International Network to Promote the Rule of Law
The International Network to Promote the Rule of Law (INPROL) is a global, online community of practice, comprising 2,400+ rule of law practitioners from 120 countries and 300 organizations. INPROL is spearheaded by the US Institute of Peace in partnership with the US Department of State's Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units (COESPU), Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's Strategic Police Matters Unit, Center for Comparative Legal Studies and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, William & Mary School of Law and the Institute for International Law and Human Rights.
INPROL is a network of rule of law professionals dedicated to promoting justice, human security, and the rule of law worldwide. Every member of INPROL has access to the knowledge, experience, and ingenuity of all members. This incomparable fund of lessons learned, practical know-how, and cutting- edge innovation is available online 24/7. No matter where in the world a member might be, he or she has the tools with which to imagine, design, build, and implement rule of law reforms and innovations in conflict-affected and developing countries.
With 2,400+ members from 300+ organizations and 80+ countries, INPROL is the premier global network for professionals working on rule of law reform in conflict-affected and developing countries.
INPROL gives its members the tools with which to imagine, design, build, and implement rule of law reforms and innovations in transitional and developing societies. For its members, INPROL is a:
- Research team, conducting research in response to members’ specific needs and questions;
- Community of peers and social network, helping members sharpen skills and solve problems and linking members to individuals with the knowledge and contacts they need;
- Library, packed with resources from leading rule of law organizations and authors;
- Newspaper, spotlighting the latest developments in the rule of law field;
- Grapevine, listing new job opportunities and forthcoming events; and
- Bridge, bringing rule of law academics and practitioners closer together.
To join INPROL, click here
Advisory Council
INPROL’s Honorary Board is composed of high-level, distinguished figures within the rule of law field who support and endorse the work of INPROL.
Honorary Board Members include:
- Paddy Ashdown - High Representative, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2002-2006)
- M. Cherif Bassiouni - President, International Human Rights Law Institute
- James Dobbins - Special Envoy for Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan (1993-2002)
- Louise Frechette - Deputy Secretary General, United Nations (1998-2006)
- Yash Ghai - Chair, Constitution of Kenya Review Commission (2000-2004)
- Richard Goldstone - Justice, Constitutional Court of South Africa (1994-2003)
- Juan E. Mendez - Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide, United Nations (2004-2006)
- Richard Monk - Senior Police Advisor for the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (2002-2006)
- John Norton Moore - Professor, University of Virginia School of Law; Director, Center for Oceans Law and Policy
- Satish Nambiar - Director, United Service Institute of India; United Nations Commander (1992-1993)
- William Nash - Commander, Multinational Division North, Bosnia and Herzegovina (1995-1997)
- Sandra Day O'Connor - Justice, United States Supreme Court (1981-2006)
- Søren Jessen-Petersen - Special Representative of the Secretary General, UN Mission in Kosovo (2004-2006)
- Dmitry Titov - UN Assistant Secretary General (2007-Present)
- William Walker - Head, Kosovo Verification Mission, Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe (1998-1999)
- Prince Zeid Ra'ad Zeid Al-Hussein - Jordan Ambassador to the United States
Experts Council
INPROL's Experts Councils are composed of leading rule of law scholars and practitioners.
Rule of Law Experts Council:
- Alejandro Alvarez - Rule of Law, Justice and Security Advisor and Team Leader, Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, United Nations Development Programme
- Professor Per Berling - Principal Legal Advisor, Folke Bernadotte Academy
- Michael Hartmann - Chief, Criminal Justice Program (Afghanistan), UN Office on Drugs and Crime
- Isabel Hight - Prison System Adviser, Protection Division, International Committee of the Red Cross
- Gary Hill - Training Chair, International Corrections and Prisons Association
- Shelley Inglis - Policy Advisor/Team Leader, Rule of Law: Access to Justice and Security, Bureau for Development Policy, United Nations Development Programme
- Deborah Isser - Senior Counsel, World Bank
- Dr. Rachel Kleinfeld - Founder, Truman National Security Project
- Judge Agniezska Klonwieczka-Milart - Supreme Court Chamber, Extraordinary Chambers, Cambodia
- Bruce “Ossie” Oswald - Senior Lecturer, University of Melbourne Law School and Legal Officer, Australian Army (Reserves)
- Laure-Hélène Piron - United Kingdom, Department for International Development
- Dr. Richard Sannerholm - Researcher, Folke Bernadotte Academy
- Professor William Schabas, O.C. - Director, Irish Centre for Human Rights
- Dr. Niaz Shah - Lecturer, University of Hull, United Kingdom
- Dr. Mark Shaw - Director of Communities, Crime and Conflict at STATT Consulting, Hong Kong
- Andrew Solomon - USAID Democracy Fellow (Transitional Justice Advisor)
- Adam Stapleton - Governance and Justice Group
- Sheelagh Stewart - Director Governance and Rule of Law, BCPR, UNDP
- Professor Brian Tamanaha - Washington University School of Law
