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Coat of Arms of the Aleramici of Savona or del Vasto
Coat of arms of the extinct Aleramici of Monferrato
The five imperial marches of northern Italy in the 10th century (Aleramici in green)

The Aleramici were a Northern Italian noble and royal dynasty of Frankish[1] origin which ruled various northwestern Italian territories in Piedmont and Liguria from the 10th to the 14th century, also reigning over the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Thessalonica during the 12th and 13th centuries.

Their name derived from count Aleramo, proclaimed first Marquis of Central Liguria by emperor Otto the Great in 966. The Aleramici were divided in two main lines: the Marquises of Savona or Del Vasto, and the Marquises of Monferrato. In the 14th century the line of Monferrato ended in Irene of Montferrat, Empress of Constantinople, whilst the line of Savona carried on in multiple descending branches.



The oldest known member of the lineage was the Frankish count Willehmus, a Burgundian who is thought to have gone to the Carolingian Kingdom of Italy around 888 or 889, possibly to aid Guy III of Spoleto in his quest for the Iron Crown of Lombardy. His son Aleramo, received from King Hugh of Italy the first feudal domains in Central Liguria in the year 933, later confirmed by Holy Roman Emperor Otto the Great, who in addition granted him and his descendants the hereditary title of Marchio or Margrave of the Holy Roman Empire.

The Aleramici formed one of the four imperial margraviates in the northern Kingdom of Italy, soon becoming one of the most powerful dynasties of the Middle Ages. Due to their ancestral Salic tradition, they divided their original territory into multiple marquisates, grouped into two main lines founded by Aleramo's two surviving sons: the Marquises of Savona, or del Vasto, descendants of the eldest son Anselmo, and the Marquises of Monferrato, descendants of the youngest son Otto. Despite their constant territorial division between the multiple male descendants, the Aleramici managed to maintain control over an important part of the Piedmont and the Eastern flank of the Ligurian Bay, forming powerful alliances throughout the ruling houses of Europe, including the Capetians and the Hohenstaufens.

The cadet line of Monferrato gained notable influence and power through their involvement in the Crusades, becoming kings and queens of Jerusalem, first by marriage and then by succession in the 12th century. Recognized as a royal lineage, the Aleramici of both lines married into numerous of royal dynasties, most notably the three Byzantine Imperial dynasties of Comnenus, Angelus and Palaeologus, with whom they formed their most important alliance. As a result of the Fourth Crusade, the Aleramici founded the Latin Kingdom of Thessalonica, then replaced by the Empire of Thessalonica. During this period, two women of the Monferrato line held the title of "Empress Consort" of the Eastern Roman Empire (Empress Agnes and Empress Irene). By the 14th century the Marquisate of Monferrato passed to Theodore I Paleologus, son of Empress Irene, last of the Aleramici of Monferrato.

Despite the extinction of their cadet branch, the Aleramici survived the Middle Ages through the multiple descending branches of the Marquises of Savona, including the Marquises of Saluzzo (from 1135 to 1548), Finale (ruled by the Aleramici del Carreto from 1135 to 1602), Ceva, Busca, Clavesana, Loreto, Bosco, Belforte, Ussecio, Pareto, Varazze, Ponzone, amongst others, whose domains were mostly absorbed by the Republic of Genoa between the 12th and 14th centuries.[2] Only the Marquises of Finale and the Marquises of Saluzzo continued to rule over part of the original Aleramician domains until the 16th century.

Rulers of the Aleramic dynasty


Aleramic dynasty


Partitions of Liguria under Aleramic rule

Marquisate of Liguria
Marquisate of Western Liguria
of Occimiano

of Rocchetta

Marquisate of
Eastern Liguria

Evolved as:
Marquisate of

of Busca

(Lancia branch)
of Ceva

of Clavesana

of Finale

(Del Carretto

of Incisa

Evolved as:
of Saluzzo

(Del Vasto branch)
Inherited by
Palaiologos dynasty
Acquired by the
House of Savoy
Divided between the
House of Savoy,
the Marquisate of Finale
and the Genoese Republic
of Zuccarello

