The episodes from the anime television series Gintama' are based on the Gin Tama manga by Hideaki Sorachi. The series premiered in TV Tokyo on April 4, 2011. It is a sequel of the first Gintama anime that ended in April 2010. The main staff from the first TV series remain in Gintama with Yoichi Fujita as the director.[1] The story revolves around an eccentric samurai, Gintoki Sakata, his apprentice, Shinpachi Shimura, and a teenage alien girl named Kagura. All three are "freelancers" who search for work in order to pay the monthly rent, which usually goes unpaid anyway. Crunchyroll simulcasted the premiere of Gintama' and its following episodes to subscribers from its site.[2] The first DVD from the series was released on July 27, 2011.[3]
Gintama' uses three pieces of seven music: Three openings and four endings. The first opening theme, "Tōgenkyō Alien" (桃源郷エイリアン, Tōgenkyō Eirian, lit. "Alien Fairyland") by Serial TV Drama is used from episodes 1 to 26. The second opening theme, "Jirenma" (ジレンマ, Dilemma, lit. "Dilemma") by ecosystem is used from episodes 27 to 39. The third opening theme, "Wonderland" by FLiP is used from episodes 40 to 51. The first ending theme, "Samurai Heart (Some Like It Hot!!)" (サムライハート (Some Like It Hot!!), Samurai Hāto (Some Like It Hot!!)) by SPYAIR is used from episodes 1 to 13.[1] The second ending theme, "Balance Doll" by Prague is used from episodes 14 to 26. The third ending theme, "Anagura" (アナグラ, Anagura, lit. "Cellular") by Kuroneko Chelsea is used from episodes 27 to 39. The fourth ending theme, "仲間" (Nakama) lit. "Friends" by Good Coming is used from episode 40 to 51.
Episode list
Series No. |
Season No. |
Title | Original airdate |
- General
- "203-214" (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Retrieved April 26, 2011.
- "215-227" (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Retrieved July 13, 2011.
- "228-240" (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Retrieved October 31, 2011.
- "241-252" (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Retrieved March 20, 2012.
- "Trailer" (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Retrieved May 3, 2011.
- Specific
- ^ a b スタッフ (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Retrieved April 5, 2011.
- ^ "News: Crunchyroll to Simulcast Gintama TV Anime's Return". Anime News Network. March 28, 2011. Retrieved March 28, 2011.
- ^ "Gintama' 1 Regular Edition". Neowing. Retrieved June 7, 2011.