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Scrapped Princess

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Scrapped Princess
The main characters of Scrapped Princess. Left to Right: Shannon Casull, Pacifica, Raquel (in foreground), Leopold, Zephiris, Christopher and Winia (in background).
GenreShounen, Drama, Fantasy, Steampunk
Directed bySoichi Masui

Scrapped Princess (スクラップド・プリンセス, Sukurappudo Purinsesu) is a Japanese anime series based on a series of 13 light novels by Ichiro Sakaki and illustrated by Yukinobu Asami, also known as Nakayohi Mogudan, a popular adult doujin artist. The anime was produced by BONES in 2003. Anime character designs are by Takahiro Komori, also known for Cowboy Bebop. Scrapped Princess is notable for high quality animation, its soundtrack (by composer Hikaru Nanase), and its themes, beginning as high fantasy and quickly mixing in varying degrees of post-apocalyptic and science fiction elements through the application of Clarke's third law. The atmosphere has undertones of sadness, though many of the characters and situations are superficially light-hearted. The anime is distributed in the United States by Bandai Entertainment. There is also a manga adaptation which has also been published in the US by Tokyopop. (The manga is only three volumes, and has no plot overlap with the anime; the only things in common are the three main characters, the idea of the Scrapped Princess, and the Mauser Faith they're running from.)



The story revolves around 15-year-old girl Pacifica Casull who is born into the royal family of the kingdom Leinwan and then abandoned. The 5111th Grendel Prophecy predicts that she is the "poison that will destroy the world" upon her sixteenth birthday. As a consequence, she is dropped off a cliff as an infant. Nevertheless, she survives and earns the name "Scrapped Princess" because of her fate.

Pacifica is rescued by a court wizard and adopted by the commoner Casull family. Her foster siblings - Shannon, loner swordsman, and Raquel, motherly magician - became her protectors. Both siblings are extremely powerful, and more often than not they easily break out of whatever difficult situation they face.

Her siblings travel with her throughout most of the story, protecting her from the numerous attempts on her life by people who fear the outcome of the prophecy, should she survive. Both siblings' skills see constant use. By contrast, Pacifica is a mostly typical fifteen-year-old, and her inability to defend herself is a recurring source of self-doubt for her. As the series progresses, the truth about the prophecy slowly comes to light, and Pacifica's fate to destroy the world seems to be a lie. Pacifica must discover her hidden destiny, even as powerful beings that are not human (or are they?) - who are supposedly the gods of this world - continuously fight against each other, over her fate, seeking to either protect or destroy her.


Scrapped Princess takes place somewhere between the years AD 7000 to 7500. In episode 13, it is discussed aboard the Skid that humankind is approximately at same progress level of the Middle Ages. It is said these Middle Ages also occurred 6000 years ago. If we consider the Middle Ages to be around AD 500-1500, we can add 6000 years onto that to get a rough estimate of the time frame. This also places the Genesis War between AD 2000 and 2500 (7500-5000=2500), since the Genesis War took place 5000 years before the current date.

The continent on which humanity is contained is called "Dustvin", from the old language word for "garbage can" ("dust bin"). The old language is shown to be English.