(Del Carretto

Inherited by the
House of Gonzaga
(from 1536)
Inherited by the
House of Gonzaga
Annexed to
Annexed to
Annexed to the
Genoese Republic

Table of rulers

Ruler Born Reign Ruling part Consort Death Notes
Guglielmo I c.900? 924-933 Marquisate of Liguria Unknown
one child
aged 32–33?
A Frankish count and the oldest known member of the family. His title of Marquis is usually given in retrospection: it's possible that he never used the title.
Aleramo c.920?
Son of Guglielmo I
933-991 Marquisate of Liguria Adelaide
three children

Gerberga of Italy
no children
aged 70–71?
Invested with fiefs in 938, when he is firstly documented.[3]
Guglielmo II c.940?
First son of Aleramo and Adelaide
c.960-961 Marquisate of Liguria Unmarried 961
aged 20–21?
Ruled alongside his father.
Anselmo I c.940?
Second son of Aleram and Adelaide
991-998 Marquisate of Western Liguria Gisela of Milan
four children
aged 57–58?
Younger children of Aleramo, ruled alongside his father at least since 983. After Aleramo's death the brothers made a division in their inheritance.
Oddone I c.940?
Third son of Aleramo and Adelaide
991 Marquisate of Eastern Liguria ? of Piacenza
four children
aged 50–51?
Guglielmo III c.970?
First son of Oddone I
991-c.1040 Marquisate of Eastern Liguria Waza
four children
aged 69–70?
Children of Oddone, divided their inheritance.
Riprando I c.970?
Second son of Oddone I
991-c.1020 Marquisate of Occimiano Unknown
at least one child
aged 49–50?
Anselmo II c.960?
Second son of Anselmo I and Gisela of Milan
998-c.1025 Marquisate of Western Liguria Adela of Milan
three children
aged 64–65?
Oddone c.990
Son of Riprando I
c.1020-1050 Marquisate of Occimiano Unknown
three children
aged 59–60?
Oddone c.990?
First son of Anselmo II and Adela of Milan
c.1025-1060 Marquisate of Western Liguria Bertha of Turin
six children
aged 69–70?
Oddone II 1015
First son of Guglielmo III and Waza
c.1040 – 20 November 1084 Marquisate of Eastern Liguria Costanza of Savoy
two children
20 November 1084
aged 50–51?
Children of Guglielmo III, ruled jointly.
Enrico c.1015
Second son of Guglielmo III and Waza
c.1040-1045 Marquisate of Eastern Liguria Unmarried 1045
aged 29–30
Oberto I c.1040?
Son of Oddone
c.1050-1115 Marquisate of Occimiano Unknown
four children
aged 74–75?
Bonifazio 1055
Third son of Oddone and Bertha of Turin
c.1060-1125 Marquisate of Western Liguria ? of Incisa[6][7]
seven children

Agnes of Vermandois
six children
aged 69–70?
After his death, his large inheritance was thoroughly divided between his sons.
Guglielmo IV c.1030
First son of Oddone II and Costanza of Savoy
20 November 1084 – 1100 Marquisate of Eastern Liguria Emma of Apulia[citation needed]
one child

