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The Earth is about 4.54 billion years old and suffered and gained a lot throughout its life. This timeline shows the history of the planet, however, these times are not exact. We use the term "Ma" to represent a time of 1 million years and "Ga" is billion and "Ya" stands for years ago.

4.54 Ga- Earth forms from a protoplanetary disk around a young sun.

4.53 Ga- Volcanic gases such as sulphur and methane forming the atmosphere.

4.52 Ga- Theia collides with Earth and the debris forms the moon.

4 Ga- Water forms on Earth as asteroids bombarding it contain water.

3.8 Ga- The first life forms on Earth, microscopic organisms.

3.5 Ga- Cratons, or old landmasses emerge from volcanic eruptions like Vaalbara.

2.4 Ga- The first photosynthesizers, cyanobacteria, evolved. Huronian Ice Age has begun.

2.1 Ga- The Huronian Ice Age ends.

1.2 Ga- Rodinia, the next supercontinent emerges. It was very vast.

650 Ma- Pannotia forms. Also, life gets more complex.

540 Ma- The Cambrian Explosion occurs. Many life forms have appeared like trilobites.

445 Ma- The Ordovician Silurian extinction occurs, wiping out 85% of life.

385 Ma- Wattieza, a genus of trees, grew. They were found in New York. Amphibians form.

251 Ma- The Permian-Triassic Extinction occurs. 95% of life is dead.

250 Ma- Pangaea becomes the last supercontinent on Earth.

235 Ma- Dinosaurs have emerged from the Great Dying.

200 Ma- Pangaea breaks apart forming the continents we know today.

66 Ma- An asteroid 10 kilometres in diameter smashes our planet causing dinosaurs to die.

6 Ma- The Sahelanthropus walked the Earth still on all fours.

4 Ma- Humans began to walk upright.

3 Ma- Oldowan tools were used in Kenya's Lomekwi Archaeological Site for breaking things.

800,000 Ya- Humans learnt to control fire. They cooked food and interacted.

40,000 Ya- Homo sapiens ruled the Earth.

10,000 Ya- Agriculture is introduced to society.

1775- The Industrial Revolution takes place. Society and democracy grow more advanced.

1804- The human population surpasses one billion.

1927- The human population surpasses two billion after doubling for 123 years.

1960- Our population continues to grow.

2000s- Technology such as tablets, phones, and AI are introduced to the world.

2010s- Climate change is growing faster and we are using cleaner energies.


My Sources[edit]