File:Pacifica Casull.jpg
Pacifica Casull
Main article: List of Scrapped Princess characters
Pacifica Casull
Seiyū - Orikasa Fumiko, Kari Wahlgren (English)
The Scrapped Princess. Originally thrown over a cliff when she was just a baby, she survived and was adopted by the Casull family as their youngest child. With her blonde hair and blue eyes, she is the spitting image of her mother, and her sweet nature does not seem to suggest any ill things about her. She is young and innocent despite all that is going on around her. Pacifica questions how so much suffering can occur due to her existence and blames herself for it. She is prophesized to destroy the world at 16 years of age. She looks exactly like Sillia Mauser (except for a darker hair colour and difference in height) the seer who was a vital component in the fight against the aliens during the Genesis Wars.
Shannon Casull
Seiyū - Miki Shinichiro, Crispin Freeman (English)
The middle child of the Casull family after Pacifica was adopted. He is a skilled swordsman who has sworn to defend Pacifica's life no matter what. He is reserved and calm despite the many difficult things transpiring in the Casull sibling's lives. He is Raquel's younger brother and Pacifica's older foster brother. Later in the series, he merges with Zefiris to become a D-Knight. Strangely, he looks almost exactly like Zefiris' old master, Becknum Mauser.
Raquel Casull
Seiyū - Ohara Sayaka, Bridget Hoffman (English)
The oldest of the Casull children. She is a powerful magic-user and able to cast spells faster than many others. She has assumed a motherly role in the family and always maintains a calm, kind attitude. She is Shannon's sister and Pacifica's foster sister. Like Shannon, she has a striking resemblance to Celia and Becknum Mauser's sister.
Leopold Scorpos
The first son of Duke Scorpos and heir to his father's territory. He has high aspirations of becoming a great and noble knight, rescuing damsels in distress and bringing righteous justice to the world at large. Unfortunately, Leo has a long way to go in order to obtain his goals. While on his journey, he discovers the Cassul party being harassed by a group of bandits, and with sword at the ready, charges gallantly down the hill on his noble steed, Parabellum, in order to come to their aid. Sadly, his attempt as heroics doesn't go as planned, but upon setting eyes on Pacifica, falls head over heels and frequently proposes marriage to her. While still struggling to ascertain the meaning of chivalry and what it means to be a good knight, Leo decides that he will protect Pacifica at all costs.
Christopher Armalite/Bailaha
Seiyū - Mizushima Takahiro, Steve Staley (English)
Leader of the elite army unit Obstinate Arrow. He attempts to kill the Scrapped Princess and kidnaps Winia Chester to lay a trap for the guardians. He is beaten in a duel by Shannon and asked to stay away in exchange for sparing his life. Later, in order for him to gain access to the castle's resources, he is officially adopted by Baroness Bailaha as her son. He appears to fill the role of honorable antagonist in this series. Later on in the series, he joins Pacifica to fight on her side.
Winia Chester
Seiyū - Ayako Kawasumi, Michelle Ruff (English)
Winia Chester is an introverted and lonesome inn-maid. Taken in and raised by her uncle out of pity for her after her parents died. She spends time with and becomes friends with Pacifica as it is one of the few times she has smiled and laughed since her parents were killed. When Christopher kidnaps her and takes her to the Glass Canyon, Pacifica's identity of Scrapped Princess is revealed to her. Although initially confused and unable to accept the fact that her close friend is the "poison of the world", Winia eventually comes around, and continues to have a close friendship with Pacifica.
A powerful spiritual being who, like the Peacemakers, is actually an AI (artificial intelligence) weapon created during the Genesis Wars, Zefiris is the last remaining Dragoon in the world of Providence that is fully functioning. At the start of the series, Zefiris apprently materializes in mid-air, telling Pacifica to tell Gloria (another Dragoon who had been chasing Pacifica around in the form of a giant frog), to tell her to sleep. Gloria later turns back into her human form before vanishing. Initially, Zefiris merely give the Cassulls vital information about assassins sent to kill Pacifica, but later, it seems as if she has a hidden agenda. After defeating the Peacemaker Galil by merging with Shannon, she calls him her 'master'. It turns out that Zefiris is a Dragoon who fought with her old master Becknum Mauser 5000 years ago during the Genesis Wars. Calm, solemn, and quiet, Zefiris is often in a dilemma about whether to follow the plan that humans devised 5000 years ago as a last resort to free themselves from the sealed world. The plan was meant to be completed at all costs, even if many people who are, after all "foolish beings", will be killed for the greater good. Her questioning of the plan contrasts with the views of her counterpart Natalie, who even tries to brainwash Shannon with her powers.



Artificial intelligence weapon systems that were originally created to be used as combat weapons against an alien race. As a last resort, they were programmed to assist and protect the Providence Breaker (Scrapped Princess). Their strength and abilities are roughly equivalent to the Peacemakers but are used to attack the Providence system instead of protecting it. These weapon systems appear to have been around since the Genesis War as they mention they have been hiding from the Peacemakers (sleeping is the term used) for 5000 years prior to the Providence Breaker's arrival. The Dragoons and the Peacemakers are very alike in personalities, looks and abilities.

