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Roman Catholic Diocese of Ivrea

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Diocese of Ivrea

Dioecesis Eporediensis
Ivrea Cathedral
Ecclesiastical provinceTurin
Area1,850 km2 (710 sq mi)
- Total
- Catholics
(as of 2013)
206,800 (est.) (97.5%)
DenominationCatholic Church
RiteRoman Rite
Established5th Century
CathedralCattedrale di S. Maria Assunta
Secular priests99 (diocesan)
33 (Religious Orders)
17 Permanent Deacons
Current leadership
BishopEdoardo Aldo Cerrato, C.O.
Bishops emeritusLuigi Bettazzi

The Italian Catholic Diocese of Ivrea (Latin: Dioecesis Eporediensis) is in Piedmont. For a time the diocese included the territory which had once been the diocese of Aosta, suppressed in 1803 but restored in 1817. Up until 1517 Ivrea was a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Milan; it is now a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Turin.[1][2]


Ivrea is on the Via Francigena, a pilgrim route that started as far away as Canterbury in England, and brought pilgrims through the St. Bernard passes in the Alps to Rome. During the Middle Ages, pilgrims could travel on to Bari and take ship for Jerusalem. The episcopal see of Ivrea is said to have been established by Eusebius of Vercelli about the middle of the fourth century.[3] The first historically certain bishop is Eulogius (c. 451).[4]

According to a tradition unsupported by evidence, Ivrea is the place where Saint Patrick was consecrated bishop, c. 431, before evangelizing Ireland. Blessed Thaddeus MacCarthy died here in 1492 as a pilgrim returning from Rome to Munster, Ireland and miracles hae been attributed to him. https://anastpaul.com/2019/10/25/saint-of-the-day-25-october-blessed-thaddeus-mccarthy-c-1455-1492-the-white-martyr-of-munster/

Saint Malachy of Armagh passed through Ivrea in 1139 on his way to Rome. In 1847 the Bishop of Ivrea sent the Archbishop of Dublin forty pounds for the famine-stricken people of Ireland in memory of Thaddeus MacCarthy the Irish pilgrim who had died in Ivrea in 1492.[5]

In the reign of Pope Gregory V (996–999), the bishops of Piedmont wrote an urgent letter to the Pope, complaining about the violent and vicious behavior of King Ardouin, which included the slaying of priests and burning their bodies, and hoping that Gregory could use his imperial connection as the grandson of the Emperor Otto I, to help them. Pope Gregory offered his sympathy for the troubles that the Church of Ivrea was suffering.[6]

On 9 July 1000, the Emperor Otto III, on the advice of Archbishop Henribertus of Cologne, confirmed the Bishop of Ivrea in possession of the entire city of Ivrea to a distance of three miles from the city, and granted him in addition a number of country districts. This was confirmed by the Emperor Conrad on 1 April 1027, with the statement that the jurisdiction of the bishop extended four miles from the city.[7]

Bishop Enrico (1029–1059) was the founder of the monastery of Saint Stephen in the diocese of Ivrea in 1044, for which he obtained papal confirmation after the Roman Synod in 1059.[8]

Papal intervention

On 29 January 1206, Pope Innocent III was so dissatisfied with the administration of the diocese of Ivrea, that he appointed the Bishop of Vercelli, the Abbot of Tileto, and the priest Albert of Mantua to demand the resignation of Bishop Giovanni because he was insufficient to the task (cum sit insufficiens et inutilis). The Pope ordered that, if he did not resign voluntarily, seeing that charges of simony and neglect (dilapidatione ac symonia) had been proven, they were to depose him.[9] When the new bishop, Pietro, who had been elected in accord with a mandate sent by the Pope to the Archbishop of Milan and the Chapter of Ivrea, arrived in Ivrea, his safety was so threatened that he fled and went into hiding, sending off a letter to Pope Innocent about his situation. On 26 October 1206 the Pope replied, urging him to return to Ivrea, pointing out that a bishop is married to his church and ought not to desert his obligations to his spouse.[10]

Imperial control

The Emperor Frederick II convened an imperial diet, to meet at Speyer on 30 November 1218. Bishop Obertus de Cocconato (1209–1239) was present, along with Marchese Guglielmo of Monferrat and the bishops of Turin and Novara. They all subscribed the grant by Frederick to Guglielmo of four castles in a charter of 21 February 1219. Then, on 25 February 1219, Frederick confirmed for Obertus the possession of the bishops of Ivrea of the County of Ivrea, as well as all the privileges granted the bishops by his predecessors. The vassals of the Bishopric of Ivrea were: the Marchese of Monferrato, the Counts of S. Martino, Agliè, Novano and Bairo, and the Barons of Parella, Torassa, Ronodizzone, Azeglio, Burollo, Valle di Chy, Villa di Strambino, Barbania, and Loranzè[11] The bishops, however, were by no means free of imperial supervision and control. The Emperor Otto IV (1209–1215) had appointed a Rector of Ivrea, Guido di Biandrate, which was renewed by Frederick II on 20 May 1238. But then, when the contest with Pope Gregory IX was at a fever pitch, and Frederick found that he could not control Guido di Biandrate, he appointed Arnaldo Vasco, Lord of Altesano, as Captain Imperial and Rector of Ivrea and Canavese; in 1240 Arnaldo was succeeded by Guglielmo Sivoletto. Finally, in 1248, Frederick gave Ivrea and Canavese to Thomas II, Count of Savoy, though the transfer did not take effect due to the death of the Emperor.[12]

