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Draft:Levon Berberyan

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Levon Berberyan was an Armenian mathematician, who was the Founder of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Armenian State Pedagogical Institute after Khachatur Abovyan and the first dean and head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions of the same faculty.[1][2]

Early life


Berberyan was born in 1909 in the village of Vagharshakert (Berd) of the Alashkert region of Western Armenia. In 1915, during the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire, the Turks burned alive Levon's father, Gegham, and killed his mother. Levon was forced to flee to Yerevan with his aunt and younger sister, but his sister died suddenly due to illness, never reaching Yerevan. Young Levon, living at that time in the family of his aunt, was forced to work and earn a living due to the difficult financial situation. In 1918, Levon entered the well-known secondary school named after Kh. Abovyan, from which he graduated with honors in 1928.[3]

In 1928 Berberyan Levon enters the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Yerevan State University. During his studies, as a student, Levon taught seminars in mathematics and mechanics at the YSU Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. After graduating from the university, he immediately entered the graduate school of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Leningrad State University under the guidance of the outstanding academician S.L. Sobolev. After the successful completion in 1935,[4] Levon Berberyan returned to Yerevan, where in the same year he became a teacher at the Department of Mathematical Analysis of Yerevan State University. In November 1936, L. G. Berberyan was awarded the title of “Associate Professor” by the Central Qualification Commission. In 1935 he was elected dean of the YSU Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

In 1939, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia, he founded the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the reconstructed Armenian Pedagogical Institute named after Kh. Abovyan and became the first dean and head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions of the same faculty of the Armenian Pedagogical Institute named after Kh. Abovyan.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Berberyan went to the front and takes part in the defense of the Caucasus from the Nazi troops as part of the Red Army. After returning from the battlefields, he continued his career as a lecturer in higher mathematics, was again elected head of the department, dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. In 1971, Levon Berberyan became a personal pensioner of Republican significance.

Until the end of his life, until 1977, Levon Berberyan was engaged in teaching and social activities. Thanks to his long teaching work, more than one generation of future specialists and teachers received a decent education. Levon Geghamovich spoke four languages: Armenian, Russian, German and English. Levon Berberyan enjoyed great respect, both among students and among the teaching staff.

Publication record


Berberyan L.G. is the author of numerous scientific papers on mathematical physics and the theory of elasticity and textbooks on mathematical analysis for students and young professionals of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. L. Berberyan actively participated in republican and all-Union conferences, where he delivered scientific reports.

Propagation of surface waves at the boundary of two media with different elastic properties: Dissertation of cand. Phys.-Math. Sciences / Official. opponents: V. Kupradze, I. Vekua, A. Gorgidze. – Tb., 1941.[4]



For his services, Levon Berberyan was repeatedly awarded medals and certificates, including:

Honorary Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR (for fruitful teaching activities) Honorary Diploma of the Rectorate of the Armenian Pedagogical Institute named after Kh. Abovyan (for achieving high performance in work and successful fulfillment of socialist obligations) L. Berberyan also had a number of front-line awards.

Personal life


Levon Berberyan was married and had four children. His wife, Hasmik Berberyan, graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Yerevan State University and has been teaching all her life at the Faculty of Biochemistry of the Armenian Pedagogical Institute named after Kh. Abovyan. The son, Berberyan S.L., continues his father's profession and is a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, specializing in mathematical analysis, currently teaching at the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University.[5]


  1. ^ "Memorial event dedicated to Levon Berberyan's 110th anniversary". aspu.am.
  2. ^ "Мероприятие, посвященное 110-летию со дня рождения Левона Берберяна". aspu.am.
  3. ^ "Берберян Левон Гегамович — Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»".
  4. ^ a b "NPLG Online Catalogs : Search Result". www.nplg.gov.ge.