Otta di Agledo
two children
aged 69–70?
Rainerio 1075
Second son of Guglielmo IV and Otta di Agledo
1100-1137 Marquisate of Montferrat Gisela of Burgundy
five children
aged 61–62
Children of Guglielmo IV, divided their inheritance. Rainerio was the first to be titled Marquis of Montferrat.
Enrico Balbo c.1060
Second son of Guglielmo IV and Otta di Agledo
1100-1127 Marquisate of Rocchetta Unknown
one child
aged 32–33?
Oberto II c.1090?
Son of Oberto I
c.1115-1145 Marquisate of Occimiano Berta-Adelasia
five children
aged 56–57?
Manfredo I c.1110?
First son of Bonifacio
1125-1175 Marquisate of Saluzzo Eleonora of Arborea
six children
aged 64–65?
Children of Bonifazio, divided their inheritance. Ugo left no children and was succeeded by a nephew (son of Anselmo III).
Anselmo III c.1110?
Second son of Bonifacio
1125-1178 Marquisate of Ceva Unknown
two children
aged 67–68?
Ugo c.1110?
Third son of Bonifacio
1125-1170 Marquisate of Clavesana Unmarried c.1170
aged 59–60?
Guglielmo I c.1110?
Fifth son of Bonifacio
1125-1140 Marquisate of Busca Unknown
two children
aged 29–30?
Bernardo c.1080?
Son of Enrico
1127-1135 Marquisate of Rocchetta Unknown
one child
aged 54–55?
Domicella c.1120?
Daughter of Bernardo
1135-1203 Marquisate of Rocchetta Alberto I, Marquis of Incisa
six children
aged 82–83?
Rocchetta annexed to Incisa
Guglielmo V the Elder 1110
First son of Rainerio and Gisela of Burgundy
1137-1191 Marquisate of Montferrat Judith of Austria
1133[11] nine children
Tyre, Lebanonaged 50–51?
Manfredo I c.1130?
First son of Guglielmo I
1140-1187 Marquisate of Busca Unknown
one child
aged 56–57?
Siblings, possibly held the marquisate jointly, and founded two branches who apparently ruled concurrently, or jointly, the marquisate.
Berengario c.1140?
Second son of Guglielmo I
1140-1211/14 Marquisate of Busca Emilia
four children
aged 71–74?
Guglielmo I c.1110?
First son of Oberto II and Berta-Adelasia
c.1145-1150 Marquisate of Occimiano Galiana
no children
aged 39–40?
Children of Oberto II, shared power, or at least shared, in documents, the title of marquis.
Oberto III c.1110?
Fifth son of Oberto I
c.1145-1150 Marquisate of Occimiano Unmarried c.1150
aged 39–40?
Enrico c.1130?
First grandson of Oberto I
c.1150-1180 Marquisate of Occimiano Unknown
? children [13]
aged 49–50?
Grandchildren of Oberto I (sons of a son or daughter of this marquis), and nephews of Oberto II. They shared power, or at least, in documents, the title of marquis.
Bernardo[14] c.1130?
Second grandson of Oberto II and Berta-Adelasia
c.1150-1180 Marquisate of Occimiano Unmarried c.1180[15]
aged 49–50?
Manfredo II c.1140
First son of Manfredo I and Eleonora of Arborea
1175 – February 1215 Marquisate of Saluzzo Adelasia of Montferrat
four children
February 1215
aged 74–75?
Guglielmo I c.1140?
First son of Anselmo III
1178-1205 Marquisate of Ceva ? of Vento
five children
aged 64–65?
Children of Anselmo III, divided their inheritance: Guglielmo inherited his father's domains at Ceva; Bonifazio inherited his uncle Ugo's marquisate at Clavesana.
Bonifazio I c.1140?
Second son of Anselmo III
1170-1221 Marquisate of Clavesana Unknown
three children
aged 80–81?
Anselmo I c.1170?
First grandson of Enrico (?)[14]
c.1180-1205 Marquisate of Occimiano Unknown c.1205[16]
aged 34–35?
Possibly grandchildren of Enrico, ruled jointly.
Guglielmo II the Monk c.1170?
Second grandson of Enrico (?)[14]
c.1180-1230 Marquisate of Occimiano Unknown c.1230[17][14]
aged 59–60?
Corrado c.1170?
Third grandson of Enrico (?)[14]
c.1180-1200 Marquisate of Occimiano Unknown c.1205?[18]
aged 34–35?
Anselmo II Camar c.1170?
Fourth grandson of Enrico (?)[14]
c.1180-1205 Marquisate of Occimiano Unknown
one child?
aged 34–35?
Corrado 1140
Second son of Guglielmo V and Judith of Austria
1191 – 28 April 1192 Marquisate of Montferrat Unknown
no children

