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Noah's Ark (2007 film)

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Noah's Ark
Directed byJuan Pablo Buscarini
Written byAxel Nacher
Fernando Schmidt
Enrique Cortés (screenplay adaptation)
Barbara Di Girolamo
Juan Pablo Buscarini (script collaborator)
Produced byPablo Bossi
Alejandro Cacetta
Roberto Di Girolamo
Juan Pablo Galli
Giuliana Migani
Ariel Saúl
Camillo Teti
Patricio Tobal
Juan Vera
StarringSee Cast
Music byAndrés Goldstein
Daniel Tarrab
Distributed byBuena Vista International
Release date
  • 2007 (2007)
Running time
88 minutes

Noah's Ark,[1] El Arca ("The Ark") in the original English/Spanish version, is a 2007 Argentine film directed by Juan Pablo Buscarini and based on Noah's Ark.[2] The film focuses more on the animals' point of view. The story tends to follow the traditional biblical story; however, both the humans and the animals involved are seen as "talking" creatures throughout the film.


The mortal world has fallen into a state of pandemonium, corruption and evil—men swindle, rob and take from one another; innocent people are either in debt to criminals or forced into slavery and wild animals end up captured and/or killed very quickly. Sickened by this endless display of impurity, God (who is portrayed as an African man as opposed to a Caucasian in most other biblical works) feels that he should unleash Judgement Day upon the world; however, one of his angels begs him to give humanity a chance to prove itself. After seeing an old man use all of his money to free a slave, God says that he will consider giving humanity one last chance.

Noah—an old, Jewish man with the heart of a saint and a large family to care for—finds himself in debt to a pair of con artists—the diminutive Farfan and his female cohort, Esther—yet again after he frees a slave (much to the displeasure of his three sons—Shem, Ham and Japeth). Though his children and the rest of his family insist that he chop down the forest of gopher wood near his home to make some money and get them out of debt for good, Noah refuses for sentimental reasons (his grandfather planted the whole forest) and because he feels that his family will make do, like always; despite this, even Noah's wife, Naama, is beginning to question whether or not Noah is truly of sound mind. Before dinner, Noah receives a message from God that a world-enveloping flood is imminent and that he and his family shall be the saviors of mankind (and animal-kind, as Noah is told to bring two of each animal—one male and one female, naturally) by building an ark that shall bring the survivors to a new world, where they shall begin life anew. Though the rest of his family believes he has finally gone crazy, Noah's wife believes him and is willing to stand beside him. Knowing all too well that much work is to be done, Noah (over the coming days) proceeds to chop down his entire forest for the wood needed for his ark and builds it single-handedly (all the while, his sons are contemplating running away to a new community to get a fresh start on life).

Selling his house to the con artists from earlier in exchange for a flock of doves, Noah intends to send personal, hand-written messages to all of the animals so that they can avoid their untimely deaths; unbeknownst to Noah, the doves have no intention of helping him and instead head to a bar/strip club for rest and relaxation. Only one of the doves—a white dove named Pepe—feels any moral obligation to Noah (and is aware that the coming destruction of the world may be a reality) and takes off on his own to deliver the messages to the animals. Unfortunately, his attempts to spread the word of the oncoming apocolypse fail miserably, as he is set upon by several of the jungle's predators, until he reaches the home of the lions- the king of beasts. Kairel, a lioness and aide to the royal family, takes pity on the dove and his plight and takes him to the elderly King Sabu and his wife, Queen Oriana. Realizing the severity of the situation, King Sabu calls an emergency meeting of all the animals to speak of the coming disaster; much to the king and queen's surprise, their son and the sole heir to the throne, Xiro, is willing to go on this lengthy journey (unbeknownst to them, Xiro received one of the letters but, having only received a portion of it, mistook this last chance at salvation as a pleasure cruise). All of the animals from the jungle (along with some animals from the North Pole, who question whether or not coming to the meeting was such a good idea) gather together at the behest of the king. Though some mythical animals (Bigfoot, a unicorn and a dragon, to be exact) insist that this summons is a trap set by mankind, the rest of the animal kingdom decide to give man the benefit of the doubt (apparently, the animals hoped that mankind would send a representative to be a part of the animal council, but he/she never appeared).