The Dragoons are ageless, and physical environments (in water, a vacuum etc.) do not affect them. They are able to levitate, go into the minds of humans, and are able to teleport. When the Dragoons were first created, over 100 of them caused problems due to improper programming, which led to humans labelling them as troublemakers, and very few people trusted them. The Dragoons are also outwardly cold and unfeeling for humans, as they, like the Peacemakers, also comment on humans as being foolish, greedy creatures (in one episode, Natalie merely said that it could not be helped if 40000 people were to get killed), only to be used as tools to complete their mission.

The Dragoons, like their Peacemakers counterparts, do not feel many human emotions, such as fear and sadness, or see anything wrong in sacrificing many humans to protect the Providence Breaker. To them, as long as Pacifica manages to reach her 16th birthday, they will do anything at all costs to ensure it, just as the Peacemakers will do anything to stop Pacifica and the Dragoons from breaking the framework of the sealed world of Providence. However, Zefiris is different. She has more feelings, unlike the other Dragoons, who are cold and emotionless, and is often put into a moral dilemma on the methods, that they, as spiritual beings watching over the world, and wonders if they are too cruel and are sacrificing too many humans to achieve the goal of breaking the framework of the world of Providence. The Dragoons also have a true form, like the Peacemakers. In their true forms, the Dragoons turn into a large, powerful dragon.

The Dragoons that have appeared in the series are Zefiris, Gloria and Natalie.

Genesis War

Occurred 5000 years ago where mankind was in a massive war with alien intelligent life-forms. Instead of completely eliminating all of mankind, the aliens contact a human woman who betrays them in a desperate attempt to save her loved ones. This betrayal confines mankind to a contained world known as Dust Bin. It is not known whether there are humans that survived the Genesis War outside of the sealed world as the final episode shows a scene where there are orders to evacuate all remaining ships to Phase Space.


Human beings with select genetic traits whereby they are able to draw on greater power to protect the Scrapped Princess (Providence Breaker). Several characters in the series possess this trait including Leopold and Winia.

Mauser Faith

The predominant religion of the Scrapped Princess world. Used by Providence to maintain control of mankind as they believe the controlled world's system is the will of God. Lord Mauser is in actuality, the woman who betrayed mankind and sealed them in this closed world. She did so in a desperate attempt to save her brother and sister but was too late as they both perished. Now, she runs the system and controls the fate of mankind. Sillia's body and soul was maintained for 5000 years so she could run the system and give the Grendel Prophecies. The Mauser religion was named after the seer, Sillia Mauser, who betrayed humanity to save her siblings, and who was a crucial person in the fight against the aliens during the Genesis Wars.

Peacemakers/Cosmos Guardians

A group of beings that have formidable powers and are supposedly the caretakers of the world. To the present humans, they were mainly known as cosmos guardians (or the Gods of the world). However, the Peacemakers are usually cruel, and have no qualms about killing humans. As Shannon said once to Cz: "You look like humans, walk and behave like humans, but you say cruel things which no human beings would ever say". They exist to maintain the Providence System at any cost.

The Peacemakers outward appearance is that of attractive-looking humans, but their personalities are usually sadistic. Their abilities are similar to the Dragoons, and they are ageless. Their predominant role is that of ceasing Pacifica's life, though they are unable to attack her directly, as that would cause Pacifica's latent ability of being able to destroy the Peacemakers to manifest itself. It is also mentioned that humans cannot oppose the wills of the Peacemakers/Cosmos Guardians, and that Pacifica is the only exception, as she able to go against their wills.

The series also says that the Peacemakers operate in pairs. However, Cz, after experiencing many different events in her human form as a child, begins to symphathize with Pacifica and other humans, and to doubt her role as a cosmos guardian, wondering if what they, as the Peacemakers, are doing is right. Although she threatens to kill thousands of people per day at one point in the series, later on, she is accused/goaded by Steyr, another Peacemaker of having been "softened by the humans". Steyr goes on to taunt Cz by telling her that she "might as well go and live among them". The Peacemakers consist of civilian type and artillery type cosmos guardians, with the artillery types being the stronger of the two.