This was the beginning of a decline in the power of both the bishop of Ivrea and the commune. The appointment of procurators who never were consecrated bishops, Conradus (1243–1249) and Fredericus de Fronte (1264–1289), and a bishop, Joannes de Barono (1250–1264), who was not consecrated until six years after his appointment,[12] meant long years without strong leadership, until finally, in 1313, Emperor Henry VII made Ivrea a subject of the Counts of Savoy.[13]

From 1497 to 1612 the bishopric of Ivrea was the exclusive property of the family of Ferrero, the relatives and descendants of Sebastiano Ferrero, Treasurer General of the Dukes of Savoy.[14]

French and the plague

In June 1630, a major outbreak of plague struck the area of Ivrea, in the wake of the French invasion of Louis XIII. The city was placed under strict quarantine by the Magistrate of Sanitation, which was not lifted until 23 April 1631. The shortages, especially of food, which were already severe due to the war, were increased, as were the sufferings of the people. In one parish alone, S. Lorenzo fuori le mure, thirty-one people were registered as dead between 1 September 1630 and 23 April 1631.[15]


A diocesan synod was an irregularly held, but important, meeting of the bishop of a diocese and his clergy. Its purpose was (1) to proclaim generally the various decrees already issued by the bishop; (2) to discuss and ratify measures on which the bishop chose to consult with his clergy; (3) to publish statutes and decrees of the diocesan synod, of the provincial synod, and of the Holy See.[16]

In 1588, 1589, 1590, 1592, 1598, 1600 and 1602 Bishop Cesare Ferrero (1581–1612) held diocesan synods and published the Synodal Constitutions.[17]

Bishop Giuseppe di Ceva (1614–1633) held a synod in 1618 and another in 1622. Bishop Octavio Asinari (1634–1656?) held a diocesan synod on 18 April 1646; and Bishop Giacinto Trucchi, O.P. (1669–1698) held one on 27 April 1672.[18]

A diocesan synod was held by Bishop Michele Vittorio Villa (1741–1763) from 3 to 5 June 1753.

Bishop Davide Riccardi (1878–1886) held his first diocesan synod on 6 September 1883, and published the proceedings.[19]

French conquest

When the French revolution guillotined King Louis XVI, King Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia declared war on the French Republic, but in three successive engagements, the Battle of Montenotte (12 April 1796), the Battle of Millesimo (13–14 April 1796) and the Battle of Mondovi (21 April 1796), General Napoleon Bonaparte defeated the Piedmontese. In suing for peace, Victor Amadeus was forced to cede Savoy and Nice to France. The territory, including the diocese of Ivrea, became part of the Department of Mont-Blanc. King Victor Amadeus died on 18 October 1796, and his son and successor, Carlo Emanuele was forced to abdicate on 6 December 1798.[20]

The French government, in the guise of ending the practices of feudalism, confiscated the incomes and benefices of the bishops and priests and made them employees of the state, with a fixed income and the obligation to swear an oath of loyalty to the French constitution. As in metropolitan France, the government program also included reducing the number of bishoprics, making them conform as far as possible with the civil administration's "departments". Ivrea became the capital of a department called Dora. Following the Concordat of 1801 between Bonaparte and Pope Pius VII, the Pope issued a bull, Gravissimis causis (1 June 1803),[21] in which the number of diocese in Piedmont was reduced to eight: Turin, Vercelli, Ivrea, Acqui, Asti, Mondovi, Alessandria and Saluzzo. Ivrea was united with the former diocese of Aosta.[22] One of the bishops who suffered the loss of his See (in 1797) was Bishop Giuseppe Grimaldi of Pinerolo, who was appointed by Pius VII to be Bishop of Ivrea in February 1805, to replace the deceased Bishop Ponchietti.

When Bonaparte crossed the Alps again in the Spring of 1800, intent on driving the Austrians out of the Po Valley, he sent General Jean Lannes to secure Ivrea and destroy its fortifications.[23]

The confused situation of the dioceses in Piedmont was addressed by Pope Pius VII in his bull Beati Petri (17 July 1817)[24] as far as the redrawing of diocesan boundaries was concerned. Bishop Grimaldi of Ivrea, who had also been administrator of the diocese of Vercelli since 1814, was named the first Archbishop of Vercelli on 1 October 1817.

Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta

The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta is located on the Via San Savino in Ivrea.

The Cathedral was served by a Chapter of Canons,[25] which was headed by three dignities, the Provost, the Archdeacon, and the Archpriest.[26] The Chapter had a set of statutes as early as 1247, which were emended and extended in 1255, 1260, 1263 and 1265. Pope Julius II confirmed another set of Statutes in 1508. Another set was enacted in 1694.[27] In 1698 there were five dignities and nineteen Canons.[28]

In an Imperial Decree of 6 May 1806, the Emperor Bonaparte ordered that the Chapter of Ivrea consolidate all of the property of its prebends into a single fund, and apportion the dividends to each of the Canons on an equal basis. In a decree of 8 May 1806, he consolidated (i.e. suppressed) the Collegiate Churches of Castelnuovo di Scrivia, Csteggio, Cavaglià, Livorno, Masserano, and S. Benigno, uniting them with the Cathedral.