While preparing for the journey, Xiro talks to Bombay—a close friend and massage therapist—concerning who they're bringing along for the trip. Bombay has already chosen his travel companion—a somewhat brutish, but still friendly, orangutan named Lily—but Xiro hasn't chosen yet; he's having potential companions screened to find the most suitable candidate. Unbeknownst to the prince, the Queen asked Kairel to do the screening and her standards for what count as "a suitable companion" are high (i.e. they must have brains); naturally, most of the Prince's preferred choices are shooed away and, upon his discovery of this, Xiro promptly chooses a companion on his own—a lioness named Bruma, who had previously been rejected. With the couples formed, the animal kingdom makes its way to Noah's ark. Along the way, Kairel (who was sent by the king and queen to ensure that the pilgrimage made it to their destination smoothly) makes it very clear that she doesn't approve of Bruma, labeling her as "a wholly unimpeachable woman"; likewise, the opposite is also true, as Bruma doesn't approve of Kairel (as to where this disapproval comes from is unknown).

Meanwhile, Noah has completed the ark and the end result is nothing short of a work of art- the ark is roughly the size of a cruise ship and is just as well-stocked. The ship has been divided into two sections: the cargo hold and lower floors go to the animals (with a grand total of 13,000 double cabins—one for each animal couple—and five towers exclusively for the birds), while the upper deck and the higher floors go to Noah and his family (complete with a large fishing area and four cabins to house Noah's family). Sure as the flood is soon to arrive, the animals appear only a short walk away from the ark; unfortunately, the herbivores don't trust the carnivores enough to get on board the ark and naturally, the choice of whether or not to go on-board falls to Xiro's will. This unintentionally reveals Xiro's poor decision-making skills (as well as the fact that he is easily swayed by beautiful creatures), thus causing the animals to stop only a few feet from salvation. However, before things can get ugly, a scheming tiger named Dagnino (who is only showing kindness to the herbivores because he is secretly working to make himself king) stops a conflict from erupting, suggesting that they respect one another (as they are forging a new world order) and making a solemn promise to punish anyone who mistreats one of their "brothers". Noah comes over to greet the animals and welcome them aboard the ark; though Xiro tries to make a good impression, Kairel reminds him of "the rule"- animals can't talk to humans -,which unintentionally breaks the fourth wall. Because of this, Noah asks for a sign from God. The sign turns out to be the beginning of the flood; needing no further proof that the ark is their only salvation, the animals make full speed for it (unintentionally trampling Noah in the process, though he is relatively unscathed). Kairel attempts to give a heart-felt farewell to Xiro (along with a warning about what Dagnino is really up to), but Bruma steps in and promptly decides to tell Kairel off. During Bruma's little speech, an unexpected chain of events occurs involving the animals that leads to Bruma's (presumed) untimely demise; this leaves Kairel as the only lioness for miles and the only lioness who can take Bruma's place on board the ark.

Back at Noah's old home, Farfan and Esther quickly become aware of the oncoming flood and realize that (unintentionally) they've ended up getting the short of the stick and they're doomed unless they can somehow get on board the ark. Against all odds, the two con artists make it onto the ark by way of one of the mooring ropes just as the ark begins to set sail. With the ark leaving, all of the mythical animals are left pondering if staying back was really such a smart idea.

