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Albert Millet

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Albert Millet
Born(1929-07-02)July 2, 1929
DiedNovember 19, 2007(2007-11-19) (aged 78)
Hyères, France
Cause of deathSuicide
Other names"The Boar of the Moors"
Span of crimes

Albert Millet (born July 2, 1929 in Hyères - November 19, 2007 in the same city) was a French serial killer, nicknamed "The Boar of the Moors".[1][2][3]

In Hyères, he killed two women in 1954, then in 1979, and a man in 2007.


Albert Millet was born in 1929 in Hyères.[4] He was beaten by his alcoholic father and abandoned by a fickle mother. He left school at the age of 14.[5] He knew very well the castle in ruins which overhanged the city, as well as the maquis which surrounded it. He would take refuge in particular to hide after each of his packages. He performed his military service in Tataouine, Tunisia, and held the position of sniper. He would remain passionate about weapons.

He illustrated himself very quickly on the judicial level:

  • in 1948 he was twice sentenced to one month's imprisonment for theft;
  • in 1948 he was sentenced twice again for theft;
  • in 1950, he became involved in theft, gendarme violence and the possession of a weapon of war.

On June 5, 1951, he tried to shoot with a rifle at an Algerian. He was arrested by the police in the bush where he hid with his rifle.


In early 1954, in Hyères, Millet met a 15-year-old girl at a ballroom, Paulette Dogliotti. He fell head over heels in love. Paulette, who was brought up by her aunt, Élisa Maggiorana, was a servant. Millet was waiting for her every night around 9pm in front of her employers' house, when she carried the metal bin to put it on the sidewalk.

Élisa disapproved of Paulette's connection with Millet because of his passion for weapons and the convictions he already had. She also considered that Paulette is too young for this relationship. Élisa then forbid them to socialize, and Paulette agreed with her aunt's decision.

In March 1954, in Hyères, Élisa was drinking in a bar with her fiancé. Millet entered the bar, where he was ordered not to approach Paulette. The conversation escalated, so that she slapped him in front of the assembly. The fiancé then threw Millet out of the bar. In a calm tone, Millet issued death threats against Élisa and Paulette.

On March 28, 1954, as Paulette pulled out the trash like normal, Millet pulled out his gun and shot her. She came out miraculously unscathed, the metal bin having served as a shield. Millet then hid in the maquis and Élisa filed a complaint against him.

On April 3, 1954, at around 17h, Élisa Maggiorana was sitting near the bus stop in front of the Aux Dames de France store. Millet crossed the street, straight towards her and shot her in the head. She died almost instantly. He ran off again to hide in the maquis he knew by heart, gaining on this occasion the nickname "The Wild boar of the Moors".

The police finally found him the next day at the station. He was shot three times in the skull, falling into a coma but miraculously surviving.

His nickname "Pierrot" comes from the analogy with Pierre Loutrel.

Trial, conviction and incarceration

On September 30, 1955, the trial of Albert Millet began at the cour d'assises in Var, in Draguignan. The defense of Millet was provided by Master Aymé Perrimond. Millet recognized the facts, but denied premeditation. He claimed to have shot voluntarily in the trash to scare Paulette and argued that as a former sniper, if he had really targeted Paulette, he would not have missed it. Regarding Élisa, he claimed that he wanted her to come with him to the police station to withdraw his complaint. But he got scared when she screamed as soon as she saw him.

Millet was sentenced to death. He was incarcerated at the Baumettes Prison in Marseille. He appealed in cassation, the court of cassation canceled his sentence of death for vice de form.

In 1956, the new trial was held at the cour d'assises of Alpes-Maritimes in Nice. Albert Millet was resentenced to penal labor for life. He was then incarcerated in the Fresnes prison, then the Château-Thierry Prison, and the Clairvaux Prison, prisons in which the conditions of detention were the hardest. During his detention, he behaved like a model prisoner. On July 12, 1968, his sentence was commuted to 20 years of imprisonment.

During his captivity, he maintained a correspondence with the wife of one of his friends, Fernande "Nande" Valentin. She was a caregiver at San Salvadour Hospital. She visited him in the prison parlor. They began a relationship that took shape after the divorce of Fernande.

Liberation and renewed crimes

On July 10, 1973, Albert Millet received parole.