After the Congress of Vienna restored Piedmont to the Dukes of Savoy (Kings of Sardinia), an effort was made to restore some of the property that had belonged to the Cathedral, but what was recovered was insufficient to support the Chapter of the Cathedral. Pope Pius VII therefore issued a bull on 17 July 1817 which reduced the number to five dignities and sixteen Canons. In addition there was a Penitentiary and six Chaplains.[29]


The cathedral is built on the site of a first century Roman temple. Between the fourth and fifth century, a Christian church was constructed in the design of a Roman basilica. In the eleventh century, Bishop Warmondo, who was named bishop by Emperor Otto III, enlarged the structure in the Romanesque style.[30] Warmondo also established a scriptorium. As the apse and other portions of Warmondo's work remains, the cathedral constitutes an important example of Romanesque architecture in the Canavese.[31]

The campanili are attributed to the early 11th century, though the upper parts which house the bells were not completed until two hundred years later.[32] The upper portions of the bell towers, that may have collapsed during the 1117 Verona earthquake,[33] began to be rebuilt in the 12th century.

In 1516 Bishop Bonafacio Ferrero replaced the Romanesque façade with a Bramante-style portico. Bishop Ottavio Pocchettini (1824–1837) later commissioned architect Giuseppe Martinez to remodel the building in Late Baroque style. The Bramante-style portico was reworked into a Palladian style in 1854.[30]

St. Christopher and St. Anthony the Abbot, Giacomo of Ivrea c. 1426


The carved walnut reredos depicting motifs of plants and human and animal figures, attributed to Baldino of Surso, are now in the Civic Museum of Ancient Art in Turin. The crypt contains frescoes from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century, some damaged by time. On the foundation pillar of the southern bell tower, a holy warrior is depicted, possibly representing a member of the Theban Legion. There is also some early work by Giacomino of Ivrea and a painting attributed to the Maestro di Oropa.

In the sacristy is a 1521 depiction of the Adoration of the Child with the Blessed Warmondo and donor by Piedmont master Defendente Ferrari. A second Ferrari, the Adoration of the Child with St. Clare and the Poor Clares, was re-located to the chapter room from the former convent of Santa Chiara in Ivrea which closed in 1802.

Religious congregations

With the conquest of Savoy by the French army (1797–1802) and its cession to France by Victor Amadeus III in the treaty of Paris (15 May 1796), the decrees of the National Constituent Assembly and the French National Assembly were carried out in Savoy, including the suppression of all monasteries, convents, and Chapters.[34] Establishments of various religious orders in Ivrea included:[35]

  • Cistercians (at SS. Maria e Michele)[36]
  • Canons Regular of the Lateran (Mortariensi) (at S. Lorenzo fuori le mura)
  • Franciscans (up to the beginning of the 19th century)
  • Dominicans (in the district called Pasquero outside the walls; and at S. Maurizio, up to the beginning of the 19th century)
  • Friars Minor Observant (from 1455)
  • Augustinians (in the Borgo called Bando)[37]
  • Capuchins (from 1606)
  • Fathers of Christian Doctrine (Dottrinari) (from 1683 to 1869)[38]
  • Daughters of Charity of the Most Holy Annunciation (Founded in 1744 at Montanaro Canavese) (the only Religious Order not suppressed by the French)[39]
  • Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception (Founded in 1828 at Rivarolo Canavese by Antonia Maria Verna)[40]
  • The Knights Templar had a convent in Ivrea near S. Nazario from before 1130. In 1312 their property was handed over to the Knights of Malta.[41]


Ivrea Duomo Cappella Warmondo
  • Eulogius (c. 451)[42]
  • Innocentius (c. 486)[43]
  • Desiderius (c. 680)[44]
  • Josephus (844–855)[46]
  • Adalgerus (c. 967)[47]
  • Warmundus (Veremondo) (c. 969–1002)[48]
  • Ottobianus (attested 1003)[49]
  • Hugo (c. 1026–1029)[50]
  • Enrico (1029–1059)[51]
  • [Albertus (c. 1073)][52]
  • Ogerius (c. 1075–c. 1094)[53]
  • Guido (1122–c. 1162)[54]
  • Gaimario (1166–1189)[55]
  • Gaido (1192–c. 1199)[56])

from 1200 to 1500

from 1500 to 1700

since 1700

Sede vacante (1733–1741)[87]
  • Michele Vittorio Villa (1741–1763 Died)[88]
  • Francesco Lucerna Rorengo di Rorà (1764–1768)[89]
  • Giuseppe Pochettini di Serravalle (1769–1803 Died)[90]
  • Giuseppe Maria Pietro Grimaldi (1805–1817)[91]
  • Columbano Giovanni Battista Chiaverotti, O.S.B. (1817–1818)[92]
Sede vacante (1818–1824)[93]
  • Luigi Pochettini di Serravalle (1824–1837)[94]
  • Luigi Moreno (1838–1878)[95]
  • Davide Riccardi (1878–1886)[96]
  • Agostino Richelmy (1886–1897 Appointed, Archbishop of Turin; Cardinal in 1899)[97]
  • Matteo Angelo Filipello (1898–1939 Died)
  • Paolo Rostagno (1939–1959 Died)
  • Albino Mensa (1960–1966 Appointed, Archbishop of Vercelli)
  • Luigi Bettazzi (1966–1999 Retired)
  • Arrigo Miglio (1999–2012 Appointed, Archbishop of Cagliari)
  • Edoardo Aldo Cerrato, C.O. (2012–)[98]