On board the ark, the animals quickly decide which rooms belong to what couple (though some of the rooms aren't exactly tailor-made for some of the animals); Xiro and Kairel end up with one of the luxury suites. While setting up their room, Kairel tries to get the message of responsibility into Xiro's head; unfortunately, he's only concerned with himself and his beauty (which he calls into question after seeing Farfan outside the ark and thinking that it was his own reflection), which understandably drives Kairel nuts. Before turning in for the night, Xiro excuses himself, saying he's going to "check in on the other animals"; in reality, he's going to a recently established B-room comedy club dubbed "The Dive". After Pity the Parrot does his comedy act, things take a turn for the beautiful as Bombay introduces the super-star of "The Dive"- Panty the panther (who strangely has no mate of her own), a seductive and voluptuous singer. Performing a parody of the song "I Will Survive" (dubbed "I Want to Live"), she quickly gains Xiro's infatuation.

Upon the show's conclusion, Dagnino reveals his plan to his fellow carnivores (save for Xiro). Knowing all too well that the herbivores fear/respect them, when the new world order comes around, Dagnino will have things set up so that the prey runs towards the predators (in a way of feeding similar to modern-day food packaging methods) and not the other way around, which is depicted as one of the more graphic parts of the movie. The only obstacle- Xiro, who would much more lenient in his rule as king (if given the chance) and is actually willing to be friends with the herbivores. However, Dagnino has foreseen this as well and plans to dispose of the would-be king. Deducing quickly that Xiro has a soft spot for beautiful animals, he has Panty convince Xiro to come over for a chat and a drink. Soon enough, the young king is quickly inebriated; however, before things can go in the mutineers' favor, Kairel (who noticed all too well that Xiro never came back) bursts in and angrily hauls Xiro out for a well-deserved chewing out. Though Xiro insists that he was trying to act in everyone's best interest (as Kairel asked him to so that he could learn to be a king), he realizes the situation is much more severe than first analyzed when Kairel hands him a complete version of the invitation from Noah.

Elsewhere, Farfan and Esther (whose presence on board the ark enrages God) explore the ship, crossing paths with a room full of snakes, before Esther makes animal outfits for the both of them out of their fur coats, since she figures that the only way they'll survive is if they look like animals. Disguising themselves as the fictional species "Grass-whoppers", they manage to trick the predators, who were busy coming up with a new plan to dispose of Xiro, and earn themselves a few more precious moments of life. Unfortunately, the duo don't go unnoticed by the rest of the animal denizens. Though the two crooks are trying to make their way to the bridge of the ship in order to take over, an unexpected (and unintentional) intervention from God sends the two back down into the depths of the ship. The duo end up at the cafeteria (where Dagnino expected they'd show up in due time) and, in an attempt to get to the top deck, poison lunch and get the majority of the animals on-board sick. Kairel soon notices the sickness and is on-hand to notice the temporary closing of the bathroom (the cause of the shut-down is soon disposed of and eventually covers Farfan and Esther). By some pure coincidence, the crook duo make it to the top deck, but not for long, as Noah's family attempts to capture them; however, this proves easier said than done, as the crooks prove light on their feet and (in the confusion) Noah falls into the hold with them. Though Japeth volunteers to journey below decks to see if Noah still lives, his cowardice proves stronger than his promises and he quickly returns. Quickly noticing that there's nobody steering the ship, the sons quickly get to fighting over it and, in the struggle, break the wheel. Sickened by her family's behavior, Naama reprimands them and states that they owe Noah for having gotten this far. Fearing that they will crash, Noah's family prays for aid from God; though he is annoyed at this, he helps anyway. Eventually, the ship winds its way into the Arctic area (unbeknownst to all aboard).

Back in the ship's depths, Farfan and Esther find Noah in their company and quickly knock him out, resuming their attempt at a takeover soon afterwards. Alas, thanks due to a boost of overconfidence to Farfan, they mess with the wrong animal type—the predator—during their trek; luckily, only the lower half of Farfan's animal suit is taken, but it provides Dagnino with all he needs for his plan.