Originally, the Peacemakers, like the Dragoons, were created by humans as combat weapons. The Peacemakers are actually Valkyrie Type: they are basically Dragoons, only they are independent systems. However, Zefiris and Natalie are usually able to hold off the Peacemakers' attacks. The Peacemakers' most common attack is their 2nd Class Divine Punishment, where they transform into a larger form. They are however, not allowed to use their strongest attack: 1st Class Divine Punishment Manifestion, within the atmosphere for fear of damaging the controlled world of Providence. However, the Peacemakers do use it in episode 24 when the Dragoons and the Peacemakers are evacuated out of the controlled world into space during the final battle, just before Pacifica turns 16.

The known Peacemakers are Steyr, Shiizu/Cz (both are 'female' Peacemakers), Socom and Galil (Their male counterparts).

Phase Space

Apparently a pocket dimension that Dragoons and Peacemakers can escape to using some type of advanced technology. In episode 12 of the anime, Zefiris and Shannon escape to Phase Space after being overpowered by a powerful Peacemaker (Steyr/Stella). There are also times where the Dragoons and Peacemakers mention that they existed in Phase Space and were contained there.

Providence Breaker

The system that will terminate the controlled world and, in theory, free mankind from their unknowing prison. Also known as the Scrapped Princess. The Providence Breaker is also the only human who can defy the wills of the Cosmos Guardians. She can also destroy the proxies used to attack humans that are created by the Peacemakers.


The controlled world in which humans live and also the system which maintains it. The series suggests that humans are born with genetic information that allows the Peacemaker system and Providence rules to control them completely, thereby making any attempt to escape it impossible without the Scrapped Princess.

Rally Point

Typically referred to in the series as an amorphous creature that is made by Peacemakers out of organic matter (typically humans). The creature can absorb other living beings and add to its structure. The heart of the Rally Point is a blue energy-like crystal that controls it. There is also discussion about how the Scrapped Princess can be used as a Rally Point to prevent the Peacemakers from taking over the minds of humans. This suggests that Rally Points are magic focal points that can be used for other purposes.

Combat Weapon

Combat weapons consist of two types. The older versions are the Dragoons. Their newer counterparts are the Valkyrie Type, also called the Peacemakers. However the Peacemakers were brainwashed by an alien species that attacked Earth, and now serve as the prison guards of the sealed world: Providence. They seek to eliminate Pacifica as she has the power to go against their wills and break the framework of the sealed world. Template:Endspoiler

Names and firearm references

Many names of characters and locations in the series correspond to modern-day firearms and their manufacturers:

Episode guide

The premiere airing dates are in brackets

  1. The Cast Away Cat Princess' Prelude - 8 April 2003
  2. The March Of The Soft-Boiled Knight
  3. The Unforgivable One's Noisy Song
  4. The Concerto Of Encounter And Departure
  5. Minstrel's Lullaby
  6. Knight's Off-road Song
  7. The Waltz of the Abandoned Dog Girl
  8. Nocturne of Bonds and Prayers
  9. Requiem for the Heretics
  10. Serenade Of The Fake Princess
  11. Rhapsody Of The Beast Princess
  12. The War Song of the Two Princesses
  13. Distant Ricordanza
  14. The Lost Quintet
  15. Opera Of Power And Plot
  16. Duet Near the River
  17. Brief Chanson
  18. Back Alley Elegy
  19. Mother's Sad Aria
  20. Overture of Holy Destruction
  21. Lonely God's Passion
  22. Rondo that Exceeds Time
  23. Oratorio of the Limited Ones
  24. Symphony of Those Who Protect


  • Scrapped Princess is sometimes shortened to SutePri, an abbreviation of 'Suteta Purinsesu (捨てたプリンセス)', or 'Abandoned Princess'. In the English release, this becomes ScraPri.