There are 141 parishes, 140 within the Piedmontese Province of Turin and the other within the Province of Vercelli, also in Piedmont.[99]


  1. ^ "Diocese of Ivrea" Catholic-Hierarchy.org. David M. Cheney. Retrieved October 7, 2016.[self-published source]
  2. ^ "Diocese of Ivrea" GCatholic.org. Gabriel Chow. Retrieved October 7, 2016.[self-published source]
  3. ^ Cf. Kehr, p. 143: De origine ecclesiae Eporediensis nihil nobis compertum est. (Concerning the origin of the Church of Ivrea, nothing is known to us)
  4. ^ Kehr, p. 143. Lanzoni, p. 1051.
  5. ^ Coleman, James. "Ivrea", The Irish Monthly, M. H. Gill & Son, Dublin, 1897, p.146[unreliable source?]
  6. ^ Provana, pp. 63-64; 341-344, nos. 10 and 11. Kehr, pp. 143-144, nos. 1 and 2. Ardoinus was Marquis of Ivrea.
  7. ^ Gabotto, I, pp. 11-12.
  8. ^ Fedele Savio; Giuseppe Barelli (1902). Le carte dell'Abbazia di S. Stefano d'Ivrea, fino al 1230. Biblioteca della Società storica subalpina (in Italian and Latin). Pinerolo: Chiantore-Mascarelli. Kehr, p. 145.
  9. ^ Gabotto, II, p. 216.
  10. ^ Gabotto, II, pp. 217-220.
  11. ^ Saroglia, pp. 60-62.
  12. ^ a b Saroglia, p. 63.
  13. ^ Ferdinando Gabotto, "Fine del regime communale e vescovile in Ivrea: le prime signorie (1238–1313)," in: Eporediensia (Pinerolo 1900), pp. 118-175.
  14. ^ Saroglia, pp. 80-87.
  15. ^ Saroglia, I, p. 101.
  16. ^ Benedictus XIV (1842). "Lib. I. caput secundum. De Synodi Dioecesanae utilitate". Benedicti XIV ... De Synodo dioecesana libri tredecim (in Latin). Vol. Tomus primus. Mechlin: Hanicq. pp. 42–49. John Paul II, Constitutio Apostolica de Synodis Dioecesanis Agendis (March 19, 1997): Acta Apostolicae Sedis 89 (1997), pp. 706-727.
  17. ^ Memmo, p. 305-306.
  18. ^ Memmo, p. 306-307.
  19. ^ Davide Riccardi (1883). Prima synodus dioecesana quam David ex comitibus Riccardi episcopus Eporediensis habuit in ecclesia cathedrali diebus N.V. VI. Septembris MDCCCLXXXIII (in Latin). Ivrea: Typis A. Tomatis.
  20. ^ Saroglia, pp. 114-115. The King retreated to the Island of Sardinia.
  21. ^ Bullarii Romani continuatio, Summorum Pontificum Benedicti XIV, Clementis XIII, Clementis XIV, Pii VI, Pii VII, Leonis XII, Pii VIII constitutiones (in Latin). Vol. Tomus septimus. Prati: Typographia Aldina. 1850. pp. 443–447, no. CCVIII.
  22. ^ Saroglia, pp. 116-117.
  23. ^ Saroglia, p. 116.
  24. ^ Bullarii Romani continuatio, VII, pp. 1490-1503, § 11.
  25. ^ Ten canons are named in the document of 1255. In 1260 it was ordered that four must be priests, three deacons, and three subdeacons.
  26. ^ Saroglia, pp. 55-56. To these was later added the Cantor and the Treasurer, and there were the offices of Scholasticus and Sacristan.
  27. ^ Manno, p. 298. Durando, pp. 183-191.
  28. ^ Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 220 note 1; VI, p. 245 note 1.
  29. ^ Saroglia, p. 118.
  30. ^ a b "Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta". www.cittaecattedrali.it. Retrieved 2020-04-06.
  31. ^ Porter, pp. 472-473.
  32. ^ Porter, p. 474, 475.
  33. ^ Mario Baratta (1901). I terremoti d'Italia: Saggio di storia, geografia e bibliografia sismica italiana (in Italian). Torino: Fratelli Bocca. pp. 22–23. makes no mention of Ivrea in his discussion of this earthquake. Neither does the Wikipedia article. Other very large earthquakes in the area took place in Liguria in 1136 (Baratta, p. 25), and in Genoa on 15 August 1182 (Baratta, p. 28).
  34. ^ See Saroglia, p. 115.
  35. ^ Manno, p. 290, column 1.
  36. ^ The two monasteries were united by a Bull of Pope Honorius III of 2 November 1221. Suppressed by the French, the Cistercians were restored to Ivrea in 1817. Manno, pp. 300-301. Saroglia, p. 52.
  37. ^ The borgo of the Bando was completely destroyed by the Spanish army in 1544. Saroglia, p. 52.
  38. ^ Saroglia, p. 98.
  39. ^ Saroglia, p. 117.
  40. ^ Saroglia, p. 136. "Chapter Three: Roman Catholic Institutes" (1996). Vincentian Family Tree. Paper 11 Borelli, Antonio. "Blessed Antonia Maria Verna", Santi e Beati, September 16, 2010
  41. ^ Saroglia, p. 55.
  42. ^ A priest named Floreius subscribed for him at a council of Milan, because he was infirm. Ughelli, IV, p. 1066 (who added information about a bishop Elilegius, believing him to be the same person as Eulogius). Lanzoni, p. 1051.
  43. ^ Innocentius died on 29 March 486. Savio, pp. 178-179. Lanzoni, p. 1051 no. 2.
  44. ^ Bishop Desiderio subscribed to the synodical letter of Pope Agapitus in March 680. Savio, p. 180.