Theodora Angelina

(separated May/June 1187)no children

Isabella I, Queen of Jerusalem
24 November 1190
one child
28 April 1192
Tyre, Lebanon
aged 51–52
Also King of Jerusalem by right of his wife.
Bonifacio I 1140
Second son of Guglielmo V and Judith of Austria
28 April 1192 – 4 September 1207 Marquisate of Montferrat Elena of Bosco
three children

Jeanne of Châtillon[20]
no children

Margaret of Hungary
May 1204
one child
4 September 1207
Tyre, Lebanon
aged 50–51?
Laid also claim on the Kingdom of Thessalonica, ruling it effectively from 1205, after the Sack of Constantinople. During his reign in Montferrat, he encouraged the development of literature, inviting many troubadours to his court.
Guglielmo II c.1160?
First son of Guglielmo I
1205-1230 Marquisate of Ceva Maria of Saluzzo
one child
aged 69–70?
Son-in-law of Manfredo II of Saluzzo, and father-in-law of Tommaso I of Saluzzo.
Guglielmo VI 1173
First son of Bonifacio I and Elena of Bosco
4 September 1207 – 17 September 1225 Marquisate of Montferrat Sophia of Hohenstaufen
no children

Berta of Clavesana
9 August 1202
three children
17 September 1225
aged 51–52
Manfredo II c.1150?
First son of Manfredo I
1211/14-1215 Marquisate of Busca Bianca Maletta
eight children
aged 64–65?
Cousins, possibly held the marquisate jointly. In spite of Manfred III having children, they stopped claiming co-rulership in the marquisate, which was then held exclusively by Berengar's line.
Guglielmo II c.1160?
First son of Berengario and Emilia
1211/14 – 5 April 1233 Marquisate of Busca Audisia
thee children
5 April 1233
aged 72–73?
Manfredo III c.1180?
First son of Manfredo II and Bianca Maletta
1215-1248 Marquisate of Busca Unknown
three children
aged 67–68?
Regency of Adelasia of Montferrat (1215-1218) Grandson of Manfredo II.
Manfredo III 1204
Son of Bonifacio of Saluzzo and Maria of Torres
February 1215 – 29 October 1244 Marquisate of Saluzzo Beatrice of Savoy
March 1233
four children
29 October 1244
aged 39–40
Bonifazio II Tagliaferro c.1180?
First son of Bonifazio I
1221-1237 Marquisate of Clavesana Unmarried 1237
aged 56–57?
Children of Bonifazio I, ruled jointly.
Oddone I c.1180?
Second son of Bonifazio I
1221 - 16 September 1233 Marquisate of Clavesana Mabilia
(d. 16 June 1248/14 March 1251)
six children
aged 52–53?
Berta 1182
Daughter of Bonifazio I
1221-1224 Marquisate of Clavesana
(at Mombarcaro and Cortemiglia)
Guglielmo VI, Marquis of Montferrat
9 August 1202
three children
aged 41–42
Bonifacio II the Giant July 1202
First son of Guglielmo VI and Berta of Clavesana
17 September 1225 – 12 May 1253 Marquisate of Montferrat Margherita of Savoy (I)
three children
12 May 1253
aged 50
Giorgio I c.1190?
Second son of Guglielmo I
1230 – 10 June 1268 Marquisate of Ceva Unknown
two children
10 June 1268
aged 77–78?
Aleramo c.1190?
Son of Anselmo II (?)[14]
c.1230-1265 Marquisate of Occimiano Unknown
two children
aged 74–75?
Bonifazio III c.1210?
First son of Oddone I and Mabilia
1237-1268 Marquisate of Clavesana Unmarried 1237
aged 56–57?
Children of Oddone I, ruled jointly.
Emmanuele I c.1210?
Second son of Oddone I and Mabilia
1237-1297 Marquisate of Clavesana Unknown
two children
aged 86–87?
Regencies of Beatrice of Savoy (1244) and Boniface II, Marquis of Montferrat (1244-1253)
Tommaso I 1239
First son of Manfredo III and Beatrice of Savoy
29 October 1244 – 3 December 1296 Marquisate of Saluzzo Luisa of Ceva
(d.22 August 1291)
fifteen children
3 December 1296
aged 64–65?
Enrico c.1190?
First son of Guglielmo II and Audisia
1248-1281 Marquisate of Busca Rufina
three children
aged 70–71?
Siblings and last known marquises. Ruled with Manfredo III since their father's death in 1233.
Oddone c.1190?
Second son of Guglielmo II and Audisia
1248-c.1250? Marquisate of Busca Unmarried c.1250?
aged 39–40?
Busca annexed to Saluzzo
Regency of Margherita of Savoy (I) (1253-1257)
Guglielmo VII the Great 1240
Son of Bonifacio II and Margherita of Savoy (I)
12 May 1253 – 6 February 1292 Marquisate of Montferrat Isabel de Clare[22]
July 1258
two children