In August 1973, as promised, he married Fernande. They then moved to 5th de la Croix Street in Hyères. He said that Fernande was "a saint". He only touched guns when he went hunting. The two grooms were happy together. Fernande impeccably keeped the focus. Millet, however, had very little to do with housework, did not have a job, but did small, undeclared gardening work. Every month, he respected his obligation and pointed to the police station to sign his residence permit.

The evening after her work in the hospital, Fernande performed households to supplement the income, the household not rolling on the gold. Over the years, Millet became possessive, suspicious, spied on Fernande and suspected her of having a lover. For her part, she complained that he wanted to have sex too often and that he prevented her from sleeping.

After 22 hours on June 12, 1979, Fernande told him she did not want him to sleep in the bed, but on the couch. She told him that she did not want to take care of a husband who does almost nothing. As she did not want him to find himself destitute after separation and still holding on to him, she signed him a check for 20,000 francs for him to make a fresh start. Millet felt humiliated.

At 5 AM on June 13, 1979, Millet stabbed Fernande with a dagger with two swings to the heart. Millet barricaded himself in the house and got drunk. A little after 9 AM, he was totally drunk and fired in all directions through the window of his room. The house was quickly surrounded by police. He threw objects out the window. He confessed his crime to the police, shouting "I killed a saint", and said that he wanted to commit suicide. After about four hours of negotiations with friends and the priest, Millet finally surrendered to the police.

In custody, Millet declared that after killing his wife, he decided to commit suicide in the bush with his pistol. He took his doberman on a walk. But on the way he changed his mind and hit the bitch, who ran away. While in police custody, he asked to speak to the Commissioner, whose office was on the second floor, and tried to commit suicide by jumping from the landing into the police station's stairwell. The police caught him in flight on the first floor. As part of the investigation, the police requested the opening of Fernande's locker at the hospital where she worked. The latter found drafts of a letter that was not addressed to Millet, but to an unfaithful lover, suggesting that Millet must have felt that his wife was cheating on him.

A few days later, the corpse of a Doberman was discovered with a stone around his neck in a well by a shepherd who hid his discovery, for fear of Millet.

Trial, conviction and incarceration

On May 11, 1981, Albert Millet's trial began at the cour d'assises of Var in Draguignan. Fernande's family claimed that it was not logical for the bitch to run away - she would have taken refuge at home, and she would have defended her mistress if she had seen Millet hurt her. They were convinced that the defendant killed the dog before, and therefore that he had premeditated the murder of Fernande and that the crime was therefore an assassination.

Millet, who plead guilty to the crime of passion, was sentenced to life imprisonment, the jury having not retained the premeditation. He again was a model inmate. His sentence was finally commuted to 22 years of imprisonment. He did not benefit from any psychological support. He worked during his detention, and was saving about 300 000 francs at the time. He also enjoyed exit permits, during which he stayed in a room of a small hotel in Nice.

In June 2001, during his fourth leave, he met a woman named Gisèle on the terrace of a café. He confessed to her all his criminal career. She told him that she only has a disability pension as income, that she spent it at the casino and that she was in debt. She invited him to spend the night, at 3rd avenue du Patrimoine, in the small two-room apartment that she owned.


In December 2001, Albert Millet was released on parole. He then left to live in Gisèle[s apartament. According to her, he had great sexual needs, which she appreciated at first. He also did the housework. He gave her many gifts (jewelry, clothes, etc.), and large sums of money.

Millet's probation officer worried about the speed with which his savings were disappearing and feared he's being scammed. Millet replied that he is fully aware of this and that he was quite willing. Millet contacted Master Thierry Perrimond, the son of his first lawyer, Aymé Perrimond, who died during his detention. Millet entrusted his personal fortune (louis d'or, watches, jewels, etc.) to his lawyer, who placed it in the vault of a bank in Toulon. After a small fright due to the opening of a bad locker, Master Thierry Perrimond restored his property.

Gisèle quickly found out that was Millet too possessive and felt watched by him. She told in a letter that he must leave home, and that their relationship will end on February 15, 2002. Millet tried to coax her by saying that he had hidden a treasure in the maquis near Hyères, including between other twelve gold bars. He offered to give her most of it, in exchange for staying with him. She aske to see this treasure before giving an answer.