  45. ^ Bessus was a semi-legendary martyred Bishop of Ivrea of the eighth century. Savio, pp. 180-183: Le diversi tradizioni...dimonstrano...una cosa sola, che nulla di preciso sapevasi intorno a lui, se non che egli era venerata qual santo. (The various traditions demonstrate only one thing, that nothing precise is known about him, if not that he was venerated as a saint.)
  46. ^ Josephus (Giuseppe): Savio, pp. 184-185. Manno, pp. 292 col. 2; 293, col. 2.
  47. ^ Adalgerus: Savio, pp. 186-190.
  48. ^ Warmund attended the Synod of Pavia in February 997. It is said that he attended the synod of Milan in 969, but no such synod took place; the document referring to it is a forgery, and his name does not appear in it. On 14 October 1001 he was present in the Imperial Court in Pavia. He died on 1 August, probably in 1002. His successor was inoffice in February 1003. Peyron, p. 17. Savio, pp. 190-194. Schwartz, p. 116.
  49. ^ Schwartz, p. 117.
  50. ^ Hugo was said to be a son of King Arduinus; Savio, pp. 198-199. Schwaretz, p. 117 note 2.
  51. ^ Bishop Henricus was present at the synod held in Rome by Pope Nicholas II in 1059. On 14 November 1059, Pope Nicholas II confirmed Bishop Enrico's grant to the monastery of S. Stephanus. Savio, pp. 199-200. Kehr, p. 144, no. 3. Schwartz, p. 117-118.
  52. ^ Ughelli, p. 1069. Savio, pp. 200-201. He is rejected by Gams, p. 816 column 1.
  53. ^ Ogerius had been Provost of the Church of S. Salvatore in Turin: Schwartz, p. 118. He was suffragan of the diocese of Milan, and was one of the addressees of a letter of Pope Gregory VII dated 8 December 1075. Between 1088 and 1093 Ogerius appears in documents as Chancellor of the Emperor Henry IV. Ogerius' name last appears in a donation made by Umberto II of Savoy on 14 September 1094. Savio, pp. 201-202. Cf. Gams, p. 816. column 1, who claims that Ogerius was removed in 1093, and yet gives a concluding date for his episcopate of 1090. Ogerius may have participated in the schism of Wibert of Ravenna (antipope Celestine III).
  54. ^ He had been a Canon of S. Orso in Aosta. In July 1122 he gave a church to the monastery of Novalesa (Gabotto, I, p. 14). In 1136 he gave two churches to the Canons of S. Orso in Aosta (Gabotto, I, pp. 15-17). In December 1161 Bishop Guido purchased property from the heirs of Leone Gualia (Gabotto, I, p. 22). His latest document is dated 2 September 1162, and his death date is recorded as 25 March, according to the Necrology of SS. Pietro ed Orso in Aosta. This would mean, perhaps, that he died in 1163, or 1164, or 1165. Savio, pp. 150-151. Schwartz, p. 119.
  55. ^ Gaimarius was Bishop-elect in July or August 1166. His latest document was signed on 17 February 1189. Savio, pp. 206-207.
  56. ^ Bishop Gaido (not Guido) consented to an investiture in December 1192 (Gabotto, II, p. 37). He was invested with a vinyard on 3 November 1195 (Gabotto, I, p. 47). The See was vacant on 26 August 1199. Savio, pp. 207-208.
  57. ^ Bishop Giovanni concluded an agreement with the Consuls of Ivrea on 25 July 1200 (Gabotto II, p. 49). Giovanni conducted an investiture on 31 January 1204 (Gabotto, I, p. 56-57). Giovanni's resignation was demanded by Innocent III in January 1206, because he was insufficient to the task (Gabotto, II, p. 216). Savio, pp. 208-210. Eubel, I, p. 286.
  58. ^ In 1208 Bishop Pietro served as one of the Pope's Apostolic Visitors for Lombardy (Gabotto, II, pp. 223-226. Pietro conducted an enfieffment on 21 August 1208 Gabotto, I, p. 66), and made a settlement with Aldeprandus the notary on 28 April 1209 (Gabotto, I, p. 73). Pietro was transferred to the diocese of Thessalonica on 27 June 1209 by Pope Innocent III (Gabotto, II, pp. 222-223. Savio, pp. 210-214. Eubel, I, p. 286, 484.
  59. ^ Oberto was Bishop-elect on 20 August 1209 (Gabotto, II, p. 75) and was still Bishop-elect on 17 February 1212 (Gabotto, I, p. 90). He died in 1249. Nothing is known about his last ten years. Ughelli, pp. 1073-1074. Eubel, I, p. 286. Savio, pp. 214-216.
  60. ^ Corrado had been a Canon of the Church of Ivrea, as well as holder of the benefice of the church of St. Felix in the diocese of York, as late as 25 February 1244. On 1 May 1243 he is already found in a document as Bishop-elect of Ivrea (Manno, p. 294, column 1), thereby negating Savio's belief that he did not become bishop-elect until 1244. On 1 February 1144 he was appointed Procurator in spiritualibus et temporalibus by Pope Innocent IV, on petition of the Chapter of Ivrea (Gabotto, II, p. 232). Corrado died on 29 December 1249, without ever having been consecrated. Savio, pp. 216-217.
  61. ^ Giovanni was already Bishop-elect on 10 September 1250. His successor had been elected before 25 January 1264. Ughelli, p. 1075. cf. Eubel, I, p. 286. Savio, pp. 217. Gabotto, II, p. 3.