Beatrice of Castile
August 1271
seven children
6 February 1292
aged 51–52
Oberto IV c.1210?
First son of Aleramo (?)[14]
c.1265-1275 Marquisate of Occimiano Unknown c.1275[23]
aged 74–75?
Children of Aleramo, ruled jointly.
Bonifazio c.1210?
Son of Aleramo (?)[14]
Marquisate of Occimiano
Occimiano re-merged in Montferrat
Giorgio II c.1250?
First son of Giorgio I
10 June 1268 – 22 February 1313 Marquisate of Ceva Unknown
two children
aged 73–74?
In 1313, Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor, gave the marquisate to the duke of Savoy.[24] This meant the loss of independence of the various branches that descended from Giorgio II. The marquisate itself met its end in 1427, when it was absorbed officially by Savoy.
Ceva annexed to Savoy
Giovanni I the Just 1277
Third son of Guglielmo VII and Beatrice of Castile
6 February 1292 – 9 January 1305 Marquisate of Montferrat Margherita of Savoy (II)
23 March 1296
no children
9 January 1305
aged 27–28
Left no descendants.
Manfredo IV 1262
First son of Tommaso I and Luisa of Ceva
3 December 1296 – 29 July 1332 Marquisate of Saluzzo Beatrice of Sicily
two children

Isabella Doria
five children
16 September 1340
aged 77–78
In 1332, after a war between his children over the succession, Manfredo signed a treaty with Amadeus VI, Count of Savoy, in which he abdicated to his eldest son, Federico.
Oddone II c.1250?
First son of Emmanuele I
1297-1308 Marquisate of Clavesana ? Spinola
one child
aged 57–58?
Children of Emmanuele I, ruled jointly.
Francesco c.1250?
Second son of Emmanuele I
1297-1310 Marquisate of Clavesana Giacomina
two children
aged 59–60?
Violante-Irene 1274
Casale Monferrato
First daughter of Guglielmo VII and Beatrice of Castile
9 January 1305 – 1306 Marquisate of Montferrat Andronikos II Palaiologos
(separated 1303)
seven children
aged 42–43
Inherited the marquisate from her brother in 1305, and tried to propose her eldest son to succeed her brother, but got rejected by Patriarch Athanasius I of Constantinople. Given that she inherited the marquisate, it's probable that she ruled in Montferrat between the death of her brother and the arrival of the chosen successor of John, her son Theodore.[25] Yolande was also Eastern Roman Empress consort at Constantinople.
Montferrat inherited by the Palaiologos dynasty
Regency of Oberto Spinola (1310-1314?) The marquisate was probably ruled by Federico (Oddone's son) and Argentina and Caterina, Francesco's daughters. As Argentina and Caterina's children were also known as Marquis of Clavesana, it's possible that, at this point, the three ruled jointly, or they divided the marquisate between them.
Federico c.1300?[26]
Only son of Oddone II and ? Spinola
1310-1363 Marquisate of Clavesana
two children
aged 62–63?
Argentina c.1300?
First daughter of Francesco and Giacomina
1310-1355 Marquisate of Clavesana
Rafaele Doria
no children