On February 12, 2002, they went by train to Hyères. Millet had bought an ice axe. A taxi dropped them at the Fenouillet road, in a deserted place that Millet said is the one where he hid his treasure. He began to scratch the ground behind the rocks with his ice axe. Gisèle realized that he can easily kill her discreetly here and panicked, returning to the road and stopping the first car. The driver took Albert and Gisèle to the station from where they left for Nice, where she abandoned Millet.

On February 13, 2002, Millet recontacted Gisèle and offered her 10,000 francs to return to live with him. She accepted, but on February 17, 2002, she told him to leave permanently. He still spent the night at home.

In the early morning of February 18, 2002, Gisèle was in bed, Millet hit her with a kitchen knife. They fought and she was cut under the chin. Millet tried to rescue her, but she told him to leave, which he did. She called an ambulance which took her to the Saint Roch hospital. Her injury was not serious. Millet soon went to the hospital to check on Gisèle, then surrendered himself to his probation officer. He said he never intended to kill Gisèle.

Trial, conviction and incarceration

The trial of Albert Millet for the attempted murder on Gisele took place in the tribunal correctionnel. The defense of Millet was provided by Master Mireille Damiano, Master Sandrine Setton being the lawyer of Gisèle. Millet was sentenced to seven years in prison, but appealed his conviction. At the trial on appeal, his conviction was confirmed.

Release, last murder and suicide

In August 2007, Albert Millet was released.[6] He had 30,000 euros in savings. He moved to room 4 of the Hotel du Soleil in Hyères. He met his neighbor Chantal, who lives at 1st Neuve Street. He saw her from the window of her hotel room. Chantal was depressed and had financial worries. He eventually moved to her home and paid a portion of the rent. He gives her presents and invited her to eat at a restaurant. But Millet was upset, because Chantal had a friend who came almost every day to their apartment, Christian Fernandez, 41-years-old. She offered him an aperitif and the meal while it is Millet who financed. They argued about it. Millet went back to his room at the hotel and decided that Chantal must repay some of his money, several thousand euros.

On November 18, 2007, Millet spent the night at Chantal's house and insisted that they be alone. Chantal did not obey him and invited Christian. Millet went to bed but got up to complain about the noise, which was reclined several times in a row.

On November 19, 2007, at 3:00 am, Millet got up and went down to the first floor. Christian invited him to have a drink with them. Millet, insulted, left the house saying that he would come back armed. Christian, however, did not take his threat seriously. A little later, Millet knocked on the door of the house and calmly asked to enter. Chantal opened the door, and Millet bursted in, shooting her in the thigh. Christian intervened, but was shoot three times and died on the spot. Millet fled and hid in the bush. But the "Boar of the Moors" had aged and could no longer evade the gendarmes. At around 4:45 pm, in the climb of Noailles, Millet saw the policemen and committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.

List of known victims

Date Identity Age Place
March 28, 1954 Paulette Dogliotti 15 Hyères
April 3, 1954 Élisa Maggiorana 27 Hyères
June 13, 1979 Fernande Valentin in the forties Hyères
February 18, 2007 Gisèle in the fifties Nice
November 19, 2007 Chantal in the fifties Hyères
Christian Fernandez 41


  1. ^ "The murderous grandfather stabs his girlfriend" Article by François Corbara published on 24 February 2002 in Le Parisien
  2. ^ "Albert Millet, The Boar of the Moors" December 11, 2011 and December 16, 2012 in Get the Accused presented by Frédérique Lantieri on France 2
  3. ^ "Albert Millet, the wild boar of the Moors" November 26, 2014 in L'Heure du crime of Jacques Pradel on RTL
  4. ^ Didier Fabre, The bloody trajectory of Albert Millet, the other Pierrot the madman , Presses du Midi, October 2011 ISBN 2-8127-0283-4
  5. ^ "Albert Millet, murderer until his last day" Article by Timothée Boutry published November 21, 2007 in Le Parisien
  6. ^ «Hyères: Albert Millet commits suicide after one last murderous madness» Article published on November 20, 2007 in Nice-Matin


  • Didier Fabre, The bloody trajectory of Albert Millet, the other Pierrot the madman, Presses du Midi, October 2011 ISBN 2-8127-0283-4

TV documentary

  • "Albert Millet, The wild boar of the Moors" on December 11, 2011 and December 16, 2012 in "Get the accused" presented by Frédérique Lantieri on France 2.

Radio shows

See also