  62. ^ Federico was elected by the Chapter of Ivrea. He was already Bishop-elect on 25 January 1264, when oaths of fealty were sworn to him (Gabotto, II, p. 41). Pope Urban IV provided Federico as Procurator (Administrator) on 2 June 1264 (Gabotto, II, pp. 233-234). He is electus et procurator in a document of 2 April 1280 (Gabotto, II, p. 101, 110, 120-121, 126, 127, 129, 131, 135). A document of 2 March 1281 mentions that he was resident in the Roman Curia at that time, and acting through Guillelmus Tronellus, the Archdeacon and his Vicar. (Gabotto, II, p. 140). On 21 September 1282 Federicus was granted the privilege by Pope Martin IV of being ordained a priest by any bishop of his choice, and then to be consecrated bishop by the Archbishop of Milan (Gabotto, II, p. 240-241). On 23 August 1284 he was appointed Rector of the Campania and Marittima (Gabotto, II, p. 244); by 24 February 1286 he was Rector of the March of Ancona, where he was succeeded as Rector by Giovanni Colonna on 27 June 1288 (Gabotto, II, p. 256). He was still Bishop-elect when he was transferred to the diocese of Ferrara on 12 February 1289 (Gabotto, II, pp. 154-155). Eubel, I, pp. 248, 286. Savio, pp. 218-219.
  63. ^ Fr. Alberto de Mantua was appointed Bishop of Ivrea by Pope Nicholas IV on 13 March 1289 (Gabotto, II, pp. 154-155). Giorgio di Solero, a Canon of Ivrea, was named his Vicar General (Gabotto II, p. 157). In August 1291 the Vicar General and Procurator of the bishop was Fredericus de Gonzaga, Canon of Mantua (Gabotto, II, p. 173). Gams, p. 816, column 2. Eubel, I, p. 286. Savio, pp. 219-220.
  64. ^ Hubertus: Eubel, I, p. 286.
  65. ^ Palaynus had been Provost of the Cathedral Chapter of Vercelli. He was appointed by Pope John XXII on 20 October 1326. Eubel, I, p. 286.
  66. ^ Bima, p. 126, has two bishops named Petrus. Eubel believed that the two Petrus were actually one. Manno, p. 294 col. 2, gives his name as Pietro Chondi or Pietro de Chonde du Bellay.
  67. ^ Manno, p. 294 col. 2.
  68. ^ Jacobus had been Archpriest of the Chapter of Ivrea. Eubel, I, p. 285; II, p. 168 note 1.
  69. ^ Joannes: Eubel, II, p. 168.
  70. ^ Dominicus, son of Manfred, a native of Rivarolo, was a monk and Abbot of San Benigno Fructurariensis. He was named bishop by Pope Sixtus IV on 29 May 1479. He governed the church of Ivrea for three years, and died in 1483. Ughelli, p. 1076. Bima, p. 127. Eubel, II, p. 168 with note 3.
  71. ^ Garilliati had been a Canon of the Cathedral of Geneva, and was a Doctor of Canon Law. He worked in the Roman Curia as an Abbreviator Litterarum Apostolicarum. He was appointed Bishop of Ivrea by Pope Innocent VIII on 21 October 1485. Bima, p. 127. Eubel, II, p. 169 with note 4.
  72. ^ Ferrero, Provost of the Cathedral Chapter of Vercelli, was appointed Bishop of Ivrea in the Consistory of 28 July 1497 by Pope Innocent VIII. He was consecrated a bishop by his brother, Giovanni Stefano in 1505. He was transferred to the diocese of Vercelli on 5 November 1509, in an exchange with his brother, Cardinal Giovanni Stefano Ferrero. Ughelli, p. 1077. Bima, p. 127. Saroglia, pp. 81-82. Eubel, II, p. 169; III, p. 330.
  73. ^ On 5 November 1509, Cardinal Giovanni Stefano Ferrero exchanged the diocese of Vercelli with his brother Bonifacio. He was also bishop of Bologna. The Cardinal died in Rome on 5 October 1510, less than a year later, at the age of 36. Eubel, II, p. 169; III, pp. 214, 330.
  74. ^ On the death of his brother, Cardinal Giovanni Stefano, Bonifacio Ferrero resigned the diocese of Vercelli (in favor of his brother Agostino), and was reappointed to the diocese of Ivrea on 17 September 1511. Bonifacio was appointed a cardinal on 1 July 1517, and resigned the diocese of Ivrea in favor of his nephew Filiberto Ferrero on 17 May 1518. Bonifacio died on 2 January 1543. Saroglia, p. 81. Eubel, III, p. 214.
  75. ^ Filiberto Ferrero, nephew of Cardinal Bonifacio Ferrero, was not consecrated until 28 December 1532 (by his uncle Bonifacio), a full fourteen years after his appointment by Pope Leo X on 17 May 1518. He served as Papal Nuncio in Turin (1532), then in France (1537-1540). He died on 14 August 1549. Saroglia, pp. 82-83. Eubel, III, p. 214.
  76. ^ Sebastiano Ferrero was appointed on 25 October 1549 by Pope Paul III. He resigned the diocese of Ivrea to his brother Ferdinando on 4 June 1563. Saroglia, p. 83 (with an incorrect date of appointment). Saroglia, pp. 83-84. Eubel, III, p. 214.
  77. ^ Ferdinando Ferrero, the brother of Sebastiano Ferrero, was consecrated a bishop on 8 October 1564 by Scipione d'Este, Bishop of Casale. He died on 12 October 1580. Saroglia, pp. 83-85. Eubel, III, p. 214.
