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Nefesh B'Nefesh

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Nefesh B'Nefesh is an organization that encourages immigration by Jewish people to Israel from North America and the United Kingdom. As yet they do not assist immigrants from other English-speaking countries such as Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. It was founded in 2002 by Rabbi Yehoshua Fass and Tony Gelbart. The organization works in cooperation with the Jewish Agency for Israel.

In the summer of 2008, Nefesh B'Nefesh announced the arrival of its 16,000th oleh.[1]. Nefesh B'Nefesh charters its aliyah flights with EL AL Airlines, Israel's official airline.

In August 2008, the Jewish Agency for Israel and Nefesh B'Nefesh reached a historic agreement where a “one-stop Aliyah shop” has now been created to streamline the Aliyah process - making it even more time efficient and convenient for Olim. The new “Collaborative Venture” enables NBN to become the primary source responsible for marketing and promotion in North America. JAFI continues its exclusive responsibility for the Aliyah eligibility process (tikim) with the appropriate authorities in Israel & (continues to) pay the airfare of every new immigrant to Israel. North American Aliyah will now be processed through ONE application: all Olim will apply for both Nefesh B’Nefesh services and the Jewish Agency Aliyah eligibility process via one application with NBN.

Nefesh B’Nefesh will continue to operate in the UK by providing its Aliyah services. [The Jewish Agency will continue to subsidize the Aliyah flights of British Olim to Israel]


Nefesh B'Nefesh is a Jerusalem based organization dedicated to revitalizing Aliyah (immigration to Israel) from North America and the United Kingdom by removing or minimizing the financial, professional, logistical, and social obstacles that potential Olim (immigrants to Israel) face; Nefesh B'nefesh has not only increased the number of Olim, but also helped ensure their successful absorption in Israel. Nefesh B'Nefesh works in close cooperation with the Government of Israel and major Jewish organizations across all denominations.

Since its founding in 2002 by Rabbi Yehoshua Fass and Tony Gelbart, Aliyah from North America and the United Kingdom has steadily increased. The percentage of North American Olim (immigrants ) out of total Olim has jumped from just 3% in 2000, to 16% in 2007. This is due in large part to Nefesh B'Nefesh greatly assisting people of all ages in the Pre and Post-Aliyah process, offering resources including financial grants, employment assistance, reduced government bureaucracy and social guidance and counseling-including helping find suitable housing and communities.

Nefesh B'efesh employs a staff of over 60 people in it's Jerusalem office. The North American office is located in New York City.


Nefesh B'Nefesh was originally conceived by Rabbi Yehoshua Fass after a relative was killed in a terrorist attack in Israel. Realizing that there were many people who wanted to move to Israel but were frustrated by certain obstacles, Rabbi Fass and Florida businessman and philanthropist Tony Gelbart were determined to make it easier for people to overcome these obstacles and make their Aliyah dreams a reality.

In the summer of 2002, this idea came to fruition when Nefesh B'Nefesh welcomed its first chartered Aliyah flight to Israel. In the following years, growing demand saw an increasing number of Aliyah flights from North America to Israel, and by the end of 2007, over 30 Aliyah flights have been brought to Israel by Nefesh B'Nefesh. In May 2006, in response to numerous requests from British Jewry interested in Aliyah, Nefesh B'Nefesh expanded its services to also include the United Kingdom. In January 2007, Ambassador Danny Ayalon former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, joined Nefesh B'Nefesh as its Co-Chairman. In August 2008, Ayalon joined the right-wing Yisrael Beitenu party and stated that the Palestinian citizens of Israel living in the Galilee constitute a fifth column:

"If the government of Israel does not act to have a Jewish majority in the North, then the Arab majority in the Galilee will declare independence and [demand] international recognition on the basis of the precedents of Kosovo, Abkhazia and [South Ossetia]."[1]

Recent Developments

January 2008 - Nefesh B'Nefesh announces Fellowship Grants for physicians making Aliyah: Israel's expected population increase, in conjunction with fewer people joining the medical fields, will reduce the ratio of 3.5 doctors for every 1000 people in Israel, to less than 2.5. In order to counteract this projected shortage of physicians, Nefesh B'Nefesh, in conjunction with the Legacy Foundation, announced that it will provide grants of up to $60,000 for physicians making Aliyah to Israel.

December 2007 - Nefesh B'Nefesh welcomes its 30th chartered flight to Israel; after a successful year for the organization, Nefesh B'Nefesh welcomed a planeload of 181 new Olim to Israel on the final Aliyah flight of 2007. This raised the number of total Olim brought to Israel by Nefesh B'Nefesh to over 13,000.

December 2006 – NBN brings its 10,000th Oleh to Israel on its 23rd Aliyah flight, which arrived at Ben Gurion Airport on Wednesday 27th December 2006.

