Salmonid susceptibility to whirling disease
This page tabulates susceptibility of various salmonids to whirling disease.
Genus | Common Name | Score |
Oncorhynchus | Rainbow trout | 3 |
Steelhead trout | 3 | |
Cutthroat trout | ||
Yellowstone cutthroat | 2 | |
Westslope cutthroat | 2 | |
Colorado River cutthroat | 2 | |
Rio Grande cutthroat | 2 | |
Greenback cutthroat | 2 | |
Chinook salmon | 2 | |
Sockeye salmon | 3 | |
Chum salmon | 1 S | |
Pink salmon | 1 S | |
Cherry salmon | 1 S | |
Coho salmon | 1 | |
Salvelinus | Brook trout | 2 |
Dolly Varden | 1 S | |
Bull trout | 1 | |
Lake trout | 0 S | |
Salmo | Atlantic salmon | 2 S |
Brown trout | 1 | |
Prosopium | Mountain whitefish | 2 S |
Thymallus | European grayling | 2 S |
Arctic grayling | 0 | |
Hucho | Danube salmon | 3 |
*Susceptibility as defined in laboratory or exposure to M. cerebralis at vulnerable life stages. ^Score of 0-3 or S: 0=resistant, no spores develop; 1=partial resistance, clinical disease rare and develops only when exposed to very high parasite doses. 2=susceptible, clinical disease common at high parasite doses, but greater resistance to disease at low doses. |
MacConnell, E., and E. R. Vincent. 2002. Review: The effects of Myxobolus cerebralis on the salmonid host. Pages 95–107 in J. L. Bartholomew and J. C. Wilson, editors. Whirling disease: Reviews and current topics. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 29, Bethesda, Maryland.