  78. ^ Cesare Ferrero, a protonotary apostolic, had previously been Bishop of Savona. He was appointed Bishop of Ivrea in the Consistory of 13 February 1581 by Pope Gregory XIII. Saroglia, pp. 85-86. Eubel, III, p. 214, 292.
  79. ^ Breve relatione della vita, et gesti del reverendiss.P. M. Enrico Silvio Astergiano, generale della religione della gloriosa Verg. Maria del Carmine Asti: Vergilio Giangrande. 1614. (in Italian)
  80. ^ Di Ceva, of the family of the Marchesi di Ceva, was born at Cuneo (diocese of Mondovi). He was a Doctor in utroque iure (IUD), and had been Prior of S. Benigno and was Grand Aumonier of Carlo Emanuele I and Vittore Amadeo I. He was appointed bishop of Ivrea by Pope Paul V on 12 May 1614. He restored the episcopal palace, which had been damaged in the War of the Mantuan Succession between France and Spain, and adorned it with paintings. He died on 28 August 1633. Saroglia, pp. 91-92. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 211 with note 2 (Gauchat's date of 1617 is a misprint).
  81. ^ Asinari was a native of Asti, related to the Marchesi di Mombercelli. He taught at the College of the Barnabites at S. Dalmatio in Turin. In 1634 he was nominated Bishop of Ivrea by Duke Victor Amadeus I, and was approved as Bishop of Ivrea in the Consistory of 20 November 1634 by Pope Urban VIII. He held a diocesan synod in April 1646. He died on 20 September 1656 (according to Saroglia). Saroglia, pp. 92-93. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 211 with note 3.
  82. ^ Milliet was appointed in the Consistory of 29 June 1658 by Pope Alexander VII. He took possession of the diocese of Ivrea on 4 November 1658. Milliet died on 15 September 1663. Saroglia, p. 93. Gauchat, p. 211 with note 4.
  83. ^ Valperga belonged to the family of the Conti di Valperga, and was born in the castle of Valperga (diocese of Turin) in 1626. He was Aumonier of Duchess Maria Giovanna Battista, who nominated him to the diocese of Ivrea. He was preconised in the Consistory of 9 June 1664 by Pope Alexander VII. He died on 12 February 1669, at the age of 42. Saroglia, pp. 93-94. Gauchat, p. 211 with note 5.
  84. ^ Trucchi was a native of Savigliano, and had twice been elected Prior of the Province of St. Peter Martyr of the Dominican Order. He served as Vicar of the Holy Office (Inquisition) in Turin. He was consecrated on 3 June 1669 by Pope Clement IX, and made his formal entry into Ivrea on 25 August. He held a diocesan synod in 1672, and published its Constitutions. He encouraged the seminary and restored the episcopal palace. He died on 17 July 1698. Ughelli, p. 1078. Saroglia, p. 94. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 229.
  85. ^ Born at Chambéry (diocese of Grenoble), Lambert was a Doctor of Canon Law and had served as Vicar General of Grenoble. He had previously been Bishop of Aosta (1692–1698). He was consecrated in Rome by Cardinal Fabrizio Spada on 30 June 1692. He was transferred to the diocese of Ivrea on 24 November 1698. He died on 28 September 1706. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, pp. 104 with note 3; 226 with note 4.
  86. ^ Born in Turin in 1678, Nicola held a doctorate in theology (Turin), and was Doctor in utroque iure (Civil and Canon Law), and held the rank of Protonotary Apostolic. He was nominated bishop of Ivrea by the King of Sardinia, acting as Duke of Savoy on 23 June 1727, and was preconised (approved) by Pope Benedict XIII on 30 July 1727. He died on 7 September 1733. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 229 with note 5.
  87. ^ Saroglia, p. 106. The diocese was governed by the Vicar Capitular, Canon Barralis.
  88. ^ Villa was born in Turin, and held the degree Doctor in utroque iure (Civil and Canon Law) from the University of Turin. In 1728 he became Vicar General of the diocese of Turin, and was Aumonier of the King of Sardinia. He was nominated Bishop of Ivrea by King Charles Emmanuel III of Sardinia on 22 February 1741, and was preconised (approved) by Pope Benedict XIV in the Consistory of 17 April 1741. He was consecrated in Rome by the Pope on 25 April. He held a diocesan synod. He died in Ivrea on 16 October 1763. Saroglia, pp. 106-109. Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 245 with note 2.
  89. ^ Di Rorà was born in Campiglione (diocese of Pinerolo) in 1732, the eldest son of Count Gaspare Amadeo di Rorà. He was a doctor of theology (Turin), and Moderator of Spiritual life at the University, as well as Aumonier of the King of Sardinia (1762) and Vicar General of Cardinal Lanze, the principal royal chaplain. On 16 May 1674 he was nominated bishop of Ivrea by King Vittorio Amadeo III; the appointment was preconised by Pope Clement XIII in the Consistory of 9 July 1764. Di Rora was consecrated in Rome by Cardinal Ferdinando Maria de Rossi on 15 July 1764. Di Rorà was transferred to the diocese of Archbishop of Turin on 14 March 1768. He died on 14 March 1778. Saroglia, p. 109. Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, pp. 245, with note 3; 395 with note 3.
