SFFF was created in order to showcase and exhibit the new fashion cinematographic genre to wider audiences as well to create an institutional background to the increasing number of fashion films produced every year by fashion magazines and fashion production companies. [8][9] The festival is held in December of every year and lasts for two days. It is made up of a competition and non-competition programme. As of 2017, the former is divided into 14 categories and includes the Dove of Sarajevo award for best overall fashion film. Further categories include Best Fashion Film, Best Music Video, Best National Film, Best New Talent, Best Photography, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Best Major Brand Production, Best Make-up and Hair, Best Story, Best Visual and Special Effect and Best Documentary. [10][11] The maximum length of the films shown in the competitive selection is 20 minutes. [12][13]