- Professor Veronica Taylor - Director, School of Regulation, Justice and Diplomacy, Australian National University
- Professor Christie Warren - Director, Comparative Legal Studies and Post-Conflict Justice Program, William and Mary Law School
- Paul Williams - Professor of Law and International Relations, American University
Police Experts Council
- Professor Bruce Baker - Director, African Studies Centre, Coventry University, United Kingdom
- Steve Bennett - Director, Kosovo Police Service School, UN Mission in Kosovo (1999-2006)
- General Vincenzo Coppola - General, Italian Carabinieri
- Nick Dove - Former Head of UK Metropolitan Police Intelligence Bureau and Head of the Organised Crime Investigation Teams (EU mission in Kosovo)
- William Durch - Senior Associate, Future of Peace Operations
- Stefan Feller - Police Commissioner, European Police Mission to Bosnia & Herzegovina (2008-present); former Head, Police Unit, European Union (2004-2008)
- Lynn Holland - Strategic Workforce Director, PAE
- Michael Jorsback - Police Adviser and Head of Police Division, United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (2001-2002)
- Tony Murney - Australian Federal Police, International Deployment Group
- J. O'Neil G. Pouliot, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (ret.)
- William O’Neill - Program Director, Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum
- Dr. Eric Scheye - Police Consultant
- Colonel Giovanni Truglio - Commander, European Gendarmerie Force Permanent Headquarters
- Stephen White - Head, EUJST LEX Mission for Iraq, European Union
- Dr. Vivienne O'Connor - Director
- Christina L. Murtaugh - Rule of Law Facilitator
- Fiona Mangan - Police Facilitator
- Ena Dion - Rule of Law Facilitator
Cooperating Organizations
The Folke Bernadotte Academy is a Swedish government agency dedicated to improving the quality and effectiveness of international conflict and crisis management, with a particular focus on peace operations. The Academy functions as a platform for cooperation between Swedish agencies and organizations and their international partners.
International Association for Court Administration (IACA)
The International Association for Court Administration (IACA) is an association of trial court administrators seeking to improve court management and administration in all countries and to foster professionalism and collegiality among those who serve in court systems. IACA also seeks to compliment and reinforce efforts by government and non-government organizations to build justice sector capacity and judicial reform.
International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) is the world’s oldest and largest nonprofit membership organization of police executives, with over 20,000 members in over 89 different countries. The association's goals are to advance the science and art of police services; to develop and disseminate improved administrative, technical and operational practices and promote their use in police work; to foster police cooperation and the exchange of information and experience among police administrators throughout the world; to bring about recruitment and training in the police profession of qualified persons; and to encourage adherence of all police officers to high professional standards of performance and conduct.
International Bar Association (IBA)
The International Bar Association (IBA), established in 1947, is the world’s leading organization of international legal practitioners, bar associations and law societies. The IBA influences the development of international law reform and shapes the future of the legal profession throughout the world. It has a membership of 30,000 individual lawyers and more than 195 bar associations and law societies spanning all continents. It has considerable expertise in providing assistance to the global legal community.
International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA)
Recognizing the common problems shared by many national correctional and prison services, the ICPA is a dynamic organization devoted to improving global understanding and professionalism in the correctional sector. The ICPA provides leadership and vision in the area of corrections and criminal justice. Its multinational Board of Directors and membership from over 70 countries encompass all areas of the criminal justice system.
The International Security Sector Advisory Team (ISSAT) provides practical support to the international community in its efforts to improve security and justice, primarily in conflict-affected and fragile states. It does this by working with a group of member states and institutions to develop and promote good security and justice reform practices and principles, and by helping its members to build their capacity to support national and regional security and justice reform processes.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs and international crime. Established in 1997, UNODC has approximately 500 staff members worldwide. Its headquarters are in Vienna and it has 20 field offices as well as liaison offices in New York and Brussels. UNODC relies on voluntary contributions, mainly from governments, for 90 per cent of its budget.
The Worldwide Association of Women Forensic Experts (WAWFE)
The Worldwide Association of Women Forensic Experts (WAWFE) is a multi-disciplinary association with the purpose of connecting women working worldwide in different forensic fields to promote the advancement and recognition of women's role in the international forensic community. The organization aims to promote professionalism, integrity and competence in the forensic sciences, and to facilitate the exchange of information and expertise.