan Gong (拔山功; Lifting the mountain)
  • Seated QiGong and Meditation

The main weapon of choice in Chow Gar Tong Long is the long pole, this is the 'Dan Tau Gwun' or single headed long pole. This type of pole is typically around 7 ft 2, and is tapered.

The long pole forms include:

  • Ng Hang Gwun (五行棍; 5 Element Pole)
  • Dook Sair Gwun (毒蛇棍; Poison Snake Pole)
  • Bo Sim Gwun (捕蟬棍; Catching Cicada Pole)
  • Lau Seoi Gwun (Master Lau Soei's pole form)
  • Wong Ngau Chin Joi Gwun (Yellow Cow Twisting Tongue)

Other weapons include:

  • Wu Dip Sheung Do (蝴蝶雙力; butterfly knives aka double knives)
  • Dit Chek (鐵尺; Iron rulers aka Sai)
  • Yau Loong Joi Fung Gim (遊龍追風劍; Swimming Dragon Chasing Wind Sword)
  • Dan Do (單力; Broadsword)
  • Dai Paa (大耙; Trident/Tiger fork)
  • Hakka Til (客家挑 / 雙頭棍; Double headed stick)
  • Walking Stick
  • Umbrella (螳螂傘)

Weapons Pair work:

  • Pole vs Pole
  • Pole vs Tit Chek
  • Empty hand vs Butterfly Knives
  • Spear vs Broadsword and Shield


Basic Movements

In 1965, Grandmaster Ip Shui published his famous book "Mantis Boxing Basic Techniques" (螳螂拳散手; Tong Long Quan San Sau), within it he described the history of the style, along with explanations and instructions for 36 of the most common basic techniques found within the system.

These 36 basic movements consisting of one or 3 moves, are known as San Sau. They include:

  • Bow Chong (包樁; cover hand, meaning to wrap up)
  • Gau Choi (hammer fist to come down)
  • Cye Sau (deflect)
  • Doa Sau (spring hand)
  • Narp Sau (hook hand)
  • Got Sau (cut back hand)
  • Saw Sau (lock hand)
  • Chum Chung sau (sinking elbow hand)
  • Yong Sau (upward reach hand)
  • Chuen Sau (transmit hand)
  • Larp Sau (snatch hand)
  • Mut Sau (sweep hand)
  • Kum La Ja Jook (seize and hold hand)
  • Kwor Sau (circle over hand)
  • Yui Sau (shake off hand)
  • Pai Kui (slicing hand)
  • Cheet Jeung (cutting palm)
  • Lau Sau (leaking hand)
  • Dun Chung (back elbow)
  • Ngai Chung (forward elbow)
  • Jin Sau (scissor hand)
  • Din Sau (rivet hand)
  • Soc Sau (Shock pulling hand)
  • Yong Kum sau (upward breaking hand)
  • Yum Yearn Kor Sau (yin yang breaking hand)
  • Lim Chung (elbow picking hand)
  • Tai Sau (pulling Hand)
  • Kok Choi (angular fist)
  • Man Dan Sau (single bow pulling hand)
  • Chup Sau (thrusting hand)
  • Noi Choi fun sau (inside hand and split)
  • Chy Sau (grinding hand)
  • Doy Chong (double arm training)
  • Sarm Bo Jin (3 step arrow)

Shock Power

The short-range power that can translate into shock power (驚彈勁法) is a basic characteristic of this style. According to legend, this technique was created when founder Chow Ah Naam saw a praying mantis fighting off a blackbird using quick sudden movements.

Training Methods

The Chow Gar Tong Long has numerous training methods for both solo and partner training. There are a handful of very important exercises that every practitioner of Chow Gar Tong Long must train from the beginning and then continue to train constantly and consistently even in the advanced levels, these are Saam Bo Gin, Chy Sau, Doi Chong and Chuen Saan Gap.

Saam Bo Gin

Saam Bo Gin (三步箭) means 3 step arrow, it is the first form that is learnt in the system, and also the most important. It develops all the foundations required to progress in this system, and training in this form never stops.

Chy Sau

Chy Sau (搓手; grinding hands aka "grinding arm"), this exercise is trained with a partner and aims to develop the power of the body into the arms and the bridge.

There are several variations of this exercise with emphasis on different aspects of training.