During lunch, noting that the herbivores are growing weary and unhappy from the long journey, the Predators make their move, as Panty is sent to lure Xiro into a trap that will frame him for murder. Using her feminine charm, Panty lures Xiro straight to her room, where the trap is sprung. Pretending that Xiro has murdered an innocent herbivore that wandered into Panty's room (using part of Farfan's grasswhopper costume as animal flesh and using tomato paste as a blood substitute), Dagnino makes it seem that Xiro is anything but the ideal candidate for a leader and has him thrown in the brig. He also makes it clear that he intends to take Kairel and turn her into one of his would-be lovers, like Panty (much to Xiro's great distaste).

Meanwhile, with the revelation that the world could be finished hanging over him, Xiro decides to step up his maturity levels and work with Kairel in an attempt at creating a better world. During their time at the suggestions office, Xiro and Kairel listen to ideas on shortening prison terms via the court codes, investments in foreign currency and the stock market, credits for small enterprises, regulation of drugs in order to avoid substance abuse and mud hot tubs. By the end of the sessions, both Xiro and Kairel are naturally tired of the mostly ridiculous suggestions that have been doled out; despite the endless wait, Kairel holds strong with her belief that, if Xiro can learn to govern his people properly, then there can be such a thing as a perfect world. Xiro likes the idea, but naturally, his sexual tendencies take hold of him when Panty arrives to ask for some time together with Xiro during lunch; this sends Kairel to the breaking point. In a rage, Kairel promptly kicks Xiro out of their room, calling Xiro a womanizer (which is very much true) and stating how disappointed she is at Xiro's state. Seeking advice from Bombay, Xiro is left wondering if he made the right choice in picking Panty over Kairel. Quickly realizing that he has let his heart run away with his head, Xiro goes to tell Panty that they're through; unfortunately, in his attempt to do so, he falls for the Predators' trap. Even worse, his pleas of innocence fall on deaf ears. Though Xiro is dragged off, his panda and mole friends know that something doesn't quite make sense. Despite the fact that Xiro's friends know that Xiro would never commit murder (particularly Kairel), the lioness is hesitant to take sides; however, she quickly realizes that Xiro is innocent when Bombay reveals that the animal skin everyone saw was just a knitted coat.

Back up top, Noah is having a difficult time keeping his family together, as his daughters-in-law are growing restless on board the ark and are manipulating Noah's sons to try and stage a rebellion. Though Noah can understand his family's poor state of mind, he says that God planned this to happen. Displeased with this answer, the wives begin to plot a mutiny before the trip "turns into a nightmare". Following Noah's fall into the ship's depths (which he miraculously survives), Pepe goes down to save him (much to Naama's gratitude). Noah soon regains consciousness and tends to the injured Pepe (unknowingly encouraging Xiro to save the other animals on board the ship) before sending him in search of green land.