? of Saluzzo
one child[27]
aged 54–55?
Caterina c.1300?
Second daughter of Francesco and Giacomina
1310-1350 Marquisate of Clavesana
Enrico del Carretto
(d.22 April 1328/8 May 1340)
two children
aged 49–50?
Federico I 1287
Son of Manfredo IV and Beatrice of Sicily
29 July 1332 – 29 June 1336 Marquisate of Saluzzo Margaret of Viennois
two children

Giacomina di Biandrate
21 June 1333
no children
29 June 1336
aged 64–65?
From 1330, fought with his younger half-brother Manfredo, who their father had favoured and designated successor with the influence of Federico's stepmother Isabella Doria. The treaty with the count of Savoy (1332) made his father abdicate and give the land to him.
Tommaso II 1304
Son of Federico I and Margaret of Viennois
29 June 1336 – 1341

1342 – 18 August 1357
Marquisate of Saluzzo Ricciarda of Milan
eleven children
18 August 1357
aged 52–53
Became involved in his father's previous war of succession, as his uncle Manfredo came back to reclaim power once more. However, his uncle's victory was short-lived, and he recovered the throne not long after.
Manfredo V c.1310?
Second son of Manfredo IV and Isabella Doria
1341-1342 Marquisate of Saluzzo Eleonora of Savoy
eight children
aged 81–82?
After the war with his brother and subsequent exile, he managed to take power from his nephew. However, he was eventually persuaded by the House of Visconti to abandon his claim on Saluzzo.
Federico II 1332
First son of Tommaso II and Ricciarda of Milan
18 August 1357 – 1396 Marquisate of Saluzzo Beatrice of Geneva
nine children
aged 63–64
Emmanuele II c.1320?
Only son of Federico
1363-1385 Marquisate of Clavesana
three children
aged 64–65?
After his death, what was left on the marquisate on the male line was divided between Savoy, the Republic of Genoa, and the Marquisate of Finale.
Clavesana divided between Savoy, Finale and the Republic of Genoa
Tommaso III 1356
First son of Federico II and Beatrice of Geneva
1396-1416 Marquisate of Saluzzo Margaret of Roucy
five children
aged 59–60
Regency of Margaret of Roucy and Valerano of Saluzzo (1416-1424)
Ludovico I 1405
First son of Tommaso III and Margaret of Roucy
1416 – 15 April 1475 Marquisate of Saluzzo Isabella Palaiologina of Montferrat
7 August 1435
nine children
15 April 1475
aged 69–70
Ludovico II 23 March 1438
Second son of Ludovico I and Isabella Palaiologina of Montferrat
15 April 1475 – 27 January 1504 Marquisate of Saluzzo Giovanna Palaiologina of Montferrat
August 1481
one child

Margaret of Foix-Candale
five children
27 January 1504
aged 65
Regency of Margaret of Foix-Candale (1504-1522) Left no descendants. The marquisate passed to his brothers.
Michele Antonio 26 March 1495
First son of Ludovico II and Margaret of Foix-Candale
27 January 1504 – 18 October 1528 Marquisate of Saluzzo Unmarried 18 October 1528
aged 33
Giovanni Ludovico 21 October 1496
Second son of Ludovico II and Margaret of Foix-Candale
18 October 1528 – 2 June 1529 Marquisate of Saluzzo Unmarried 1563
aged 66–67
In 1529, he was forced to abdicate to his younger brother by Francis I of France.
Francesco Ludovico 25 February 1498
Third son of Ludovico II and Margaret of Foix-Candale
2 June 1529 – 28 March 1537 Marquisate of Saluzzo Unmarried 28 March 1537
aged 39
Left no descendants. He was succeeded by his younger brother.
Gabriele 26 September 1501
Fifth son of Ludovico II and Margaret of Foix-Candale
28 March 1537 – 29 July 1548 Marquisate of Saluzzo Madeleine d'Annebault
no children
29 July 1548
aged 46
Last marquis of the family in Saluzzo. After his death the marquisate was annexed to France.
Saluzzo annexed by France

Family tree


Aleramo (958–991) I Marquis of Central Liguria
married 1. Adelaide 2. Gerberga of Ivrea (daughter of Berengar II of Italy cBerengar II, king of Lombardy)