  90. ^ Born in Racconigi (diocese of Turin) in 1735, Ponchettini belonged to the family of the Counts of Serravalle. He was a doctor of theology (Turin, 1758), and was governor of the royal college of provincials in Turin. He was nominated bishop of Ivrea by the King on 19 July 1769, and preconised by Pope Clement XIV on 11 September 1769. He was consecrated in Rome by Cardinal Carlo Vittorio Amedeo delle Lanze on 21 September 1769. He died on 20 June 1803. Saroglia, p. 109-110. Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 245, with note 4.
  91. ^ Grimaldi had previously been Bishop of Pinerolo. He was consecrated by Cardinal Hyacinthe-Sigismond Gerdil on 6 August 1797. He was transferred to the diocese of Ivrea by Pope Pius VII on 1 February 1805. On 1 August 1817 Grimaldi was transferred by Pope Pius VII to the diocese of Vercelli. He died on 1 January 1830. Saroglia, pp. 118-120. Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 338; VII, pp. 225, 393.
  92. ^ Chiaverotti was born in Turin of Ivrean nobility in 1754. He held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure (Turin). He was nominated by the King on 8 August 1817, and confirmed by Pope Pius VII on 1 October. He was consecrated a bishop in the Chapel of S. Filippo in Turin on 23 November 1817 by Cardinal Paolo Solaro de Villanova. On 21 December 1818 Chiaverotti was confirmed as Archbishop of Turin by Pope Pius VII. He continued to rule the diocese of Ivrea as Apostolic Administrator until 1825. He died on 6 August 1831. Saroglia, p. 120. Ritzler-Sefrin, VII, pp. 225, 361.
  93. ^ Saroglia, p. 120.
  94. ^ Luigi Ponchettini was the nephew of Bishop Giuseppe Pochettini di Serravalle (1769–1803). He was nominated bishop of Ivrea by the King on 20 March 1824, and preconised by Pope Leo XII on 12 July 1824. He was consecrated in Rome on 18 July 1824. Pochettini died on 30 March 1837. Saroglia, p. 121. Ritzler-Sefrin, VII, p. 225.
  95. ^ Moreno was appointed by Pope Gregory XVI in the Consistory of 13 September 1838. He died on 4 May 1878. Saroglia, pp. 121-133. Ritzler-Sefrin, VII, p. 225.
  96. ^ Born in Biella, Riccardi had degrees in theology and Canon Law. He taught dogmatic theology at the seminary in Biella, and became a Canon and then Provost of the Cathedral Chapter. He served as Vicar Capitular and then as Vicar General. He was appointed bishop of Ivrea on 15 July 1878 by Pope Leo XIII, and was consecrated on 15 August by Bishop Leto of Biella. On 7 June 1886 Riccardi was appointed Bishop of Novara by Pope Leo XIII, and in 1892 he was transferred to Turin (1892–1897). He died on 20 May 1897. Marco Neiretti; Roberta Reinerio (1998). Lettere pastorali dei vescovi delle diocesi di Biella e Ivrea (in Italian). Torino: Fondazione Carlo Donat-Cattin. p. 145. Ritzler-Sefrin, VIII, pp. 324, 420, 538.
  97. ^ Richelmy was a native of Turin. He was appointed Bishop of Ivrea by Pope Leo XIII on 7 June 1886, and was consecrated on 28 October. He was transferred to the diocese of Turin on 18 September 1897, and was named a cardinal on 19 June 1899. He died on 10 August 1923. He was a vocal opponent of Christian democracy: Walter E. Crivellin (2008). Cattolici, politica e società in Piemonte tra '800 e '900 (in Italian). Torino: Effata Editrice IT. pp. 35–36. ISBN 978-88-7402-424-7. Attilio Vaudagnotti, Il cardinale Agostino Richelmy, (Torino, Roma: Marietti, 1926). Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VIII, pp. 48, 51. Harris M. Lentz (2002). Popes and Cardinals of the 20th Century: A Biographical Dictionary. London: McFarland & Company. pp. 155–156. ISBN 978-0-7864-1094-1.
  98. ^ Dioecesis Eporediensis, Il Vescovo di Ivrea Sua Eccellenza Reverendissima Mons. Edoardo Aldo Cerrato, C.O.; retrieved 31 January 2018 (biography of the bishop, in Italian) On October 7, 2012, Msgr. Edoardo Aldo Cerrato, C.O., former Procurator General of the Confederation of Oratories of Saint Philip Neri, was installed as Bishop of the Diocese of Ivrea.
  99. ^ chiesacattolica.it (Retrieved:2008-03-11 11:06:29 +0000) Archived 2007-11-15 at the Wayback Machine


Reference works



 This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domainHerbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. {{cite encyclopedia}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)