Doi Chong

Doi Chong (對樁; paired drill), this exercise takes the energy that is developed from Saam Bo Gin and Chy Sau, and teaches how to release the power onto a partner, and also how to receive the incoming attack, both while keeping balance and with the correct structure and shape.

The exercise is initially done with both arms together, and this progresses to alternating single arm, and with increasing resistance, speed and intensity. Eventually, every technique within the system can be trained in this format as a paired drill (樁; chong).

Chuen Saan Gap (Pangolin Press Ups)

Chuen Saan Gap (穿山甲; Pangolin) is a type of press up where you dive into the ground then back up again, the shape resembles that of the Pangolin animal when it burrows into the ground, hence the name. As this practice advances in later stages, this can be done on the finger tips with the hands in the shape of a claw, and also one handed. Over time, this exercise can develop tremendous strength into the fingers, elbows and arms.


These are partner drills to train different techniques, conditioning, sensitivity and power. There are many Chongs in the system, including:

  • Cye Sau June Gau Choi Chong; Deflecting Hand into Hammer Fist (aka Lim Jaang Chong; Elbow Pick)
  • Gau Choi Chong; Hammer Fist
  • Hoi Kui Chong; Opening the Bridge
  • Sheung Toi Chong; Forward and Backward
  • etc...

Principles and Theory

There are many poems and maxims found within the Chow Gar Tong Long system, these poems aim to help the student understand how the system works, and how they should train and practice. Here are some of them.

Morality and Ethics



  • 學仁學義學功夫 - Hok Yan, Hok Yee, Hok Kung Fu; Learn to be kind, humble and practice Kung Fu.
  • 遵親遵師遵教訓 - Jun Chun, Jun Si, Jun Gow Fun; Respect your family, teachers and their rightful teachings.

Poems and Maxims

Each style has its own requirements on the body structure for application, which are expressed by the body, hands and steps. The Chow Gar Tong Long system has some special characteristics regarding its body structure that are passed down in these poems.

Contributor's Note: Some of these poems are incredibly difficult to translate into English. In Chinese there are often multiple layers of hidden meanings behind each phrase depending on the level of understanding. The translations presented here are the literal surface level meanings only. Where possible, I have annotated some notes alongside to give some context to the translation.

These translations will be updated when new insight and understanding is gained, and validation from masters of this art, this work is in progress...

莊頭 (Characteristics of Posture):


千字頭 、蛙仔膝、


  • 懸吊索 - Yuan Diu Sok; suspended sling/hanging noose. (Contributor's Note: This refers to the arms which should be like a suspended noose that suddenly opens and contracts)
  • 擒拿揸捉 - Kum Na Ja Jook; Seizing the bamboo (Contributor's Note: This refers to the hands which seize, hold and catch the limbs of the opponent).
  • 千字頭 - Chin Jee Tau; Thousand Character Head (Contributor's Note: This refers to keeping the chin tucked into the neck like the Chinese character for 1,000. This is important for protecting the head and chin during a fight).
  • 蛙仔膝 - Wa Jai Sut; Young Frog Knees (Contributor's Note: This refers to the legs and knees which should have a springy energy, ready to pounce. It emphasises the importance of sharpness, agility and mobility in the footwork).
  • 筲箕背 - Sau Gei Bui; Weaved Basket Back (Contributor's Note: This refers to the shape of the upper back being curved or rounded like that of a basket to engage the posterior back muscles and not just the superficial muscles of the arms when applying the techniques).
  • 鐵尺腰 - Tit Chek Yui; Iron ruler waist (Contributor's Note:This refers to the lower back/waist which must be strong and not broken, this is to connect the lower and top halves of the body as one).