See also



  1. ^ Arturo Segre, Aleramici, Enciclopedia Italiana (1929), Treccani
  2. ^ "Giornale Linguistico. Società Ligure di Storia Patria" (PDF).
  3. ^ Moriondus, J. B. (1790) Monumenta Aquensia (Turin), Pars II, col. 291.
  4. ^ The couple was already married in 1030, according to Monumenta Aquensia, Pars II, col. 299, quoting Ex libro miraculorum S. Bononii Abbatis Lucediensis, Acta Sanctorum, 30 Aug, Tome VI, p. 623, n. 20.
  5. ^ According to D H II 305, p. 379, he was at least documented in 1014.
  6. ^ Despite some sources referring a marriage to Alice of Savoy, a daughter of Peter II of Savoy, the marriage makes sense given the claimantship of the March of Turin (to which the Aleramics opposed the Savoyards). However, the degree of proximity between bride and groom was too close to be permitted.
  7. ^ According to C. Du Cange, Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis, Graz, 1954, III, p. 82, Bonifacio's first bride was initially a bride of his brother Anselmo.
  8. ^ According to Cluny, Tome V, 3996, p. 348, they were already married in 1127.
  9. ^ He was alive in 1126, according to Monumenta Aquensia, Pars II, col. 320. It's possible that he lived at least until 1135
  10. ^ Despite being documented only until 1190, it's possible that she died in 1203, when her younger sons inherited her marquisate.
  11. ^ According to Hamilton (2000), p.XXI, they were already married on 28 March of that year.
  12. ^ According to Casale Monferrato, Vol. I, XVI, p. 25, they were already married in 1147.
  13. ^ Despite their names not being known, they were referenced as Enrico's children in 1203
  14. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Vergano, Ludovico; Gardino, Stefano (1969–70). "La donazione dei marchesi di Occimiano ad Alessandria nel 1198" [The donation of the marquises of Occimiano to Alessandria in 1198] (PDF). Rivista di Storia, Arte e Archeologia per le Province di Alessandria e Asti (in Italian): 610–21. Retrieved 8 October 2023.
  15. ^ Referenced in 1178. See Vergano & Gardino (1969-70).
  16. ^ No references of his after 1202.
  17. ^ He was already dead in 1231
  18. ^ According to Monumenta Aquensia, Pars I, col. 114., he was living in 1198. According to Vergano & Gardino, he still lived in 1202.
  19. ^ According to Vergano & Gardino, he was still alive in 1202.
  20. ^ Nielen, M.-A. (ed.) (2003) Lignages d'Outremer (Paris), Le Vaticanus Latinus 7806, El parentado de Beimonte principe 9, p. 172.
  21. ^ He was already dead in 1269.
  22. ^ Kinkade 2004, p. 165.
  23. ^ According to Casale Monferrato, Vol. II, CCCXV, p. 118, their last reference dated 1269.
  24. ^ Olivero, Giovanni (1858). Presso Garrone Teonesto (ed.). Memorie storiche della città e marchesato di Ceva (in Italian).
  25. ^ Nicol (1994), pp. 52-3.
  26. ^ Federico was still a minor by the time of his accession, according to Gioffredo (1839), Vol. III, pp. 44-5, citing “Chiesa Cronaca di Saluzzo ms”.
  27. ^ This child, Giovanni of Saluzzo, was known as Marquis of Clavesana, according to Liber iurium reipublicæ Genvensis, Tome II, CCLXX, col. 952.
  28. ^ These two children, Emmanuele and Aleramo del Carretto, were Marquises of Clavesana, according to Liber iurium reipublicæ Genvensis, Tome II, CXCII, col. 550.

Works cited

  • Kinkade, Richard P. (2004). "Beatrice "Contesson" of Savoy (c. 1250–1290): The Mother of Juan Manuel". La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. 2, Number 3, Summer (3): 163–225. doi:10.1353/cor.2004.0017. S2CID 163041548.
  • Marek, Miroslav. "Aleramici". genealogy.euweb.cz. Retrieved 2015-10-13.