Lying in a fetal position in the brig, Xiro- who seems to have given in -is reinvigorated when he hears what seems like a voice from the heavens that he believes is "the voice of his lineage" (though it's really Noah just talking). Faith renewed, Xiro readily goes to defend the herbivores in the ship after his friends break him out of prison. Though Xiro and Kairel reconcile, Bombay reminds them that there's still the matter of reclaiming the kingdom. They arrive just in the nick of time, as Dagnino has made his move and is rounding up all of the herbivores. After Xiro and his fellow freedom fighters perform the New Zealand warrior dance, both teams- The Predators and the Freedom Fighters -go to town on one another. Though the Freedom Fighters are at something of a disadvantage at first, they manage to turn the tables and beat the Predators. Dagnino, realizing his minions are beaten, takes on Xiro in a one-on-one fight to the finish. Though Dagnino fights dirty, Xiro manages to beat him. Aggravated beyond belief, Dagnino rallies his minions for one last go at the freedom fighters, but before they (the Predators) can do anything permanent, they all end up stuck in a wall (with the exception of Panty, who was surprisingly absent from the final battle) thanks due to the ark suddenly stopping. Though the Predators have been dealt with, the other animals are still worried- the crash couldn't have just happened for no reason, so they're naturally worried. At last, the time has come for Xiro to assert his position as king. Unfortunately, the animals (who are still gripped by mass hysteria) fear that the ship could sink and run outside to relative safety. However, before they do anything regrettable, the animals are stopped by Xiro's roar, which quickly gains everyone's attention. Preaching that the only way for anyone to survive is to work together, Xiro gains the allegiance and trust of the animals (even some of the Predators, much to Dagnino's irritation). With the sun having returned after what seemed like endless darkness, Xiro leads his people for a brief visit outside to the Arctic wastes (which is made a bit more interesting because of the opera singing playing in the background, courtesy of the male hippopotamus that accidentally killed Bruma). Setting up a few makeshift fires, Xiro and Kairel calm the stir-crazy animal denizens of the ark. Though Xiro is still uncertain that he is worthy of being the leader, he gains some encouragement courtesy of a kiss from Kairel. Quickly realizing that the pitch from the ark- when coupled with an open flame -can burn through ice with ease, Xiro gets every animal working towards carving a path straight through the ice. With the pitch poured out, Xiro tosses the torch that sets the whole path ablaze and opens the way to the New World.

Down below, in the ship's depths, Farfan and Esther have noticed that they've hit land and quickly rush out to take over; unfortunately, the land turns out to be a frozen wasteland with no vegetation or any sign of life. Their hopes of creating a monopoly are quickly dashed and soon forgotten, as it turns out that the Arctic animals have chosen to stay behind in the cold wastes and they're very hungry. Realizing that they're the closest food for miles, Farfan and Esther run, with the Arctic animals in hot pursuit.

On the top deck, Noah's family notices their current surroundings. They also notice that the storm has ended and, to make the sweet pot even sweeter, Noah returns, bringing much happiness to his family. Working together, Noah's family restores the ark's wheel to a functional position and then watches as the animals clear a path through the ice using some leftover pitch and one of the torches from the ship. With the ship back on track, good news arrives, as Pepe brings back an olive leaf- a sign that there is some green land still out there.

The entirety of the ship (both humans and animals) quickly notice they have hit land- Arctic land, to be precise. Unless the ice can be melted, there's no way for the ark or any of its passengers to move onwards. Luckily, God has finally decided that the flood and the rain have both gone on long enough and promptly stop both of them. The clouds soon part, offering the first glimpse of sunlight that has been seen for weeks. With the ice melting, the ark finally surges forward towards the New World. The film concludes with the animals having a huge party, thanking Noah for "showing them the way", whilst the Predators swear revenge on the animals and the humans; overhead, God gives his promise to never flood the world again- the rainbow.