心法 (Xin Fa; Principle):





  • 馬步丁不丁、八不八 - Maa Bo ding but ding, baat but baat; stance is like a 'T' but not a 'T', like a 'V' but not a 'V'.
  • 手從心口發 - Sau Chong Sum How Faat; start your hands that come from the heart
  • 你不來、我不發 - Lei But Loi, Ngor But Faat; you don't come, I won't start
  • 手從心發、法從手出 - Sau Chong Sum Faat, Fat Chong Sau Chut; The hands released from the heart, the method leaves from the hands. (Contributor's Note: This apparently simple phrase may actually have a much deeper meaning related to internal nei-gong classics, meridians and traditional orthopaedic medicine).
  • 手去身沉 - Sau Hoi Sun Chum; when the hands go out sink the body.
  • 橋來橋上過 - Kiu Loi Kui Sheung Gor; if a bridge comes cross over it.
  • 無橋自造橋 - Mo Kiu Ji Jo Kui; if there is no bridge make a bridge
  • 兩橋不歸隨手轉 - Don't retrieve the bridges, but change the hands. (Contributor's Note: This is referring to how the hands upon making contact with the opponent do not need to withdraw to attack again, they can stick to the opponent, adapt and change according to the situation).

身法 (Shen Fa; Body Method/Posture):





  • 要求沉肩墜肘 - Requires, the sinking of the shoulders and dropping of the elbows.
  • 吞胸拔背 - Swallow the chest and curve the back.
  • 吞不能死 , 吐不能盡 - Do not over do the Swallow and Spit.
  • 有吞則吞 , 無吞則側 - Swallow if it needs to, but if can not swallow turn to the side.
  • 及雙單要醒 - Get smart on the single and double. (Contributor's Note: This refers to the turning of the body half side on "single" and fully square on "double" and knowing when and why to switch back and forth during a fight).

(Contributor's Note: this poem is difficult to translate or understand without knowledge of internal nei-gong practice. There are references to the energy systems of float, swallow, sink and spit and how to cycle through them, with the interaction between the breath and Qi.)

The 5 Big Strengths and 5 Little Strengths

五大勁 (Ng Dai Geng; The 5 big strengths):

  • 腰勁 - Yui Geng; waist power
  • 馬勁 - Ma Geng; stance or leg power
  • 橋勁 - Kiu Geng; bridge or arm power
  • 胸勁 - Hong Geng; chest or torso power
  • 頭勁 - Tau Geng; head power

五小勁 (Ng Siu Geng; 5 little strengths):

  • 額勁 - Ngak Geng; Forehead power
  • 眼勁 - Ngan Geng; Eyes power
  • 牙勁 - Ngar Geng; Teeth power
  • 喉勁 - How Geng; Throat power
  • 頸勁 - Gen Geng; Neck power

The 3 great treasures (周家螳螂三大鎮山之寳)

拿龍爪 , 拔山功

驚彈勁 , 疊骨功

穿山甲 , 鐵指功

  • 拿龍爪 - Nar Loong Jau; dragon seizing claw
  • 拔山功 - But Saan Gong; lifting the mountain power
  • 驚彈勁 - Gen Tan Geng; shock power
  • 疊骨功 - Dip Gwut Gong; Rib bone power
  • 穿山甲 - Chuen Saan Gap; Pangolin press ups
  • 鐵指功 - Tit Jee Gong; Iron finger power

See also


  1. ^ "Hong Kong Martial Arts Masters (香港武林名師)". Hong Kong Wushu & Art Service Centre. Retrieved 2008-02-23.
  2. ^ Yip Chee Keung. "London home of Chow Family Kung Fu". Tung Kong Chow Family Praying Mantis Kung Fu. Archived from the original on March 31, 2015. Retrieved 2008-04-14.
  3. ^ Paul Whitrod. "History". Hakka Chow Gar Southern Mantis Association UK. Retrieved 2008-04-10.
  4. ^ Ng Si Kay. "東江周家螳螂國術協會". Chow Gar Mantis Association International. Archived from the original on 2007-03-25. Retrieved 2008-04-10.
  5. ^ Li Tin Loi. "香港東江周家螳螂李天來拳術會". Hong Kong Tong Kong Chow Ka-Praying Mantis Li Tin Loi Martial Arts Association. Retrieved 2008-09-01.[permanent dead link]
  6. ^ Ng Whom Hung. "周家螳螂國技會". Chow Gar Mantis Kung Fu Association.
  7. ^ Farlow, Dan. "Chowgar Home". chowgar.com.au. Retrieved 2019-11-22.
  8. ^ Li Tin Loi. "香港東江周家螳螂李天來拳術會". Hong Kong Tong Kong Chow Ka-Praying Mantis Li Tin Loi Martial Arts Association. Retrieved 2008-09-01.[permanent dead link]