Aliyah Support Services Provided by Nefesh B'Nefesh

Financial Assistance, Group Aliyah Flights, Absorption Services, Social Services, Employment Services, and Pre and Post-Aliyah Programming

Financial Assistance

The costs associated with relocating and starting a fresh life in a new country can be overwhelming. To overcome these monetary obstacles, Nefesh B’Nefesh provides financial assistance to eligible Aliyah candidates in order to help defray some of the relocation costs, thereby enabling the Olim to feel more secure and confident in making the move.

Group Aliyah Flights

Nefesh B'Nefesh's chartered and group Aliyah flights provide Olim with an invaluable sense of support and unity as they embark on their lives in Israel. Members of our professional staff accompany each charter flight and minimize the cumbersome bureaucracy by expediting the processing of all government paperwork on board. Upon arrival, friends, family and dignitaries join in celebrating the arrival of the new Olim at an emotional and exciting high profile welcoming ceremony at the airport, which may include klezmer performances and hora dancing on the Ben Gurion Airport tarmac as early as 6:30 AM.

You can watch the Olim arrive live at [2] through the NBN live feed.

Absorption Services

Nefesh B'Nefesh minimizes the complex Israeli bureaucratic procedures and helps Olim overcome the language and cultural gaps. The Absorption Department utilizes state of the art technology, and works closely with a host of governmental and institutional bodies, such as the Ministries of Interior and Immigrant Absorption, in order to reduce the bureaucratic activities and time involved in processing Olim.

The Absorption Department also provides a wealth of useful information for new Olim, including online and printed step-by-step guides for navigating through governmental offices and bureaucratic agencies. They also coordinate comprehensive educational programs informing Olim of immigrant benefits and updates of any changes.

Employment Services

Nefesh B’Nefesh has developed a full service Employment Department which assists Olim throughout the entire process of searching for jobs. By offering guidance, counseling sessions and job placements for Olim while providing recruitment services at no cost to potential employers, we have been able to find jobs for over 94% of our Olim within one year of arrival.

The department offers a range of services including pre- and post- Aliyah employment counseling sessions, both in Israel and overseas. The assistance includes matching Olim with professionals in their field, assisting in tailoring resumes to the Israeli market, providing information about job retraining, and offering guidance in starting businesses. In addition, the Employment Department lobbies on behalf of various professions which require official licensing.

The Nefesh B’Nefesh website also contains a wealth of comprehensive and up-to-date information on employment in Israel.

Social Services

Nefesh B’Nefesh's Social Services Department is in regular contact with Olim prior to their Aliyah and well after their arrival, acting as a constant support network and providing guidance and advice. Making the transition and integrating into a new society and culture can be challenging for new immigrants, particularly for those with families and children. The Department conducts ongoing seminars and workshops, helps families identify suitable communities, and assists students in finding appropriate educational tracks. It also lends a supportive network for singles and retirees.

Through telephone calls, video-conferencing, email correspondence, and individual meetings in Israel and abroad, the Social Services staff helps to address the personal concerns of each Oleh prior to their arrival in Israel. Upon arrival, the Olim are contacted on a regular (monthly) basis during their first year in Israel, providing emotional and logistical support as they adjust to their new surroundings. Seminars and group meetings are coordinated to address the challenges of acclimation to Israeli life. Drawing upon its network of professionals, the Department is also able to provide crisis-intervention referrals for educational, mental health, and psychosocial needs.

Nefesh B’Nefesh conducts over 200 events annually, including social activities, workshops, lectures, outings and seminars, to foster a sense of family among the Olim.

Overseas Programming

Nefesh B’Nefesh conducts Pre-Aliyah informational seminars throughout North America and the UK several times a year. The seminars are highly informative, with in-depth presentations about the technical aspects of making Aliyah, finding employment in Israel and the emotional implications of the move.

More than 3,000 individuals have attended these seminars to date.

Call Center

Nefesh B’Nefesh has established an efficient in-house call center, which operates as a resource for technical information about Aliyah. At the same time, its staffers reach out to thousands of potential Olim in North America and the UK providing assistance on Aliyah- related issues.

Business Directory

Nefesh B'Nefesh now operates on online business directory to assist the English speaking community in Israel. The businesses listed in the directory offer discounts to all of the Nefesh B'Nefesh Olim. The directory is located at /NBN business.

Nefesh B'Nefesh Website

The Nefesh B'Nefesh website contains a vast amount of information relating to all aspects of Aliyah and is an invaluable resource for people moving to Israel. The site is constantly updated with relevant, current and useful information – including databases on academic institutions and communities, information for students, families and retirees, and sections dealing with employment, financial planning, Aliyah rights and various other relevant topics.


  1. ^ Khoury, Jack. "Ex-Ambassador to U.S.: Arabs in Galilee are secessionist threat. Published in Haaretz, 31 August 2008; accessed 1 September 2008. http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1016855.html