English-language cast

  • Rob Van Paulus- God: The omnipotent being who created the world and all who reside in it. Throughout the movie, God takes notice of the fact that his religion is the only one (at the moment) to have no book to go with it; thus, he sends his angel to write the Bible. In fact, God takes more interest in the creation of the Bible than he does for the well-being of the mortals who were chosen to create the new world. Interestingly, this form of God is depicted as a man of African descent with blond hair (as opposed to most other depictions, where God is designed as a Caucasian man with white hair).
  • Andrio Chavarro- Angel: God's humble aide, he is typically the one who does all of God's work (this includes unleashing the flood and stopping it). For most of the movie, he is seen writing God's book and is often asking God for advice.
  • Joe Carey- Noah: An elderly man with the heart of a saint and the main protagonist (for the humans' point of view). A holy man, he and his family are chosen to be the saviors of humanity and all of the animals. He is easily sighted by his long grey and white beard, his glasses and his simple maroon clothes.
  • Kay Brady- Naama: Noah's wife. Though she has been willing to stand beside Noah for years, even she has become concerned for Noah's mental health. Like Noah, she is heavily religious. During the trip to the New World, Naama has to do everything she can to ensure that her family stays together.
  • Andrio Chavarro- Japeth: Noah's middle child. He is distinguished by his brown hair and his fairly light-colored clothes.
  • Oscar Cheda- Shem: The oldest of Noah's children. He is the most loyal of Noah's sons and (after Naama) is often the first to stand by Noah. He is more heavily-set than his brothers, which helps him stand out amongst them, and he also stands out because of his red hair, his beard and his blue clothes.
  • Brandon Morris- Ham: The youngest of Noah's children (and the only African one). He sticks out a bit more than his brothers because of his large, black afro and colorful red clothes.
  • Lissa Grossman- Miriam: One of Noah's daughters-in-law. More emotional than the other females of the house, she is often the one who is hurt the most easily; however, she is much kinder than her other sisters-in-law. She is married to Ham. She stands out because of her red hair and blue clothes.
  • Loren Lusch- Sara: Another of Noah's daughters-in-law. The most temperamental of the group, she is married to Shem, making for quite an interesting pair. She tends to be very frank with the people she meets. She stands out because of her dark hair and white clothes.
  • Aubrey Shavonn- Edith: The last of Noah's daughters-in-law. Calm and cool, she brings some sense to any situation (though she can be a tad sarcastic, if the need arises). She is married to Japeth. She stands out because of her blond hair and red clothes.
  • Terrell Hardcastle- Pepe: A white dove, he is the only one of his kind to actually deliver the messages that Noah sent out to the animals. A running gag throughout the movie is that he is constantly getting hurt (quite by accident, in most cases).
  • Oscar Cheda- King Sabu: An elderly lion who was the king of all animals before the flood. Receiving Noah's message of the coming apocalypse from Pepe, he calls a gathering of all the animals in his kingdom to warn his people. Though he doesn't force the animals to go to Noah's ark (as some animals believed it to be a trap), he made it clear that if Noah's apocolyptic warning wasn't heeded and if it turned out to be a reality, those who failed to listen would have only themselves to blame. Knowing that his life will be ending soon, he (and the other animals whose times are almost up) stays behind and lets the procession of animals leave for the ark, declaring them "the salvation of the new world". It is believed that he was a wise and just ruler (which may explain why all of the animals were willing to congregate on his order).
  • Heidi Harris- Queen Oriana: A lioness who was the wife of King Sabu and the queen of all the animals before the flood. Knowing that the time would come when her son, Xiro, would succeed her and her husband, King Sabu, she is more than willing to allow Xiro to partake in the journey to the New World. She trusts Kairel deeply, having her as a royal aide and trusting her to do some important tasks (i.e. ensuring that the pilgrimage to the ark runs smoothly).
  • James Keller- Xiro: A lion and the main protagonist for the animals' point of view. The son of King Sabu and Queen Oriana, Xiro is expected to be a leader to all of the animals; despite this, the prince is (at first) more concerned with having fun and enjoying himself (though he does mature as the story goes on). Xiro is something of a womanizer, as he is easily swayed by beautiful creatures, which often leaves him in dire situations. Despite his being a predator, he actually has a friendship with herbivores (among them Alvaro the pig, a panda and a mole).
