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Draft:Watermelon The Ultimate Handball Game

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WATERMELON Watermelon is an awesome, interactive, competitive and challenging handball game. All students will feel engaged and successful in the game of Watermelon. Watermelon is a fun and exciting way for students to get cardiovascular exercise. It is a great activity that is guaranteed to make students sweat. The game focuses on core concepts like cooperation, communication, respect, responsibility and conflict resolution. The sport focuses on bilateral movement, eye hand coordination, memorization, agility, strategy and endurance. RULES You can only use one hand You cannot carry the ball Boundaries are up to the teacher, I like an 8-10yrd court Like tennis a ball is good if it is played on the line If a players ball lands in bounds but bounces out the next player has to play it in an so on… The ball has to be hit by a hand when served A serve cannot be thrown at the wall The ball must always bounce before it hits the wall There are no faults in Watermelon Only the Ace can serve the ball A serve by the Ace always starts a new round of play A round of play lasts until someone gets out You have to hit the ball in a consecutive order A player who gets out goes to the back of the line and a new order of play is established If a player hits a ball out of order then they are out Every player gets two outs before leaving the game; except for the original Ace in a particular game. The Aces first out is a freebee Only the original Ace gets a freebee; anyone who becomes the first in line will be the new Ace but does not get a freebee The ball cannot touch any part of a players body except for the hand that is being used to hit the ball If a player uses a watermelon as their move they must get at least their shoulder blades under the ball and the ball cannot touch that player The ball can only bounce once between each player If the ball is hit high as many players as possible can call a watermelon Be careful of calling watermelon out of order because the player will receive an out If a player calls watermelon out of order, they will receive an out If another player gets hit with the ball and the ball was being played in the direction of the wall then the player who was hit will receive an out A player can call a body block on another player, if the other player is legitimately in the way of their play The player who receives a body block will get an out. You can get a body block if you are in the way of an attacking player, if the ball hits you or when doing a watermelon the next player in line can hit a player with the ball and call a body block If the ball does a perfect wedge (aka. Crotch) and play is halted then the round will be played over The game is over when only one person is left.


Players should never slide under the ball. A “watermelon” is supposed to be done standing up, bending or on all fours like a pushup.

Do not make courts next to each other. All areas of play should be spaced apart so balls and other players don’t run into another game causing collisions or twisted ankles. Do not make courts near staircases, things they could trip over or any where students could run into protruding object that are out of bounds. Students are at times running to a wall so you must empathize the dangers of running into the wall. Modify the game to your age group. This is mainly a middle school or high school game.

TERMINOLOGY Carry: when a player uses an open palm and pushes the ball compared to striking it. Ace: the player who is first in line and starts every round; only the first Ace receives a freebee.. Body Block: when a player is legitimately in the way of the player and the ball being played. The obstructing player will receive an out. You can get a body block if you are in the way of an attacking player, if the ball hits you or when doing a watermelon the next player in line can hit the player who called “watermelon” with the ball and call a body block. Very effective tactic if they know they may not hit the wall. Watermelon: the word that is used when a player goes under a ball being played to them. Usually a person’s body goes under the ball but at least their shoulder blades must go under the ball in order for a watermelon to count Serve: the ball is hit by an ACES hand (one hand), bounces on the ground and hits the wall. Out of Order: if a player hits the ball or calls a watermelon when it is not their turn they will receive an out due to playing out of order. Chop: flat handed hit where backspin is applied to the ball. Wedge/crotch: when a ball hits perfectly within the 90 degree angle of the wall and ground thus causing the ball to stop or be unplayable. Redo: a wedge can cause a redo or it can also be a group decision that has to be sanctioned by the Ace. Often used when there is conflict or misunderstanding of the rules. Freebee: when the original Ace gets their first out and goes to the back of the line with a clean slate. Now they are treated like any other player and have to get two outs before they are eliminated from the game.