Domingo M. Almenara Butler
Manuel Domingo Melquiades Almenara Butler (August 4, 1848-June 20, 1931) was a Peruvian lawyer, judge and politician. He was a member of the Civilista Party. He was Prime Minister of Peru (October 1900-September 1901). He simultaneously served as minister of the interior in the Government of Peru. He was President of the Supreme Court of Peru (1914-1916). He died in Lima, Peru.
- Basadre, Jorge: Historia de la República del Perú. 1822 - 1933, Octava Edición, corregida y aumentada. Tomos 8 y 9. Editada por el Diario "La República" de Lima y la Universidad "Ricardo Palma". Impreso en Santiago de Chile, 1998.
- Tauro del Pino, Alberto: Enciclopedia Ilustrada del Perú. Tercera Edición. Tomo 1. AAA/ANG. Lima, PEISA, 2001. ISBN 9972-40-150-2