  • Keller also served as the voice of Farfan: One of the two con artists who proves to be a thorn in the side of Noah, his family and the animals. He is somewhat arrogant, as he states that he "has a gift for finding idiots". The shorter of the two con artists, he is more easily distinguished than his female partner-in-crime by his green skin and his baldness.
  • Tom Wahl- Bombay: An orangutan and one of the minor protagonists for the animal side of the story. A close friend to Xiro, Bombay proves to be a spiritual guide (in a method rather similar to how Rafiki served as a guide for Simba in The Lion King)- providing wisdom and advising Xiro on taking a course that will benefit as many people as possible -and a skilled massage therapist. On board the ark, Bombay keeps himself busy as the owner of "The Dive"- a small entertainment club down in the lower recesses of the ship. Though Bombay looks like any other normal orangutan, his pink bow helps him stand out among a crowd.
  • Heidi Harris- Bruma: A puma and a minor antagonist from the animal side of the story. Though she chosen as one of Xiro's potential mates, Kairel (who was ordered to screen each of Xiro's potential companion candidates) rejected her because she was "too skinny [and had] no brains"; despite this, Xiro took her along as a companion, anyways. It is apparent that she isn't a very good person, as Kairel claims that, in her youth, she did some regrettable things that made her a wholly unimpeachable woman; she insists, though, that she "had no idea what she was doing". It's apparent that she and Kairel don't get along; to be honest, she hasn't built up much of a good relationship with the other animals in the jungle, either (judging the fact that most of them have nothing nice to say to her). She never lives long enough to get on-board Noah's ark because of an unexpected chain reaction accident that ultimately either smashes her flat (courtesy of a hippopotamus) or leaves her to drown, thus causing her to die.
  • Chloe Dolandis- Kairel: A lioness. It is apparent that she is high-ranking in the lion society, as she served as an aide to Queen Orianna. She can be strict (having worked with royals, she most likely had to learn about responsibility very quickly) and has a secret crush on Xiro.
  • Antonio Amadeo- Pity The Parrot: One of the more prominent birds in the movie, Pity is famous as an entertainer in the ark's comedy club "The Dive". Having been around humans most of his life, Pity always has a hilarious story to tell. He sticks out because of his partly overgrown upper beak, his body (which is mostly covered in green feathers) and his loud voice.
  • Wayne LeGette- Dagnino: A tiger and the main antagonist from the animals' point of view. Realizing all too well that the oncoming flood will mean a new world order, he conspires with several other carnivores in an effort to take over the ark and make himself king. Possessing both savage brawn and impressive mental prowess, he plots to disgrace Xiro and take his place as king of the beasts. Despite the fact that there is a female tiger already on board the ark, Dagnino seems to be in a relationship with Panty.
  • Danny Paul- Coco: A crocodile. He prefers to let his brute strength do the work for him, as he isn't much of a talker. He serves as something of an enforcer to Dagnino. Interestingly, he seems to be blind in his left eye (which is entirely yellow).
  • Todd Allen Durkin- Patricio: A vulture. He is usually seen sitting on Coco's shoulder in a fashion similar to the way that a parrot sits on a partially blind man's shoulder.
  • Gerald Owens- Cachito: A puma. He is perhaps the most minor of the animal mutineers, as he rarely (if ever) says anything.
  • Barry Tarallo- Wolfgang: A wolf. Despite being a mutineer, he actually seems to care for the well-being of Xiro.
  • Heather Gallaher- Panty: A black panther. Being the only female of the animal mutineers, she uses her feminine looks and her brains to help her fellow conspirators. She serves as the super-star of The Dive.
  • Rayner Grannchen- Alvaro: A pig and one of the minor protagonists of the movie. Though he is hesitant to trust predators at first, as the story goes on, he develops something of a friendship with Xiro. Though he is somewhat low on the food chain, he is surprisingly brave, as he openly shows his hatred towards most of the carnivores.
  • Amy London- Esther: The second of the con artists. Apparently, she comes from a family of criminals, as she mentions that her grandfather was a swindler, but he ended up killed by a former partner (who may have been Farfan, given his reaction). She has some proficiency with a needle. The taller of the two con artists, she is distinguished by a healthier skin coloration, red hair and earrings.
  • Deborah Sherman Gorelo- Lily: An orangutan and one of the minor protagonists for the animals' point of view. Despite being a female, she is something of a brute, as she can easily take out anyone (regardless as to whether they are friend or foe) with but one punch. Despite this, she is a softie deep down, as she does care deeply for her mate, Bombay, and will protect him to the end. Her shaggy haircut and dark fur help her to stick out amongst a crowd.

Additional voices


External links